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Cobra Commander

(aka Enemy Leader)

chronological: Grunt<< Cobra Commander >>Cobra Trooper
alphabetical: Cobra Bazooka Trooper<< Cobra Commander >>Cobra Diver


Animated Appearances

Sunbow VoiceAppearancesTime Identifiable On ScreenTotal Lines (In Own Voice)Total Words
Chris Latta8510,026 seconds1,24413,492
DiC VoiceAppearancesTime Identifiable On ScreenTotal Lines (In Own Voice)Total Words
Chris Latta467,934 seconds8989,882
Reel FX VoiceAppearancesTime Identifiable On ScreenTotal Lines (In Own Voice)Total Words
Michael Dobson31,089 seconds1241,419

Notes: Sunbow's Cobra Commander alternated between his 1982 battle helmet and his 1984 hood throughout the series. (The hood first appeared in The Revenge of Cobra.) His medium blue outfit had several differences from the toys: a vertical white stripe on the center top of the helmet (also on official character art); a crease down the center of face mask, a red Cobra emblem on his hood, a light blue shirt collar underneath the jacket, and the belt across stomach was often white. Black gloves extended nearly to the elbow and there was no red or gold stripe on the pant legs. Early ads for Marvel comics gave the Commander a yellow belt and blue gloves. Having been transformed into a snake in the Movie, he was returned to reptilian-humanoid form in Operation Dragonfire, at which time he wore his 1987 outfit through DiC's first season. For the second season he changed to his 1992 outfit, with a white belt buckle instead of red.


A Real American Hero Opening15 seconds(silent)with troops outside Joe HQ, flying F.A.N.G. in city assault
A Real American Hero, Part 1184 seconds16 linessupervising MASS, worldwide broadcast, controlling Ramar in fight
A Real American Hero, Part 2183 seconds18 linesin arena, broadcasting captures, leading pursuit of Duke
A Real American Hero, Part 354 seconds4 linesbroadcast to UN, present for crystal delivery and defending the Relay Star
A Real American Hero, Part 4165 seconds20 lineseavesdropping on Stalker's surrender, using M.A.S.S. to destroy NYC
A Real American Hero, Part 5185 seconds17 linesusurped by Destro, deploying robot Cobras, captured by Timber and Gung-Ho
The Revenge of Cobra Opening4 seconds(silent)flying a C.L.A.W.
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1243 seconds20 linesleading ambush in C.L.A.W., captured and rescued, making broadcast
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 2118 seconds15 linesholding arena fight, ordering full power during DC battle
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 342 seconds4 linesassigning teams to recover Dominator components
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 4121 seconds11 linesexpositing for Destro, hindered by Roadblock, ordering captives to arena
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5145 seconds15 lineslocating Zartan's hideout, forgiving Zartan, captured by Joes
Season 1 Opening (Sunbow)6 seconds(silent)in airship, aiming at Lady Jaye, thrown through window by Flint
Cobra's Creatures224 seconds30 linesat Lucifer's castle, using Hi-Freq to control animals, demanding prisoners released
Countdown for Zartan108 seconds14 lineswatching recruits, overseeing Zartan's mission, in F.A.N.G. leading defense center attack
Cobra Soundwaves143 seconds21 linesusing Ultrasonic Weapon against Joes; at base monitoring events; in Arena of Sport
Cobra Stops the World152 seconds17 linesmaking broadcasts, escaping Joes during base attack
Jungle Trap192 seconds26 linesdirecting Dr. Shakur, activating booby traps from Cobra temple
Haul Down the Heavens73 seconds11 linescapturing Lady Jaye, overseeing Cobra base, in arena, escaping in sub
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1164 seconds23 linesleading shuttle attack, escaping to Enterprise Tower, at waterfall base
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 233 seconds4 linesexplaining plan to Zartan, encouraging workers at cube factory
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 316 seconds2 linesreceiving a report from Destro
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 4175 seconds13 linesat base, authorizing Tomax's rescue, losing command to the Crimson Twins
The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 5246 seconds27 linesretaking command, fleeing to battle rocket; disguised as bag lady
Battle for the Train of Gold20 seconds4 linesat Cobra temple during and after assault on Bureau of Engraving
Operation Mind Menace114 seconds19 linesin command at Easter Island and K12 Cobra bases
Lights! Camera! Cobra!181 seconds22 linesportrayed in movie, commissioning Zartan, torturing Shipwreck, in Firebat with Shipwreck
Cobra's Candidate30 seconds5 linescongratulating Robert Harper on presumed victory
Red Rocket's Glare48 seconds5 linesmeeting Destro, communicating with Twins, broadcast to nation
Satellite Down29 seconds4 linesinside Cobra base monitoring satellite, receiving report from Storm Shadow
Money to Burn48 seconds10 linesat base for transmitter test; making broadcasts; fleeing in Trubble Bubble
The Phantom Brigade144 seconds22 linesusing relics to summon ghosts; monitoring Joe assault on caste; fleeing in Moray
Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 1162 seconds21 lineson sub creating synthoids; on Cobra cargo plane taunting Duke
Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 285 seconds15 linesat island base, accidentally destroying all synthoids
Spell of the Siren100 seconds13 linesopposing conch search; entranced and jailed by Baroness; freed by Tomax and Xamot
Twenty Questions91 seconds13 linesat base with prisoners; operating tunneling machine; being interviewed
The Gamesmaster258 seconds21 linescaptured at procession, hunted on Gamesmaster's island
The Greenhouse Effect71 seconds12 linesordering theft of rocket fuel
The Funhouse327 seconds37 linesholding scientists for ransom to lure Joes to a booby-trapped base; at main temple
Where the Reptiles Roam153 seconds20 linesusing solar energy to melt Golden Gate Bridge from ranch hideout
Lasers in the Night134 seconds16 linesusing laser to draw his face on the moon
Captives of Cobra, Part 142 seconds8 linesplacing Crimson Guard at Baroness's disposal to brainwash Joe families
Bazooka Saw a Sea Serpent130 seconds15 lineson boat controlling sea serpent; swallowed by sea serpent
The Traitor, Part 177 seconds13 linesusing Dusty to acquire armor formula and ordering his rescue
The Traitor, Part 2332 seconds44 linesentrusting Dusty with numerous responsibilities; in C.L.A.W. leading chemical plant attack
Cobra Quake70 seconds9 linesobserving decoy ambush; with Baroness at island base
Excalibur45 seconds6 linesat castle to disrupt Joe radar system; escaping in Water Moccasin
Worlds Without End Part I68 seconds6 linesbriefed on matter transmuter; ruling alt-Earth
Worlds Without End Part II139 seconds17 linesalt version torturing Joes for information; in rivalry with Destro
Cobra CLAWs Are Coming to Town168 seconds28 linesminiaturized to attack Joe HQ in C.L.A.W., stealing a Skystriker
Eau de Cobra102 seconds20 linesdestroying compromised Cobra base, monitoring Baroness's mission
An Eye for an Eye188 seconds27 linesflying Rattler to attack convoy; overseeing Power Destroyer; interrogating Lady Jaye
Primordial Plot198 seconds26 linessupervising dinosaur cloning; controlling the dinosaurs
Flint's Vacation209 seconds38 linesusing subliminal commands to control civilian slaves in undersea base; face on dartboard
The Gods Below284 seconds39 linesseeking treasure of Osiris; deceiving Set; flying Rattler to escape
Memories of Mara86 seconds6 linescommanding Cobra sub
The Wrong Stuff126 seconds17 lineslaunching TV network and MCing its coverage
The Pit of Vipers127 seconds18 linesdirecting Pit Viper's mission, ruining the mission by gloating
The Invaders53 seconds11 linesin flying saucer faking alien invasion; shot down by Snake Eyes
Cold Slither266 seconds36 linesscumming for loan, directing video, making broadcasts, at concert
There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 124 seconds4 linescaptured in false flashback, interrogating Shipwreck in dream
There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 2108 seconds13 linesdream image; overseeing Shipwreck's interrogation; cornering Shipwreck in lab
Season 2 Opening (Sunbow)2 seconds(silent)at top of Terror Drome (0:48-49)
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 1156 seconds23 linessecret base; driving Stun at Joe HQ; made aware of Mindbender's plan
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 374 seconds13 linesmocking Dr. Mindbender; arrest orders ignored; ordering B.A.T.s to attack Sgt. Slaughter
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 4212 seconds25 linesmonitoring Sgt. Slaughter's escape, sabotaging Mindbender's experiments
Arise Serpentor Arise Part 5169 seconds15 linesrebuked by Serpentor; sending B.A.T.s to destroy Serpentor & Sarge; rescuing Serpentor in DC
Last Hour to Doomsday130 seconds22 linesbroadcasting vortex cone threat; leading Firebats against decoy fleet
Computer Complications86 seconds15 linesattacking probe retrieval team; commanding helicarrier; evacuating in Firebat
Cobrathon18 seconds1 lineanswering telephones for telethon; escaping in a F.A.N.G.
Once Upon a Joe22 seconds5 linesrebuking Strato-Vipers; recruiting Zartan to recover the MacGuffin Device
Glamour Girls34 seconds4 linesat briefing; plans to steal Vail's transference machine overruled by Serpentor
My Favorite Things143 seconds12 linesat Terror Drome; on Netherlands raid; with Serpentor at Serpent Cave
Raise the Flagg!65 seconds12 linesintercepting Joes' plans; leading Moray attacks
Ninja Holiday62 seconds8 linesarriving in Firebat to meet LaFonte's recruit
Second-Hand Emotions53 seconds4 linesrelieved of project oversight by Serpentor; escaping Joes in Trubble Bubble
Not a Ghost of a Chance115 seconds10 linesinterviewed by Hector Ramirez, warning Serpentor of prototype cameras
Sins of Our Fathers135 seconds16 linesassigned to communicate with Destro's creature; sending it after Serpentor
Into Your Tent I Will Silently Creep124 seconds17 linesleading the Coil conspiracy to destroy Serpentor
G.I. Joe: The Movie Opening26 seconds1 lineflying C.L.A.W. to plant bomb on statue, calling retreat
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 1188 seconds21 lineschallenging Serpentor; in Stun during B.E.T. attack; leading retreat to Cobra-La grove
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 247 seconds6 linescaptured by Cobra-La; trying to flee in Stun
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 3219 seconds17 linestried by Cobra-La; mutated with spores; helping Roadblock escape
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 437 seconds5 linesleading Roadblock to Joe search party
G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 581 seconds4 linesleading Joes to ice dome; fighting Serpentor as a snake
Operation Dragonfire Opening3 seconds(silent)in footage from Operation Dragonfire
Operation Dragonfire: Day 125 seconds(silent)in snake form at base; wheeled into monastery; stolen by Baroness and Gnawgahyde
Operation Dragonfire: Day 2141 seconds8 linesrestored by Baroness and Gnawgahyde, caught in flood, escaping on a log
Operation Dragonfire: Day 3150 seconds15 linesseeking Dragonfire in Lost City ruins
Operation Dragonfire: Day 4317 seconds35 lineschasing Joes, creating Python Patrol, making alliance with Destro, capturing Serpentor
Operation Dragonfire: Day 595 seconds15 lineson airship, driving Python Stun and flying F.A.N.G. II to lead attacks, occupying Joe base
Season 1 Opening (DiC)4 seconds(silent)in footage from DiC season 1
United We Stand269 seconds35 linesinside Cobra lab, making broadcast, at rocket base, escaping in Dominator
Revenge of the Pharaohs193 seconds26 linesdoubting Night Creeper Leader, making broadcast, negotiating, flying Hurricane & Dominator
Granny Dearest96 seconds11 linesordering theft, in Floating Fortress, meeting Granny, breaking into mayor's office, escaping
Victory at Volcania Part 1188 seconds20 linesin sub, driving Rage after base attack, inside volcano command center
Victory at Volcania Part 2129 seconds16 linesin volcano command center, ordering space guns fired, driving Rage, retreating in sub
The Nozone Conspiracy274 seconds32 linesstealing shaving cream, leading Nozone briefing, in ad, selling Nozone, at valley base
Pigskin Commandos160 seconds21 lineschallenging Joes, playing football, driving Rage, flying Hurricane, turned away from club
Cold Shoulder234 seconds27 linesin Cobra base
Injustice and the Cobra Way21 seconds2 linesdisguised as Serpent Man
General Confusion98 seconds6 linesat Battle World command base
Night of the Creepers169 seconds13 linesin underwater base, at jungle base, overseeing mummy army
That's Entertainment303 seconds37 linesattacking Joe HQ, driving Rage, impersonating Jackie Love, flying Retaliator to Joe HQ, at studio
An Officer and a Viperman323 seconds33 linesaddressing graduates, rewarding Joe recruits, at failed ambush, flying Hurricane
D-Day at Alcatraz Part 1254 seconds24 linesat base, surrendering in Lappland, imprisoned at Alcatraz, aboard Comstock Lode
D-Day at Alcatraz Part 2105 seconds17 linesaboard Comstock Lode, preventing Metal-Head from flying off, questioning prisoners
The Mind Mangler4 seconds(silent)on Mind Mangler's viewscreen during Duke's mind probe
BIOK193 seconds20 linesin NYC Cobra office interacting with BIOK, impersonated by BIOK at remote Cobra base
Stuck on You506 seconds51 linesflying Hurricane, shot down, captured by Pathfinder
Season 2 Opening (DiC)2 seconds(silent)in footage from DiC season 2 (0:45-46)
The Eliminator292 seconds44 linesattacking decoy conference, at Terror Drome and Alps base
Chunnel310 seconds45 lineskidnapping the Queen, flying attack copter, at Tower of London, at Buckingham Palace
The Sword70 seconds10 linesgiving orders to Overkill, flying Battle Copter to take sword
El Dorado – The Lost City of Gold261 seconds27 linessearching for El Dorado, fighting Pizarro
Kindergarten Commandos231 seconds29 linesin schoolbook photo, overseeing takeover of school, captured by Mercer and students
Long Live Rock and Roll Part I121 seconds12 linesmonitoring events from Cobra's Sonic Headquarters, making TV broadcast to New York
Long Live Rock and Roll Part II172 seconds17 linesin command at Cobra base, running away
The Sludge Factor Part I111 seconds18 linesdisguised, flying Battle Copter, at volcano base, in giant sub, accepting alliance with Cesspool
The Sludge Factor Part II154 seconds11 linesat volcano base, monitoring Joes, evacuating
Messenger from the Deep251 seconds41 linesin Hammerhead, on sled, seeking treasure in city, evacuating in chopper
The Greatest Evil Part I138 seconds15 linespersuaded to ally with G.I. Joe, on screen at Duke's briefing, paired with Duke
The Greatest Evil Part II134 seconds12 linesescaping crash, in attack chopper, chasing Headman, looting factory, escaping in chopper
Infested Island79 seconds8 lineson Cesspool's viewscreen, transported to island base in attack chopper
A Is for Android154 seconds18 linesobserving ambush, capturing Hawk, leaving for battle, retreating from Joe HQ
Shadow of a Doubt320 seconds40 linescaptured, held at Joe HQ, freed by Storm Shadow, at inner city base, driving Paralyzer
Keyboard Warriors59 seconds6 linesdisguised in lab, in war room
Cobra World385 seconds47 linesdriving Paralyzer, feigning reform, in mascot costume, at park, attacking Fort Hobbs, escaping park
Metal-Head's Reunion160 seconds19 linesdriving Paralyzer to attack lab, in undersea base command center, in Hammerhead
Basic Training11 seconds(silent)seen in flashback
The Legend of Metal-Head265 seconds15 linesfeatured in flashback
Spy Troops: The Movie515 seconds57 linesin intro, at Cobra Mountain, impersonated by Shipwreck, flying Crimson Command Copter
Valor vs. Venom509 seconds64 linesin command of Viper Pit, creating Venomous Maximus, at Brazil citadel, in final battle
Ninja Battles65 seconds3 linesseen in flashbacks, in jungle in backstory

Classic Marvel Comic Appearances

By my count, Cobra Commander was discernible in 1,065 panels in 94 issues from Jun. 1982 to Aug. 1994: #1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, Yearbook 1, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, GIJTF 1, GIJTF 2, Order of Battle #3, 58, 59, 61, 64, 84, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, and 151.

Fred VII, who for a time impersonated Cobra Commander, was discernible in 342 panels in 27 issues from Apr. 1987 to Apr. 1990: #58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, Yearbook 4, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 84, 86, 87, 88, SM 24, 90, 28, 97, 98, and 99. He was locked in a freighter in #98 with other enemies of the Commander's, among whom he eventually perished.

Figure Releases

Versions: 1. 1982 (Mail)/carded 1983
2. 1984 (Mail, Hooded)
3. 1987
4. 1991
5. 1992 (Battle Commanders)
6. 1993 (Battle Corps)
7. 1994 (Star Brigade)
8. 1997 (3-Pack)
9. 2000 (RAH Wave 1)
10. 2001 (RAH Wave 3)
11. 2002/I (JvC Wave 1)
12. 2002/II (JvC Wave 1.35)
13. 2002/III (JvC Wave 3)
14. 2003/I (Convention)
15. 2003/II (JvC Wave 7.75)
16. 2003/III (JvC Wave 8)
17. 2004/I (VvV Wave 1)
18. 2004/II (Comic #1)
19. 2004/III (VvV Wave 5)
20. 2004/IV (Built to Rule)
21. 2005/I (VvV Wave 7)
22. 2005/II (Comic #76)
23. 2005/III (Imperial)
24. 2005/IV (Comic #9)
25. 2007/I (25th Wave 1)
26. 2007/II (Battle Pack)
27. 2007/III (Cobra Legions)
28. 2008/I (Comic #24)
29. 2008/II (25th Wave 6)
30. 2008/III (Sr Ranking Officers, red)
31. 2008/IV (Sr Ranking Officers, blue)
32. 2008/V (GIJCC)
33. 2008/VI (post-25th Wave 8)
34. 2008/VII (SDCC black)
35. 2008/VIII (SDCC blue)
36. 2008/IX (Comic Wave 5)
37. 2008/X (DVD #4)
38. 2008/XI (Ultimate Battle Pack)
39. 2008/XII (Comic Wave 7)
40. 2008/XIII (DVD #5)
41. 2009/I (post-25th Wave 13)
42. 2009/II (Cobra Collector)
43. 2009/III (Greatest Battles)
44. 2009/IV (Resolute 5-pack)
Version 1: spring 1982 special mail-order exclusive
Enemy LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordinance [sic, should be Ordnance. Yes, I'll point this out every time it comes up.] (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (82)
  • arms: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Cobra Commander (82, 84), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (82, 84)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (82, 84), Rip It (07)
  • upper left leg: Cobra Commander (82, 84), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV); Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II, 05/I, 05/II), Scrap Iron (04, 05/I), Horror Show (05)
  • upper right leg: Cobra Commander (82, 84)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (82, 84)
Accessories: black laser pistol with grilled muzzle (new).
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA Commander. This fanatical leader rules with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan for world control relies on revolution and chaos. He personally led uprisings in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other trouble spots. Responsible for kidnapping scientists, businessmen, and military leaders, then forcing them to reveal their top level secrets.
"COBRA Commander is hatred and evil personified. Corrupt. A man without scruples. Probably the most dangerous man alive!"
Variations: Re-tooled in 1983 to accommodate swivel-arm battle grip and a new waistpiece design. The earliest straight-arm releases had a sloppier Cobra emblem (shown left); this variation is dubbed "Mickey Mouse Cobra Commander" and is a high-demand item. Note that not all straight-arm Cobra Commanders have this logo.
Toy Notes: Originally available via the mail offer Free Cobra Commander included with the first carded figure assortment. Featured in 1984's Cobra C.L.A.W. commercial.
Reissues: The straight-arm figure was boxed in fall 1982 with the Sears-exclusive Missile Command Headquarters, along with Cobra and Cobra Officer. Swivel-arm variants of the same three figures were reissued in 1983 with the second release of the Missile Command Headquarters, and later in the fall in a J.C. Penney three-pack. The swivel-arm version of Cobra Commander was also released in stores as part of the spring 1983 regular carded figure assortment (Item #6425), and in fall 1983 in a J.C. Penney three-pack with Major Bludd and Destro.
Version 2: summer 1984 special mail-order exclusive
Enemy LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (84)
  • arms: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Cobra Commander (82, 84), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (82, 84)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (82, 84), Rip It (07)
  • upper left leg: Cobra Commander (82, 84), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV); Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II, 05/I, 05/II), Scrap Iron (04, 05/I), Horror Show (05)
  • upper right leg: Cobra Commander (82, 84)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (82, 84)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's).
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA Commander. This fanatical leader rules with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan for world control relies on revolution and chaos. He personally led uprisings in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other trouble spots. Responsible for kidnapping scientists, businessmen, and military leaders, then forcing them to reveal their top level secrets.
"COBRA Commander is hatred and evil personified. Corrupt. A man without scruples. Probably the most dangerous man alive!"
Toy Notes: First available in the It's the Hooded Cobra Commander mail offer.
Reissues: Reissued in mail offers 1984-1989 (Show the G.I. Joe Spirit, For G.I. Joe yellow and green, Top Secret Dispatch, Three Exciting Missions, Doomed to Defeat, G.I. Joe S.T.R.I.K.E., B.A.T.T.L.E., Called to A.C.T.I.O.N., Operation A.C.T.I.O.N., North Atlantic, End of Slaughter, End of Serpentor, Thrills Chills Spills). Also the "Mystery Figure" in some, perhaps most, copies of the Collector's Kit sold in the fall 1993 mail offers Menace in the Wilderness and Terrifying Lasers of Destruction.
Version 3: spring 1987 regular carded figure assortment
with Battle Armor
  • head: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II), Imperial Guard (05)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II), Imperial Guard (05)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II)
Accessories: black auto-assault pistol with scope (new), silver triangular backpack with fins on sides (new), black thin J-shaped mouthpiece, fits onto helmet (new).
Cobra Commander likes to be up front in the thick of the action when his VIPERS, EELS, and Siegies confront the G.I. Joe Team. To protect their leader in the heat of battle, the best technical minds of Destro's armament factory created a special suit of body armor that combines flexible bullet-proof polymer fabrics with beryllium steel plate components. The entire suit is air-conditioned, solvent-resistant, and ray-shielded. The helmet is fitted with an integral commo-system, internal read-outs for environmental quality and a miniaturized computer display.
"At least we don't have to worry about Cobra outfitting whole units with these suits. Each one costs as much as a jet fighter! The plate parts can withstand a direct hit from a heavy machine-gun and the flexible parts will stop anything up to a .357 magnum. We suspect that the helmet has an anti-tamper device with a direct hook-up to a half-pound of plastic explosive!"
Toy Notes: Item #6474. Featured in the Pogo commercial. This version's character art and its 25th-anniversary reproduction place the backpack upside-down, perhaps by confusing his outfit's shoulder spines with the spines on the pack.
Version 4: fall 1991 Wave 2 carded figure assortment
Cobra Leader
  • head: Cobra Commander (91)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (91)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (91)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (91)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (91)
Accessories: gold submachine gun with short grip, long magazine, and no scope (new), blue spring glider launcher with orange trigger assembly (new), orange tall thin bipod (new), two-piece blue and orange "flying surveillance weapon" (new), black figure stand (common).
Totally ruthless and utterly devoid of conscience, COBRA COMMANDER wants nothing less than to completely dominate the world through terrorism, social tyranny, and economic slavery! He is basically an ingenious hustler and junk-bond salesman with visions of grandeur, backed by legions of Cobra Vipers, a small air force and navy. A stickler for detail, Cobra Commander keeps track of his most remote Vipers with his radio-controlled, buzz-bomb, flying surveillance weapon equipped with wide-scan view monitor and thermal image enhancements.
"Most dictators and would-be Napoleon types are hampered by the need to pretend they are pursuing a noble and just cause. Cobra Commander doesn't have that problem. This guy's in it for the money and the power, and if anybody else is interested in these things, he can pick up an assault rifle and get in line behind him!"
Variations: Cobra Commander was available with a red or orange faceplate, and with or without eyebrows.
Toy Notes: Item #6596. The 1991 Wave 2 assortment did not appear in Hasbro's insert catalogs.
Version 5: winter 1992 'Talking' Battle Commanders premium carded figure assortment
Cobra Leader
  • head: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • front torso: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • back torso: Cobra Commander (92) - screw holes removed: Cobra Commander (00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV), Rip It (00)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
Accessories: short black laser rifle with scope and forward grip (new), black dual missile launcher with arm clip and square shield (new), two black missiles wider at base and tip, with slots for launcher (new), black talking sonic backpack, attaches with screws (new), black figure stand (common).
Supreme commander of the Cobra Legions, contraband arms merchant, international terrorist, and real estate swindler, COBRA COMMANDER is the ultimate foe of G.I. Joe. Although no Cobra Vipers, or even his most trusted officers have ever seen the face of Cobra Commander, they are all too familiar with the nasty sound of his voice, screeching the Cobra battle cry while exhorting the Viper Legions to attack or shout dire threats! Implicit in every word he utters, this ruthless leader's principle desire is to totally crush the G.I. Joe Team! Cobra Commander can operate any Cobra Vehicle in the organization's arsenal. He especially enjoys operating the Cobra Rat and the Parasite, which he named himself.
Toy Notes: Item #6753. To remove the backpack, unscrew the pack's outer screws. The screws attaching the pack to the figure are inside, along with the batteries. The prototype shown in the catalog has a blue backpack instead of black.
Version 6: summer 1993 Battle Corps Wave 3 carded figure assortment, #24
Cobra Supreme Leader
  • head: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • front torso: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • back torso: Cobra Commander (93)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV), Rip It (00)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
Accessories: silver rifle (88 Toxo-Viper's), silver submachine gun (88 Voltar's), silver rifle (90 Rock-Viper's), silver flamethrower (91 Incinerator's), red spring launcher with black trigger (93 Crimson Guard Commander's), two silver missiles (93 Alley Viper's), silver figure stand (common).
Supreme commander of the Cobra Legions, contraband arms merchant, international terrorist, and real estate swindler, COBRA COMMANDER is the ultimate enemy of G.I. Joe. Although no COBRA VIPERS or even his most trusted CRIMSON GUARD COMMANDERS have ever seen his face, they know the man behind the mask is the most diabolical villain imaginable. This ruthless leader's principle [sic] desire is to totally crush the G.I. Joe Team, and take over the world while he's at it! His numerous attempts to accomplish this distorted dream of world dominance have so far been foiled by the Joes, but they are always on the alert because Cobra Commander keeps coming back stronger and stronger, with incredibly destructive weapons and vehicles!
Motto: "Aggghhhh! Why don't those Joes get out of my way and let me rule the world like a tyrant should!"
Toy Notes: Item #6776. (If it is not evident in the photo, this version is black, as opposed to the dark blue of the 2000 version.)
Version 7: summer 1994 Star Brigade carded figure assortment, #24
Cobra Supreme Leader
  • head: Cobra Commander (94)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (94)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (94)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (94)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (94)
Accessories: neon yellow shotgun (90 Grid-Iron's), black elliptical space helmet with neon yellow face shield (new), three-piece black and yellow-green "space crawler" unicycle with suction cup wheel.
Supreme commander of the Cobra Legions, COBRA COMMANDER is the ultimate enemy of G.I. Joe. Although no one knows his true identity, it's common knowledge that he's the most diabolical villain imaginable! Because he has failed so far in his plans to take over the Earth (thanks of course to the courage, skill, and firepower of the G.I. Joe forces), Cobra Commander is heading into space to set up battle stations on the moon and strengthen his troops. G.I. Joe's Star Brigade must stop him before he gains power, or risk destruction of Earth, space, and the entire human race!
Toy Notes: Item #81056.
Version 8: fall 1997 figure three-pack assortment
Supreme LeaderMOS 1: Supreme Leader of COBRA
  • head: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II), Imperial Guard (05)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II), Imperial Guard (05)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), black figure stand (common).
Cobra Commander actually started out as a used car dealer, but increasingly began to believe that governments and big business were "out to get the little guy." He was determined to find a way to climb to the "top of the heap" by any means necessary. Already an unstable personality, the man who would be Cobra Commander went completely around the bend when his brother was fatally wounded in a traffic accident with a soldier's family. It mattered not that it had been his brother who caused the accident. Building an organization of malcontents and financing it with everything from pyramid schemes to selling household products door-to-door, Cobra Commander gradually realized his dream of forming a terrorist organization with the will and firepower to cause chaos around the world. Today, Cobra is regarded as the number-one terrorist threat across the globe. Cobra Commander is utterly dedicated to starting conflict, overthrowing nations, and doing everything possible to bring down the governments of the world. With his desire to conquer the planet under his iron fist, Cobra Commander is unquestionably the most dangerous and ruthless man on the face of the Earth.
From G.I. Joe Files: "One wonders how something like this could have happened; how an otherwise innocuous person could have built up such a horrible and frightening entity as Cobra, under his complete and total control. It's not the first time something like this has happened. Probably won't be the last, either. It's up to the Joes to stop the likes of Cobra Commander, no matter how long it takes!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive Cobra Command three-pack with Baroness and Destro. Item #28017. Card art and pre-production photos show that this figure was intended to be a recolor of the 1982 version.
Version 9: summer 2000 Real American Hero Collection Wave 1 figure two-pack assortment
Enemy LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordinance [sic, should be ordnance] (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • front torso: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • back torso: Cobra Commander (92) - screw holes removed: Cobra Commander (00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV), Rip It (00)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
Accessories: black rifle (92 Cobra Commander's), black missile launcher (92 Cobra Commander's), two black missiles (92 Cobra Commander's), black figure stand (common).
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA Commander. This fanatical leader rules with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan for world control relies on revolution and chaos. He personally led uprisings in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other trouble spots. Responsible for kidnapping scientists, businessmen, and military leaders, then forcing them to reveal their top level secrets.
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Chameleon. Item #57731. (If it is not evident in the photo, this version is dark blue, as opposed to the black of the 2000 version.)
Version 10: summer 2001 Real American Hero Collection Wave 3 figure two-pack assortment
Enemy LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II), Imperial Guard (05)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II), Imperial Guard (05)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II)
Accessories: black Uzi (82 Snake Eyes's), dark silver backpack (87 Cobra Commander's), black mouthpiece (87 Cobra Commander's), black figure stand (common).
As if he weren't vicious enough, Cobra Commander has once again enlisted Destro and his best technical minds to enhance his one-of-a-kind, battle armor with miniaturized laser weapons that emit invisible beams of explosive firepower, and protective infra-red sensor barriers, so he can stand front and center in any battle using the latest laser technology. That suit can resist a zap from as much as 40 feet away. If it were anyone else, you'd have to give the guy credit for having guts, but where Cobra Commander is concerned, it's all about control - of everything! Only thing standing in his way is the G.I. Joe Team. As long as they're around, his reign of power is only for those stupid enough to believe he'll give them a piece of the action.
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Cobra Laser Viper. Item #53041. Very similar to the 1987 version, but darker with a slight black marbled appearance.
Version 11: January 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1 figure two-pack assortment (02/I)
Supreme COBRA LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/II)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/II)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
Accessories: black Uzi (82 Snake Eyes's), black pistol (90 Ambush's), black rifle (90 Ambush's).
COBRA COMMANDER is totally ruthless and without a conscience. The leader of the COBRA forces, he wants to destroy the G.I. JOE team. Money and power are what he's after and he'll do anything to get them. He demands complete loyalty from his forces and gives out strong punishments to anyone who questions him. He hates DUKE, the leader of the G.I. JOE team. He believes that if he can capture DUKE, then all his evil plans will fall into place.
"COBRA COMMANDER is as cunning and dangerous as the reptile for which he is named. Like a snake, he is always shedding his skin, escaping danger then rebuilding his operations overnight."
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Duke. Item #53024. Actual release was delayed until February due to production problems.
Version 12: May 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1.35 figure two-pack recolor assortment (02/II)
Supreme COBRA LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/II)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/II)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
Accessories: black Uzi (82 Snake Eyes's), black pistol (90 Ambush's), black rifle (90 Ambush's).
COBRA COMMANDER is totally ruthless and without a conscience. The leader of the COBRA forces, he wants to destroy the G.I. JOE team. Money and power are what he's after and he'll do anything to get them. He demands complete loyalty from his forces and gives out strong punishments to anyone who questions him. He hates DUKE, the leader of the G.I. JOE team. He believes that if he can capture DUKE, then all his evil plans will fall into place.
"COBRA COMMANDER is as cunning and dangerous as the reptile for which he is named. Like a snake, he is always shedding his skin, escaping danger then rebuilding his operations overnight."
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Duke. Item #53024.
Version 13: late September 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 3 two-pack assortment (02/III)
Supreme COBRA LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/II)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/II)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
Two-Pack/Mission Disc Accessories: silver pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), black speargun (85 Eel's), gold scepter with large cobra's head (new, with Sound Attack tab), black backpack (85 Tele-Viper's, with no hose pin).
Single Pack Accessories: silver pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), black pistol (90 Ambush's), black rifle (02 Neo-Viper's), gold scepter (02 Cobra Commander's, no Sound Attack tab).
COBRA COMMANDER is totally ruthless and without a conscience. The leader of the COBRA forces, he wants two simple things: to take over the world through his COBRA organization, and to destroy the G.I. JOE team. Money and power are what he's after, and he'll do anything to get them. He demands complete loyalty from his forces and gives out strong punishments to anyone who questions him. He knows that SNAKE EYES is after him, but he loves a challenge and looks forward to fighting - and beating - the annoying ninja from the G.I. JOE team.
"COBRA COMMANDER is as cunning and dangerous as the reptile for which he is named. Like a snake, he is always shedding his skin, escaping danger then rebuilding his operations overnight."
Variations: The single-pack release has slightly darker shades of all its colors.
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Snake Eyes in grey or in black. Item #53041. Essentially an O-ring rendition of the 02/I version.
Reissues: Carded in March 2003 with Mission Disc #3. Also carded without accessories in December 2003 with the VHS release of Spy Troops: The Movie, along with Snake Eyes and Duke (Item #60217). Reissued once more in March 2004 as part of the Wave 1 discount figure single-pack assortment (Item #58240). The VHS and single-pack filecard text is identical to that of 04/I Cobra Commander.
Version 14: late June 2003 Operation: Anaconda boxed set (03/I)
Cobra Island Supreme RulerMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • front torso: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • back torso: Cobra Commander (92) - screw holes removed: Cobra Commander (00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV), Rip It (00)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
Accessories: black rifle (92 Firefly's), black knife (91 Red Star's), red cape with gold Cobra emblems (02 Mindbender's), clear figure stand (common).
COBRA COMMANDER first learned of the BLACK DRAGON organization when their leader petitioned for an alliance between the two subversive groups, destroying the G.I. JOE Mobile Strike Headquarters as a "gift" to prove their worth. While COBRA COMMANDER routinely squashes any threat to his leadership, he has allowed the two groups to form a tenuous partnership, a relationship which will exist solely to serve the selfish interests of the Almighty Hooded One!
For decades, COBRA COMMANDER has had his plans foiled by the G.I. JOE Team. On the eve of this historic union, he has taken no chances, increasing Cobra Island perimeter patrols by SWAMP-VIPER team members and doubling the overhead Flight Pods piloted by AIR-VIPER members. Finally, with the unstoppable might of the BLACK DRAGON organization to be used as pawns at his disposal, he plans to eliminate G.I. JOE once and for all, freeing himself to conquer the world unchallenged in his own selfish pursuit of power and riches!
"This day has been a long time coming, but soon I will taste the sweet nectar of victory. BLACK DRAGON does not dare challenge my authority, and no Joes would be foolish enough to attack me on my own island!"
Toy Notes: Boxed in a Convention-exclusive set with Lt. Falcon, Lady Jaye, Major Storm, Black Dragon, five copies of Swamp-Viper, and five copies of Black Dragon Trooper.
Version 15: late August 2003 Spy Troops Wave 7.75 figure two-pack recolor assortment (03/II)
Supreme COBRA LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/II)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/II)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (02/I, 02/II) - redesigned for O-ring: Cobra Commander (02/III, 03/II)
Accessories: silver pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), silver speargun (85 Eel's), gold scepter (02 Cobra Commander's, with Sound Attack tab), black backpack (85 Tele-Viper's, with no hose pin).
COBRA COMMANDER is totally ruthless and without a conscience. The leader of the COBRA forces, he wants two simple things: to take over the world through his COBRA organization, and to destroy the G.I. JOE team. Money and power are what he's after and he'll do anything to get them. He demands complete loyalty from his forces and gives out strong punishments to anyone who questions him. He hates DUKE, the leader of the G.I. JOE team. He believes that if he can capture DUKE, then all his evil plans will fall into place.
"COBRA COMMANDER is as cunning and dangerous as the reptile for which he is named. Like a snake, he is always shedding his skin, escaping danger then rebuilding his operations overnight."
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Cobra B.A.T. v3.2. Item #56920. Essentially an O-ring rendition of version 12.
Version 16: November 2003 Spy Troops Wave 8 figure two-pack assortment (03/III)
Battlefield Command Uniform
  • head: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
Accessories: black submachine gun (03 C.L.A.W.S. Commander's), black rifle (03 Sgt. Hacker's), gold scepter (02 Cobra Commander's), blue half-cape with red interior, fits onto one shoulder (new).
The supreme leader of all COBRA legions is convinced that it is his destiny to rule the world with an iron hand! He stands at the very center of his own universe, smugly congratulating himself on his use of greed and fear to achieve his terrible aims. Ruthless and unimaginative, self-involved and unrepentant, vengeful and unforgiving, he combines the worst traits of humanity with the moral rectitude of a corporate executive, the honesty of a politician, and the compassion of an HMO administrator. His battlefield command uniform is actually an artfully disguised suit of high-tech armor. The "fabric" parts are laminates of flexible bulletproof polymer composites and the helmet is bonded with beryllium steel plates. The suit is completely airtight, climate controlled, solvent resistant, ray-shielded, and impervious to boring insects. It has long been suspected that the helmet contains an anti-tamper device wired to plastic explosives.
"How can the G.I. JOE team expect to beat my legions? They are barely paid minimum wage and all their equipment is built by the lowest bidder!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Switch Gears. Item #55441.
Version 17: January 2004 Valor vs. Venom Wave 1 figure two-pack assortment (04/I)
Commander of COBRA ForcesMOS 1: Unknown; MOS 2: Unknown
  • head: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
Accessories: black silencer pistol (02 Shipwreck's), black shotgun (03 Burn Out's), gold crooked scepter with green Venom vial (new), black half-cape with red interior (03 Cobra Commander's).
COBRA COMMANDER is the ruthless egomaniac who leads the evil forces of COBRA in their bid for world domination. Devoid of conscience or scruples, he will stop at nothing to achieve his terrible goals, going so far as to order the twisted genius DR. MINDBENDER to experiment with combining human and animal DNA to produce more savage warriors for his legions. A roiling mass of contradictions, COBRA COMMANDER is intelligent, yet oblivious to reality; passionate about his nasty aims, yet cold to people; perceptive of the minor faults of others, yet blind to his own foibles. He is basically a small-time hustler and card-cheat who has risen to greater power than was ever expected - but the same could be said for many infamous dictators of the past.
"The G.I. JOE team has no chance against us. What do they stand for, fairness and honor? Euphemisms for weakness!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Duke. Item #55465.
Version 18: late July 2004 Wave 1 comic three-pack assortment (04/II)
Commander of COBRA Forces
  • head: Cobra Commander (04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • front torso: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • back torso: Cobra Commander (92) - screw holes removed: Cobra Commander (00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV), Rip It (00)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), black pistol (85 Tomax's).
COBRA COMMANDER is totally ruthless and without a conscience. The leader of the COBRA forces, he wants two simple things: to take over the world through his COBRA organization, and to destroy the G.I. JOE Team. Money and power are what he's after, and he'll do anything to get them. He demands complete loyalty from his forces and metes out strong punishments to anyone who questions him. He likes to be in the middle of the action when his forces go up against the G.I. JOE Team. He despises DUKE, the leader of the G.I. JOE Team, for stopping many of his evil plans. He believes that if he can capture DUKE, then all his evil plans will fall into place.
"COBRA COMMANDER is as cunning and dangerous as the reptile for which he is named. Like a snake, he is always shedding his skin, escaping danger then rebuilding his operations overnight."
Variations: Early releases were missing the stripe on the right leg.
Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Baroness, Cobra Trooper, and a reprint of Marvel #1. Item #60355.
Version 19: October 2004 Valor vs. Venom Wave 5 figure two-pack recolor assortment (04/III)
Commander of COBRA Forces
  • head: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
Accessories: black pistol (03 Black Out's), black shotgun (03 Burn Out's), gold Venom scepter with green vial (04 Cobra Commander's), dark grey half-cape (03 Cobra Commander's).
COBRA COMMANDER is the ruthless egomaniac who leads the evil forces of COBRA in their bid for world domination. Devoid of conscience or scruples, he will stop at nothing to achieve his terrible goals, going so far as to order the twisted genius DR. MINDBENDER to experiment with combining human and animal DNA to produce more savage warriors for his legions. A roiling mass of contradictions, COBRA COMMANDER is intelligent, yet oblivious to reality; passionate about his nasty aims, yet cold to people; perceptive of the minor faults of others, yet blind to his own foibles. He is basically a small-time hustler and card-cheat who has risen to greater power than was ever expected - but the same could be said for many infamous dictators of the past.
"The G.I. JOE team has no chance against us. What do they stand for, fairness and honor? Euphemisms for weakness!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Duke. Item #03541. The same Duke was previously carded with Venomous Maximus in September 2004.
Version 20: late October 2004 Built-to-Rule boxed Cobra H.I.S.S. vehicle (04/IV)
Commander of COBRA ForcesSkills: Sabotage, Infantry Command
  • head: Cobra Commander (04/IV) - very similar to 03/III
  • arms: Cobra Commander (04/IV)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (04/IV) - very similar to 03/III
  • waist: Cobra Commander (04/IV)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (04/IV)
Accessories: none
[The late 2004 Built-to-Rule filecards had no main text.]
Toy Notes: Item #6992. Due to uneven distribution, this vehicle is considered a hard-to-find item (though not especially high-demand).
Version 21: March 2005 Valor vs. Venom Wave 7 figure two-pack assortment (05/I)
Commander of COBRA ForcesMOS 1: Unknown; MOS 2: Unknown
  • head: Cobra Commander (05/I)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (03/III, 04/I, 04/III, 05/I)
Accessories: silver pistol with smooth grip and long trigger guard (new), gold Venom scepter with green vial (04 Cobra Commander's), blue helmet with silver faceplate (03 Shipwreck's), blue hood with eye holes and windswept shape (new).
COBRA COMMANDER is the ruthless egomaniac who leads the evil forces of COBRA in their bid for world domination. Devoid of conscience or scruples, he will stop at nothing to achieve his terrible goals, going so far as to order the twisted genius DR. MINDBENDER to experiment with combining human and animal DNA to produce more savage warriors for his legions. A roiling mass of contradictions, COBRA COMMANDER is intelligent, yet oblivious to reality; passionate about his nasty aims, yet cold to people; perceptive of the minor faults of others, yet blind to his own foibles. He is basically a small-time hustler and card-cheat who has risen to greater power than was ever expected - but the same could be said for many infamous dictators of the past.
"The G.I. JOE team has no chance against us. What do they stand for, fairness and honor? Euphemisms for weakness!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Dr. Link Talbot. Item #56240.
Version 22: June 2005 Wave 5 comic three-pack assortment (05/II)
COBRA Supreme LeaderMOS 1: Inteligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weapons)
  • head: Cobra Commander (05/II), Grand Slam (07)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II), Imperial Guard (05)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II), Imperial Guard (05)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (87, 97, 01, 05/II)
Accessories: black machine pistol (02 Neo-Viper's), black rifle (03 Sgt. Hacker's), silver armored helmet with blue-grey mouthpiece and red Cobra emblem (new).
COBRA COMMANDER likes to be up front in the thick of the action when his troops confront the G.I. JOE Team. To protect their leader in the heat of battle, the best technical minds at the armament factory run by DESTRO and a "Siegie" known as Fred VII have created a special suit of body armor. This self-contained masterpiece combines flexible bulletproof polymer fabrics with beryllium steel plate components. The entire suit is air-conditioned, solvent-resistant, and ray-shielded. The helmet is fitted with an integral communications system, internal read-outs for environmental quality, and a miniaturized computer display. The plate parts can withstand a direct hit from a heavy machine-gun, and the flexible parts will stop anything up to a .357 magnum.
"Several members of the COBRA hierarchy have become suspicious, since it could be anyone hidden under the helmet. However, no one would dare confront COBRA COMMANDER or try to remove his helmet, since it has an anti-tamper device with a direct hook-up to a half-pound of plastic explosive!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Zartan, Zarana, and a reprint of Marvel #76. Item #61209.
Version 23: late June 2005 Imperial Procession carded set (05/III)
Commander of COBRA ForcesMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weapons)
  • head: Cobra Commander (04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • front torso: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • back torso: Cobra Commander (92) - screw holes removed: Cobra Commander (00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV), Rip It (00)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
Accessories: black felt cape with red Cobra deco, white lightning bolts, and gold stripes (new), wide, low black chair with red cushions (new).
COBRA COMMANDER is the ruthless egomaniac who leads the evil forces of COBRA in their bid for world domination. Devoid of conscience or scruples, he will stop at nothing to achieve his terrible goals, going so far as to order the twisted genius DR. MINDBENDER to experiment with combining human and animal DNA to produce more savage warriors for his legions. A roiling mass of contradictions, COBRA COMMANDER is intelligent, yet oblivious to reality; passionate about his nasty aims, yet cold to people; perceptive of the minor faults of others, yet blind to his own foibles. He is basically a small-time hustler and card-cheat who has risen to greater power than was ever expected - but the same could be said for many infamous dictators of the past.
"The G.I. JOE team has no chance against us. What do they stand for, fairness and honor? Euphemisms for weakness!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with Baroness and four copies of Imperial Guard. Item #07254.
Version 24: October 2005 Wave 6 comic three-pack assortment (05/IV)
COBRA Supreme LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weapons)
  • head: Cobra Commander (04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • front torso: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • back torso: Cobra Commander (92) - screw holes removed: Cobra Commander (00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV), Rip It (00)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (92, 93, 00, 03/I, 04/II, 05/III, 05/IV)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's).
COBRA COMMANDER leads the evil forces of COBRA in their quest for world domination. He has no conscience or honor, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his terrible goals. He has built a large network of spies who supply him with information about governments and businesses around the globe. He uses this information to expand his empire and increase his power. The one group stopping him from complete victory is the G.I. JOE Team. He despises their sense of justice and honor. In the mind of COBRA COMMANDER, he is sure they will fail and he will win. Why? Because to him, you don't rule with kindness and decency; instead, you force people to obey you with threats and fear. The fact that he is wrong has never occurred to him.
"I learned long ago how to get what I want. Take it by persuasion, by force, by any way you can. No one else matters. That's how you win."
Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Breaker, Agent Scarlett, and a reprint of Marvel #9. Item #61657.
Version 25: August 2007 25th Anniversary Wave 1 carded figure assortment (07/I)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordinance [sic, should be ordnance] (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/I, 08/III, 08/IX, 09/III)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA COMMANDER. This fanatical leader rules with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan for world control relies on revolution and chaos. He personally led uprisings in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other trouble spots. Responsible for kidnapping scientists, businessmen, and military leaders, then forcing them to reveal their top level secrets.
"COBRA COMMANDER is hatred and evil personified. Corrupt. A man without scruples. Probably the most dangerous man alive!"
Variations: Early releases had a darker hood. Late releases had a slightly more intricate paint scheme on the legs.
Toy Notes: Item #25180.
Version 26: August 2007 25th Anniversary Cobra Battle Pack boxed set (07/II)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordinance [sic, should be ordnance] (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/XI)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), blue slightly flared battle helmet, straight along the front (new), black Cobra figure stand.
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA COMMANDER. This fanatical leader rules with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan for world control relies on revolution and chaos. He personally led uprisings in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other trouble spots. Responsible for kidnapping scientists, businessmen, and military leaders, then forcing them to reveal their top level secrets.
"COBRA COMMANDER is hatred and evil personified. Corrupt. A man without scruples. Probably the most dangerous man alive!"
Toy Notes: Boxed in a set with Cobra, Storm Shadow, Destro, Baroness, and a sound box that played a portion of the cartoon theme music. Item #26758. Distinguishing features: no stripe on helmet; black belt; red stripe on legs.
Reissues: Part of December 2007's 25th Anniversary Wave 4 carded reissue assortment. Item #30409.
Version 27: September 2007 25th Anniversary Cobra Legions boxed set (07/III)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/XI)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), black helmet with brown Cobra emblem (07 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
COBRA COMMANDER is totally ruthless and without a conscience. The leader of the COBRA forces, he wants two simple things; to take over the world through his COBRA organization, and to destroy the G.I. JOE team. Money and power are what he's after, and he'll do anything to get them. He demands complete loyalty from his forces and delivers strong punishments to anyone who questions him. He hates DUKE, the leader of the G.I. JOE team. He believes that if he can capture DUKE, then all his evil plans will fall into place.
"COBRA COMMANDER is as cunning and dangerous as the reptile for which he is named. Like a snake, he is always shedding his skin, escaping danger then rebuilding his operations overnight."
Toy Notes: Boxed in a set with Storm Shadow, Cobra Trooper, Cobra Vehicle Driver, Cobra Air Trooper, and a sound box that played a portion of the animated movie's theme music. Item #26758.
Version 28: January 2008 Wave 1 comic two-pack assortment (08/I)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance, Experimental Weaponry
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/XI)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), light blue helmet with red Cobra emblem (07 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA COMMANDER. This fanatical leader rules with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan, for world control, relies on revolution and chaos. He personally led uprisings in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other trouble spots. Responsible for kidnapping scientists, businessmen, and military leaders, then forcing them to reveal their top level secrets.
"COBRA COMMANDER is hatred and evil personified. Corrupt. A man without scruples. Probably the most dangerous man alive!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Duke and a reprint of Marvel #24. Item #28424.
Version 29: March 2008 25th Anniversary Wave 6 carded figure assortment (08/II)
With Battle Armor
  • head: Beachhead (07), Cobra Commander (08/II)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (08/II, 08/XII), Iron Grenadier (08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Iron Grenadier Officer (08)
  • body: Cobra Commander (08/II, 08/XII), Iron Grenadier (08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Iron Grenadier Officer (08)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (08/II, 08/XII), Iron Grenadier (08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Iron Grenadier Officer (08)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (08/II, 08/XII)
Accessories: silver auto-assault pistol with scope and textured grip (new), silver full-head armored helmet with red Cobra emblem (new), red belt with holster, black cord, and silver buckle (new), silver triangular backpack with fins on sides (new), black thin J-shaped mouthpiece, fits onto helmet (new), black Cobra figure stand.
COBRA COMMANDER likes to be up front in the thick of the action when his COBRA VIPER forces, COBRA EELS, and "Siegies" confront the G.I. JOE team. To protect the commander in the heat of battle, DESTRO had the best technical minds in his armament factory create a special suit of body armor that combines flexible bullet-proof polymer fabrics with beryllium steel plate components. The entire suit is air-conditioned, solvent-resistant, and ray-shielded. The helmet is fitted with an integral com-system, internal read-outs for environmental quality and a miniaturized computer display.
"At least we don't have to worry about COBRA outfitting whole units with these suits. Each one costs about as much as a jet fighter. The plate parts can withstand a direct hit from a heavy machine-gun and the flexible parts will stop anything up to a .367 magnum. We suspect that the helmet has an anti-tamper device with a direct hook-up to a half-pound of plastic explosive!"
Toy Notes: Item #29251.
Version 30: April 2008 Senior Ranking Officers Wave 1 figure three-pack assortment (08/III)
Cobra Elite Leader
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/I, 08/III, 08/IX, 09/III)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
COBRA COMMANDER is the ruthless egomaniac who leads the evil forces of COBRA in their bid for world domination. Devoid of conscience or scruples, he will stop at nothing to achieve his terrible goals. A rolling mass of contradictions, COBRA COMMANDER is intelligent, yet oblivious to reality; passionate about his nasty aims, yet cold to people; perceptive of the minor faults of others, yet blind to his own foibles. He is basically a small-time hustler and card-cheat who has risen to greater power than was ever expected - but the same could be said for many infamous dictators of the past.
"The G.I. JOE team has no chance against us. What do they stand for, fairness and honor? Euphemisms for weakness!"
Toy Notes: Boxed in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive three-pack with Crimson Guard Trooper and Crimson Guard Officer. Item #32151, Set 2 of 3.
Version 31: April 2008 Senior Ranking Officers Wave 1 figure three-pack assortment (08/IV)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/XI)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), light blue helmet with white stripe (07 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA COMMANDER. This fanatical leader rules with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan, for world control, relies on revolution and chaos. He personally led uprisings in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other trouble spots. Responsible for kidnapping scientists, businessmen, and military leaders, then forcing them to reveal their top level secrets.
"COBRA COMMANDER is hatred and evil personified. Corrupt. A man without scruples. Probably the most dangerous man alive!"
Toy Notes: Boxed in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive three-pack with Cobra Officer and Cobra Trooper. Item #32150, set 3 of 3. Distinguishing features: stripe on helmet; silver belt; no stripe on legs.
Version 32: April 2008 G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive (08/V)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (08/V)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (08/V)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (08/V)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (08/V)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (08/V)
Accessories: dark silver knife (03 Over Kill's), silver war hammer (04 Venomous Maximus'), black straight hard-rubber hood with red Cobra emblem (new), black hard-rubber cape with collar and red Cobra emblem on back (new).
COBRA COMMANDER is always looking for the latest technology in his pursuit of global domination. Only the G.I. JOE team has stood in his way. To defeat them, he has contracted the B.A.T. Mechanic HOTWIRE to design a new cybernetic battle suit. This cyber-armor will provide COBRA COMMANDER with enhanced strength and a voice command communications system that links him directly to his personal army of Battle Android Troopers.
"I'll show you the power of greed, ambition, and ruthlessness!"
Toy Notes: Free to paid club members who joined before spring 2008. This mold was originally developed for a light blue outfit intended for release in 2005 as part of the canceled Robot Rebellion line. The figure Hotwire would be released at that summer's convention.
Version 33: late May 2008 post-25th Anniversary Wave 8 carded figure assortment (08/VI)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/XI)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), blue helmet with white stripe (07 Cobra Commander's), clear canister on silver base containing red catalytic element (new), black Cobra figure stand.
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA COMMANDER. This fanatical leader has hired or kidnapped scientists and ordered them to create weapons that will help him achieve his diabolical goal. One of these inventions is the M.A.S.S. Device that allows someone to transport matter anywhere. With this weapon, COBRA COMMANDER can manipulate, steal, capture, or control anyone or anything! This weapon brings the Commander closer and closer to world domination...unless the G.I. JOE team can stop him.
"COBRA COMMANDER is hatred and evil personified. Corrupt. A man without scruples. Probably the most dangerous man alive!"
Toy Notes: Item #30409. Distinguishing features: stripe on helmet; black belt; no stripe on legs.
Version 34: late July 2008 San Diego Comic Convention exclusive (08/VII)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
Accessories: black microphone with silver head (new), black rostrum with red Cobra banner and silver microphone stand (new).
The rise of COBRA began with one man. Bitter about a lifetime of failures, resentful of those who wielded power, he began a systematic revenge against the world that he believed had wronged him. He started as a small-time salesman, traveling from town to town, holding meetings in which he recruited people as disillusioned with their lives as he was with his own. His face masked by a hood, he spoke with sibilant persuasion of his twisted vision for a new global empire. A few dozen people joined him, then several dozen more. And then, his dazzling lies mesmerized the entire town of Springfield, which became the birthplace of the evil COBRA organization.
"I won't stop until my organization coils around the whole world like a giant cobra!"
Toy Notes: Available at the summer San Diego Comic Convention. This is considered a moderately high-demand item. Item #35221.
Version 35: late July 2008 San Diego Comic Convention exclusive (08/VIII)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
  • torso: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
  • waist: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
  • legs: Cobra Commander (08/VII, 08/VIII)
Accessories: black microphone with silver head (08 Cobra Commander's), black rostrum with red banner and silver mic stand (08 Cobra Commander's).
The rise of COBRA began with one man. Bitter about a lifetime of failures, resentful of those who wielded power, he began a systematic revenge against the world that he believed had wronged him. He started as a small-time salesman, traveling from town to town, holding meetings in which he recruited people as disillusioned with their lives as he was with his own. His face masked by a hood, he spoke with sibilant persuasion of his twisted vision for a new global empire. A few dozen people joined him, then several dozen more. And then, his dazzling lies mesmerized the entire town of Springfield, which became the birthplace of the evil COBRA organization.
"I won't stop until my organization coils around the whole world like a giant cobra!"
Toy Notes: Available at the summer San Diego Comic Convention. This is considered a moderately high-demand item, slightly more rare than the black SDCC version. Item #35222.
Version 36: August 2008 Wave 5 comic two-pack assortment (08/IX)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/I, 08/III, 08/IX, 09/III)
  • arms: Crimson Guard (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 08/VI, 09), Crimson Guard Officer (08), Cobra Commander (08/IX, 09/III), Crimson Guard Squad Leader (08) body: Crimson Guard (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 08/VI, 09), Crimson Guard Officer (08), Cobra Commander (08/IX, 09/III), Crimson Guard Squad Leader (08)
  • upper legs: Crimson Guard (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 08/VI, 09), Crimson Guard Officer (08), Cobra Commander (08/IX), Crimson Guard Squad Leader (08), Cobra Commander (09/III)
  • lower legs: Crimson Guard (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 08/VI, 09), Crimson Guard Officer (08), Cobra Commander (08/IX), Crimson Guard Squad Leader (08)
Accessories: gold pistol similar to 03 Beachhead's but with lower-set hammer and groove behind barrel (new), gold sword with cobra-hood hilt with white belly, and silver blade (new), gold belt with holster and scabbard, with red Cobra emblem (new), large blue cloth cape with gold circular clasps (new), black Cobra figure stand.
His goal is simple, really: absolute power. Total control of the world - its people, wealth, and resources - is the objective of COBRA COMMANDER. This fanatical leader rules a vast empire of evil and demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan for world control relies on revolution and chaos. He has personally led uprisings around the globe, heating up already-hot spots and turning once-peaceful regions into turmoil. He has kidnapped scientists, businessmen, and military leaders to mine them for their secrets and skills, but his reliance on others can sometimes be hazardous to his health when one of his "evil geniuses" makes a critical mistake.
"I am surrounded by fools and idiots!"
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Tripwire and an original comic (#9). Item #31524.
Version 37: November 2008 DVD Battles multipack assortment, #4 (08/X)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (08/X, 09/II)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), short silver scepter with coiled snake design (new), clear purple control cube for Pyramid of Darkness, with large Cobra emblem on top (new), black Cobra figure stand.
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA COMMANDER. This fanatical leader will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, and uses technology in ingenious yet evil ways to make his dark dreams a reality. Who else but this megalomaniac could conceive a plan to destroy all electrical power around the world, then construct the technology to make it happen? Only one thing stands in his way: the G.I. JOE team and their unrelenting capacity to right wrongs and thwart his plans. But one day, he will finish them; then no one will stand in his way.
"At last the G.I. JOE team is doomed - and it's all because of my superb leadership!"
Toy Notes: Boxed with Snake Eyes, Maj. Bludd, Quick Kick, M.A.S.S. Device transport chassis, and The Pyramid of Darkness DVD. Item #33560.
Version 38: November 2008 Ultimate Battle Pack boxed set (08/XI)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/XI)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), blue helmet with white stripe (07 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources - that's the objective of COBRA COMMANDER. This fanatical leader rules with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan for world control relies on revolution and chaos. He personally led uprisings in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other trouble spots. Responsible for kidnapping scientists, businessmen, and military leaders, then forcing them to reveal their top level secrets.
"COBRA COMMANDER is hatred and evil personified. Corrupt. A man without scruples. Probably the most dangerous man alive!"
Toy Notes: Boxed in a Target-exclusive set with Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver, Cobra Vehicle Gunner, Destro, Short-Fuze, Steeler, Sgt. Stalker, a dark green M.O.B.A.T., a blue Flight Pod, and a red H.I.S.S. Tank. Item #34106.
Version 39: 2008 Wave 7 comic two-pack assortment (08/XII)
Cobra Leader (Imposter)
Cobra Commander (Fred VII)
MOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Crimson Guard (08/II, 08/VI), Cobra Commander (08/XII)
  • arms: Cobra Commander (08/II, 08/XII), Iron Grenadier (08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Iron Grenadier Officer (08)
  • body: Cobra Commander (08/II, 08/XII), Iron Grenadier (08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Iron Grenadier Officer (08)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (08/II, 08/XII), Iron Grenadier (08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Iron Grenadier Officer (08)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (08/II, 08/XII)
Accessories: grey pistol (08 armored Cobra Commander's), dark silver helmet with red Cobra emblem (08 armored Cobra Commander's), red belt (08 armored Cobra Commander's), dark silver backpack (08 Cobra Commander's), red mouthpiece (08 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
Anyone could be beneath that mask... Fred VII, a former member of the CRIMSON GUARD, has dedicated his life to the COBRA organization. He has given up his name, face, and identity to help COBRA COMMANDER achieve his dream of world conquest. He's furious when the commander decides to walk away from it all, and in his anger, violently attacks the head snake. Fred VII then launches a bold scheme: to impersonate the commander and take over COBRA. Once just another face in a crowd of crimson uniforms, Fred VII now reaches for the pinnacle of power - leader of COBRA!
"If COBRA COMMANDER taught me anything, he taught me to seize an opportunity when it presents itself, by any means necessary."
Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Gung Ho and a reprint of Marvel #64. Item #37622.
Version 40: late December 2008 DVD Battles multipack assortment, #5 (08/XIII)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (08/XIII, 09/I, 09/IV)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: silver rectangular time bomb with red Cobra emblem and yellow-on-black timer (new), light blue wide (but not flared) helmet with white stripe (new), small white parachute harness (new), black Cobra figure stand.
COBRA COMMANDER is totally ruthless and without a conscience. The leader of the COBRA forces, he wants two simple things: to take over the world through his COBRA organization, and to destroy the G.I.  JOE team. Money and power are what he's after, and he'll do anything to get them. And it won't be anything on a small scale - no, he likes his attacks and destruction to be on a big scale. He'll even attempt to take over a major city. He relished sweeping past the Statue of Liberty in a COBRA C.L.A.W. assault glider to show that he is taking control of the liberty and freedom of the entire world.
"Soon everyone will raise their fists to the sky and proclaim their loyalty to COBRA!"
Toy Notes: Boxed with Duke, Alpine, Cobra Paratrooper, small white Cobra C.L.A.W., M.A.S.S. Device beam emitter, and Best of 80s Episodes DVD. Item #35835. This set was short-packed and unevenly distributed so that it was considered a hard-to-find item at the time of its release.
Version 41: January 2009 post-25th Wave 13 carded figure assortment (09/I)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (08/XIII, 09/I, 09/IV)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (09/I, 09/IV)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (09/I, 09/IV)
Accessories: black laser pistol with textured grip and tiny barrel (new), black sword with gold knuckle guard and silver blade with diamond pattern near hilt (new), blue wide, flared helmet with white stripe (new), short blue cape with red Cobra emblem (new), black Cobra figure stand.
COBRA COMMANDER has always believed that vast wealth will give him his greatest desire: limitless power. But lately, he has come to realize that he must first achieve complete control over every nation on Earth. Once he holds the world in his fist, the money will be his to enjoy. He used technological sabotage to bring the world to its knees, and demanded that every country turn over control to him. His hunger for power and wealth have utterly corrupted him, to the point where he will easily obliterate cities without even a twitch of remorse.
"Do not move against me. Do not disobey me. Do as I command and you will receive unimaginable rewards."
Toy Notes: Item #37102.
Version 42: February 2009 Cobra Collector boxed set (09/II)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (08/X, 09/II)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/II)
Accessories: black pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), long orange scepter with wavy cobra-shaped tip (new), blue cape with copper clasps (08 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
Power. Influence. Money. These are ambitions that drive the leader of the COBRA organization. The misfortunes of his past have distorted his mind and soul, creating a selfish, ruthless leader; nevertheless, he easily convinces others to embrace his twisted visions. He uses people and circumstances to achieve his goals, regardless of the chaos and misery his actions may cause. In fact, he thrives on destruction and enjoys creating advanced weapons capable of great power and devastation. His nemesis is the G.I. JOE team, which thwarts his megalomaniac dreams and irritates him with their "ridiculous" fight to uphold freedom and justice.
"I will rule the world, and anyone who tries to stop me will be crushed in the iron coils of COBRA!"
Toy Notes: Boxed with Storm Shadow, Baroness, Zartan, and Cobra Viper. Item #36448.
Version 43: late February 2009 Greatest Battles DVD boxed set (09/III)
  • head: Cobra Commander (07/I, 08/III, 08/IX, 09/III)
  • arms: Crimson Guard (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 08/VI, 09), Crimson Guard Officer (08), Cobra Commander (08/IX, 09/III), Crimson Guard Squad Leader (08) body: Crimson Guard (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 08/VI, 09), Crimson Guard Officer (08), Cobra Commander (08/IX, 09/III), Crimson Guard Squad Leader (08)
  • upper legs: Crimson Guard (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 08/VI, 09), Crimson Guard Officer (08), Cobra Commander (08/IX), Crimson Guard Squad Leader (08), Cobra Commander (09/III)
  • lower legs: Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver (08/I, 08/II), Cobra H.I.S.S. Commander (08), Deep Six (08/I), Cobra Commander (09/III)
Accessories: black pistol (08 hooded Cobra Commander's), gold sword with silver blade (08 Cobra Commander's), black belt with grey holster and scabbard (08 hooded Cobra Commander's), blue cape with grey clasps (08 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
[This set did not include filecards. The following text appears on the box back.] This masked villain is the leader of Cobra. His diabolical goals are to control all the money and power in the world - and destroy the G.I. Joe team.
Toy Notes: Boxed with Snake Eyes, Duke, Storm Shadow, and Greatest Battles DVD, which included Ninja Battles plus action sequences from Spy Troops: The Movie and Valor vs. Venom. Item #38905.
Version 44: March 2009 G.I. Joe Resolute boxed set (09/IV)
Cobra LeaderMOS 1: Intelligence
MOS 2: Ordnance (Experimental Weaponry)
  • head: Cobra Commander (08/XIII, 09/I, 09/IV)
  • left arm to wrist: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • left hand: Cobra Commander (08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • right arm: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • body: Cobra Commander (09/I, 09/IV)
  • upper legs: Cobra Commander (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI, 08/X, 08/XI, 08/XIII, 09/I, 09/II, 09/IV)
  • lower legs: Cobra Commander (09/I, 09/IV)
Accessories: two black pistols (09 Cobra Commander's), black sword with gold guard and silver blade (09 Cobra Commander's), black helmet with red stripe (09 Cobra Commander's), red cape (09 Cobra Commander's), black Cobra figure stand.
COBRA COMMANDER has always believed that vast wealth will give him his greatest desire: limitless power. But lately, he has come to realize that he must first achieve complete control over every nation on Earth. Once he holds the world in his fist, the money will be his to enjoy. He used technological sabotage to bring the world to its knees, and demanded that every country turn over control to him. His hunger for power and wealth have utterly corrupted him, to the point where he will easily obliterate cities without even a twitch of remorse.
"Do not move against me. Do not disobey me. Do as I command and you will receive unimaginable rewards."
Toy Notes: Boxed in a set with Cobra Trooper, Cobra Officer, Cobra B.A.T., and Duke. Item #39183.