
File Name: Dillon L. Moreno of Los Angeles, California.
Grade: Army E-4 (2003)
SN: 56-34-DL77
Notes: Los Angeles is the second largest city in the US. Other Joes from LA include Jinx, Quick Kick, Skidmark, Steel Brigade Commander, and Sure Fire.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Wreckage was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2003 (Tiger Force)
Version 1: February 2003 Tiger Force carded set
Demolitions Specialist | MOS 1: Demolitions MOS 2: Jungle Warfare Instructor
| - head: Firefly (84, 98, 00, 02/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/III, 05/I), Wreckage (03)
- arms: Firefly (84, 98, 00, 02/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/III, 05/I, 05/II), Wreckage (03)
- torso: Firefly (84, 98, 00, 02/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/III, 05/I, 05/II), Wreckage (03)
- waist: Firefly (84, 98, 00, 02/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/III, 05/I, 05/II), Wreckage (03)
- legs: Firefly (84, 98, 00, 02/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/III, 05/I, 05/II), Wreckage (03), Hardtop (04)
| Accessories: black submachine gun (84 Firefly's), black backpack (84 Firefly's), black walkie-talkie (84 Firefly's).
| WRECKAGE perfected his craft at the Army Jungle Warfare Training Center, where he served as a member of the OpFor (Opposing Forces) cadre. It was his job to play the enemy in training exercises, and he took his job very seriously indeed. His favorite trick was to sneak up behind a trainee and write "bang, you're dead," on the back of his helmet without him knowing he was there. Once, he booby-trapped a drink cooler with a live skunk and left it in the path of a thirsty trainee patrol. His methods may have been irregular, but they worked; his victims never forgot the lessons he taught them. Any demolitions specialist can set a charge and blow something up, but WRECKAGE is also an expert at defusing and disarming demolitions. This is quite an asset in hostile territory where one is apt to find all sorts of dangerous stuff just lying around waiting to be stepped on or activated by a trip wire. He is even better at spotting these troublesome devices and avoiding them entirely, which is why the other members of the G.I. JOE TIGER FORCE team are always glad to have WRECKAGE along on any mission.
"If it goes off with a bang, I treat it with respect. Even if it's a little firecracker. Anybody who doesn't is a fool, plain and simple."
| Variations: Early releases of the figure had paler skin.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with Sgt. Stalker, Dial Tone, Big Brawler, and Agent Jinx. Item #53263.