Timeline of G.I. Joe History and Releases
Note: Release dates here should not be considered authoritative; they are based partly on my observations at the time, partly on other people's resources.
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- Henry, Herman, and Hillel Hassenfeld found the Hassenfeld Brothers textile company, later known as Hasbro, whose products include school supplies and eventually toys
- Bergen Toy & Novelty Co. (BeToN) is the first American company to produce plastic toy soldiers and accessories, initially based on World War One; prior to this, toy soldiers were made of tin, lead, wood, or composite material
- Sept. 14, Gene Roddenberry's TV series The Lieutenant debuts. Toy designer Stanley Weston of Weston Merchandising Corp. seeks to produce a Barbie-scale articulated toy soldier as a tie-in. The 11 3/4-inch (30 cm) G.I. Joe is Hasbro's resulting toy, and Weston is paid $100,000 for his contribution to the concept
- Original G.I. Joe toy line released to stores, marketed as a "moveable fighting man" or "action figure" instead of a doll. The name is inspired at least in part by the 1945 Burgess Meredith film The Story of G.I. Joe, and the face is based on WWII Medal of Honor winner Mitchell Paige, a US Marine who received an official Joe figure in his likeness in 1998
- British company Palitoy licensed to sell G.I. Joe-based products in the UK under the name Action Man
- Hasbro publishes The Adventures of Andy and George in the G.I. Joe Club in DC Comics to promote new products
- G.I. Joe Adventure Team moves the line's concept away from military themes
- Japanese toy company Takara licensed to sell certain Hasbro products in Japan, including G.I. Joe (under the name Combat Joe)
- "Kung-Fu grip" feature introduced to G.I. Joe figures
- Takara introduces the Microman toy line as a science-fiction spin-off of their Combat Joe/Henshin Cyborg line, creating the first 3 3/4-inch (10 cm) pocket-size action figures. The figures are later (1976) marketed in the US as Micronauts by Mego Corporation, whose Action Jackson line was a competitor to G.I. Joe from 1971-1974. (Some transforming toys in the Microman line are later sold in the US as Transformers.)
- Mattel introduces its Heroes in Action line of action figures, the first US-original figure lines in the 3 3/4-inch scale distributed by major toy companies
- Fisher-Price introduces its Adventure People line of action figures, popularizing the new action figure size
- OPEC oil embargo threatens the toy industry, since petroleum is the major raw material for plastic
- Mego joins the pocket-size action figure trend with Comic Action Heroes and the Japanese-imported Micronauts line.
- 8 1/2-inch Super Joe figure series released
- End of the original "12-inch" G.I. Joe toy line
- General Mills-owned toy company Kenner is licensed to sell Star Wars toy merchandise (an offer turned down by Mego). Their pocket-sized action figures form the core of the Star Wars line, which quickly dominates the industry and establishes this scale as the new standard for action figures.
- Mego's short-lived Buck Rogers action figure line is introduced with articulation nearly identical to that of the later G.I. Joe line, though without accessories.
- Inspired by the victory of the US hockey team over the USSR in the Winter Olympics, Hasbro Boys' Toys Vice President Bob Prupis presents a plan to reintroduce G.I. Joe in the 3 3/4-inch format, originally conceived as a group of military characters with a book tie-in and advertised with animated TV ads and its own commercial jingle.
- During preliminary development, the book is replaced with a comic book series, adapted from early concepts for a Fury Force series by comic writer and Vietnam veteran Larry Hama. Hama develops initial character sketches, and comics master Archie Goodwin suggests the name Cobra as G.I. Joe's major adversary.
- All figures released this year were straight-arm releases.
- Spring: original carded action figure assortment
Snake Eyes,
Rock 'n Roll,
- Spring: Free Cobra Commander mail offer
(Cobra Commander, early copies had Mickey Mouse logo, later copies had normal logo)
- Summer: enemy carded figure assortment
Cobra Officer)
- Summer: original equipment releases
with Hawk,
with Clutch,
with Grand Slam,
with Steeler)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #1: Operation: Lady Doomsday/Hot Potato (Pre-1999 Marvel comics were in stores three months before the cover date, which was the "pull date" for the issue to be taken down to make room for newer releases. After 1999, the gap between dates was two months.)
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #2: Panic at the North Pole
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #3: The Trojan Gambit
- Fall: J.C. Penney-exclusive figure three-packs (Stalker/Snake Eyes/Scarlett, Short-Fuze/Breaker/Zap, Flash/Grunt/Rock 'n Roll, Cobra x2/Cobra Officer)
- Fall: late-year equipment releases
(Collector Display Case,
Missile Command Headquarters
with Cobra, Cobra Officer, and Cobra Commander)
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #4: Operation: Wingfield
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #5: "Tanks" for the Memories
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #6: To Fail Is to Conquer...To Succeed Is to Die
- Figures have new design with sturdier waistpiece, less cramped torso interior, and swivel joints on the arms.
- January: Free Mercenary mail offer
(Major Bludd)
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #7: Walls of Death
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #8: Code Name: Sea-Strike
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #9: The Diplomat
- Spring: carded swivel-arm variant figure assortment
(Stalker, Short-Fuze, Breaker, Snake Eyes, Zap, Flash, Scarlett, Rock 'n Roll, Grunt, Cobra, Cobra Officer)
- Spring: carded swivel-arm variant equipment assortment
(M.M.S. with Hawk, V.A.M.P. with Clutch, H.A.L. with Grand Slam, M.O.B.A.T. with Steeler, Sears-exclusive Missile Command Headquarters with Cobra, Cobra Officer, and Cobra Commander)
- Spring: 1983 carded figure assortment
Snow Job,
swivel-arm Cobra Commander,
Major Bludd reissue,
- Spring: 1983 equipment releases
(Battle Gear Accessory Pack #1,
Flame Thrower P.A.C./R.A.T.,
Machine Gun P.A.C./R.A.T.,
Missile Launcher P.A.C./R.A.T.,
Pocket Patrol Pack,
Polar Battle Bear,
Collector Display Case reissue with updated labels,
J.U.M.P. reissue
with silver pads Grand Slam,
Falcon Glider
with tan Grunt,
Viper Glider
with Viper Pilot,
with Cover Girl,
Cobra H.I.S.S.
with H.I.S.S. Driver,
with Wild Bill,
Skystriker XP-14F
with Ace,
Headquarters Command Center)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #10: A Nice Little Town Like Ours
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #11: The Pipeline Ploy
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #12: Three Strikes for Snake-Eyes
- Summer: Show the G.I. Joe Spirit! mail offer (M.A.N.T.A., Duke)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #13: Last Plane from Rio Lindo
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #14: Destro Attacks
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #15: Red-Eye to Miami
- Sept. 12-16: airdate for Sunbow's miniseries G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (aka The M.A.S.S. Device)
- Fall: J.C. Penney-exclusive figure three-packs (Tripwire/Snow Job/Torpedo, Airborne/Gung-Ho/Doc, swivel-arm Cobra/Cobra Officer/Cobra Commander, Cobra Commander/Major Bludd/Destro)
- Note: I am not aware of a pack for Cobra Commander/Major Bludd/Destro.
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #16: Night Attack
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #17: Loose Ends
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #18: Destro Returns
- unknown: release of the Atari 2600 game G.I. Joe: Cobra Strike; Tyco G.I. Joe Electric Train and Battle Set. (Similar model train sets were later released under Transformers, M.A.S.K., The A-Team, and Rambo branding.)
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #19: Joe Triumphs
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #20: Home Is Where the War Is
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #21: Silent Interlude
- Spring: 1984 carded figure assortment
Rip Cord,
Duke reissue,
Storm Shadow,
- Spring: main equipment releases
(Battle Gear Accessory Pack #2,
Missile Defense Unit,
Machine Gun Defense Unit,
Mortar Defense Unit,
Watch Tower,
Mountain Howitzer,
Sky Hawk,
with Zartan,
with Deep Six,
V.A.M.P. Mark II
with tan Clutch,
with Stinger Driver,
with Thunder,
Water Moccasin
with Copperhead [dark or light gloves],
with Wild Weasel,
Killer W.H.A.L.E.
with Cutter)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #22: Like Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust...
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #23: Cobra Commander Captured At Last
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #24: Cobra Commander Escapes
- Summer: updated Show the G.I. Joe Spirit! mail offer (M.A.N.T.A., hooded Cobra Commander)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #25: Zartan
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #26: Snake-Eyes: The Origin
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #27: Snake-Eyes: The Origin Part II
- Sept. 10-14: airdate for Sunbow's miniseries G.I. Joe: The Revenge of Cobra
- Fall: late-year equipment releases
(G.I. Joe Collectors Case,
Sears-exclusive V.A.M.P./H.A.L. set) and possible early-bird release of Toss 'n Cross with Tollbooth.
- Fall: For G.I. Joe Team Members Only! mail offer (F.L.A.K., J.U.M.P., M.A.N.T.A., H.A.L., hooded Cobra Commander, M.M.S.)
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #28: Swampfire
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #29: Beached W.H.A.L.E.
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #30: Darkness
- unknown: Tyco G.I. Joe Electric Trucking: High Adventure Set
- Some collectors recall the original three Dreadnoks being available from Sears during 1984's Christmas season, but evidence for this is lacking.
- Most of the new figures receive ball-joint necks that can nod and look slightly upward. This design change is never applied to previous years' figure molds, which keep their swivel necks through all future recolors.
- Some of the new toys seem intended to replace older ones no longer in stores. For example, Bazooka is evidently a replacement for Zap, Footloose for Grunt, Lady Jaye for Scarlett, the Silver Mirage for the R.A.M., and the Mauler for the M.O.B.A.T.
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #31: All Fall Down
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #32: The Mountain
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #33: Celebration and Yearbook #1
- Spring: 1985 carded figure assortment
visor Snake-Eyes,
Lady Jaye,
Quick Kick,
Snow Serpent,
Crimson Guard)
- Spring: Crimson Guard Commanders two-pack
- Spring: main equipment releases
(Battle Gear Accessory Pack #3,
blue S.N.A.K.E.,
Ammo Dump,
Forward Observer,
Rifle Range,
Air Defense,
Check Point,
Bomb Disposal,
Weapon Transport,
Night Landing,
Trubble Bubble,
Ferret ATV,
Silver Mirage,
A.W.E. Striker
with Crankcase,
Snow Cat
with Frostbite,
Toss 'n Cross
with Tollbooth,
Battle Platform,
Moray Hydrofoil
with Lamprey,
with Heavy Metal,
U.S.S. Flagg
with Keel-Haul)
- Spring: Drop Behind Enemy Lines mail offer
(Parachute Pack)
- Spring: updated For G.I. Joe Team Members Only! mail offer
(F.L.A.K., J.U.M.P., M.A.N.T.A., H.A.L., hooded Cobra Commander, M.M.S., Parachute Pack)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #34: Shakedown
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #35: Dreadnoks on the Loose
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #36: All the Ships at Sea
- Summer: Restricted to Loyal G.I. Joe Team Members Only!! mail offer
(Whirlwind, H.A.L., P.A.C./R.A.T.s, M.M.S., F.L.A.K., Wolverine, Collector Display Case, Pocket Patrol Pack)
- Summer: Top Secret Dispatch mail offer
(Polar Battle Bear, H.I.S.S., hooded Cobra Commander, Parachute Pack, M.A.N.T.A., J.U.M.P., Wolverine, Whirlwind, M.M.S.)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #37: Twin Brothers
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #38: Judgments
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #39: Walk Through the Jungle
- Sept. 16-20: airdate for Sunbow's miniseries G.I. Joe: The Pyramid of Darkness
- Sept. 23-Dec. 13: original airdates for first season episodes for Sunbow's G.I. Joe animated series
- Fall: late-year special releases
(Listen 'N Fun cassette with orange Tripwire,
Jumbo Collectors Case,
Sears-exclusive S.M.S. and
C.A.T. vehicles)
- Fall: S.T.A.R.S. combination Transformers/G.I. Joe mail offer
(M.A.N.T.A., Polar Battle Bear, H.A.L., Wolverine, H.I.S.S., J.U.M.P., F.L.A.K.)
- Fall: Get Your Gear mail offer
(swivel-arm Stalker, swivel-arm Zap, Doc, Airborne, swivel-arm Grunt, swivel-arm Short-Fuze, swivel-arm Rock 'n Roll, swivel-arm Flash, Maj. Bludd, swivel-arm Cobra Officer, M.A.N.T.A., Collector Display Case, H.I.S.S., Polar Battle Bear, P.A.C./R.A.T.s, J.U.M.P., H.A.L., F.L.A.K., Wolverine, Whirlwind, M.M.S.)
- Fall: Operation Freedom Has Begun! mail offer
(Maj. Bludd, swivel-arm Cobra Officer, swivel-arm Stalker, swivel-arm Zap, Doc, Airborne, swivel-arm Grunt, swivel-arm Short-Fuze, swivel-arm Rock 'n Roll, swivel-arm Flash, Collector Display Case, Pocket Patrol Pack)
- Fall: Three Exciting Missions mail offer (Wolverine, Whirlwind, M.M.S., Polar Battle Bear, H.I.S.S., hooded Cobra Commander, Parachute Pack, M.A.N.T.A., J.U.M.P.)
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #40: Hydrofoil
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #41: Strategic Diplomacy
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #42: Ties That Bind
- unknown: release of the home computer game G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero for Apple II and Commodore 64
- Winter release: G.I. Joe Commando Attack Game
- Winter: updated Operation Freedom Has Begun! mail offer
(Maj. Bludd, swivel-arm Cobra Officer, swivel-arm Stalker, swivel-arm Zap, Doc, Airborne, swivel-arm Grunt, swivel-arm Short-Fuze, swivel-arm Flash, swivel-arm Rock 'n Roll, Collector Display Case, Water Moccasin)
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #43: Crossroads
- January: Free Sgt. Slaughter mail offer (black pants Sergeant Slaughter)
- January?: G.I. Joe Action Stars cereal mail offer (Starduster [Recondo torso & waist])
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #44: Improvisation on a Theme
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #45: In Search of Candy and Yearbook #2
- Spring: 1986 carded figure assortment
Dr. Mindbender,
Beach Head,
grey Roadblock,
brown jacket Hawk,
Zarana [earrings and no-earrings variants],
- Spring: main equipment releases
(Cobra Battle Gear Accessory Pack #4,
Surveillance Port,
Outpost Defender,
Recon Sled,
Air Chariot
with Serpentor,
Triple 'T'
with camo pants Sergeant Slaughter,
with Motor Viper,
Thunder Machine
with Thrasher,
with Cross-Country,
Conquest X-30
with Slip-Stream,
with Lift-Ticket,
Night Raven
with Strato-Viper,
Terror Drome
and Firebat
with A.V.A.C.)
- Spring: Join the G.I. Joe Team on Three Exciting Missions mail offer
(Wolverine, Whirlwind, M.M.S., Polar Battle Bear, H.I.S.S., hooded Cobra Commander, Pocket Patrol Pack, M.A.N.T.A., J.U.M.P.)
- Spring: Attention! Special Offers! mail offer
(H.I.S.S., Water Moccasin, Wolverine, Sky Hawk, Slugger)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #46: Who's Who on Cobra Island
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #47: Sea Duel
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #48: Slaughter
- Summer: Toys 'R Us-exclusive Special Mission Brazil 5-pack
SMB Dial-Tone,
SMB Leatherneck,
SMB Mainframe,
SMB Wet-Suit)
- Summer: G.I. Joe Troops, You're Doomed to Defeat! mail offer
(Stinger, H.I.S.S., F.A.N.G., A.S.P., Water Moccasin, hooded Cobra Commander, swivel-arm Cobra Officer, Maj. Bludd)
- Summer: G.I. Joe S.T.R.I.K.E. mail offer
(A.P.C., Slugger, Polar Battle Bear, Wolverine, P.A.C./R.A.T.s, hooded Cobra Commander, Stinger, A.S.P., Sky Hawk, Parachute Pack, F.A.N.G., M.A.N.T.A., Water Moccasin)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #49: Serpentor
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #50: The Battle of Springfield
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #51: Thunder Machine
- Sept. 15-19: airdate for Sunbow's miniseries G.I. Joe: Arise, Serpentor, Arise!
- Sept. 25-Nov. 20: original airdates for second season episodes for Sunbow's G.I. Joe animated series
- Fall: late-year special releases
(Sears-exclusive Dreadnok Ground Assault and Dreadnok Air Assault vehicle sets,
Collector's Show Case)
- Fall: B.A.T.T.L.E. mail offer
(black pants Sgt. Slaughter, Slugger, Polar Battle Bear, Wolverine, Sky Hawk, M.A.N.T.A., A.S.P., Stinger, Water Moccasin, F.A.N.G., hooded Cobra Commander, H.I.S.S., Parachute Pack, P.A.C./R.A.T.s)
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #52: Snap Decisions and Special Missions #1: That Sinking Feeling
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #53: Pit-Fall
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #54: Launch Base, Special Missions #2: Words of Honor, and Order of Battle #1
- G.I. Joe and other toy lines begin featuring brighter colors, futuristic concepts, and more play-value "gimmicks" to compete with the immense popularity of the Nintendo Entertainment System
- Many carded figures in 1987 come with Battle Ribbons
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #55: Unmaskings, Order of Battle #2, and G.I. Joe and the Transformers #1: Blood on the Tracks
- January: Get a Free "Fridge" mail offer (The Fridge)
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #56: Jungle Moves, Special Missions #3: Burn-Out, Order of Battle #3, and G.I. Joe and the Transformers #2: Power Struggle
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #57: Strange Bedfellows, Yearbook #3, and G.I. Joe and the Transformers #3: Ring of Fire
- Spring: 1987 carded figure assortment
(armor Cobra Commander,
Crystal Ball,
Tunnel Rat,
Big Boa,
dress blues Gung-Ho,
Croc Master,
Fast Draw,
Sneak Peek)
- Spring: Sgt. Slaughter's Renegades and Cobra-La three-packs
Red Dog,
Nemesis Enforcer,
Royal Guard,
- Spring: carded equipment releases
(Battle Gear Accesory Pack #5,
Vehicle Gear Accessory Pack #1,
Radar Station,
Rope Walker,
Anti-Aircraft Gun,
Pom-Pom Gun,
Rope Crosser,
Earth Borer,
Mountain Climber)
- Spring: main boxed equipment releases
(Coastal Defender,
Buzz Boar,
Cobra Jet Pack,
Dreadnok Cycle,
Road Toad,
Air Skiff
with Zanzibar,
with Back-Stop,
with Ice Viper,
Sea Ray
with Sea Slug,
with W.O.R.M.S.,
with Gyro-Viper,
Mobile Command Center
with Steam-Roller,
with Rumbler,
with Payload and Hardtop)
- Spring: Called to A.C.T.I.O.N. mail offer
(A.P.C., Snow Cat, A.W.E. Striker, Stinger, Water Moccasin, F.A.N.G., Parachute Pack, Sky Hawk, hooded Cobra Commander, black pants Sgt. Slaughter, Slugger, A.S.P.)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #58: Desperate Moves, Special Missions #4: No Holds Barred, and G.I. Joe and the Transformers #4: All Fall Down
- Apr. 18: airdate for Sunbow's G.I. Joe: The Movie (re-aired as a five-part miniseries in September)
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #59: Divergent Paths and Order of Battle #4
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #60: Cross Purposes and Special Missions #5: Showdown
- Summer: Maneuvers Manual mail offer
(A.P.C., Pocket Patrol Pack, Starduster [Recondo torso & waist])
- Summer: Chilling Events Are About to Unfold! mail offer
(light gloves Copperhead, Stinger Driver, H.I.S.S. Driver, Crankcase, Thunder, Frostbite, H.I.S.S., Water Moccasin, F.A.N.G., Stinger, Snow Cat, A.W.E. Striker, Slugger, Sky Hawk, swivel-arm Cobra Officer, Maj. Bludd, black pants Sgt. Slaughter, Starduster [Recondo torso & waist], Pocket Patrol Pack)
- Summer: Be the Next Joe Team Member! mail offer
(Steel Brigade [Airborne torso/Gung-Ho waist/Scrap-Iron legs])
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #61: Beginnings and Endings
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #62: Transit and Special Missions #6: Evasion
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #63: Going Under
- Fall: Battle Force 2000 carded figure assortment
Avalanche figure,
Blocker [with or without visor],
- Fall: Battle Force 2000 equipment releases
Sky Sweeper,
BF2000 Dominator,
Vector, combining into Future Fortress)
- Fall: Operation A.C.T.I.O.N. mail offer
(Parachute Pack, hooded Cobra Commander, black pants Sgt. Slaughter, Snow Cat, A.W.E. Striker)
- Fall: Now, You Can Be the Next Joe! mail offer
(Steel Brigade [Airborne torso/Gung-Ho waist/Scrap-Iron legs])
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #64: Maneuvering for Position and Special Missions #7: The Old Switcheroo
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #65: Shuttle Complex
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #66: The Tenth Letter and Special Missions #8: Ambush
- Many carded figures in 1988 and early 1989 come with camouflage paint
- Winter: Battle Force 2000 figure reissue two-pack assortment
(Avalanche/Blaster, Maverick/Blocker, Knockdown/Dodger)
- Winter: Get Super Trooper Free mail offer (Super Trooper)
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #67: Cold Snap
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #68: Cut and Freeze Dried, Special Missions #9: Plausible Denial, and Yearbook #4
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #69: Into the Breach
- Spring: 1988 carded figure assortment
Iron Grenadier,
urban camo Storm Shadow,
Hit & Run,
Road Pig)
- Spring: carded equipment releases
(Cobra Battle Gear Accessory Pack #6,
Mine Sweeper,
Double Machine Gun,
Mortar Launcher,
Twin Missile Radar,
Dreadnok Battle Axe,
Machine Gun Nest,
Tank Car,
Scuba Pack,
Rocket Sled,
- Spring: main boxed equipment releases
(Battle Barge,
with Iron Grenadiers Destro,
with Windmill,
Stellar Stiletto
with Star-Viper,
Desert Fox
with Skidmark,
with Nullifier,
with red Sergeant Slaughter,
with Ferret figure,
Mean Dog
with Wildcard,
with Secto-Viper,
Phantom X-19
with Ghostrider,
Rolling Thunder
with Armadillo)
- Spring: Special Assignment: North Atlantic mail offer
(Steel Brigade [Duke torso/Gung-Ho waist/Scrap-Iron legs], black pants Sgt. Slaughter, Serpentor, Air Chariot, hooded Cobra Commander, Lamprey, Motor Viper, Strato-Viper, Keel-Haul, Ace, swivel-arm Steeler, Rifle Range, Machine Gun Defense Unit, Forward Observer, Missile Defense Unit, Mortar Defense Unit, Ammo Dump, The Fridge, Recon Sled, H.I.S.S., Devilfish, Ferret ATV, Xamot, Tomax, Bazooka, F.A.N.G., Polar Battle Bear)
- Spring: updated Now, You Can Be the Next Joe mail offer
(Steel Brigade [Duke torso/Gung-Ho waist/Scrap-Iron legs])
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #70: Fair Trade and Special Missions #10: Turnabout
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #71: Bailout
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #72: Stiletto and Special Missions #11: Sheep's Clothing
- Summer: Tiger Force carded figure assortment
(TF Duke,
TF Lifeline,
TF Flint,
TF Dusty,
TF Bazooka,
TF Roadblock,
TF Tripwire)
- Summer: Tiger Force equipment releases
(Tiger Paw,
Tiger Shark,
Tiger Cat
with TF Frostbite,
Tiger Fly
with TF Recondo,
Tiger Rat
with Skystriker figure)
- Summer: Operation Blackout mail offer
(Firebat, A.V.A.C., S.H.A.R.C., black pants Sgt. Slaughter, Tomax, Xamot, V.A.M.P. Mark II [dark variant], The Fridge, original Bazooka, Air Defense, Check Point, Bunker, Crankcase, Thunder, Stinger Driver, light gloves Copperhead, H.I.S.S. Driver, original Frostbite, Serpentor, Air Chariot, H.I.S.S., P.A.C./R.A.T.s, Polar Battle Bear, Steel Brigade [Duke torso/Gung-Ho waist/Scrap-Iron legs])
- Summer: Is This the End of Sergeant Slaughter? mail offer
(original Bazooka, The Fridge, Ferret ATV, Recon Sled, Devilfish, Snow Cat, A.W.E. Striker, Parachute Pack, Crankcase, original Frostbite, Thunder, H.I.S.S. Driver, Stinger Driver, light gloves Copperhead, hooded Cobra Commander, Maj. Bludd, swivel-arm Cobra Officer, black pants Sgt. Slaughter)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #73: Divided We Fall
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #74: Alliance of Convenience and Special Missions #12: Airshow
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #75: Holding Actions and #76: All's Fair and Special Missions #13: Washout
- September: Sunbow series continues in reruns hosted by a live-action Sgt. Slaughter, with a special opening sequence that combines clips from G.I. Joe: The Movie with animation from the comic/toy commercials.
- Fall: Target-exclusive figure releases
(Hit & Run [parachute variant], Ultimate Enemies Muskrat/Voltar two-pack)
- Fall: TRU-exclusive Night Force figure two-pack assortment
(NF Tunnel Rat/NF Psyche-Out,
NF Outback/NF Crazylegs,
NF Sneak Peek/NF Lieutenant Falcon)
- Fall: TRU-exclusive Night Force equipment releases
(Night Storm,
Night Raider,
Night Shade,
Night Blaster,
Night Striker)
- Fall: Top Secret to All Cobra Agents mail offer
(black pants Sgt. Slaughter, Recon Sled, Devilfish, original Bazooka, Crankcase, Thunder, original Frostbite, H.I.S.S. Driver, Stinger Driver, light gloves Copperhead, A.P.C., The Fridge, Bunker, Air Defense, Check Point, Parachute Pack, Starduster [Duke torso/Recondo waist], Pocket Patrol Pack)
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #77: Aftershocks, #78: Payback, and Special Missions #14: In from the Cold
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #79: Dreadnoks Rule, #80: Rolling Thunder, and Special Missions #15: ...And into the Fire
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #81: Plots and Tracts and Special Missions #16: Tight Circle
- Many carded figures in 1989 come with Micro Figures
- Winter: updated Now, You Can Be the Next Joe! mail offer
(Steel Brigade [Duke torso/Gung-Ho waist/Airborne legs])
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #82 Weeding Out and Special Missions #17: All in a Night's Work
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #83: Road Pig and Special Missions #18: Extraction
- Feb. 9: 25th anniversary celebration of G.I. Joe in New York City
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #84: Converging Destinies and Special Missions #19: Getting There
- Spring: 1989 carded figure assortment
white Countdown,
crossed-swords Snake Eyes,
Alley Viper,
blue T.A.R.G.A.T.,
gatling Rock & Roll,
arctic Stalker,
yellow H.E.A.T. Viper,
blue Deep Six,
- Spring: Slaughter's Marauders/Python Patrol carded figure assortment
(SM Low-Light,
SM Barbecue,
SM Mutt,
SM Footloose,
SM Spirit,
SM Sergeant Slaughter,
Python Viper,
Python Crimson Guard,
Python Tele-Viper,
Python Officer,
Python Copperhead,
Python Trooper)
- Spring: main equipment releases
Radar Rat,
with Darklon,
F.A.N.G. II,
Battle Force 2000 Pulverizer,
Python A.S.P.,
Tiger Fish,
Slaughter's Marauders Armadillo,
Arctic Blast
with Windchill,
with Dogfight,
Python Stun,
Tiger Sting,
with Track Viper,
with Hot Seat,
with Wild Boar,
Python Conquest,
with Long Range,
with Aero-Viper,
Crusader and Avenger
with yellow Payload)
- Spring: Operation Deep Six mail offer
(swivel-arm Steeler, Rampage, Ace, Keel-Haul, Lamprey, Strato-Viper, Motor Viper, Desert Vamp [=V.A.M.P. Mark II, dark variant], Night Landing, Bomb Disposal, Weapon Transport, Super Trooper, Rifle Range, Mortar Defense Unit, Machine Gun Defense Unit, Missile Defense Unit, Ammo Dump, Forward Observer, Sky Hawk)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #85: SFX and Special Missions #20: Snow Blind
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #86: Not Fade Away and Special Missions #21: The Lower Depths
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #87: Assault on Castle Destro and Special Missions #22: Decisions
- Summer: Is This the End of Serpentor? mail offer
(Tomax, Xamot, Ferret ATV, hooded Cobra Commander, Serpentor, Air Chariot)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #88: Python Patrol and Special Missions #23: Scoop
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #89: Mean Dog and Special Missions #24: Ladies' Day
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #90: Recurring Themes and Special Missions #25: Forced Play
- Sept. 4-8: airdate for DiC's miniseries G.I. Joe: Operation Dragonfire
- Fall: TRU-exclusive Night Force figure two-pack assortment
(NF Charbroil/NF Repeater,
NF Lightfoot/NF Shockwave,
NF Muskrat/NF Spearhead)
- Fall: TRU-exclusive Night Force equipment releases
(Night Scrambler,
Night Ray,
Night Boomer)
- Fall: Benny's-exclusive vehicle set (Mudfighter/H.I.S.S. II)
- Fall: Thrills, Chills, Spills, and Excitement! mail offer
(Tomax, Xamot, Stinger, Bomb Disposal, Weapon Transport, Rifle Range, Mortar Defense Unit, Machine Gun Defense Unit, Missile Defense Unit, Ammo Dump, Forward Observer, hooded Cobra Commander, Serpentor, Air Chariot, original Bazooka)
- Fall: updated Now, You Can Be the Next Joe! mail offer
(Steel Brigade [Duke torso/Cobra waist/Airborne or Scrap-Iron legs])
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #91: No Simple Solutions and Special Missions #26: Passing of the Guard
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #92: Thunderclap and #93 Taking the Plunge, Special Missions #27: Mexican Holiday, and Special Missions #28: Condor
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #94: Exterminating Circumstances (or Bern This) and #95: No Turning Back
- Many carded figures in 1990 come with Command Rings; other figures and some vehicles in 1990-91 come with Combat Pay and a catalog of products available for purchase with the currency. (Note: Michael Bell voices Duke in the Combat Pay ad, though at a lower pitch than Duke's usual voice.)
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #96: The Hexagram Completed
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #97: What Goes Around, Comes Around
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #98: He's Back!
- Spring: 1990 carded figure assortment
(Captain Grid-Iron,
- Spring: Sky Patrol carded figure assortment
Sky Patrol Airborne,
Drop Zone,
Static Line,
- Spring: main equipment releases
(Sky Patrol Sky Hawk,
brown Locust,
Sky S.H.A.R.C.,
with Overlord,
Sky H.A.V.O.C.,
Destro's Dominator,
Mobile Battle Bunker,
Sky Raven,
Avalanche tank
with Cold Front,
with Vapor,
with Updraft,
with Decimator,
General with green Locust
and Major Storm)
- Spring: Stop Cobra in Their Tracks! mail offer
(Firebat [light red], A.V.A.C., Night Landing, Jinx, Lamprey)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #99: Calm Before the Storm
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #100: Seeds of Empire
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #101: The New Guard
- Summer: The Incredible Shrinking Joes! mail offer
(Ace, F.A.N.G., Check Point, Air Defense, Bunker, Keel-Haul, Starduster [Duke torso/Iceberg waist], Pocket Patrol Pack, Ferret ATV, A.P.C., Steel Brigade [Duke torso/Cobra waist/Airborne or Scrap-Iron legs])
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #102: What Did He Say?
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #103: Amazing the Welkin
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #104: Hero of the People
- Sept. 25-Feb. 13: original airdates for first season episodes for DiC's G.I. Joe animated series
- Fall: Sonic Fighters carded figure assortment
(SF Tunnel Rat,
SF Law,
SF Dial-Tone,
SF Dodger,
SF Viper,
SF Lamprey)
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #105: The Hidden Aces
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #106: I Lift My Lamp
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #107: Enter the Night Creepers
- Many carded figures in 1991 come with Hall of Fame collector cards.
- From this point forward, most figures released are new versions of established characters.
- Winter: special VHS figure release (Rapid-Fire)
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #108: Apparent Conclusions
- January: release of the NES game G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #109: Death in the Desert
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #110: Escalator to Armageddon
- Spring: Wave 1 carded figure assortment
(Heavy Duty,
coyote Dusty,
brown Low-Light,
dark green Big Ben,
flight pack General Hawk,
red Crimson Guard Immortal,
purple-board Snow Serpent,
Desert Scorpion,
grey Sci-Fi,
Red Star,
- Spring: Air Commandos carded figure assortment
Sky Creeper,
Night Vulture)
- Spring: main equipment releases
silver Cobra Battle Copter
with Interrogator,
silver Battle Copter
with Major Altitude,
Cobra Ice Sabre,
Attack Cruiser,
Brawler tank)
- Spring: Attack of the Swamp Creature! mail offer
(Triple 'T' [orange variant], A.G.P., Zanzibar, Air Skiff, Swampmasher)
- Spring: The G.I. Joe Bugle mail offer
(Serpentor, Air Chariot, A.P.C., original Bazooka, Bomb Disposal, Stinger, Keel-Haul, H.A.L., F.L.A.K., Devilfish)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #111: Probe and Feint
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #112: Who's the Hero?
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #113: Previous Assignment
- Summer: Rice Krispies mail offer
(no-weapons Lifeline)
- Summer: Escape from Doom mail offer
(Quick Kick [soft variant], Jinx, H.I.S.S., S.H.A.R.C., W.O.L.F., Steel Brigade [Duke torso/Cobra waist/Airborne or Scrap-Iron legs], Rampage [Heavy Metal variant], Strato-Viper, Motor Viper)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #114: Metal-Head
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #115: Counting Coup
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #116: Destro Must Die
- Sept. 23-Jan. 20: original airdates for second season episodes for DiC's G.I. Joe animated series
- Fall: Wave 2 carded figure assortment
(launcher Grunt,
launcher Snake Eyes,
launcher Mercer,
launcher B.A.T.,
glider Cobra Commander)
- Fall: Eco-Warriors/Super Sonic Fighters carded figure assorment
(EW Flint,
blue Ozone,
EW Toxo-Viper,
Sludge Viper,
SF Lieutenant Falcon,
SF Zap,
SF Major Bludd,
SF Road Pig,
SF Rock 'n Roll,
SF Psyche-Out)
- Fall: late-year equipment releases
(Septic Tank,
Battle Wagon)
- Fall: Rumble in the Jungle mail offer
(Keel-Haul, Weapon Transport, Tomax, Xamot, Ferret ATV [light blue], Recon Sled, Rifle Range, Mortar Defense Unit, Machine Gun Defense Unit, Missile Defense Unit, Ammo Dump, Forward Observer, Zanzibar, Air Skiff)
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #117: Escape from Castle Destro
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #118: Deceptions and Diversions
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #119: Double Trouble
- Hall of Fame 12-inch line begins with Target-exclusive Duke figure. The line would run in general release through 1994, with a few TRU-exclusive releases in 1995.
- Winter: 'Talking' Battle Commanders carded figure assortment
(BC General Hawk,
BC Stalker,
BC Cobra Commander,
BC Overkill)
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #120: Return to the Silent Castle
- January: first convention hosted by the Official G.I .Joe Collector's Club of America
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #121: Slice and Dice and Everything Nice
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #122: Transformer
- March: release of the NES game G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor
- Spring: Wave 1 carded figure assortment
(launcher Duke,
yellow Wet-Suit,
recalled Roadblock,
green Big Bear,
disc launcher Destro,
blue Flak-Viper)
- Spring: Ninja Force/Air Commandos carded figure assortments
(NF Storm Shadow,
NF Dojo,
NF Nunchuk,
NF T'Jbang,
red NF Slice,
NF Dice,
Air Commandos Spirit,
Air Devil)
- Spring: main equipment releases
Battle Copter
with Ace,
Cobra Battle Copter
with Heli-Viper,
Storm Eagle,
- Spring: The Secret of the Dark Lagoon! mail offer
(Sea Ray, Killer W.H.A.L.E., Battle Barge, Cobra Jet Pack, original Sky Hawk, Quick Kick [soft variant], Jinx)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #123: Shots in the Dark
- April: release of the arcade game G.I. Joe
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #124: Triptych
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #125: Diptych
- Summer: Wave 2 carded figure assortment
(brown jacket General Flagg,
green vest Gung-Ho,
blue Barricade,
black pants Wild Bill,
grey pads Firefly,
blue Eel)
- Summer: Drug Elimination Force/Eco-Warriors carded figure assortments
(DEF Bullet-Proof,
DEF Mutt,
DEF Cutter,
DEF Shockwave,
EW Deep Six,
EW Barbecue,
- Summer: special teams equipment releases
Fort America,
Desert Apache,
- Summer: Mission Rescue: Code Blue mail offer
(W.O.L.F., S.H.A.R.C., Tomax, Xamot, original Bazooka, Ferret ATV [light blue], Recon Sled, Serpentor, Air Chariot, P.A.C./R.A.T.s, A.G.P., original Frostbite, H.I.S.S. Driver, light gloves Copperhead, Stinger Driver, Thunder, Crankcase, Rifle Range, Mortar Defense Unit, Machine Gun Defense Unit, Missile Defense Unit, Ammo Dump, Forward Observer, original Lamprey, gold head Steel Brigade)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #126: Firefly
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #127: Playing with the Big Boys
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #128: Winds of Change
- Fall: Battle Figure Collector's Case
- Fall: Terror on the Tundra mail offer
(Serpentor, Air Chariot, F.A.N.G., Strato-Viper, Motor Viper, Polar Battle Bear, P.A.C./R.A.T.s, W.O.L.F., Adder, Killer W.H.A.L.E., Slugger, H.I.S.S., brown jacket Hawk, Ninja Viper, Iceberg, gold head Steel Brigade)
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #129: Standoff
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #130: Point and Counterpoint
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #131: Last Stand
- Winter: Battle Corps Wave 1 carded figure assortment
(recalled Roadblock, green vest Gung-Ho, blue Barricade,
BC Bazooka,
BC Cross-Country,
BC Iceberg,
black vest Beach-Head,
green H.E.A.T. Viper,
yellow Alley Viper,
purple Roadblock,
orange Wet-Suit,
orange Flak-Viper)
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #132: Bump in the Night
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #133: Recon by Fire
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #134: Throwdown in the Citadel
- Spring: Battle Corps Wave 2 carded figure assortment
(Colonel Courage,
BC Leatherneck,
orange Snow Storm,
blue Snow Storm,
blue BC Outback,
green BC Outback,
orange Night Creeper Leader,
BC Dr. Mindbender,
red vest Gung-Ho,
orange Barricade,
black pads Firefly)
- Spring: Ninja Force carded figure assortment
(NF Snake-Eyes,
NF Zartan,
NF Night Creeper,
NF Scarlett,
NF Bushido,
orange NF Slice)
- Spring: early equipment releases
Ice Snake,
Ninja Lightning,
Ninja Raiders Pile Driver
with T'Gin-Zu,
Ninja Raiders Battle Ax
with Red Ninja)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #135: Ninjas Own the Night
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #136: Reversals and Betrayals
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #137: The Traitor Strikes
- Summer: Battle Corps Wave 3 carded figure assortment
(BC Duke,
BC Frostbite,
BC Keel-Haul,
BC Backblast,
Crimson Guard Commander,
BC Cobra Commander,
white pants Wild Bill,
black jacket General Flagg,
purple Eel)
- Summer: Mega-Marines/Mega-Monsters carded figure assortments
(MM Gung-Ho,
MM Clutch,
MM Mirage,
MM Blast-Off,
- Summer: Armor-Tech/Star Brigade carded figure assortments
AT Duke,
AT Rock 'n Roll,
AT Heavy Duty,
AT Destro,
green Payload,
blue Countdown,
white SB Roadblock,
brown Ozone,
grey Ozone,
blue Astro Viper,
gold T.A.R.G.A.T.)
- Summer: mid-year equipment releases
with white Sci-Fi,
with Nitro-Viper,
Ghoststriker X-16
with green Ace,
with Armor-Tech General Hawk)
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #138: Unfoldings
- July: Hasbro International G.I. Joe Collectors Convention in Burbank, CA
(original Jinx [undercover variant])
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #139: Realignments
- Late Summer: Battle Corps Wave 4 carded figure assortment
Long Arm,
Headhunter Stormtrooper,
- Late Summer: further equipment releases
(Monster Blaster A.P.C.,
Walmart-exclusive Dino-Hunter Mission Playset
with Dino-Hunter Ambush and Dino-Hunter Low-Light,
Shark 9000
with green Cutter)
- Late Summer: Fangs of Doom: America Under Attack! mail offer
(Ninja Viper, Firebat [light red], A.V.A.C., neon General Hawk, A.G.P., A.P.C. [green canopy variant], Triple 'T' [orange variant], Recon Sled, Adder, Zanzibar, Air Skiff)
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #140: Goin' South
- Fall: Capcom Street Fighter II carded figure assortment
(white Ryu,
red Ken Masters,
green Guile,
blue Chun Li,
green Blanka,
red M. Bison,
Edmond Honda,
- Fall: Capcom Street Fighter II equipment releases
(Crimson Cruiser
with blue M. Bison,
Sonic Boom Tank
with brown Guile,
Beast Blaster
with blue Blanka and red Chun Li,
Dragon Fortress
with blue Ken Masters and grey Ryu)
- Fall: Menace in the Wilderness mail offer
(blue Budo,
black Big Bear,
red Big Ben,
red Spirit,
Killer W.H.A.L.E., W.O.L.F., Ninja Viper,
yellow Deep Six, neon Gen. Hawk,
Collector's Kit)
- Fall: Terrifying Lasers of Destruction mail offer
(Sea Ray, blue Sub-Zero,
muddy Stalker,
blue Dee-Jay,
blue Snow Serpent,
Quick Kick [soft variant], Jinx, Serpentor, Air Chariot, Battle Barge, Cobra Jet Pack, Swampmasher,
blue Major Altitude,
purple Interrogator,
Rapid Deployment Force Pocket Patrol Pack variant, Fast Draw, Night Force Repeater, Night Force Shockwave,
Collector's Kit, Create-a-Cobra, gold head Steel Brigade)
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #141: Sucker Punch
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #142: Final Transformations and Transfomers Generation 2 #1: War Without End
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #143: Dark Island, Transformers Generation 2 #2: All or Nothing/Guests, and Transformers Generation 2 #6: Tales of Earth Part Three
- winter: Top Secret Leader mail offer (G.I. Joe)
- January: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #144: Snake Eyes: The Tale Untold
- February: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #145: Threads and Resolutions
- March: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #146: Immovable Objects
- Spring: Battle Corps Wave 5 carded figure assortment
(BC Flint,
BC Dial-Tone,
BC Shipwreck,
BC Metal-Head,
BC Viper,
yellow vest Beach-Head,
orange BC Alley Viper,
BC Lifeline,
BC Stalker,
Ice Cream Soldier,
BC Major Bludd,
grey Snow Storm,
purple Night Creeper Leader)
- Spring: Shadow Ninjas carded figure assortment
(SN Snake-Eyes,
SN Storm Shadow,
SN Slice,
SN Nunchuk,
SN Night Creeper,
SN Bushido)
- Spring: main equipment releases
with green Windchill)
- April: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #147: Oblivion Express
- May: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #148: Irresistible Forces
- June: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #149: Heroes and Medals and Things
- Jun. 12: death of Christopher Lawrence Latta, long-time voice of Cobra Commander
- Summer: Star Brigade/Lunartix carded figure assortment
(green SB Duke,
yellow Sci-Fi,
Space Shot,
SB Cobra Commander,
Cobra Blackstar,
blue Payload,
white SB Payload,
orange SB Roadblock,
grey Countdown,
red Ozone)
- Summer: Star Brigade equipment releases
(Power Fighter
with Gears,
Cobra Power Fighter
with Techno-Viper
- July: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #150: Slam-Dance in the Cyber Castle
- August: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #151: Cobra Renewed
- Late Summer: 30th Anniversary Commemorative Collection boxed figure assortment
(Action Soldier,
yellow Action Pilot,
Action Marine,
black Action Sailor)
- Late Summer: 30th Anniversary Original Action Team five-pack
(Space Capsule
with Action Pilot Astronaut,
Action Soldier,
blue Action Pilot,
Action Marine, and
orange Action Sailor)
- Aug. 20: Hasbro International G.I. Joe Collectors Convention in New York
(Fighter Pilot,
A.P.C. [green canopy variant] reissued as the C.U.D.A. with green Cutter)
- September: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #152: ...Just Fade Away
- October: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #153: Shadow of the B.A.T.
- November: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #154: Flying the Unfriendly Skies
- December: cover date for Marvel G.I. Joe #155: A Letter from Snake-Eyes
- end of the vintage G.I. Joe toy line
- canceled concepts for A Real American Hero include Battle Rangers, Ninja Commandos, Manimals, and Replicators
- Sgt. Savage and the Screaming Eagles toy line in stores before Christmas, with 4.5-inch scale figures
- Sgt. Savage receives Sunbow-produced 30-minute animated special
- Hall of Fame 12-inch line continues with figures made to resemble real-life soldiers from previous wars
- Sept. 23: G.I. Joe Extreme cartoon series debuts, accompanied by its own line of toys, with 5-inch scale figures
- December: debut of Dark Horse G.I. Joe Extreme comic miniseries (runs four issues through April)
- G.I. Joe Extreme line canceled for poor performance, having released 17 figures, 5 vehicles and 1 playset
- Hasbro begins promoting commemorative Joe four-packs for the vintage line's 15th anniversary in 1997. The figure sets were Scarlett (or Lady Jaye), Roadblock, Duke, and Snake Eyes with Timber; and Cobra Commander, Firefly, Cobra Viper, and Cobra Alley Viper. Nearly all the figures in the images would be changed by the time of their release.
- Oct. 4-5: G.I. Joe Convention in Philadelphia features an Early Bird Certificate for unpainted prototypes of the upcoming versions of Gung-Ho, Ace, General Hawk, and Breaker.
- November: TRU-exclusive figure three-pack assortment
(Blizzard/Iceberg/Snow Job,
Lady Jaye/Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow,
Baroness,/Cobra Commander/Destro [black collar or rare leopard print variant])
- Fall: TRU-exclusive equipment assortment
(Army Recon Mission
with recon Duke,
Navy S.E.A.L. Mission
with black Torpedo,
Cobra Viper Team
with maroon Viper,
tan Slugger
with brown Gung-Ho,
black Rage
with dark blue Alley Viper,
A-10 Thunderbolt
with brown Ace and dark brown General Hawk,
Stars and Stripes Forever
SSF Sergeant Zap,
SSF Stalker,
SSF Scarlett,
SSF Snake-Eyes,
SSF Grunt,
SSF Rock 'n Roll,
SSF Breaker, and
SSF Short-Fuse)
- Products differ widely from promotion and packaging because molds for some figures are unavailable
- No new G.I. Joe releases, presumably to avoid competing with Hasbro-Kenner's merchandising for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The Episode I toys were overproduced relative to sales, ultimately contributing to the demise of the Kenner brand.
- Winter: early equipment release
(black A.W.E. Striker
with Pathfinder)
- Spring: Kay-Bee-exclusive Manimals carded figure assortment
- Summer: Real American Hero Collection Wave 3 figure two-pack assortment
(Double Blast/Crossfire,
RAHC Destro/black Fast Blast Viper,
armor RAHC Cobra Commander/RAHC Laser Viper,
RAHC Low-Light/blue Sure Fire,
RAHC Wet-Suit/Wet Down)
- Summer: mid-year equipment releases
(Desert Striker
with Flint,
with Cutter,
Cobra Wave Crusher
with Sub Viper)
- September: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #1: Reinstated (1 of 4)
- Fall: Real American Hero Collection Wave 4 figure two-pack assortment
(RAHC Zartan/RAHC Shadow Viper,
RAHC Big Brawler/RAHC Tripwire,
RAHC Gung Ho/RAHC Leatherneck)
- Fall: TRU-exclusive equipment release (tan Headquarters
with Rock 'n Roll)
- October: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #2: Reinstated (2 of 4)
- Introduction of second-generation construction styles
- Following 9/11 attacks, Cobra is no longer referred to as terrorists on toy releases; they are now a "criminal organization"
- January: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #3: Reinstated (3 of 4)
- January: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1 figure two-pack assortment
(green JvC Duke/blue JvC Cobra Commander,
green shirt JvC Gung Ho/black/blue JvC Destro,
grey JvC Heavy Duty/red/gold JvC Cobra C.L.A.W.S.,
black JvC Wet-Suit/black Cobra Moray figure,
black pads JvC Frostbite/blue JvC Neo-Viper,
black/blue JvC Snake Eyes/white/red JvC Storm Shadow)
- January: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1 equipment release
(Rock Slide
with yellow pads JvC Frostbite,
with blue Cobra Moray figure,
Brawler truck
with tan JvC Heavy Duty,
maroon Dominator
with black/red JvC Destro)
- February: T-crotch design of early figures prompts an online "Save the O-ring" campaign
- March: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #4: Reinstated (4 of 4)
- April: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #5: Out for Bludd and Battle Files #1
- April: Real American Hero collection Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
(RAHC Tomax/RAHC Xamot,
RAHC Shipwreck/Sidetrack,
Sideswipe/RAHC Lifeline,
RAHC Serpentor/blue Shock Viper)
- April: TRU-exclusive equipment release
(Night Rhino
with Night Force Dusty)
- May: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #6: Reckonings (1 of 4)
- May: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1.35 figure two-pack recolor assortment
(yellow JvC Duke/black JvC Cobra Commander,
white shirt JvC Gung Ho [beard or no beard]/purple/blue JvC Destro,
green JvC Heavy Duty/green JvC Cobra C.L.A.W.S.,
teal JvC Wet-Suit/red Cobra Moray figure,
green JvC Frostbite/white JvC Neo-Viper,
black/green JvC Snake Eyes/grey/red JvC Storm Shadow)
- June: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #7: Reckonings (2 of 4)
- June: G.I. Joe vs. Cobra Fan Club exclusive figure
(G.I. Joe Reservist)
- June: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1.5 figure two-pack recolor assortment
(green Sure Fire/red/grey Slice,
medium green Mirage/green Cobra Viper,
JvC General Tomahawk/JvC Headman,
light brown Big Ben/light blue Cobra Alley Viper)
- Summer: reruns of Sunbow's G.I. Joe animated series air on Cartoon Network
- Jun. 28-30: G.I. Joe Collector's Convention in Norfolk, VA
(Crimson Strike Team Baroness,
Viper x12 [all crimson or fuchsia],
paratrooper Dusty,
Crimson H.I.S.S)
- July: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #8: Reckonings (3 of 4) and Battle Files #2
- August: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #9: Reckonings (4 of 4)
- Sound Attack feature added to most new toys through 2003 for enhanced play value
- August: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 2 figure two-pack assortment
(yellow JvC Agent Scarlett/red JvC Zartan,
bright green JvC Sergeant Stalker/JvC Neo-Viper Commander,
yellow knees JvC Dusty/JvC Desert Cobra C.L.A.W.S.,
JvC Nunchuk/JvC Firefly)
- August: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 2 equipment releases
(Assault Quad
with olive JvC Gung Ho,
with pilot Cobra C.L.A.W.S.,
Sand Razor
with all-tan JvC Dusty,
Hiss IV
with purple Neo-Viper)
- September: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #10: Malfunction (1 of 4) and Battle Files #3
- September: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 2.5 figure two-pack recolor assortment
(blue Big Ben/red Cobra Alley Viper,
light green Mirage/blue JvC Cobra Viper)
- September: BJ's-exclusive Sound Attack eight-pack
(BJ Dial-Tone,
BJ Roadblock,
BJ Snake Eyes,
BJ Wet-Suit,
red Fast Blast Viper,
red Firefly,
red Storm Shadow,
red Undertow)
- Fall: TRU-exclusive equipment reissue
(tan Headquarters with Rock 'n Roll renamed as Flint)
- Late September: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 3 figure two-pack assortment
(dark green JvC Beach Head/purple JvC Dr. Mindbender,
brown Blowtorch/grey JvC Snow Serpent,
black shirt JvC Flint/JvC Baroness,
dull green JvC Sergeant Stalker/green JvC Zartan,
grey O-ring Snake Eyes or
black O-ring Snake Eyes/blue O-ring Cobra Commander,
green JvC Agent Scarlett/black/white JvC Storm Shadow)
- Late September: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 3 equipment release (Night Attack Chopper)
- October: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #11: Malfunction (2 of 4) and Frontline #1: One If by Land
- November: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #12: Malfunction (3 of 4)
- November: Joe vs. Cobra Wave 4 figure two-pack assortment
(O-ring Duke/red JvC Dreadnok Ripper,
brown JvC Wild Bill/grey JvC Neo-Viper,
blue JvC Shipwreck/JvC Cobra B.A.T. v3,
green vest Dart/purple Cobra C.L.A.W.S.,
green JvC Dusty/red Shock Viper,
Wave 1's grey Heavy Duty/Skull Buster)
- November: TRU-exclusive equipment release
(gold Rattler
with JvC Wild Weasel)
- December: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe Frontline #2: Two If by Sea
- January: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #13: Malfunction (4 of 4) and Frontline #3: Assault on the Silent Castle
- January: ToyFare-exclusive figure two-pack
(ToyFare Scarlett/ToyFare Snake Eyes)
- January: special G.I. Joe Original Miniseries DVD release
(coyote Snake Eyes)
- Late January: Spy Troops Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
(green Cross Hair/
C.L.A.W.S. Commander,
ST Tunnel Rat/
blue Over Kill,
Sergeant Hacker/
ST Chief Torpedo/
Burn Out,
ST Recondo/
black ST Iron Grenadier)
- Late January: Spy Troops Wave 5 equipment releases
(Air Assault
with blue Barrel Roll,
blue Venom Cycle
with green/blue Cobra Viper,
Road Rebel
with dark brown Big Ben,
black Battle Blitz
with green knees/brown straps Grunt,
with Wave 3's dark green Beach Head)
- February: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #14: Homecoming (1 of 2) and Frontline #4: Endgame
- February: TRU-exclusive Tiger Force figure five-pack
(TF Sgt. Stalker,
TF Dial Tone,
TF Big Brawler [black or red beard],
TF Agent Jinx)
- March: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #15: Homecoming (2 of 2) and Frontline #5: A Day in the Life
- March: special Mission Disc figure reissue assortment
(Mission Disc 1 with O-ring Duke or blue JvC Shipwreck,
Mission Disc 2 with yellow knees JvC Dusty or black O-ring Snake Eyes,
Mission Disc 3 with blue O-ring Cobra Commander or red Zartan)
- March: G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive figure
(clear Zartan)
- April: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #16: The Family and Frontline #6: Early Thaw
- April: Spy Troops Wave 6 figure two-pack assortment
(brown vest Dart/red Dr. Mindbender,
ST Roadblock/blue Dreadnok Ripper,
green shirt ST Flint/Black Out,
yellow ST Beachhead/yellow armor Sand Viper,
grey ST Shipwreck/purple Over Kill)
- April: Spy Troops Wave 6 equipment releases
(blue Wave Crusher jetski
with blue Depth Charge,
Missile Storm
with green pilot Wild Bill,
blue Tread Fire
with grey Cobra Coil)
- May: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #17: The Cabal (1 of 3) and Frontline #7: Cold Comfort
- May: TRU-exclusive equipment releases
(Sound Attack A.W.E. Striker with BJ Dial Tone,
Sound Attack Snow Cat
with TRU Frostbite,
Sound Attack Conquest X-30
with TRU Slip Stream)
- June: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #18: The Cabal (2 of 3) and Frontline #8: Run for Daylight
- June: TRU-exclusive Python Patrol figure six-pack
(PP Major Bludd,
PP Cobra Rock Viper,
PP Cobra Laser Viper,
PP Cobra Lamprey,
PP Cobra S.A.W. Viper,
PP Cobra H.E.A.T. Viper)
- June: special equipment releases
(brown Night Attack Chopper
- Early Summer: B.A.T. Builder online-exclusive set
(BB Cobra B.A.T. v2,
Inferno B.A.T.,
BB Over Kill)
- June 27-29: G.I. Joe Convention in San Francisco
(Operation Anaconda Lieutenant Falcon,
Lady Jaye,
Major Storm,
Cobra Commander,
Swamp-Viper x5,
Black Dragon,
Black Dragon Trooper x5,
Black Dragon Firefly,
Tiger Force Firefly,
Torpedo Submarine,
H.I.S.S. IIb)
- July: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #19: The Cabal (3 of 3), Frontline #9: Family History (1 of 2), Frontline #10: Family History (2 of 2), and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers #1 and #2
- August: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #20: Closure (1 of 2), Frontline #11: History Repeating (1 of 4), Frontline #12: History Repeating (2 of 4), and Frontline #13: History Repeating (3 of 4)
- August: Spy Troops Wave 7 figure two-pack assortment
(ST Lady Jaye/grey ST Iron Grenadier,
Red Spot/black Cobra Coil,
ST Kamakura/light blue ST Night Creeper,
silver knees/brown straps Grunt/muscle shirt Destro,
Wide Scope/yellow visor/yellow circle Cobra B.A.T. v3.2)
- August: Spy Troops Wave 7 equipment releases
(green Desert Coyote
with ST Double Clutch,
red Venom Cycle
with red/green Cobra Viper,
tan Battle Blitz
with grey/black ST Grunt,
red Tread Fire
with red Cobra Coil,
green Gun Station
with ST Big Brawler,
Sky Sweeper Jet,
Smoke Screen,
with silver Neo-Viper,
Split Fire
with ST Rampage,
Crimson Command Copter
with ST Tomax and ST Xamot)
- Late August: Spy Troops Wave 7.75 carded two-pack recolor assortment
(blue Cobra Alley Viper/red/blue Cobra Viper,
O-ring Neo-Viper Commander/blue Neo-Viper,
O-ring Desert Cobra C.L.A.W.S./green armor Sand Viper,
Tiger Force Roadblock/Tiger Force Wild Bill,
yellow visor/red circle Cobra B.A.T. v3.2/black O-ring Cobra Commander,
Night Force Cross Hair/Night Force Nunchuk)
- September: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #21: Closure (2 of 2), Frontline #14: History Repeating (4 of 4), and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers #3
- September: cover date for Dreamwave Transformers: G.I. Joe #1: The Line
- September: LEGO competitor Built-to-Rule equipment releases
with BTR Cobra Moray figure,
BTR Locust
with Hollow Point [green or blue vest],
Rock Crusher
with BTR Gung Ho,
Forest Fox
with BTR Frostbite,
with BTR Wild Weasel,
Depth Ray
with BTR Wet-Suit,
Armadillo Assault
with green shirt BTR Duke,
Raging Typhoon
with BTR Blowtorch)
- Sept. 27: airdate for Reel FX's Spy Troops: The Movie on Cartoon Network
- October: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #22: The Last Stand (1 of 4), Frontline #15: Going Home, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers #4
- October: cover date for Dreamwave Transformers: G.I. Joe #2: Transformed
- November: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #23: The Last Stand (2 of 4), Frontline #16: Security, and Frontline #17: Training Day
- November: cover date for Dreamwave Transformers: G.I. Joe #3: Trial by Fire
- November: Spy Troops Wave 8 figure two-pack assortment
(ST Switch Gears/
blue ST Cobra Commander,
green ST Heavy Duty/
green Heavy Water,
Night Force Duke/
grey Pit Viper,
ST Gung Ho [blond or brown hair]/
ST Zarana,
ST Sergeant Airborne or Halo Jumper/
purple Tele-Viper,
ST Agent Faces/
purple ST Zartan)
- November: Spy Troops Wave 8 equipment releases
(Polar Blast
with ST Snow Serpent), Patriot Grizzly Tank,
Kay-Bee-exclusive C.A.T. II
with blue Crimson Guard Immortal,
TRU-exclusive Hoverstrike
with yellow-green Mirage,
TRU-exclusive Mobile Command Center with RAHC Leatherneck),
TRU-exclusive Conquest of Cobra Mountain
with black ST Shipwreck)
- November: Official G.I. Joe Mail-In Certificate mail offer
(Crimson Guard Agent Faces)
- December: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #24: The Last Stand (3 of 4), Frontline #18: Recipe for Destruction, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers #5
- December: cover date for Dreamwave Transformers: G.I. Joe #4: Wolves
- December: special Spy Troops: The Movie VHS release
(black O-ring Snake Eyes, blue O-ring Cobra Commander, O-ring Duke)
- Devil's Due becomes independent from Image Comics and begins incorporating newer toys into the comic series
- Figure proportions are revised and Action Attack features are introduced to select figures and equipment
- January: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #25: The Last Stand (4 of 4), #26: Scott Sturgis Is a Reasonable Man..., Cobra Reborn, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers #6
- January: cover date for Dreamwave Transformers: G.I. Joe #5: Trenches
- January: Kid Rhino releases DVD of Sunbow's G.I. Joe: Season 1 Part 1
- January: Valor vs. Venom Wave 1 figure two-pack assortment
(Action Attack Duke/black VvV Cobra Commander,
grey VvV Snake Eyes/Action Attack Storm Shadow,
VvV Hi-Tech/labcoat Dr. Mindbender,
green VvV Scarlett/red Sand Scorpion,
grey VvV Heavy Duty/small spikes Razorclaw,
blue Alley Viper II/red VvV Cobra Viper)
- January: Valor vs. Venom Wave 1 equipment releases
(VvV Venom Striker
with red/silver Cobra C.L.A.W.S.,
grey Tigerhawk
with grey VvV Ace
Tiger Storm
with red Sand Viper,
black Recondo,
and brown pilot Wild Bill,
Piranha Attack Boat
with dark blue VvV Shipwreck,
red Night Adder
with black VvV Wild Weasel,
TRU-exclusive A.P.C. Transport
with gold Cobra B.A.T. v3.2)
- Late January: Built-to-Rule equipment releases
(Rising Tide
with BTR Barrel Roll,
Sand Snake
with grey BTR Firefly)
- February: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #27: Paradigm Shift
- February: Walmart-exclusive special figure two-pack assortment
(WM Roadblock/
WM Cobra C.L.A.W.S.,
WM Duke/
WM Iron Grenadier,
WM Gung-Ho/
WM Neo-Viper)
- February: TRU-exclusive Night Force and Cobra Infantry Trooper figure six-packs
(NF Flint,
NF Short-Fuze,
Action Man,
NF Tunnel Rat,
NF Roadblock,
NF Beachhead,
red eyebrows Cobra Infantry Trooper,
brown eyebrows Cobra Infantry Trooper,
blond eyebrows Cobra Infantry Trooper,
African-American Cobra Infantry Trooper,
red mask Cobra Squad Leader,
brown mask Cobra Squad Leader)
- February: Gum Bitz figure single-pack assortment
(O-ring Duke, brown JvC Wild Bill, blue JvC Shipwreck, black/white JvC Storm Shadow)
- March: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #28: Players and Pawns (1 of 5) G.I. Joe Reborn, G.I. Joe Reloaded #1, and Poster Special
- March: cover date for Dreamwave Transformers: G.I. Joe #6: The Iron Fist
- March: Wave 1 discount figure single-pack assortment
(green Cross Hair, bright green JvC Sgt. Stalker,
Spy Troops Tunnel Rat, black O-ring Snake Eyes,
red visor/red circle Cobra B.A.T. v3.2, blue O-ring Cobra Commander,
blue O-ring Neo-Viper, O-ring Duke,
red/gold O-ring Cobra C.L.A.W.S., black Spy Troops Iron Grenadier)
- Late March: Valor vs. Venom Wave 2 figure two-pack assortment
(yellow head Kamakura/jacket Destro,
silver vest Beachhead/purple Cobra B.A.T. v4,
yellow Alpine/tan Swamp Rat,
Hard Drive/blue VvV Baroness,
no-belt Razor Trooper/Neurotoxin)
- Late March: Valor vs. Venom Wave 2 equipment releases
(Defense Mech
with VvV Leatherneck,
Cobra Pulverizer
with Ghost Bear)
- April: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #29: Players and Pawns (2 of 5) and G.I. Joe Reloaded #2
- April: special Mission Disc figure reissue assortment
(Mission Disc 1 with yellow Spy Troops Beachhead or Spy Troops Recondo,
Mission Disc 2 with Spy Troops Roadblock or red Dr. Mindbender,
Mission Disc 3 with brown JvC Wild Bill or JvC Firefly)
- April: G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive figure
(neon Heavy Water)
- May: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #30: Players and Pawns (3 of 5), Master & Apprentice #1, and G.I. Joe Reloaded #3
- May: Valor vs. Venom Wave 3 figure two-pack assortment
(VvV Dusty/VvV Zartan,
green VvV Tunnel Rat/neon Electric E.E.L.,
VvV Sergeant Stalker/VvV Firefly,
jeans VvV Wild Bill/brown VvV Coil Crusher,
VvV Agent Jinx/Action Attack Slice,
white Snow Wolf/rust Cobra B.A.T. v4)
- May: Valor vs. Venom Wave 3 equipment releases
(Battle Hornet
with yellow Neo-Viper,
with VvV Backblast)
- June: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #31: Players and Pawns (4 of 5), Master & Apprentice #2, and G.I. Joe Reloaded #4
- June: Kid Rhino releases DVD of Sunbow's G.I. Joe: Season 1 Part 2
- July: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #32: Players and Pawns (5 of 5) and G.I. Joe Reloaded #5
- Jul. 2-4: G.I. Joe Convention at Walt Disney World: Dreadnok Rampage
(Tiger Force Beachhead
Tiger Force Hardtop,
Tiger Force Mutt,
red Dreadnok Buzzer,
red Dreadnok Ripper,
Dreadhead Cletus,
Dreadhead Otis,
white Dreadnok Road Pig,
white Dreadnok Zarana,
Dreadhead Billy-Bob,
Dreadhead Joe-Bob,
Dreadnok Crusher,
Dreadnok Demolishor,
Dreadhead Roscoe,
Dreadhead Vance,
Tiger Force Zartan,
Morphing Zartan,
Morphed Zartan,
blue Zanzibar,
red Thrasher,
convention Dreadnok Cycle,
Dreadnok Stun,
Tiger Ray)
- Jul. 5: special Minnesota Twins reissue of Action Attack Duke
- Late July: Wave 1 comic figure three-pack assortment
(comic Baroness/hooded comic Cobra Commander/comic Cobra Trooper,
white comic Scarlett/green comic Snake Eyes/Tracker Kwinn,
light comic Sergeant Stalker/comic Double Clutch/green comic General Abernathy)
- August: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #33: The Road Less Traveled, Master & Apprentice #3, and G.I. Joe Reloaded #6
- August: Kid Rhino releases DVD of Sunbow's G.I. Joe: Season 2 Part 1 (Part 2 is never released by Kid Rhino)
- August: TRU-exclusive Cobra Strike Team Urban Division and Anti-Venom Task Force figure six-packs
(Urban Firefly,
Urban Cobra Nullifier,
Urban Storm Shadow,
Urban Night Creeper,
Urban Scrap Iron,
Urban Cobra Alley Viper,
AV Barricade,
AV Charbroil,
AV Sergeant Mutt,
AV Roadblock,
AV Duke,
AV Sergeant Lifeline)
- August: mid-year equipment releases
(tan Tigerhawk
with tan VvV Ace,
Quick Strike
with green vest Sergeant Bazooka,
VvV Ice Sabre
with white vest Frostbite,
Sting Raider sub
with grey/red Electric E.E.L.,
with VvV Slip Stream
[TRU-exclusive release also included grey VvV Ace])
- August: special equipment multipacks
(Kmart-exclusive Operation: Avalanche
with cannon Assault Quad, two silver Air Assaults,
yellow pads JvC Dusty, grey O-ring Snake Eyes, black/red Storm Shadow, and black Spy Troops Iron Grenadier;
Costco-exclusive Battle in a Box
with Smoke Screen Transport, Ringneck,
brown-vest Dart, Spy Troops Tunnel Rat, Night Force Nunchuk,
grey Pit Viper, purple Tele-Viper, and black Cobra Coils)
- September: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #34: Bad Moon Rising (1 of 2), Master & Apprentice #4, G.I. Joe Reloaded #7, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers II #1
- September: Valor vs. Venom Wave 4 figure two-pack assortment
(grey head Kamakura/red stripes/yellow cuffs Storm Shadow,
O-ring VvV Duke/caped Venomous Maximus,
red Dr. Link Talbot/grey VvV Night Creeper,
VvV General Abernathy/grey VvV Over Kill,
Action Attack Gung Ho/red VvV Wild Weasel,
yellow Sand Scorpion/belted Razor Trooper)
- September: Valor vs. Venom Wave 4 equipment releases
(black Ninja Lightning Cycle
with blue stripe VvV Snake Eyes,
white Ninja Lightning Cycle
with black stripes Storm Shadow,
TRU-exclusive V.A.M.P. with Twin Battle Gun
with VvV Pathfinder,
VvV Chief Torpedo,
and white shirt Big Brawler)
- October: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #35: Bad Moon Rising (2 of 2), G.I. Joe Reloaded #8, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers II #2
- October: cover date for Dreamwave Transformers/G.I. Joe: Divided Front #1 (series canceled due to Dreamwave's bankruptcy and subsequent closing)
- October: Valor vs. Venom Wave 5 figure two-pack recolor assortment
(VvV Python Cobra Viper/VvV Python Tele-Viper,
red visor/yellow center Cobra B.A.T. II v3.2/blue Cobra B.A.T. v4,
green Night Creeper/Ninja Trooper,
Night Force Gung Ho/Night Force Grunt,
Tiger Force Alpine [dark or light skin]/Tiger Force Cross Hair,
Desert Patrol Scarlett/Desert Patrol Switch Gears,
Wave 4's O-ring VvV Duke/grey VvV Cobra Commander)
- October: Valor vs. Venom Wave 5 equipment releases
(brown Gun Station
with yellow vest Dart,
tan Air Assault
with brown Barrel Roll,
reissued green Desert Coyote with Spy Troops Double Clutch,
Missile Storm with green pilot Wild Bill,
blue Venom Cycle with blue/green Viper,
black Battle Blitz with green knees/brown straps Grunt,
Sky Sweeper Jet with black Sergeant Airborne,
Jungle Strike Humvee
with green Rollbar,
Night Force Grizzly Tank
with green pilot Wild Bill)
- Late October: Wave 2 discount figure single-pack assortment
(red Desert Cobra C.L.A.W.S.,
brown vest Beachhead,
green VvV Alpine,
orange pants VvV Heavy Duty,
silver/green Swamp Rat,
red Cobra B.A.T. v4,
red Alley Viper II,
olive pants VvV Duke,
black VvV Scarlett)
- Late October: Wave 2 comic figure three-pack assortment
(comic Zap/comic Grunt/black comic Snake Eyes,
comic Steeler/comic General Flagg/comic Cobra Officer)
- Late October: Built to Rule equipment limited release
(Night Prowler
with BTR Shadow Viper,
Rapid Runner
with BTR Chief Torpedo,
with BTR Heavy Duty,
BTR Venom Striker
with red BTR Firefly,
BTR Cobra H.I.S.S.
with BTR Cobra Commander,
Ground Striker
with BTR Flint)
- November: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #36: Union of the Snake (1 of 6), G.I. Joe Reloaded #9, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers II #3
- November: TRU-exclusive Desert Patrol Squad and Ninja Cobra Strike Team figure six-packs
(DP Dusty,
DP Tunnel Rat,
DP Sergeant Stalker,
DP Gung Ho,
DP Snake Eyes,
DP Ambush,
NST Red Ninja Viper x2,
NST Black Dragon Ninja,
decorated chest NST Vypra,
NST Storm Shadow,
decorated collar Vypra_
- December: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #37: Union of the Snake (2 of 6), G.I. Joe Reloaded #10 and #11, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers II #4
- December: year-end special equipment releases
(Kay-Bee-exclusive Operation Crimson Sabotage
with African American Crimson Guard,
red hair Crimson Guard,
and black hair Crimson Guard;
Built-to-Rule limited-release Patriot Grizzly
with BTR Hi-Tech,
BTR Freedom Defense Outpost
with tan shirt BTR Duke,
BTR Headquarters Attack
with BTR Snake Eyes
and BTR A.V.A.C.)
- December: 12-inch Voice F/X Duke
(TRU-exclusive edition includes unique 3 3/4-inch Duke)
- January: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #38: Union of the Snake (3 of 6)
- January: Valor vs. Venom Wave 6 figure two-pack assortment
(grey vest Frostbite/grey Snow Wolf,
yellow vest Sergeant Bazooka/VvV Dreadnok Torch,
Slash/O-ring Slice,
yellow VvV Tunnel Rat/large spikes Razorclaw,
green VvV Shipwreck/grey/blue Electric E.E.L.,
khakis Wild Bill/red Coil Crusher)
- January: Valor vs. Venom Wave 6 equipment releases
(tan Desert Coyote
with VvV Recondo;
Venomization Chamber
with neon Venomous Maximus;
Ninja Battles playset and DVD
with JvC-style black/grey Snake Eyes,
Tiger Claw, NB Black Dragon Ninja,
Shadow Strike, and grey stripes Storm Shadow;
Desert Humvee
with desert VvV Duke;
blue Night Adder
blue Wild Weasel)
- Late January: Wave 3 comic figure three-pack assortment
(Daina/comic Colonel Brekhov/Shrage,
Horror Show/dark comic Sergeant Stalker/Stormavik,
comic Short-Fuze/astronaut Flash/comic Rock 'n Roll)
- February: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #39: Union of the Snake (4 of 6), Reloaded #12, and Master & Apprentice 2 #1
- February: TRU-exclusive Infantry Division and Crimson Guard Force figure six-packs
(African-American goatee Infantry Division,
goatee Infantry Division,
red beard Infantry Division,
African-American full beard Infantry Division,
blond Infantry Division,
mustache Infantry Division,
CG Firefly,
red-brown hair Crimson Guard x4,
business suit Tomax,
business suit Xamot)
- March: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #40: Union of the Snake (5 of 6), Reloaded #13, and Master & Apprentice 2 #2
- March: Valor vs. Venom Wave 7 figure two-pack assortment
(Bombstrike/VvV Croc Master,
VvV wolf Snake Eyes/green/black Swamp Rat,
O-ring VvV Gung Ho/blue VvV Cobra Viper,
green Dr. Link Talbot/removable helmet VvV Cobra Commander,
green camo VvV Duke/rust Over Kill)
- March: Valor vs. Venom Wave 7 equipment releases
(green Ninja Lightning Cycle
with black head Kamakura,
blue Air Assault
with blue Sand Viper,
orange Wave Crusher
with orange Depthcharge,
black/blue Cobra H.I.S.S.
with black Pit Viper)
- April: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #41: Union of the Snake (6 of 6) and Master & Apprentice 2 #3
- April: Wave 3 discount figure single-pack assortment
(red stripes/red cuffs Storm Shadow,
black VvV Baroness,
black Sand Viper,
dark blue Night Creeper,
blue VvV Tele-Viper,
grey head Kamakura,
all-black VvV Snake Eyes,
grey VvV Ace, VvV Dusty, VvV Sgt. Stalker)
- April: TRU-exclusive G.I. Joe Moray
with Night Force Flint
and Night Force Beachhead
- April: G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive figure
(dark Jungle Viper)
- April: Storm Shadow Unmasked! mail offer
(unmasked Storm Shadow)
- May: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #42: Dawn of the Red Shadows (1 of 2), Master & Apprentice 2 #4, and Arashikage Showdown
- May: Wave 4 comic figure three-pack assortment
(comic Storm Shadow/new head comic Snake Eyes/comic Red Ninja Viper,
comic Duke/comic Destro/comic Roadblock,
comic Scrap Iron/comic Serpentor/comic Firefly)
- 3 3/4-inch G.I. Joe line goes on "hiatus" from general release; most new products will be Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) online exclusives
- May 7: Free Comic Book Day special comic issue
- June: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe #43: Dawn of the Red Shadows (2 of 2) and America's Elite #0
- June: Direct-to-Consumer Wave 1 carded figure assortment
(green DTC Spirit Iron-Knife,
DTC Sergeant Mutt,
Major Barrage,
DTC Scrap Iron,
DTC Crimson Guard,
- June: Wave 5 comic figure three-pack assortment
(comic Tunnel Rat/
brown comic General Abernathy/
comic Flint,
comic Zartan/
armor comic Cobra Commander/
comic Zarana)
- June: Direct-to-Consumer Wave 1 equipment releases
(DTC Cobra H.I.S.S.
with red Night Creeper,
Night Ops Humvee
with black Rollbar)
- Late June: TRU-exclusive Winter Ops and Imperial Procession six-packs
(WO Frostbite,
WO Sergeant Stalker,
WO Backblast,
WO Snake Eyes,
WO Mirage,
WO Short-Fuze,
Imperial Guard x4,
IP Baroness,
IP Cobra Commander)
- June 23-24: G.I. Joe Convention in Minneapolis: M.A.R.S. Invades
(con Destro,
General Mayhem,
con Metal-Head,
Iron Anvil x5,
con Iron Grenadier x5,
con Gung-Ho,
con Dragonsky,
Steel Brigade Commander,
Steel Brigade Paratrooper,
light Jungle Viper,
Steel Brigade Sky Hawk,
Iron Mech,
Stealth A.G.P.,
Stealth Moray)
- Summer: Hasbro launches G.I. Joe Sigma 6 line in stores, in 8-inch and later 2.5-inch scales. The line runs through 2007.
- July: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #1
- August: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #2: Peeling the Onion and Snake Eyes: Declassified #1
- August: TRU-exclusive: Crimson Shadow Guard and Heavy Assault Squad figure six-packs
(Crimson Shadow Guard x6,
HAS Duke,
HAS Roadblock,
HAS Snake Eyes,
African-American goatee Infantry Division, goatee Infantry Division, blond Infantry Division)
- August: Direct-to-Consumer Cobra Night Watch figure six-pack
(Caucasian Night Trooper x3,
African-American Night Trooper,
red mask Cobra Squad Leader,
black mask Cobra Squad Leader)
- Aug. 27: GONZO's animated series G.I. Joe: Sigma Six debuts on 4Kids TV, running for two 13-episode seasons
- September: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #3: Gangster Bang and Snake Eyes: Declassified #2
- September: Direct-to-Consumer Wave 2 carded figure assortment
(DTC Footloose,
DTC Major Bludd,
DTC Range Viper,
DTC Snow Serpent,
DTC Salvo,
DTC Barrel Roll)
- September: Direct-to-Consumer Wave 2 equipment releases
with Cannonball,
with DTC Long Range)
- October: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #4: The Reckoning, Snake Eyes: Declassified #3, and Data Desk Handbook #1
- October: Wave 6 comic figure three-pack assortment
(comic Dreadnok Ripper/comic Dreadnok Thrasher/comic Dreadnok Buzzer,
comic Breaker/yellow comic Scarlett/comic holo Cobra Commander)
- October: Direct-to-Consumer B.A.T. Attack figure six-pack
(green Cobra B.A.T. v3,
green Cobra B.A.T. v4,
Cobra B.A.T. v5 x3,
silver Over Kill)
- November: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #5: Damage Report/The Past Comes Back and Snake Eyes: Declassified #4
- December: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #6: The Hunt for True Love/The Past Comes Back... Part Two, Snake Eyes: Declassified #5, and Sigma 6 #1
- January: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #7: Fourth and Twenty, Snake Eyes: Declassified #6, Dreadnoks: Declassified #1, and Sigma 6 #2
- January: Direct-to-Consumer/TRU-exclusive Wave 3 carded figure assortment
(DTC S.A.W. Viper,
DTC Cobra Trooper,
DTC Monkey Wrench,
Med Alert,
DTC Grand Slam,
DTC Low Light)
- January: Wave 7 comic figure three-pack assortment
(black DTC Spirit Iron-Knife/DTC Agent Courtney Krieger/Hannibal: Reborn,
Tommy Arashikage/Lonzo R. Wilkinson/CLASSIFIED)
- January: Direct-to-Consumer/TRU-exclusive Viper Lockdown figure six-pack
(Cobra Viper Guard x3,
VL G.I. Joe,
VL Cobra Interrogator,
G.I. Jane)
- February: Direct-to-Consumer equipment release
(DTC Ice Sabre
with black vest Frostbite)
- February: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #8: Depth Charges, Special Missions #1: Manhattan, and Sigma 6 #3
- February: Direct-to-Consumer line canceled: Wave 4 delayed indefinitely; remaining stock released through Toys 'R Us
- February: TRU-exclusive Wave 8 comic figure three-pack assortment
(comic Lieutenant Gorky/comic Dragonsky/Sergeant Misha Zubenkov,
comic Lady Jaye/air mask Cobra Trooper x2)
- February: TRU-exclusive Plague Troopers vs. Steel Brigade and Viper Pit figure six-packs
Grim Skull,
Red Zone,
silver VP Cobra Viper,
gold VP Cobra Viper)
- March: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #9: Crimson, Not Red Enough, Dreadnoks: Declassified #2, Sigma 6 #4, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers III: The Art of War #1
- March: GIJCC-exclusive Flaming M.O.T.H. figure two-pack assortment
(FM Frag-Viper/FM Night-Viper,
FM Flak-Viper/FM Range Viper)
- April: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #10: Risen, Sigma 6 #5, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers III: The Art of War #2
- April: G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive figure
red DTC (Nullifier)
- May: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #11: Reunited, Dreadnoks: Declassified #3, Sigma 6 #6, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers III: The Art of War #3
- June: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #12: Back in Black, G.I. Joe: Declassified #1, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers III: The Art of War #4
- Jun. 29-Jul. 2: G.I. Joe Convention in New Orleans
(Cobra Mortal,
con Major Bludd,
Skull Squad Trooper x6,
con Overlord,
Coil Trooper x6,
con Mercer,
con Red Dog,
con Taurus,
con Sergeant Slaughter,
blue DTC Nullifier,
Cobra Ferret ATV and Coil Ferret ATV,
Sgt. Slaughter's Armadillo,
Renegades Warthog A.P.V.)
- July: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #13: Dark Horizon Line
- August: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #14: The Rising, G.I. Joe: Declassified #2, and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers III: The Art of War #5
- September: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #15: What Lies Beneath, Special Missions #2: Tokyo, and Scarlett: Declassified
- October: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #16: Take Down and G.I. Joe: Declassified #3
- November: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #17: "Take Down"
- December: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #18: After the Fall and Special Missions #3: Antarctica
- January: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #19: Emperor's New Clothes (1 of 2) and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers IV: Black Horizon #1
- February: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #20: Emperor's New Clothes (2 of 2) and G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers IV: Black Horizon #2
- March: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #21: Sins of the Mother (1 of 4)
- March: GIJCC-exclusive Flaming M.O.T.H. figure two-pack assortment
(FM Chuckles/FM Shipwreck,
Snow Serpent Commander/FM Ice-Viper)
- April: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #22: Sins of the Mother (2 of 4)
- April: G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive figure
(DTC Copperhead)
- May: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #23: Sins of the Mother (3 of 4), Special Missions #4: Brazil, and Storm Shadow #1
- June: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #24: Sins of the Mother (4 of 4) and Storm Shadow #2
- July: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #25: World War III: Havoc and Storm Shadow #3
- Jul. 25-29: San Diego Comic Convention introduces third-generation construction style
(gold-head SDCC Destro and silver-head SDCC Destro)
- August: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #26: World War III: Without a Hope, Without a Soul and Storm Shadow #4
- August: 25th Anniversary Wave 1 carded figure assortment
(25th Joe Storm Shadow,
25th visor Snake Eyes,
25th grey mask Cobra Officer,
25th dark blue hooded Cobra Commander,
25th no gloves Flint)
- August: G.I. Joe Battle Pack and Cobra Battle Pack figure five-packs
(25th Duke,
25th Agent Scarlett,
25th grey Snake Eyes,
25th dark Roadblock,
25th Gung Ho,
25th red emblem Cobra Trooper,
25th red leg stripe Cobra Commander,
25th short sleeves Storm Shadow,
25th Destro,
25th black Baroness)
- September: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #27: World War III: Into the Wild, Special Missions #5: The Enemy, and Storm Shadow #5
- September: 25th Anniversary Wave 2 carded figure assortment
(25th Devil's Due Serpentor,
25th white emblem Cobra,
25th cap Lady Jaye,
25th Buzzer,
25th olive Beachhead)
- September: Cobra Legions figure five-pack
(25th VvV-style Storm Shadow,
25th red mask/yellow straps Cobra Trooper,
25th black Cobra Commander,
25th grey Vehicle Driver,
Air Trooper)
- Sept. 27-30: G.I. Joe Convention in Atlanta: Tanks for the Memories
female G.I. Joe Doc,
con Clutch,
con Sergeant Flash,
con Zap,
con Grunt,
con Rock 'n Roll,
Lieutenant Clay Moore,
Night Stalkers Commander,
blond Night Stalkers Shock Trooper x2,
brown hair Night Stalkers Shock Trooper x2,
red hair Night Stalkers Shock Trooper x2,
flame jet pack Grand Slam,
flame jet pack Starduster,
brown Steeler,
black Rip It,
Rowdy Roddy Piper,
V.A.M.P. Mark V)
- Convention-exclusive Mauler recolors for G.I. Joe and Cobra were canceled because vital molds broke during production.
- October: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #28: World War III: Manufacturing Consent, Storm Shadow #6, and Data Desk Handbook #2 and #3
- October: 25th Anniversary Wave 3 carded figure assortment
(25th Devil's Due Zartan,
25th thin face Shipwreck,
25th Sergeant Stalker [yellow or medium green],
25th black belt Cobra Red Ninja,
25th grey Firefly)
- November: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #29: World War III: Overthrow and Storm Shadow #7
- December: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #30: World War III: Cleansing Fire
- December: 25th Anniversary Wave 4 carded reissue assortment
(25th red leg stripe Commander, Gung Ho, Scarlett, Destro, dark Roadblock, Air Trooper, short sleeves Storm Shadow, Duke)
- cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: Fire Safety special comic issue (no month specified)
- January: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #31: World War III: Tribulation
- January: 25th Anniversary Wave 5 carded figure assortment
(25th black mask & visor Crimson Guard,
25th Snow Job,
25th Iron Grenadiers Destro,
25th Sergeant Flash,
25th black Snake Eyes)
- January: Wave 1 comic figure two-pack assortment
(25th comic Snake Eyes/25th comic Storm Shadow,
25th comic Scarlett/25th comic G.I. Joe Hawk,
25th yellow comic Duke/25th light comic Cobra Commander)
- February: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #32: World War III: War Without End
- February: Wave 2 comic figure two-pack assortment
(25th Dreadnok Torch/25th green Dreadnok Ripper,
25th comic Destro/25th brown hair Corporal Breaker)
- March: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #33: World War III: Metamorphosis
- March: 25th Anniversary Wave 6 carded figure assortment
(25th armor Cobra Commander,
25th dark Staff Sergeant Rock 'n Roll,
25th black Lieutenant Torpedo)
- March: Wave 3 comic figure two-pack assortment
(25th white Captain Ace/25th dark neck Wild Weasel,
25th torn Snake Eyes/25th caped Storm Shadow,
25th removable helmet Crimson Guard/Scarred Cobra Officer.
25th Tomax/25th Xamot)
- April: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #34: World War III: Enemies in Need
- April: TRU-exclusive Senior Ranking Officers figure three-pack assortment
(25th light green Duke/25th staff uniform G.I. Joe Hawk/25th Grunt,
25th black mask/silver visor Crimson Guard Trooper/25th red Cobra Commander/Crimson Guard Officer,
25th black mask Cobra Officer/25th silver belt Cobra Commander/25th white straps Cobra Trooper)
- April: TRU-exclusive Red Ninjas and Cobra Night Watch figure five-packs
(25th green pants Snake Eyes,
Cobra Red Ninja Leader,
25th red belt Cobra Red Ninja x3,
red-brown hair Night Watch Trooper,
dark brown hair Night Watch Trooper,
yellow-brown hair Night Watch Trooper,
medium brown hair Night Watch Trooper,
Night Watch Officer)
- April: Target-exclusive equipment release
(G.I. Joe Night Specter
with 25th Grand Slam,
25th green A.W.E. Striker
with 25th Crankcase,
25th blue Cobra H.I.S.S.
with 25th black Cobra Driver)
- April: G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive figure
(hard-caped Cobra Commander)
- April: Operation: Rescue Doc mail offer
(25th G.I. Joe Doc)
- Late April: 25th Anniversary Wave 7 carded figure assortment
(25th green Wild Bill,
25th white shirt Duke,
25th blue vest Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver,
25th silver-toe Cobra Viper,
25th Spirit Iron-Knife,
25th crossed-swords Snake Eyes)
- May: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #35: World War III: Scorched Earth
- Late May: 25th Anniversary Wave 8 carded figure assortment
(25th black vest Major Bludd,
25th black belt/no leg stripe Cobra Commander,
25th arctic Snake Eyes,
25th vest Roadblock,
25th Python Officer,
25th blue Baroness,
25th Tiger Force Flint)
- June: cover date for Devil's Due G.I. Joe: America's Elite #36: World War III: Hell
- June: Wave 4 comic figure two-pack assortment
(25th comic Firefly/25th bare chest Storm Shadow,
25th Copperhead/25th white shirt Shipwreck,
25th green comic Duke/Red Star)
- June: summer equipment general releases
(25th black Cobra H.I.S.S.
with Cobra H.I.S.S. Commander,
25th Armadillo Tank/Air Chariot
with 25th green Steeler and 25th no-cape Serpentor,
25th V.A.M.P.
with 25th Double Clutch,
25th R.A.M. Cycle/Flight Pod
with 25th red-brown hair Corporal Breaker and 25th Tele-Viper)
- Jun. 26-29: G.I. Joe Convention in Dallas
(green Gristle,
green Headhunter Stormtrooper x6,
dark green Headhunter Guard x2,
Headhunter B.A.T. x6,
SWAT Shockblast,
SWAT Low-Light,
SWAT Long Arm,
Headhunter Driver,
Sky B.A.T.,
B.A.T. Mech
with Hotwire,
S.W.A.T. R.T.V.
with SWAT Bullhorn)
- July: DVD Battles multipack assortment for The M.A.S.S. Device and The Revenge of Cobra
(M.A.S.S. Device piece included in each of the five DVD Battles sets;
25th radioactive Snake Eyes,
25th cartoon Cobra Trooper,
25th diver Baroness,
25th yellow-green Sergeant Stalker;
25th light Roadblock,
25th dark hair Lady Jaye,
25th bright Destro,
Weather Dominator)
- July: Wave 4 discount figure single-pack assortment
(VvV Slash, O-ring Slice, grey vest Frostbite, black Sand Viper, Night Force Beachhead, dark blue Night Creeper, blue VvV Tele-Viper, grey head Kamakura, VvV Dusty, grey VvV Ace, VvV Sergeant Stalker)
- Jul. 24-27: San Diego Comic Convention
(black jacket Cobra Commander,
blue jacket Cobra Commander)
- August: 25th Anniversary Wave 9 carded figure assortment
(25th dark brown G.I. Joe Hawk,
25th Sergeant Bazooka,
25th Barbecue,
25th black Storm Shadow,
25th blue buckle Snow Serpent,
25th silver face Cobra B.A.T.)
- August: Wave 5 comic figure two-pack assortment
(25th flat black Iron Grenadier/
25th comic Iron Grenadiers Destro [gold or black head],
25th Nemesis Immortal/
25th Lieutenant Falcon,
25th dark comic Cobra Commander/
25th Tripwire)
- September: TRU-exclusive G.I. Joe Troopers and Crimson Guard figure five-packs
(25th blue-grey Firefly
brown hair G.I. Joe Trooper
red hair G.I. Joe Trooper
blond hair G.I. Joe Trooper
black hair G.I. Joe Trooper
25th silver vest Crimson Guard Squad Leader
25th silver mask Crimson Guard Trooper x4)
- September: Target-exclusive equipment releases
(25th Conquest X-30
25th with Lieutenant Slip Stream,
25th Rattler with
25th light neck Wild Weasel)
- October: cover date for IDW G.I. Joe #0
- October: 25th Anniversary Wave 10 carded figure assortment
(25th Tiger Force Duke,
25th Mutt,
Cobra Para-Viper,
Cobra Bazooka Trooper,
25th Croc Master,
silver Mercenary Wraith,
clear Mercenary Wraith)
- October: TRU-exclusive Senior Ranking Officers three-pack assortment
(25th green Captain Ace/
25th grey Wild Bill/
25th Skyduster,
25th green Deep Six/
25th yellow Lieutenant Torpedo/
25th G.I. Joe Cutter,
25th flat black Iron Grenadier Officer/
25th purple Iron Grenadier Destro/
25th purple Iron Grenadier Trooper)
- October: fall equipment general releases
(25th Firebat Jet
with 25th A.V.A.C.,
Sharc Tooth
with 25th grey Deep Six,
25th F.A.N.G./25th white C.L.A.W.
with 25th red Cobra Viper and Cobra Pilot,
25th tan A.W.E. Striker
with 25th Leatherneck)
- November: 25th Anniversary Wave 11 carded figure assortment
(25th red pants Zartan,
Specialist Trakker,
25th Sergeant Airborne,
25th Eel,
25th Cobra disguise Flint,
25th blue Scarlett)
- November: Wave 6 comic figure two-pack assortment
(25th pupil Snake Eyes/Hard Master,
25th cartoon Beachhead/25th Dataframe,
25th Scrap-Iron/25th cartoon Wild Bill)
- November: DVD Battles multipack assortment for The Pyramid of Darkness and Arise, Serpentor, Arise
(25th Dusty,
25th red face Cobra B.A.T.,
25th cartoon Serpentor,
Montezuma's Skeleton;
25th purple visor Snake Eyes,
25th silver vest Major Bludd,
25th light blue hooded Cobra Commander,
25th Quick Kick)
- November: Target-exclusive Ultimate Battle Pack
(red H.I.S.S., blue Flight Pod, dark green M.O.B.A.T,
25th silver vest Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver,
Cobra Vehicle Gunner,
25th silver head Iron Grenadier Destro,
25th dark blue Cobra Commander,
25th Short-Fuze,
25th tan Steeler,
25th dark green Sergeant Stalker)
- December: 25th Anniversary Wave 12 carded figure assortment
(25th yellow Dreadnok Ripper,
25th Ninja Viper,
Cobra Diver,
25th red mask/black straps Cobra Trooper,
25th Python Crimson Guard,
25th Tripwire)
- December: Wave 7 comic figure two-pack assortment
(25th silver Deep Six/25th light Staff Sergeant Rock 'n Roll,
25th comic armor Cobra Commander/25th comic Gung Ho,
25th glossy Iron Grenadier/25th black-toe Cobra Viper)
- December: Online-exclusive Extreme Conditions figure seven-pack assortment
(25th desert Crimson Guard x2,
25th mine detector Cobra Trooper,
25th desert Cobra Officer,
25th desert Major Bludd,
25th flamethrower Cobra Trooper,
25th Hazmat Cobra Trooper,
25th silver buckle Snow Serpent Trooper [1 heavy weapons, 1 combat],
25th arctic Cobra Viper,
Snow Serpent Officer,
25th arctic Scrap-Iron,
25th arctic Tele-Viper,
25th heavy weapons Cobra Viper)
- Late December: Direct-to-Consumer Wave 4a carded figure assortment released through G.I. Joe Collector's Club
(DTC Airtight,
DTC Cobra Officer,
DTC Night Viper,
DTC Outback)
- Late December: Best of 80s Episodes DVD Battles multipack
(25th mustard Duke,
25th Alpine,
25th parachute Cobra Commander with 25th white C.L.A.W.,
Cobra Paratrooper)
- January: cover date for IDW G.I. Joe #1
- January: 25th Anniversary Wave 13 carded figure assortment
(tan Resolute Duke,
blue Resolute Cobra Commander,
blue Resolute Cobra Trooper,
25th Blowtorch,
25th brown Dreadnok Torch,
25th blue Firefly)
- January: Wave 8 comic figure two-pack assortment
(25th Shockblast/25th red/blue Destro,
25th Tunnel Rat/25th grey Storm Shadow)
- January: final pre-ROC equipment general release
(Ghost H.A.W.K.
with 25th Lift Ticket,
Sting Raider boat
with 25th Python Copperhead)
- February: cover date for IDW G.I. Joe #2
- February: Cobra Collector and G.I. Joe Collector figure five-packs
(25th grey belt sleeveless Storm Shadow,
25th armor Baroness,
25th medium blue hooded Cobra Commander,
25th color change Zartan,
25th chrome bright blue Cobra Viper,
25th light bandolier visor Snake Eyes,
25th reddish hair Lady Jaye,
25th light brown jacket G.I. Joe Hawk,
25th snarling Flint,
25th wide face Shipwreck)
- Late February: Direct-to-Consumer Wave 4b carded figure assortment released through G.I. Joe Collector's Club
(DTC Python Copperhead,
DTC Lieutenant Falcon,
- Late February: Greatest Battles DVD/figure multipack
(25th grey crossed-swords Snake Eyes,
25th VvV-style Duke,
25th JvC-style Storm Shadow,
25th grey scabbard hooded Cobra Commander)
- March: cover date for IDW G.I. Joe #3, Cobra #1, and The Rise of Cobra Official Movie Prequel #1
- March: G.I. Joe Resolute figure five-pack
(red Resolute Cobra Trooper,
black Resolute Cobra Commander,
Resolute Cobra Officer,
Resolute Cobra B.A.T.,
grey Resolute Duke)
- March: Target-exclusive equipment release
(25th Tiger Rat
with Tiger Force Wild Bill,
25th Python Conquest X-30
with 25th Python Patrol Viper)
- April: cover date for IDW G.I. Joe #4, Cobra #2, and The Rise of Cobra Official Movie Prequel #2 and #3
- April: Hall of Heroes fan-selected carded figure assortment
(25th dark bandolier visor Snake Eyes,
25th dark Firefly,
25th damaged head Cobra B.A.T.,
25th black belt sleeveless Storm Shadow,
25th dark green Beachhead,
25th chrome dull blue Cobra Viper,
25th cherry red Crimson Guard,
25th dirty boots Flint,
25th dark pants Zartan,
25th glossy black Snake Eyes)
- April 18: G.I. Joe Resolute animated series debuts on Adult Swim
- May: cover date for IDW G.I. Joe #5 and Cobra #3
- May: G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive figure
(black Undertow)
- June: cover date for IDW G.I. Joe #6, Cobra #4, and The Rise of Cobra Official Movie Prequel #4
- June: 25th Anniversary Wave 14 canceled; equipment released as online-exclusives
(Arctic H.I.S.S.
with Arctic H.I.S.S. Driver,
25th F.L.A.K. Cannon/25th red C.L.A.W.
with 25th Outback and Air Viper Commando,
25th Stinger
with 25th black vest Stinger Driver)
- late June: Rise of Cobra toys hit store shelves; toys released from this point onward are not covered on this site.
- July: cover date for IDW G.I. Joe #7 and The Rise of Cobra Official Movie Adaptation #1-4
- July 14: Shout! Factory releases DVD of Sunbow's G.I. Joe Season 1.1. They would release the rest of the Sunbow series by July 2010, with the DiC series released on DVD in 2012.
- August: cover date for IDW G.I. Joe #8
- August 4: release of video game G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra for all major consoles
- August 7: live-action G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra film reboots the G.I. Joe concept