
(aka COBRA Viper, Python Viper, Python Patrol Viper)
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Various | 27 | 985 seconds | 29 | 132
| DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
None | 1 | 167 seconds | 0 | 0
| Reel FX Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Various | 2 | 68 seconds | 1 | 3
Notes: Sunbow's Vipers wore 1986 outfits with white lenses on their goggles. When drawn in fine detail, they had red skull patches on their shoulders. DiC's Operation Dragonfire gave them the 1989 outfit as part of Python Patrol. The Reel FX films used the last 2002 version as the basis for their Viper model.
Season 2 Opening (Sunbow) | 9 seconds | | on foot and in Stuns and Trubble Bubbles, at top of Terror Drome
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 2 | 22 seconds | | with Dreadnoks; in Stuns during Paris assault; driving drill machine in Transylvania
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 3 | 16 seconds | 2 lines | fighting Sgt. Slaughter; driving Stuns and Ferrets at tomb of Genghis Khan
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 4 | 72 seconds | 3 lines | guarding, pursuing, and recapturing Sgt. Slaughter; attacked by rescue team
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 5 | 111 seconds | 4 lines | assaulting Washington DC
| Last Hour to Doomsday | 21 seconds | | manning Cobra Undersea Base Delta
| Let's Play Soldier | 44 seconds | 1 line | producing mind-altering drug in Thailand; ambushing Joes on river
| Sink the Montana | 2 seconds | | driving Destro's Moray to U.S.S. Montana (2:56-57)
| Cobrathon | 76 seconds | 1 line | defending software development site; securing prisoners at telethon
| The Million Dollar Medic | 2 seconds | | with Cobra forces on the way to Van Mark cabin (16:51-52)
| The Rotten Egg | 23 seconds | | captured in attack on Cobra weapons lab
| Glamour Girls | 119 seconds | 9 lines | guarding captives at Madame Vail's island; uniform worn by Zartan
| The Spy Who Rooked Me | 9 seconds | | manning underground base; fueling Night Ravens
| Grey Hairs and Growing Pains | 64 seconds | 1 line | working at Ageless Care spa; defending factory; one is named Tiny
| My Favorite Things | 36 seconds | 2 lines | moving statue; piloting Morays; guarding Castle Dracula and mothership
| Raise the Flagg! | 16 seconds | | ambushing Joes at oil rig; in Moray with Cobra Commander
| G.I. Joe and the Golden Fleece | 164 seconds | 2 lines | piloting Morays and Trubble Bubbles to retrieve alien coil; sent back in time; flying C.L.A.W.s
| The Most Dangerous Thing in the World | 9 seconds | | flying Trubble Bubbles; operating submarine tanks in Joe HQ attack
| Nightmare Assault | 5 seconds | | in Stun outside Terror Drome; flying Trubble Bubbles in Lifeline's dream
| Joe's Night Out | 9 seconds | | guarding Dr. Mullaney
| Second-Hand Emotions | 4 seconds | | with Cobra Commander beside mood organ
| Sins of Our Fathers | 45 seconds | 2 lines | manning battle stations at Terror Drome; flying Trubble Bubbles against Joes
| G.I. Joe: The Movie Opening | 21 seconds | | flying Trubble Bubbles to attack Statue of Liberty
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 1 | 4 seconds | | running from exploding Stuns during attack in Himalayas
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 3 | 21 seconds | | witnessing Cobra Commander's punishment
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 4 | 42 seconds | 1 line | attacked by Renegades inside Terror Drome; flying Trubble Bubbles to fight Renegades
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 5 | 19 seconds | 1 line | fighting Joes inside ice dome
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 4 | 167 seconds | | at Cobra base, with Python Conquests, cheering Serpentor's capture, driving Stuns and A.S.P.s
| Spy Troops: The Movie | 67 seconds | 1 line | at base, in H.I.S.S.es to attack Joe base, flying F.A.N.G.s, at 3rd Joe briefing, defending base
| Ninja Battles | 1 second | | seen in flashback (0:36)
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, traditional Vipers were discernible in 363 panels in 49 issues from Feb. 1987 to Nov. 1994: Order of Battle 3, Yearbook 3, SM 7, #69, 75, 76, 77, 79, 82, 84, 86, SM 21, 87, SM 24, SM 26, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 130, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 149, and 154.
Additionally, Python Vipers appeared in 15 panels in 2 issues from Jul. 1989 to May 1990: #88 and 100.
The comics also featured Vipers in yellow uniforms whose design (other than color) was similar to the 1994 Battle Corps version of the figure. These appeared in 46 panels in 3 issues from Jun. 1994 to Aug. 1994: #149, 150, and 151.
Figure Releases
Version 1: spring 1986 regular carded figure assortment
Cobra Infantry
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: Viper (86, 89, 91), Dr. Mindbender (93)
- legs: Viper (86, 89, 91), Dr. Mindbender (93)
| Accessories: light grey assault rifle with grenade launcher and long forward grip (new), black squarish backpack with engraved canteen and two grenades (new).
| Vipers are the backbone of the Cobra Legions. They are highly motivated, superbly trained, and formidably equipped. All Vipers are issued a combination assault rifle/grenade launcher; the rifle part of which can function as a short burst assault weapon, a sustained fire cover support weapon, or a long range sniper rifle with an advanced light-intensification night vision telescopic sight with a built-in range-finder. Multi-layer body armor and wraparound acrylic/composite helmets with built-in RTO gear are standard issue.
"If you want to get anywhere in Cobra, you have to start out as a Viper. That's the bottom of the pyramid, and serving in the Cobra infantry is a small price to pay to gain access to the glittering prizes at the top. Cobra doesn't reward success with parades and medals. They offer material wealth, power, and an outlet for the terrible urges that drive the greedy, the envious, and the cruel. If that doesn't make a Viper a dangerous opponent, nothing does!"
| Variations: Early packaging gave the figure's name as "Viper"; later cards read, "Vipers."
| Toy Notes: Featured in 1986's Battle Stations commercial. Item #6473.
Version 2: spring 1989 Python Patrol carded figure assortment
Python Patrol Assault Viper Python Viper
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: Viper (86, 89, 91), Dr. Mindbender (93)
- legs: Viper (86, 89, 91), Dr. Mindbender (93)
| Accessories: black rifle (86 Viper's), black backpack (86 Viper's).
| The PYTHON VIPER is the backbone of the Python Patrol. He is highly motivated, superbly trained, and formidably equipped. Due to the Pythonizing Process [a process in which personnel and/or vehicles are outfitted with a primary layer of radar-resistant black-ball paint, then blanketed with a thermal-wave dispersal grid], this particular viper is equipped with stealth-like capabilities, whereby he can penetrate enemy areas undetected! His combination rifle/grenade launcher has been retro-fitted with a passive, infrared seeker and the barrel rifling has been changed to accept hyper-velocity discarding ammunition.
"If you want to get anywhere in the Python Patrol, you have to start out as a Python Viper. That's the bottom line of the pyramid, and serving in the Python infantry is a small price to pay to gain access to the glittering prizes at the top. The Python Command doesn't reward success with parades and medals. They offer material wealth, power, and an outlet for the terrible urges that drive those who are greedy, envious, and cruel. If that doesn't make a Python Viper a dangerous opponent, nothing does!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6623-2. The 1989 insert catalog shows a grey rifle instead of a black one.
Version 3: fall 1990 Sonic Fighters premium carded figure assortment
Cobra Infantryman
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: Viper (86, 89, 91), Dr. Mindbender (93)
- legs: Viper (86, 89, 91), Dr. Mindbender (93)
| Accessories: gold pistol (88 Shockwave's), gold submachine gun (89 Annihilator's), gold submachine gun (88 Hit & Run's), gold mortar and tripod (89 Downtown's), gold sonic backpack with grenades on side (new).
| VIPERS are the grunts of the Cobra Legions. If there's a dirty job that needs Cobra-built, knock-off imitations of G.I. Joe's sonic weapons, which in itself should have earned each and every one of them the Cobra Medal of Villainous Valor with Bronze Serpent Clusters, considering how easy it was for these shoddy copies to self-destruct when fired. Outfitted with multi-layered body armor and wrap-around acrylic/composite helmets with built-in RTO gear, Vipers are now armed with multi-burst laser pistols, 5.56 Colt Commando Rifles, 60mm surface-to-surface grenade launchers, and standard issue 9mm Cobra service pistols.
"When you know the equipment you're carrying could jam or explode at any minute, you get a little edgy. Especially when hand-to-hand combat is the only safe way to neutralize hostile forces. Sure these guys were tough fighters before, but now, they're unbelievable!"
| Variations: Some backpacks had a raised edge around the buttons.
| Toy Notes: Item #6315.
Version 4: spring 1994 Battle Corps Wave 5 carded figure assortment, #5
Cobra Infantry Trooper
| - head: Viper (94), Iron Anvil (05)
- arms: Viper (94), Iron Anvil (05)
- torso: Viper (94), Iron Anvil (05)
- waist: Viper (94), Iron Anvil (05)
- legs: Viper (94), Iron Anvil (05)
| Accessories: red pistol (92 Spirit's), red pistol (91 Toxo-Viper's), red rifle (86 Monkeywrench's), yellow spring missile launcher with black trigger (93 Alley Viper's), two red spring missiles (93 H.E.A.T. Viper's), red knife (88 Hydro-Viper's), red figure stand (common).
| Vipers are the grunts of the Cobra Legions. If there's an especially dirty job that needs to be carried out, these guys aren't asked to do it, they VOLUNTEER for it! They are highly motivated, superbly trained, and formidably equipped. All Vipers are issued a combination laser rifle/rocket launcher; the laser part of which can function as a short burst assault weapon, a sustained fire cover support weapon, or a long range sniper rifle. They're also equipped with multi-layer body armor and blast resistant helmets with built-in night vision visors. Fighting them is like fighting any tough-as-nails Army grunt, except these guys NEVER show mercy!
Motto: "If you want to get anywhere in Cobra, you have to start out as a Viper."
| Variations: First sold on 1993-style packaging with a normal-sized filecard, then on 1994-style packaging with a baseball card-sized filecard with abbreviated text.
| Toy Notes: Item #81006.
Version 5: fall 1997 carded Cobra Viper Team set
Cobra Infantry Trooper
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: black submachine gun (82 Stalker's), black backpack (86 Viper's), black figure stand (common).
| Vipers are the backbone of the Cobra Legions. They are the bottom of the pyramid, which leads to the hierarchy of material wealth and power within the organization. When COBRA Commander received word that G.I. Joe operations had been shut down by the U.S. Government, he promptly began recruiting more soldiers. Within weeks, the most cruel, greedy, back-stabbing lot joined the ranks; tripling the original size of their ground forces. All Vipers are issued a combination assault rifle/grenade launcher, along with a three day field pack. Multi-layered body armor and wrap-around acrylic/composite helmets with built-in radio telecommunications gear are standard issue.
This equipment and a bad attitude makes them very dangerous opponents. Vipers are highly motivated, and superbly trained. However, to make them follow orders, the punishment for failure is to be left on battlefield when the B.A.T.s. (Battle Andriod Troopers) are deployed. This is due to the fact, these Androids are programmed to shoot and incinerate anything that moves in front of them. That is the last thing any Viper would want, better to take his chances with the real enemy. Vehicle Specialty: COBRA Flight Pod a.k.a. "Trouble Bubbles" [sic].
"If you want to get anywhere in Cobra, you have to start out as a Viper. That's the bottom of the pyramid, and serving in the Cobra infantry is a small price to pay to gain access to the glittering prizes at the top. Cobra doesn't reward success with parades and medals. They offer material wealth, power, and an outlet for the terrible urges that drive the greedy, the envious, and the cruel. If that doesn't make a Viper a dangerous opponent, nothing does!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive vehicle pack with a recolor of the Trubble Bubble. Item #28016.
Version 6: June 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1.5 figure two-pack assortment (02/I)
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: black rifle (84 Baroness's), black knife (91 Low-Light's), black backpack (90 S.A.W.-Viper's), black figure stand (common).
| COBRA VIPERS are the grunts of the COBRA legions. If there's a dirty job that needs doing, these guys are first in line. They wear multi-layered body armor and wrap-around helmets with built-in radio telecommunications gear, and carry multi-burst laser pistols, commando rifles, and grenade launchers. They know that they're looked down upon by the more elite COBRA groups, but that just makes them fight harder, so they can prove to everyone that plain rottenness gets the job done as well as fancy training. They're ready at a moment's notice to cause harm and do damage anywhere that COBRA COMMANDER sends them. when MIRAGE from the G.I. JOE team defeated them despite their massive weaponry, they vowed revenge.
"G.I. JOE be warned! We have more weapons and more guts than you could ever hope to have."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Mirage. Item #57460.
Version 7: late June 2002 Crimson Strike Team boxed set (02/II)
Crimson Strike Team Trooper | MOS 1: Infantry
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: black rifle (91 Red Star's), black backpack (86 Viper's).
| COBRA VIPERS have always been the backbone of the COBRA Legions. But taken from their ranks are troopers who have been recruited into the Crimson Strike Team - an elite group of shock troops and bodyguards loyal only to the secret cabal formed by the BARONESS and TOMAX & XAMOT. They are hand-selected not only for their superior skills and ruthless efficiency, but also for their overwhelming greed. Untraceable financial incentives from the Crimson Twins, and brainwashing from the BARONESS, ensure their unswerving loyalty - even to the point of following the orders of the treacherous trio in direct opposition of COBRA COMMANDER himself. These COBRA VIPERS are ready to lay down their lives for the BARONESS and their Crimson Commanders, if not out of fanaticism then for the substantial mission bonuses! "Although they are not artificially enhanced like COBRA NEO-VIPERS, the COBRA VIPERS of the Crimson Strike Team are no less formidable. their hand-to-hand combat training renders them so deadly that weapons and armor are virtually unnecessary. Nonetheless, they carry specially modified Viper gear: assault rifles, a wide variety of small arms, the latest energy-displacing body armor, and helmets with built-in night vision visors and radio telecommunications gear (specifically tuned to their crimson commander's secret frequencies)."
"We attack like a crimson tide washing over the battlefield, leaving only destruction in our wake."
| Variations: The prototypes were colored a pinkish fuchsia. The official run of the figure sets was the correct crimson color. Per Yojoe.com, the numbers were 250 fuchsia sets, 150 bagged crimson sets, and 500 boxed crimson sets that came with the Crimson H.I.S.S. The fuchsia set was only sold to those who also got one of the crimson sets. While more crimson copies were made, fuchsia copies tend to be more common on the secondary market.
| Toy Notes: Twelve copies were boxed in a convention-exclusive set with Baroness, Tomax, and Xamot. This figure is considered a moderately high-demand item, the true-crimson variant even more so.
Version 8: September 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 2.5 figure two-pack assortment (02/III)
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: graphite rifle (84 Baroness's), graphite knife (91 Low-Light's), graphite backpack (90 S.A.W.-Viper's), graphite figure stand (common).
| COBRA VIPERS are the grunts of the COBRA legions. If there's a dirty job that needs doing, these guys are first in line. They wear mutli-layered body armor and wrap-around helmets with built-in radio telecommunications gear, and carry multi-burst laser pistols, commando rifles, and grenade launchers. They know that they're looked down upon by the more elite COBRA groups, but that just makes them fight harder, so they can prove to everyone that plain rottenness gets the job done as well as fancy training. They're ready at a moment's notice to cause harm and do damage anywhere that COBRA COMMANDER sends them. when MIRAGE from the G.I. JOE team defeated them despite their massive weaponry, they vowed revenge.
"G.I. JOE be warned! We have more weapons and more guts than you could ever hope to have."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Mirage. Item #57460.
Version 9: late January 2003 carded Venom Cycle vehicle (03/I)
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: none
| COBRA VIPER members are the grunts of the COBRA legions. If there's a dirty job that needs doing, these guys are first in line. They wear multi-layered body armor and wrap-around helmets with built-in radio telecommunications gear, and carry multi-burst laser pistols, commando rifles, and grenade launchers. They know that they're looked down upon by the more elite COBRA groups, but that just makes them fight harder, so they can prove to everyone that plain rottenness gets the job done as well as fancy training. They're ready at a moment's notice to cause harm and do damage anywhere that COBRA COMMANDER sends them. Ripping up the roads on their COBRA VENOM CYCLE vehicles, COBRA VIPER members like to think of themselves as a biker gang with the most technologically advanced "hogs" on the planet.
"G.I. JOE team be warned! We have more weapons and more guts than you could ever hope to have."
| Toy Notes: Item #57479.
Version 10: August 2003 carded Venom Cycle vehicle (03/II)
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: none
| COBRA VIPER members are the grunts of the COBRA legions. If there's a dirty job that needs doing, these guys are first in line. They wear multi-layered body armor and wrap-around helmets with built-in radio telecommunications gear, and carry multi-burst laser pistols, commando rifles, and grenade launchers. They know that they're looked down upon by the more elite COBRA groups, but that just makes them fight harder, so they can prove to everyone that plain rottenness gets the job done as well as fancy training. They're ready at a moment's notice to cause harm and do damage anywhere that COBRA COMMANDER sends them. Ripping up the roads on their COBRA VENOM CYCLE vehicles, COBRA VIPER members like to think of themselves as a biker gang with the most technologically advanced "hogs" on the planet.
"G.I. JOE team be warned! We have more weapons and more guts than you could ever hope to have."
| Toy Notes: Item #57479. Due to uneven distribution and high demand, this vehicle was considered a moderately hard-to-find item at the time of its release.
Version 11: late August 2003 Spy Troops Wave 7.75 figure two-pack assortment (03/III)
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: graphite rifle (84 Baroness's), graphite knife (91 Low-Light's), graphite backpack (90 S.A.W.-Viper's), graphite figure stand (common).
| COBRA VIPER troops are the grunts of the COBRA legions. If there's a dirty job that needs doing, these guys are first in line. They wear multi-layered body armor and wrap-around helmets with built-in radio telecommunications gear, and carry multi-burst laser pistols, commando rifles, and grenade launchers. They know that they're looked down upon by the more elite COBRA groups, but that just makes them fight harder, so they can prove to everyone that plain rottenness gets the job done as well as fancy training. They're ready at a moment's notice to cause harm and do damage anywhere that COBRA COMMANDER sends them.
"G.I. JOE team be warned! We have more weapons and more guts than you could ever hope to have."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Cobra Alley Viper. Item #56900.
Version 12: January 2004 Valor vs. Venom Wave 1 figure two-pack assortment (04/I)
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- arms: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- torso: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- waist: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- legs: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
| Accessories: black rifle (03 Sand Viper's), black knife (91 Low-Light's), red and black two-piece storage pod with handles on sides (new).
| COBRA VIPER forces are the most recent wave of COBRA infantry. Chosen for their independent thinking, initiative, and daring, they are expected to carry the fight far inside G.I. JOE territory. They are equipped with armored climate-control suits that enable them to function efficiently in extreme environments, and they are given advanced training in deep battle tactics, survival procedures, and high-tech weapon-systems management. They are aggressive, yet wary; attentive to detail, yet practical; sneaky, yet trustworthy; ferocious in combat, yet willing to retreat tactically. This combination of traits makes them formidable foes, and the last thing that the G.I. JOE team wants to have sneaking up on them from their left flank. These qualities also make them favorable candidates for the DNA experiments of DR. MINDBENDER, a fact that has the COBRA VIPER troops volunteering for long away missions and assiduously avoiding the doctor's presence.
"Nothing makes our day like watching the G.I. JOE team roll right past us while we are under cover and camouflaged. Especially when we call artillery in on them!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Alley Viper II. Item #55470.
Version 13: October 2004 Valor vs. Venom Wave 5 figure two-pack recolor assortment (Python Patrol, 04/II)
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- arms: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- torso: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- waist: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- legs: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
| Accessories: black rifle (03 Sand Viper's), black rifle (02 Neo-Viper's), black knife (91 Low-Light's).
| COBRA VIPER forces are the most recent wave of COBRA infantry. Chosen for their independent thinking, initiative, and daring, they are expected to carry the fight far inside G.I. JOE territory. They are equipped with armored climate-control suits that enable them to function efficiently in extreme environments, and they are given advanced training in deep battle tactics, survival procedures, and high-tech weapon-systems management. They are aggressive, yet wary; attentive to detail, yet practical; sneaky, yet trustworthy; ferocious in combat, yet willing to retreat tactically. This combination of traits makes them formidable foes, and the last thing that the G.I. JOE team wants to have sneaking up on them from their left flank. These qualities also make them favorable candidates for the DNA experiments of DR. MINDBENDER, a fact that has the COBRA VIPER troops volunteering for long away missions and assiduously avoiding the doctor's presence.
"Nothing makes our day like watching the G.I. JOE team roll right past us while we are under cover and camouflaged. Especially when we call artillery in on them!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Tele-Viper. Item #03535.
Version 14: March 2005 Valor vs. Venom Wave 7 figure two-pack assortment
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- arms: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- torso: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- waist: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
- legs: Cobra Viper (04/I, 04/II, 05), Cobra Viper Guard (06)
| Accessories: black machine pistol (02 Neo-Viper's), black rifle (02 Neo-Viper's), black knife (91 Low-Light's).
| COBRA VIPER forces are the most recent wave of COBRA infantry. Chosen for their independent thinking, initiative, and daring, they are expected to carry the fight far inside G.I. JOE territory. They are equipped with armored climate-control suits that enable them to function efficiently in extreme environments, and they are given advanced training in deep battle tactics, survival procedures, and high-tech weapon-systems management. They are aggressive, yet wary; attentive to detail, yet practical; sneaky, yet trustworthy; ferocious in combat, yet willing to retreat tactically. This combination of traits makes them formidable foes, and the last thing that the G.I. JOE team wants to have sneaking up on them from their left flank. These qualities also make them favorable candidates for the DNA experiments of DR. MINDBENDER, a fact that has the COBRA VIPER troops volunteering for long away missions and assiduously avoiding the doctor's presence.
"Nothing makes our day like watching the G.I. JOE team roll right past us while we are under cover and camouflaged. Especially when we call artillery in on them!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Gung Ho. Item #56235.
Version 15: February 2006 Viper Pit carded set (06/I)
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: The six-pack included two light grey submachine guns (05 Duke's), four light grey rifles (90 Ambush's), two black machine guns with ammo cartridges (06 Cobra S.A.W. Viper's), four black backpacks (92 Gung-Ho's), and six dark red figure stands (common).
| COBRA VIPER troopers are the grunts of the COBRA legions. If there's a low-level, down-and-dirty job that needs doing, these are the guys who are sent in to do it. They wear multi-layered body armor and wrap-around helmets with built-in radio telecommunications gear, and carry multi-burst laser pistols, commando rifles, and grenade launchers. Even though they are superbly trained and formidably equipped, they are looked down upon by the more elite COBRA groups, simply because of their "basic infantry" status. However, this actually makes them fight even harder, just to prove that plain rottenness gets the job done as well - or better than - all that "specialized" training. They're ready, willing, and able to cause harm and do damage anywhere that COBRA COMMANDER sends them.
"G.I. JOE be warned! We have more weapons and more guts than you could ever hope to have."
| Toy Notes: Five copies were carded in a Direct-to-Consumer/Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with one copy of the gold-faced Viper. Item #18498.
Version 16: February 2006 Viper Pit carded set (06/II)
Cobra Infantryman COBRA Viper
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: The six-pack included two light grey submachine guns (05 Duke's), four light grey rifles (90 Ambush's), two black machine guns with ammo cartridges (06 Cobra S.A.W. Viper's), four black backpacks (92 Gung-Ho's), and six dark red figure stands (common). | COBRA VIPER troopers are the grunts of the COBRA legions. If there's a low-level, down-and-dirty job that needs doing, these are the guys who are sent in to do it. They wear multi-layered body armor and wrap-around helmets with built-in radio telecommunications gear, and carry multi-burst laser pistols, commando rifles, and grenade launchers. Even though they are superbly trained and formidably equipped, they are looked down upon by the more elite COBRA groups, simply because of their "basic infantry" status. However, this actually makes them fight even harder, just to prove that plain rottenness gets the job done as well - or better than - all that "specialized" training. They're ready, willing, and able to cause harm and do damage anywhere that COBRA COMMANDER sends them.
"G.I. JOE be warned! We have more weapons and more guts than you could ever hope to have."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a Direct-to-Consumer/Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with five copies of the silver-faced Viper. Item #18498.
Version 17: late April 2008 25th Anniversary Wave 7 carded figure assortment (08/I)
Infantry COBRA Viper
| - head: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 09/II), Cobra Trooper (08/V)
- upper arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08)
- lower arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/II), Tele-Viper (08/I)
- body: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Lift Ticket (09), Duke (09/II), Firefly (09/II)
- legs: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Cobra Trooper (08/IV)
| Accessories: light grey assault rifle with scope, grenade launcher, and long magazine (new), black goggles with rectangular lenses (new), black tactical vest with red Cobra emblem and two dark red grenades on chest (new), black backpack with two dark red grenades on back (new), black Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA VIPERS are the backbone of the COBRA Legions. They are highly motivated, superbly trained, and formidably equipped. All COBRA VIPERS are issued a combination assault rifle/grenade launcher; the rifle part of which can function as a short burst assault weapon, a sustained fire cover support weapon, or a long range marksman rifle with an advanced light-intensification night vision telescopic sight with a built-in range-finder. Multi-layer body armor and wraparound acrylic/composite helmets with built-in RTO (radio telecommunications) gear are standard issue.
"If you want to get anywhere in COBRA, you have to start out as a COBRA VIPER. That's the bottom of the pyramid, and serving in the COBRA infantry is a small price to pay to gain access to the glittering prizes at the top. COBRA doesn't reward success with parades and medals. They offer material wealth, power, and an outlet for the terrible urges that drive the greedy, the envious, and the cruel. If that doesn't make a COBRA VIPER a dangerous opponent, nothing does!"
| Toy Notes: Item #30279. Has silver-toed boots and a backpack with dark red grenades, in contrast to the all-black boots and backpack of version 19.
Version 18: October 2008 boxed Cobra F.A.N.G. and Cobra C.L.A.W. vehicle set (08/II)
Air Trooper COBRA Viper | MOS 1: Pilot
| - head: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 09/II), Cobra Trooper (08/V)
- upper arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08)
- lower arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/II), Tele-Viper (08/I)
- body: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Lift Ticket (09), Duke (09/II), Firefly (09/II)
- legs: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Cobra Trooper (08/IV)
| Accessories: black rifle (08 Cobra Viper's), grey goggles with red lenses (08 Cobra Viper's), grey vest with green grenades and shoulder pads (08 Cobra Viper's), grey backpack with green grenades (08 Cobra Viper's), black Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA VIPER troopers are the backbone of the COBRA Legions. These frontline forces are heavily equipped and highly trained for battle. Within their vast ranks are subdivisions that have received focused preparation for land, sea, and air combat. COBRA VIPER air troopers are skilled pilots with a necessary reckless disregard for their own safety that makes them especially effective. They favor small, lightweight aircraft like the COBRA C.L.A.W. and COBRA F.A.N.G.; these let them display their piloting skills and allow them to get as close to their targets as possible, so they can enjoy every second of the chaos and destruction they deliver.
"Being a COBRA VIPER trooper means you're the one that goes fist-to-fist, barrel-to-barrel with the G.I. JOE team. But isn't that the fun part?"
| Toy Notes: Boxed with Cobra Pilot, and updates of the F.A.N.G. and C.L.A.W.. Item #33557.
Version 19: December 2008 Wave 7 comic 2-pack assortment (08/III)
Infantry COBRA Viper
| - head: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 09/II), Cobra Trooper (08/V)
- upper arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08)
- lower arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/II), Tele-Viper (08/I)
- body: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Lift Ticket (09), Duke (09/II), Firefly (09/II)
- legs: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Cobra Trooper (08/IV)
| Accessories: light grey assault rifle (08 Viper's), black goggles (08 Viper's), black tactical vest with dark red grenades (08 Viper's), all-black backpack (08 Viper's), black Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA VIPERS are the backbone of the COBRA Legions. They are highly motivated, superbly trained, and formidably equipped. All COBRA VIPERS are issued a combination assault rifle/grenade launcher; the rifle part of which can function as a short burst assault weapon, a sustained fire cover support weapon, or a long range marksman rifle with an advanced light-intensification night vision telescopic sight with a built-in range-finder. Multi-layer body armor and wraparound acrylic/composite helmets with built-in RTO (radio telecommunications) gear are standard issue.
"If you want to get anywhere in COBRA, you have to start out as a COBRA VIPER. That's the bottom of the pyramid, and serving in the COBRA infantry is a small price to pay to gain access to the glittering prizes at the top. COBRA doesn't reward success with parades and medals. They offer material wealth, power, and an outlet for the terrible urges that drive the greedy, the envious, and the cruel. If that doesn't make a COBRA VIPER a dangerous opponent, nothing does!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in November 2008 in a two-pack with Iron Grenadier and a reprint of Marvel #86. Item #37621. Has all-black boots and backpack, in contrast to the silver-toed boots and dark red backpack grenades of version 17. Yojoe.com counts this figure as a variant of version 17.
Version 20: December 2008 Extreme Conditions: Arctic Assault Squad boxed set (08/IV)
Arctic Trooper COBRA Viper | MOS 1: Infantry
| - head: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 09/II), Cobra Trooper (08/V)
- left arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Maj. Bludd (08/III), Cobra Viper (08/III), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- right arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Viper (08/III), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- body: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Lift Ticket (09), Duke (09/II), Firefly (09/II)
- legs: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Cobra Trooper (08/IV)
| Accessories: black rifle (08 Cobra Viper's), black goggles with silver lenses (08 Cobra Viper's), light grey vest with red Cobra emblem and silver grenades (08 Cobra Viper's), black backpack with silver grenades (08 Cobra Viper's), black Cobra figure stand.
| Highly motivated, superbly trained, and formidably equipped, COBRA VIPER troopers are the backbone of the COBRA legions. Each one is issued a combination assault rifle/grenade launcher, the rifle part of which can function as a short burst assault weapon; a sustained fire cover support weapon; or a long range marksman rifle with an advanced light-intensification, night vision telescopic sight with a built-in range finder. Those who wish to prove their ability to go further up the ranks compete for a place in elite units like the arctic assault squad, where the stakes are higher and the challenges are greater.
"If you want to get anywhere in COBRA, you have to start out as a COBRA VIPER. That's the bottom of the pyramid, but it's a small price to pay to gain access to the glittering prizes at the top: wealth, power, and an outlet for the terrible urges that drive the greedy, the envious, and the cruel."
| Toy Notes: Sold in an online-exclusive boxed set with a heavy weapons version of Viper, Snow Serpent Officer, Scrap-Iron, Tele-Viper, and two copies of Snow Serpent Trooper.
Version 21: December 2008 Extreme Conditions: Arctic Assault Squad boxed set (08/V)
Heavy Weapons Trooper COBRA Viper | MOS 1: Anti-Armor Weapons
| - head: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 09/II), Cobra Trooper (08/V)
- arms to wrist: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/IV)
- hands: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Outback (09)
- body: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/IV)
- legs: Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/IV)
| Accessories: black pistol (06 Med Alert's), grey rifle (08 Snow Serpent's), black machine gun (06 Cobra S.A.W. Viper's, with tripod peg), black tripod (84 Roadblock's), light grey mortar and stand (85 Snow Serpent's), black goggles with silver lenses (08 Cobra Viper's), black vest with grey pads, brown chest strap, and blue collar (08 Roadblock's), grey backpack (08 Snow Serpent's), black Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA VIPER forces are chosen for their independent thinking, initiative, and daring. They are expected to carry the fight far inside enemy territory, and are given advanced training in deep battle tactics and survival techniques. Their armored climate-controlled suits enable them to function efficiently in extreme environments. Aggressive, focused, and ferocious in battle, they are formidable infantry forces. Heavy weapons troopers are experts in all anti-tank weaponry, and those in the COBRA arctic assault squad have additional expertise in regions with severe climates to ensure high accuracy and precise targeting, despite challenging environmental conditions.
"Nothing makes your day like welcoming the G.I. JOE team to our neighborhood with a few well-aimed rounds of anti-tank fire."
| Toy Notes: Sold in an online-exclusive boxed set with an arctic version of Viper, Snow Serpent Officer, Scrap-Iron, Tele-Viper, and two copies of Snow Serpent Trooper.
Version 22: February 2009 Cobra Collector boxed set (09/I)
Infantry Cobra Vipers
| - head: Cobra Viper (09/I, 09/III)
- upper arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08)
- lower arms: Cobra Viper (09/I, 09/III)
- body: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Lift Ticket (09), Duke (09/II), Firefly (09/II)
- legs: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Cobra Trooper (08/IV)
| Accessories: graphite rifle (08 Cobra Viper's), black vest with red pads and grenades (08 Cobra Viper's), black backpack with bright red grenades (08 Cobra Viper's), black Cobra figure stand.
| The COBRA VIPER units are the backbone of the COBRA legions. They are highly motivated, superbly trained, and formidably equipped. This is the group that all new COBRA recruits want to join, and they'll do everything they can - fight hard, betray fellow troopers - to be chosen for advancement to the COBRA VIPER force. They get bigger weapons, better training, and more opportunities to rise even further up the ladder of power and privilege. Because they have nothing to lose (being comprised of thugs and criminals hiding from the law) and everything to gain as a COBRA VIPER, they are willing to do anything asked of them.
"G.I. JOE, be warned! We have more weapons and more guts than you could ever hope to have. One thing we don't have: a conscience. And that makes us even more dangerous."
| Toy Notes: Boxed with Storm Shadow, Baroness, Cobra Commander, and Zartan. Item #36448.
Version 23: March 2009 Conquest X-30 boxed vehicle (09/II)
Python Patrol Assault Viper Python Patrol Viper
| - head: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/V, 09/II), Cobra Trooper (08/V)
- upper arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08)
- lower arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 09/II), Tele-Viper (08/I)
- body: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Lift Ticket (09), Duke (09/II), Firefly (09/II)
- legs: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Cobra Trooper (08/IV)
| Accessories: black rifle (08 Cobra Viper's), grey goggles with red lenses (08 Cobra Viper's), grey vest with yellow belt and pads (08 Cobra Viper's), all-grey backpack (08 Cobra Viper's).
| PYTHON PATROL VIPERS comprise the bulk of the elite PYTHON PATROL corps. Each is highly trained in experimental weaponry, explosive ordnance, and stealth infiltration. Fluency in several martial art forms is required, with focus on close quarters melee combat. PYTHON PATROL VIPERS are outfitted with radar and thermal-detection resistant clothing - the same used on all PYTHON PATROL vehicles - making them hard to identify with instrumentation, even at close range. They're the "Black Ops" of an already wicked organization; to PYTHON PATROL VIPERS wreaking havoc isn't just sport - it's art.
"Architecting our enemy's demise takes skill, patience, coordination and resolve. We don't take destruction lightly: we make masterpieces of mayhem."
| Toy Notes: Boxed with a Target-exclusive update of the Python Patrol Conquest. Note that this Viper did not come with a personalized figure stand.
Version 24: April 2009 Hall of Heroes carded figure assortment, #6 (09/III)
Infantry Cobra Viper
| - head: Cobra Viper (09/I, 09/III)
- upper arms: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08)
- lower arms: Cobra Viper (09/I, 09/III)
- body: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Mutt (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Lift Ticket (09), Duke (09/II), Firefly (09/II)
- legs: Cobra Viper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 09/I, 09/II, 09/III), Tele-Viper (08/I), Cobra Trooper (08/IV)
| Accessories: graphite rifle (08 Cobra Viper's), black vest with red pads and grenades (08 Cobra Viper's), black backpack with red grenades (08 Cobra Viper's), flat-gold Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA VIPERS are the backbone of the COBRA legions. They are highly motivated, superbly trained, and formidably equipped. All COBRA VIPERS are issued a combination assault rifle/grenade launcher, the rifle part of which can function as a short burst assault weapon, a sustained fire cover support weapon, or a long range marksman rifle with a built-in range-finder. Multi-layer body armor and wraparound acrylic/composite helmets with built-in RTO (radio telecommunications) gear are standard issue.
"If you want to get anywhere in COBRA, you have to start out as a COBRA VIPER. That's the bottom of the pyramid, and serving in the COBRA infantry is a small price to pay to gain access to the glittering prizes at the top. COBRA doesn't reward success with parades and medals. They offer material wealth, power, and an outlet for the terrible urges that drive the greedy, the devious, and the cruel. If that doesn't make a COBRA VIPER a dangerous opponent, nothing does! "
| Toy Notes: Item #39532.