
Big Brawler
File Name: Brian K. Mulholland of New York City, New York.
Grade: Army E-8 (2001-2004)
SNs: 022-97-BF74; 844-75-BK53
Notes: Possibly named for G.I. Joe collector Brian Mulholland. Backblast, Rampart, and Zap are also said to be from NYC with no further specification. Also from various parts of the city are Bushido, Crossfire, Heavy Metal, Nunchuk, and Tunnel Rat.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Big Brawler was never animated.
Figure Releases
Version 1: fall 2001 Real American Hero Collection Wave 4 figure two-pack assortment
Jungle Mission Specialist | MOS 1: Counterintelligence and Espionage MOS 2: Jungle Survival Expert
| - head: Big Brawler (01)
- arms: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01)
- torso: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01) - armor added: Super Trooper (88), Rapid-Fire (91)
- waist: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01)
- legs: Outback (87, 88), Big Brawler (01)
| Accessories: black rifle (92 Big Bear's), black backpack (92 Big Bear's), all-black flashlight (87 Outback's), black figure stand (common).
| A master of both psychological warfare and hand-to-hand combat, Big Brawler has engaged in top secret operations against despots and terrorists worldwide. When it became evident that most of the world's terrorist activities were orchestrated by COBRA, Big Brawler transferred from Army Intelligence to the G.I. Joe team. He now takes his battle directly to the snake pits, while acting as liaison to the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). He has a natural ability to persevere in the adverse conditions of the world's jungles, in ways that Tarzan himself would be envious of. Big Brawler has refused all officer-level promotions, preferring to remain on the front lines where the real action takes place.
Despite his superior intelligence-gathering and infiltration skills, Big Brawler is quick-tempered and can't resist the urge to pound any COBRA on sight. Since his first mission, when he was only supposed to take photos of a secret spy headquarters but "improvised" and blew up the island instead, he has been regarded as a loose cannon. Good thing he's a G.I. Joe - he's too dangerous to be anything else.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Tripwire. Item #53059.
Version 2: February 2003 Tiger Force carded set (03/I)
Jungle Mission Specialist | MOS 1: Counterintelligence and Espionage MOS 2: Jungle Survival Expert
| - head: Low-Light (91, 93, 01), Big Brawler (03/I, 04), Ambush (04)
- arms: Salvo (90), Big Brawler (03/I, 04)
- torso: Salvo (90), Big Brawler (03/I, 04)
- waist: Salvo (90), Big Brawler (03/I, 04)
- legs: Salvo (90), Big Brawler (03/I, 04)
| Accessories: black pistol (85 Tomax's), black machine gun (91 Big Ben's).
| A master of both psychological warfare and hand-to-hand combat, BIG BRAWLER has engaged in top secret operations against despots and criminals worldwide. When it became evident that most of the world's nefarious activities were orchestrated by COBRA, BIG BRAWLER transferred from Army Intelligence to the G.I. JOE team. He now takes his battle directly to the snake pits, while acting as liaison to the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). He has a natural ability to persevere in the adverse conditions of the world's jungles. BIG BRAWLER has refused all officer-level promotions, preferring to remain on the front lines where the real action takes place.
"I'll gather the intel as specified in my mission, but while I'm there, I might as well pound some sense into a COBRA or two!"
| Variations: Early releases of the figure had red hair like Outback and a lighter skin tone.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with Sgt. Stalker, Dial Tone, Wreckage, and Agent Jinx. Item #53263. Prototypes exist with "Survival" printed on the shirt, suggesting that perhaps this figure was intended to be Outback.
Version 3: August 2003 carded Gun Station accessory (03/II)
Jungle Mission Specialist | MOS 1: Counterintelligence and Espionage MOS 2: Survival Expert
| - head: Big Brawler (03/II)
- arms: Big Brawler (03/II)
- torso: Big Brawler (03/II)
- waist: Big Brawler (03/II)
- legs: Big Brawler (03/II)
| Accessories: dark silver pistol (91 Dusty's), dark silver rifle (92 Big Bear's).
| BIG BRAWLER started out in Army Intelligence before he was tapped to join the G.I. JOE team and brought along an impressive catalogue of specialized skills and talents. Equally at home in dense tropical undergrowth as he is in concrete urban badlands, his survival and observation abilities put him on a par with jungle cats and the most feral street criminals. His main annoying trait is his tendency to scarf up junk food when he gets back from long jungle missions and has to work twice as hard to burn it off. Totally proficient in small arms, squad-level infantry weapons and most platoon support weapons, BIG BRAWLER also holds rank in several obscure martial arts disciplines. He has always maintained, however, that his chief weapon is his mind. Trained as a psychologist and having participated in several military psychological operations, he knows that as good as you are with a weapon, you can't win a fight unless you can think three moves ahead of your opponent, and then have a surprise for him!
"Never start a fight you can't finish, never drink water that a purification tablet won't dissolve in, and always brush your teeth when you're in the jungle!"
| Toy Notes: Item #57545.
Version 4: September 2004: boxed V.A.M.P. (Multi-Purpose Attack Vehicle) with Twin Battle Gun vehicle set
Jungle Mission Specialist | MOS 1: Counterintelligence and Espionage MOS 2: Survival Expert
| - head: Low-Light (91, 93, 01), Big Brawler (03/I, 04), Ambush (04)
- arms: Salvo (90), Big Brawler (03/I, 04)
- torso: Salvo (90), Big Brawler (03/I, 04)
- waist: Salvo (90), Big Brawler (03/I, 04)
- legs: Salvo (90), Big Brawler (03/I, 04)
| Accessories: dark silver rifle (02 Duke's) that could be given to Big Brawler or Torpedo.
| BIG BRAWLER started out in Army Intelligence before he was tapped to join the G.I. JOE Team, bringing an impressive catalogue of specialized skills and talents. Equally at home in dense tropical undergrowth as he is in concrete urban badlands, he has survival and observation abilities on a par with jungle cats and feral street criminals. Proficient in small arms, squad-level infantry weapons, and platoon support weapons, BIG BRAWLER also holds rank in several martial arts disciplines. Trained as a psychologist and having participated in several military psychological operations, he knows that as good as you are with a weapon, you can't win a fight unless you can think three moves ahead of your opponent, and hten have a surprise for him!
"Never start a fight you can't finish, never drink water that a purification tablet won't dissolve in, and always brush your teeth when you're in the jungle!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive vehicle set with Pathfinder, Chief Torpedo, and recolors of the V.A.M.P. and Whirlwind. Item #60352.