
(aka Monkey Wrench)
File Name: Bill Winkie of Rhyl, North Wales, UK.
Notes: Rhyl is on the British coast, about 20 miles west of Liverpool. Given the early penchant for associating Dreadnoks with nursery rhymes, it's likely Monkeywrench was named for Wee Willie Winkie.
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Neil Ross | 18 | 564 seconds | 33 | 265
Notes: Sunbow's Monkeywrench wore his 1986 outfit, with a brown vest instead of red, a prominent pendant (whose shape varied), and thick, wavy hair. His gloves and the grenades on his chest were usually dark grey.
Season 2 Opening (Sunbow) | 3 seconds | (silent) | riding on Thunder Machine, punched by Slaughter
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 1 | 63 seconds | 5 lines | using explosives to win Dreadnok audition
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 2 | 99 seconds | 6 lines | at Dreadnok audition; attacking Flint's team at Montezuma's tomb
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 4 | 18 seconds | 1 line | flying Swampfire against Tomahawk
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 5 | 20 seconds | 2 lines | attacked by Joe rescue team; driving motorcycle in DC
| Let's Play Soldier | 62 seconds | 4 lines | enforcing Thailand drug sales; deserting on a Ferret
| Computer Complications | 37 seconds | (silent) | at Dreadnok camp; driving Ferret to assault diner and Joe HQ
| The Rotten Egg | 20 seconds | 1 line | driving motorcycle to Parris Island; attacking at ceremony
| Glamour Girls | 57 seconds | 3 lines | helping set up photo shoots; hypnotizing Zarana; flying Swampfire to Vail's island
| The Spy Who Rooked Me | 25 seconds | 2 lines | on motorcycle attacking Joes; planting explosives; searching Burke's car
| My Brother's Keeper | 61 seconds | 2 lines | posing as fan at convention, flying helicopter against Joes
| Nightmare Assault | 13 seconds | 3 lines | planting bomb on oil rig
| Into Your Tent I Will Silently Creep | 15 seconds | 2 lines | pursuing Cross-Country in Coil hideout
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 1 | 11 seconds | (silent) | in Thunder Machine during retreat to grove
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 2 | 32 seconds | (silent) | commissioned by Pythona; freeing Serpentor; escaping in Ferret
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 3 | 10 seconds | (silent) | in Cobra-La airship; witnessing Cobra Commander's trial and punishment
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 4 | 1 second | (silent) | in Thunder Machine during lab battle (11:57)
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 5 | 17 seconds | 2 lines | guarding tunnel entrance
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Monkeyrwench was discernible in 103 panels in 14 issues from Sept. 1986 to Feb. 1994: #51, 60, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 89, 90, and 145. He was not featured in the Order of Battle.
Figure Releases
Version 1: spring 1986 regular carded figure assortment
| - head: Monkeywrench (86)
- arms: Monkeywrench (86)
- torso: Monkeywrench (86)
- waist: Monkeywrench (86)
- legs: Monkeywrench (86)
| Accessories: grey trident harpoon gun with attached grenade launcher (new).
| Monkeywrench was born in Rhyl, North Wales, where he built explosive devices indiscriminately for a group of obscure terrorists. Having made himself a pariah in his hometown by the age of sixteen, drifted to London's East End to take part in a "new wave" movement, where he developed rudeness and crude anti-social behavior to levels unheard of in the western hemisphere. Eventually, his wanderings brought him to Australia where he joined up with the Dreadnoks.
"Monkeywrench was born on Guy Fawkes Day, which in Britain commemorates the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the houses of parliament. The villain, Guy Fawkes, is hanged in effigy amidst the continuous detonation of fireworks. Could this explain Monkeywrench's preoccupation with explosives and loud noises? His record collection is limited to "The 1812 Overture," "The Anvil Chorus," and "Wipeout."
| Toy Notes: Item #6460. The prototype shown in the 1986 insert catalog has numerous paint difference, most notably short sleeves.
Version 2: January 2006 Direct-to-Consumer Wave 3 carded figure assortment
Dreadnok Monkey Wrench
| - head: Monkey Wrench (06)
- arms: Burn Out (03), Monkey Wrench (06)
- torso: Burn Out (03), Monkey Wrench (06)
- waist: Burn Out (03), Monkey Wrench (06)
- legs: Burn Out (03), Monkey Wrench (06)
| Accessories: two black shotguns (03 Destro's), black knife with silve blade (05 Shadow Strike's), brown sleeveless trench coat with red Dreadnok emblem (new).
| MONKEY WRENCH joined a group of local thugs and anarchists for whom he built explosive devices. He enjoyed the challenge of crafting finely tuned mechanisms and liked to be there when they were detonated, to admire the results of all his hard work. By age sixteen, he was a pariah in his hometown and bored with the limited opportunities for his particular skill. He headed to London's East End, where he developed rudeness and crude anti-social behavior to levels unheard of in the western hemisphere. He moved around, always finding groups in need of someone who can make things go bang. Eventually, his wanderings brought him to Australia and the DREADNOK criminal gang, who were delighted with his explosives expertise and thoroughly at home with his bad attitude.
"I like to add a bit of fireworks to my explosives, you know, sparklers and Roman candles and stuff. Gives it a personal touch and adds a bit of color for onlookers."
| Toy Notes: Item #13019.