
Black Out
File Name: not listed on filecards, but the Devil's Due comic series gave him the name Thomas C. Stall.
Note: The code name is similar to Blackout, a Decepticon released in 1990 as part of the Micromaster Combiner Transport team.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Black Out was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2003 (Spy Troops Wave 6)
Version 1: April 2003 Spy Troops Wave 6 figure two-pack assortment
Cobra Sniper
| - head: Black Out (03)
- arms: Black Out (03), Maj. Bludd (05)
- torso: Black Out (03), Maj. Bludd (05)
- waist: Black Out (03), Maj. Bludd (05)
- legs: Black Out (03), Maj. Bludd (05)
| Accessories: black Desert Eagle semi-automatic pistol with squarish trigger guard (new), black DSR-1 sniper rifle with mount on stock and long scope, and simple bipod with capped feet, attaching above rifle barrel (new), silver rifle (02 Neo-Viper's), black goggles with red lenses (new), dark brown ghillie suit (03 Cross Hair's).
| BLACK OUT washed out as a candidate for the G.I. JOE team when he failed his psychological exam. Disgruntled because his younger brother BARREL ROLL made the team, he turned to COBRA, where the faults that disqualified him for G.I. JOE were considered assets. All of his records are sealed, but it is believed that the reason for his rejection had to do with his possible involvement in the disappearance of his sister, CADET BOMBSHELL. His expertise with long-range sniper rifles is the result of his obsession with accuracy. BLACK OUT has no natural talent for stalking or shooting, but persistence and practice have resulted in a high level of proficiency that is never sparked by any flashes of brilliance. Cold and mechanical, he mistakenly believes that playing all the notes correctly and at the right time is what makes a song.
"I've got nothing against BARREL ROLL at all—even if he did have an unfair advantage and probably cheated to get on the G.I. JOE team. I forgive him. Really."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Flint. Item #57410. Cadet Bombshell was named Bombstrike when released as a figure in 2005.