
Sergeant Misha Zubenkov
File Name: Misha L. Zubenkov of Smolensk, Russia, USSR.
Notes: Smolensk is a city on the Dniepr River in western Russia, about 40 miles east of the border with Belarus.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Misha was never animated.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Misha was discernible in 42 panels in 7 issues from Jun. 1990 to May 1994: #101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 146, and 148.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2006 (Comic #101)
Version 1: February 2006 Wave 2 comic three-pack assortment
Oktober Guard Soldier | MOS 1: Artillery MOS 2: Infantry
| - head: Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06)
- upper arms: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84), Snow Job (97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07)
- lower arms: Snow Job (83, 97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Steeler (04), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07)
- torso: Red Star (91), Col. Brekhov (98, 05), Stormavik (05), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06)
- waist: Snow Job (83, 97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07)
- legs: Snow Job (83, 97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07), Zap (07)
| Accessories: black rifle (02 Neo-Viper's), black knife (91 Low-Light's), olive hat with red star on front (new), brown plain bandolier with silver strap (new).
| SGT. MISHA is a tough and determined soldier who sees beyond borders and rivalries. He believes that combining forces with the G.I. JOE team is the way to go if the two groups hope to defeat the COBRA organization. While his family expected him to follow in their footsteps and work in the family glass factory, SGT. MISHA had other ideas. He joined the Russian Army, then was recruited for the OKTOBER GUARD after many of its original members met their demise during and ill-fated mission against COBRA. He's an expert with a variety of weapons from submachine guns to grenade launchers and laser-guided missile systems, and he advises the OKTOBER GUARD on the most effective application of weapons in their confrontations with COBRA.
"Sometimes a persuasive discussion can help COBRA see the error of their ways. If that doesn't work, a well-aimed rocket launcher will definitely get them to change their minds."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Lt. Gorky, Dragonsky, and a reprint of Marvel #101. Item #13025.