
Black Dragon
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Black Dragon was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2003 (Convention)
Version 1: late June 2003 Operation: Anaconda boxed set
Spy Organization Warlord | MOS 1: Espionage MOS 2: Demolitions, Weapons and Tactics
| - head: Black Dragon (03)
- arms: Dojo (92), Black Dragon (03)
- torso: Dojo (92), Black Dragon (03)
- waist: Dojo (92), Black Dragon (03)
- legs: Dojo (92), Black Dragon (03)
| Accessories: gold submachine gun (89 Snake Eyes's), gold sword (89 Snake Eyes's), gold sword (92 T'Jbang's), clear figure stand (common).
| The BLACK DRAGON organization has existed since before the cold war, providing services to whatever world power it deemed most important to its long term goals. Their island headquarters in the South Atlantic was thought destroyed by the original G.I. JOE team over thirty years ago, but the sole survivor of that debacle has declared himself the new Supreme Leader and has since built an impregnable fortress deep beneath those same ruins, far from the eyes of any world power. Under his unbending will, this group has risen to become the foremost source of espionage agents in the world. Their true purpose, however, is revenge—and the BLACK DRAGON LEADER will stop at nothing short of the total destruction of the G.I. JOE Team. Joining with COBRA COMMANDER will give him access to the advanced weapons and tactical data he feels he needs to complete this objective
He, along with many of his top saboteurs, is known to carry nontraditional bladed or even custom-designed weaponry. This is because of the efficiency of silent weapons and the fear they instill in opponents, not because of any "ninja" implications, an overused term he resents.
From COBRA COMMANDER's Files: "It may have cost me a fortune in weapons and armor, but gaining access to a virtual army of FIREFLY-class field agents is invaluable!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Convention-exclusive set with Lt. Falcon, Lady Jaye, Maj. Storm, Cobra Commander, five copies of Swamp-Viper, and five copies of Black Dragon Trooper. Black Dragon's head was originally used for the Mortal Kombat figures Reptile, Smoke, and Sub-Zero.