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File Name: Tormod S. Skoog of Hibbing, Minnesota.
Grades: Army Spc-4 (1983-2001); E-4 (2008).
SNs: RA892399255; 089-32-9227
Notes: Hibbing is an iron mining town in the northeast part of the state, about 75 miles northwest of Duluth. It is also the hometown of Bazooka.

chronological: Major Bludd<< Tripwire >>Airborne
alphabetical: Specialist Trakker<< Tripwire >>Tunnel Rat


Animated Appearances

Sunbow VoiceAppearancesTime Identifiable On ScreenTotal Lines (In Own Voice)Total Words
Rob Paulsen22682 seconds32292

Notes: Tripwire wore his 1983 outfit with blue-tinted goggles and a dark grey backpack. The gloves and boots were white, and early ads for Marvel comics also gave him a white vest and mine detector. He had brown hair when appearing without his helmet.


A Real American Hero, Part 16 seconds(silent)at airfield during Bludd's assault, at HQ for broaccast
A Real American Hero, Part 2102 seconds4 linespart of Sea of Ice team
A Real American Hero, Part 380 seconds1 linewith Stalker on undersea team
A Real American Hero, Part 415 seconds(silent)in studio, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
A Real American Hero, Part 524 seconds(silent)returning to HQ, at first successful use of M.A.S.S. and Duke's procedure
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 126 seconds(silent)at HQ during broadcast
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 24 seconds(silent)at Doc's demonstration
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 336 seconds2 linesat HQ when Flint returns, part of team to Palace of Doom
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 410 seconds(silent)at Palace of Doom
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 52 seconds(silent)at Cobra temple for last Dominator use (19:04-05)
Season 1 Opening (Sunbow)1 second(silent)on foot as Joes deploy from HQ (0:05)
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 519 seconds(silent)at Joe HQ, attacking Cobra base
Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 214 seconds(silent)at Scarlett's briefing, on risers at reinstatement (miscolored) behind Doc
Spell of the Siren4 seconds(silent)entranced at Joe HQ
Captives of Cobra, Part 184 seconds5 linesflying Dragonfly to investigate crystals, transporting crystals in ATV
Captives of Cobra, Part 283 seconds9 linesmonitoring crystals in ATV, protecting Joe families during final battle
Cobra CLAWs Are Coming to Town115 seconds6 linesat HQ on Christmas, captured, driving a H.I.S.S.
Flint's Vacation48 seconds5 lineson U.S.S. Flagg; in undersea base; rerouting Cobra rocket
The Wrong Stuff3 seconds(silent)volunteering for space training
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 11 second(silent)at B.E.T. test (13:48)
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 32 seconds(silent)at Falcon's hearing (3:24-25)
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 53 seconds(silent)running during ice dome retreat

Classic Marvel Comic Appearances

By my count, Tripwire was discernible in 124 panels in 19 issues from Oct. 1983 to Dec. 1992: #16, 17, 19, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 36, 40, 41, 48, 49, 52, Order of Battle 2, 56, 74, and 131 .

Figure Releases

Versions: 1. 1983
2. 1985 (Listen 'n Fun)
3. 1988 (Tiger Force)
4. 2001 (RAHC)
5. 2008 (Comic Wave 5/post-25th Wave 12)
Version 1: spring 1983 regular carded figure assortment
Mine DetectorMOS 1: Explosive Ordnance [89D]
MOS 2: Demolitions [prob. 18C]
  • head: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • arms: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • torso: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • waist: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • legs: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
Accessories: three circular olive land mines (new), olive backpack with hole for cord and circular slot for mines (new), black mine detector with cord and high-placed handle (new).
Tripwire dropped out of high school at a naval base in Yokosuka, Japan (Father is career navy). Spent two years in a Zen monastery pondering the meaning of life. Expelled for breaking too many dishes and spilling every conceivable liquid. Joined the army at 19 and received spiritual awakening on the grenade range. Proficient with all NATO and Warsaw Pact explosives, detonators, ignition initiators, and blasting machines. Qualified Expert: M-1911A autopistol.
Tripwire freaks people out. He's always clumsy, jittery, and dropping things except when he's working with high explosives. Explosives are the only things that calm him down.
Toy Notes: Item #6410. Featured in 1983's A.P.C. commercial.
Reissues: Reissued in fall 1983 in a J.C. Penney three-pack with Snow Job and Torpedo.
Version 2: fall 1985 Listen 'n Fun Cassette Pack special carded release
Mine Detector
  • head: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • arms: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • torso: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • waist: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • legs: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
Accessories: three light grey mines (83 Tripwire's), light grey backpack (83 Tripwire's), light grey mine detector (83 Tripwire's).
Tripwire's proficient with all NATO and Warsaw Pact explosives, detonators, and blasting machines.
Toy Notes: Item #6102, part of Hasbro's Listen 'n Love activity media series, which included books and tapes from other franchises such as My Little Pony, The Transformers, and Fraggle Rock. This figure is considered a high-demand item.
Version 3: summer 1988 Tiger Force carded figure assortment
Tiger Force Mine DetectorMOS 1: Explosive Ordnance [89D]
MOS 2: Tiger Fly Co-Pilot
  • head: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • arms: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • torso: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • waist: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • legs: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
Accessories: three dark grey mines (83 Tripwire's), dark grey backpack (83 Tripwire's), dark grey mine detector (83 Tripwire's).
TRIPWIRE dropped out of high school at a naval base in Yokosuka, Japan (Father is career navy). Spent two years in a Zen monastery pondering the meaning of life. He was later expelled for breaking too many dishes and spilling every conceivable liquid. He joined the Army at 19 and received spiritual awakening on the grenade range. After boot camp he signed up for demolition training at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. It was there he acquired the name "Tripwire" for his outstanding ability to conceal the tripwires that led to high-powered explosives.
"Tripwire freaks people out. He's always clumsy, jittery, and dropping things except when he's working with high explosives. He's as cool as a cucumber when he's planting XF-2565 nitro on the battlefield, under heavy machine gun fire! I don't know how he does it, but we're sure glad he's on our side!"
Toy Notes: Item #6697-6.
Version 4: fall 2001 Real American Hero Collection Wave 4 figure two-pack assortment
Mine DetectorMOS 1: Explosive Ordnance [89D]
MOS 2: Demolitions [prob. 18C]
  • head: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • arms: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • torso: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • waist: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
  • legs: Tripwire (83, 85, 88, 01)
Accessories: three dark green mines (83 Tripwire's), dark green backpack (83 Tripwire's), black mine detector (83 Tripwire's), black figure stand (common).
Tripwire is an accident waiting to happen. He's clumsy, jittery, all thumbs, and a nervous wreck around people - unless he's working with high explosives. Then he's calm and collected, with the skill and precision of a surgeon. Doesn't matter what type of explosive, detonator, or blasting machine he's handling, he knows exactly how to make it work without missing a beat.
After dropping out of high school, Tripwire spent two years in a Zen monastery, pondering the meaning of life. All he got out of it was expelled for breaking too many dishes and spilling every liquid in sight. Determined to make something of his shortcoming, Tripwire joined the Army at 19 and found his calling on the grenade range. Something about setting off explosives and watching bombs bursting in air that relaxes him. Hard to believe for a guy who seems to trip over air. If COBRA calls Firefly the "Rembrandt" of explosions, then Tripwire is no less than a modern day "Picasso."
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Big Brawler. Item #53059.
Version 5: August 2008 Wave 5 comic two-pack assortment
Mine DetectorMOS 1: Explosive Ordnance [89D]
MOS 2: Demolitions [prob. 18C]
  • head: Tripwire (08), Lt. Slip Stream (08)
  • arms: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08), Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver (08/I, 08/II), Cobra H.I.S.S. Commander (08), Tripwire (08), A.V.A.C. (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI)
  • body: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08) Tripwire (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI) - modified: Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver (08/I, 08/II), Cobra H.I.S.S. Commander (08), A.V.A.C. (08), Maj. Bludd (08/II, 08/III)
  • upper legs: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08), Tripwire (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI)
  • lower legs: Tripwire (08)
Two-Pack Accessories: three circular light green mines with eight holes on underside (new), light green simple belt with plain rectangular buckle (new), light green backpack with hole for cord and circular slot for mines (new), black mine detector with control box on side, cord, and lower-placed handle (new), black Joe figure stand.
Single-Pack Accessories: same as above, plus clear element canister with yellow catalytic element (same style as 08 Cobra Commander's).
TRIPWIRE is an accident waiting to happen. He's clumsy, jittery, all thumbs, and a nervous wreck around people, unless he's working with explosives. Then he's calm and collected, with the skill and precision of a surgeon. Doesn't matter what type of explosive, detonator, or blasting machine he's handling; he knows exactly how to make it work without missing a beat. He spent two years in a Zen monastery pondering the meaning of life, but he got expelled for breaking too many dishes and spilling every liquid in sight. Determined to make something of his shortcomings, he joined the Army and found his calling on the grenade range. Something about setting off explosives and watching bombs bursting in the air relaxes him. Hard to believe for a guy who seems to trip over air.
"You need to know everything there is about explosives before you ever go near them. I make sure anything that goes boom only does so when I want it to."
Variations: The single-carded release came with the original accessories plus a canister of the yellow MASS Device element. Its filecard adds this sentence: "His ease around explosives is why he is so cool and calm while hovering over a sea of red-hot lava to retrieve the metallic element for the M.A.S.S. Device machine."
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Cobra Commander and an original comic. Item #31524.
Reissues: Reissued in December 2008 as part of the post-25th Anniversary Wave 12 carded figure assortment (Item #37431).