
File Name: Tomax Rogue, born on an unspecified island in the Mediterranean Sea
Notes: The fifteen largest such islands are Sicily, Sardinia, Cyprus, Corsica, Crete, Euboea, Majorca, Lesbos, Rhodes, Minorca, Chios, Kefalonia, Corfu, Ibiza, and Djerba.
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Corey Burton | 38 | 2,764 seconds | 416 | 1,769
Notes: Except for rare animation errors, Sunbow's Tomax wore the figure Xamot's 1985 outfit (the uniforms were reversed). In the series, there was a sort of psychic link between the Crimson Twins, causing each to feel what the other felt and often to complete each other's sentences. The default rifle for cartoon Cobra troops was released with the 2008 versions of Tomax and Xamot. The Twins' original animation model sheet has the names TOVAM and MOVAT crossed out with their approved names written below.
Season 1 Opening (Sunbow) | 3 seconds | (silent) | attacking Quick Kick on airship
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1 | 123 seconds | 10 lines | in Trubble Bubble in shuttle attack, escaping to Enterprise Tower, at waterfall base
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 3 | 74 seconds | 14 lines | leading Cobra at City of the Dead, captured
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 4 | 145 seconds | 19 lines | held captive on U.S.S. Flagg, escaping with Xamot
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 5 | 181 seconds | 19 lines | at Cobra base, flying Rattler to Enterprise Towers/battle rocket, escaping by subway
| Cobra's Candidate | 104 seconds | 14 lines | backing Harper's candidacy, fighting Scarlett and Lady Jaye
| Red Rocket's Glare | 126 seconds | 19 lines | meeting Destro, jumping from plane, in office, attacking Lady Jaye
| Money to Burn | 204 seconds | 36 lines | paying thieves, meeting with Henderhaunch, with Lady Jaye at Cobra base
| Spell of the Siren | 55 seconds | 3 lines | with Cobra Cmdr; entranced by conch shell and jailed by Baroness; freed by Xamot
| The Greenhouse Effect | 54 seconds | 14 lines | flying a C.L.A.W. and using vegetables to attack Chicago
| The Viper Is Coming | 43 seconds | 8 lines | denying involvement with The Viper; fighting at Enterprise Tower
| The Germ | 26 seconds | 6 lines | ordering theft of supergerm and diverting its delivery
| Captives of Cobra, Part 1 | 23 seconds | 5 lines | kidnapping Joe family members
| Captives of Cobra, Part 2 | 31 seconds | 8 lines | operating Baroness's helicarrier
| Bazooka Saw a Sea Serpent | 88 seconds | 15 lines | meeting with ship owners; arguing with Cobra Cmdr; monitoring sea serpent fight
| The Traitor, Part 1 | 138 seconds | 20 lines | flying Trubble Bubble to capture chemical, recruiting Dusty
| The Traitor, Part 2 | 147 seconds | 13 lines | suspicious of Dusty; employing Lt. Clay Moore as spy; escaping in Trubble Bubble
| Primordial Plot | 78 seconds | 9 lines | at fortress endorsing Commander's cloning plans; escaping with Destro
| Memories of Mara | 82 seconds | 14 lines | in Cobra sub; at undersea base; capturing Lady Jaye
| The Wrong Stuff | 46 seconds | 13 lines | meeting with Cobra TV's sponsors; watching attacks on space station
| The Invaders | 51 seconds | 12 lines | driving Ferret; abducted by flying saucer; capturing Snake Eyes and Wong
| Cold Slither | 54 seconds | 11 lines | declaring Cobra broke, selling Cobra assets, buying music rights
| The Great Alaskan Land Rush | 84 seconds | 16 lines | supervising Potemkin's installment as owner of Alaska
| There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 1 | 5 seconds | 1 line | captured in false flashback, interrogating Shipwreck in dream
| There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 2 | 103 seconds | 28 lines | supervising interrogation of Shipwreck; reporting to Cobra Cmdr
| Season 2 Opening (Sunbow) | 4 seconds | (silent) | tackling Beach Head on Terror Drome, hit by Roadblock
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 1 | 63 seconds | 5 lines | riding Stun against Joe HQ; at secret meeting with Dr. Mindbender
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 2 | 45 seconds | 10 lines | leading Paris assault in Stun; stealing DNA from Napoleon's tomb
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 3 | 93 seconds | 13 lines | flying F.A.N.G. to attack Sgt. Slaughter at Sun Tzu's burial mound
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 4 | 132 seconds | 19 lines | taking Sgt. Slaughter's DNA; recapturing Slaughter; witnessing Serpentor's creation
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 5 | 75 seconds | 10 lines | questioning Serpentor's ability to hold US territory
| Cobrathon | 69 seconds | 10 lines | recommending computer virus project
| The Million Dollar Medic | 124 seconds | 15 lines | flying Night Raven against factory; breaking into Van Mark home; in Stun & Snow Cat
| G.I. Joe: The Movie Opening | 4 seconds | (silent) | on Cobra airship, flying Trubble Bubble
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 1 | 43 seconds | 6 lines | in Serpentor's war room; driving Stun in B.E.T. attack
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 3 | 2 seconds | 1 line | pledging loyalty to Golobulus (2:18-19)
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 4 | 33 seconds | (silent) | in Stun moving out from ice dome; at briefing in Terror Drome
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 5 | 9 seconds | (silent) | with Cobra leaders when Rawhides' attack begins
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Tomax was discernible in 138 panels in 20 issues from Jul. 1985 to Sept. 1991: #37, 38, 40, 41, 46, 49, 52, 54, 55, Order of Battle 3, 56, 73, 74, 87, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, and 116.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1985 (2-Pack)
2. 2002/I (RAHC)
| 3. 2002/II (Crimson Strike Team)
4. 2003 (Crimson Command Copter)
| 5. 2005 (6-pack)
6. 2008 (Comic #36 1/2)
Version 1: spring 1985 Crimson Guard Commanders figure two-pack
Crimson Guard Commander | MOS: Infiltration, espionage, sabotage, propaganda, and corporate law [The 1985 versions of Tomax and Xamot shared a single filecard]
| - head: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II, 05)
- arms: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
- torso: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
- waist: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
- legs: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
| Accessories: large black pistol with scope (new), silver T-shaped sky hook with black string (new, shared with Xamot).
| Spell out the name TOMAX in capitals and hold it up to a mirror. It reads XAMOT. The same holds true for the actual brothers. Each is the mirror image of the other except for a scar on Xamot's face. Both twins served with the Foreign Legion Paras in Algeria before the officers Putsch. They honed their mercenary skills in the bush wars of Africa and South America. They were too smart to be soldiers forever. Went to Zurich and became bankers.
They quickly found the ins and outs of international finance to be too haphazard for their tastes. They preferred a situation they could control. COBRA was willing to give them access to that control. Now they command legions. But their legions wear three-piece suits and fight their battles in executive board rooms. These then are the most fearsome of the COBRA adversaries. They don't fight with steel and claw, backed with muscle and honest sweat... They chase you with paper, wound you with your own laws, and kill you with the money you loaned them.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Xamot. Item #6063. His head and weapon differ from the prototype in the 1985 insert catalog.
| Reissues: Reissued with Xamot in mail offers 1988-1992 (North Atlantic, Operation Blackout, End of Serpentor, Thrills Chills Spills, Rumble in the Jungle, Mission Rescue: Code Blue).
Version 2: April 2002 Real American Hero Collection Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment (02/I)
Crimson Guard Commander | MOS: Infiltration, espionage, sabotage, propaganda, and corporate law
| - head: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II, 05)
- arms: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
- torso: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
- waist: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
- legs: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
| Accessories: black pistol (85 Tomax's), silver sky hook with black string (85 Tomax's, shared with Xamot).
| TOMAX and his twin brother, XAMOT, are silent, unseen enemies that do their destruction in the rarified world of finance. The brothers are mirror images of one another except for the scar on XAMOT's face. Both gravitated to corruption while young, were fascinated with war, and displayed a brilliance for financial intrigue. TOMAX plays havoc with international banking with just a three-piece suit and a laptop. He joined COBRA when he discovered the organization could give him unlimited opportunities to work his monetary destruction.
"A shift in accounts, a change in the stock market, a small business transaction - that's all it takes the throw the world into chaos."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Xamot. Item #53082. Very similar to the 1985 version, but slightly darker/duller and with a dim scar. This wave was exclusive to various online and specialty outlets.
Version 3: late June 2002 Crimson Strike Team boxed set (02/II)
Crimson Guard Commander | MOS: Infiltration, espionage, sabotage, propaganda, and corporate law
| - head: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II, 05)
- arms: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
- torso: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
- waist: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
- legs: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II)
| Accessories: black submachine gun (89 Snake Eyes's), black knife (90 Range-Viper's).
| TOMAX and his twin brother, XAMOT, are the sinister partners keeping COBRA COMMANDER from going bankrupt. However, their years of serving under him had not given them the total financial independence or the full range of power they desired. In a risky venture, they formed a secret alliance with the BARONESS. Using the candidates she selects from within COBRA, they have steadily amassed an army of COBRA VIPERS - loyal only to their cause. Each infantry trooper must be summarily "written-off" the books as casualties of war before they can be recruited into the Crimson Strike Team. This ambitious operation allows the Crimson Twins to operate right under the noses of the COBRA hierarchy. TOMAX shares command of the strike force with his brother. Splitting the unit into squads, they attack any target opposing their corporate takeovers. This allows not only the taking of one building, but also the ability to take an entire city block."
| Variations: The prototypes were colored a pinkish fuchsia, and each of the Twins had red hair. The official run of the figure sets was the correct crimson color. Per Yojoe.com, the numbers were 250 fuchsia sets, 150 bagged crimson sets, and 500 boxed crimson sets that came with the Crimson H.I.S.S. The fuchsia set was only sold to those who also got one of the crimson sets. While more crimson copies were made, fuchsia copies tend to be more common on the secondary market.
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a convention-exclusive set with Baroness, Xamot, and twelve copies of Viper. This figure is considered a moderately high-demand item, the true-crimson variant even more so.
Version 4: August 2003 boxed Crimson Command Copter vehicle
Crimson Guard Commander | MOS: Infiltration, espionage, sabotage, propaganda, and corporate law
| - head: Scalpel (03), Tomax (03), Xamot (03)
- arms: C.L.A.W.S. Commander (03), Tomax (03), Xamot (03)
- torso: C.L.A.W.S. Commander (03), Tomax (03), Xamot (03), Crimson Guard (05/II), Cobra Interrogator (06)
- waist: C.L.A.W.S. Commander (03), Tomax (03), Xamot (03), Crimson Guard (05/II), Cobra Interrogator (06)
- legs: C.L.A.W.S. Commander (03), Tomax (03), Xamot (03), Crimson Guard (05/II), Cobra Interrogator (06)
| Accessories: dark grey helmet with grey forehead and black air mask (02 Duke's).
| After honing their skills in the Foreign Legion Paras, fighting in Bosnia, Lebanon, and Algeria, TOMAX and his twin brother XAMOT sought out lucrative mercenary contracts throughout southern Africa and South America. It was in the diamond wars of Sierra Leone and Angola that the twins found their true calling, secretly siphoning millions of dollars worth of stones from warlords on both sides and then selling them back for handsome profits. They learned to profit from and control the bigger picture, the financing of battles on the field and in the boardroom. It is precisely these skills, along with the twins' ruthless tendencies, that COBRA COMMANDER needs to make his schemes materialize. The twins are extremely vain, preferring to surround themselves with only the finest quality trappings, and have an obsessive drive to locate the perfect diamond. They stick to a rigorous training schedule to stay in shape, getting up at 4 AM every day to check the world markets and perform a 2-hour work out. As twins, they have the eerie quality of feeling whatever is happening to the other: if one is punched, the other will feel the blow and stagger back.
"In capable hands, the briefcase can be as effective as a blade."
| Toy Notes: Boxed with Xamot and a recolor of the Night Attack Chopper. Item #55456. Due to uneven distribution, this vehicle was considered a moderately hard-to-find item at the time of its release.
Version 5: February 2005 Crimson Guard Force carded set
| - head: Tomax (85, 02/I, 02/II, 05)
- arms: Headman (92, 02), Gen. Flagg (04), Shrage (05), Tomax (05), Xamot (05), Lt. Gorky (06)
- torso: Headman (92, 02), Gen. Flagg (04), Tomax (05), Xamot (05)
- waist: Headman (92, 02), Gen. Flagg (04), Tomax (05), Xamot (05)
- legs: Headman (92, 02), Tomax (05), Xamot (05)
| Accessories: black pistol (83 Maj. Bludd's), black submachine gun (89 Snake Eyes's), black knife (03 Over Kill's), black figure stand (common).
| After honing their skills in the Foreign Legion Paras, fighting in Bosnia, Lebanon, and Algeria, TOMAX and his twin brother XOMAT [sic!] sought out lucrative mercenary contracts around the world. In the diamond wars of Sierra Leone and Angola, they secretly siphoned millions of dollars worth of stones from warlords on both sides and then sold them back for handsome profits. They learned to profit from and control the bigger picture, the financing of battles on the field and in the boardroom. It is these skills, and the twins' ruthless tendencies, that COBRA COMMANDER needs to make his schemes materialize. The twins are extremely vain, surrounding themselves with only the finest quality trappings. Their rigorous schedule includes getting up at 4 AM every day to check the world markets and perform a 2-hour work out. As twins, they have the eerie quality of feeling whatever is happening to the other; if one is punched, the other feels the blow and staggers back.
"In capable hands, the briefcase can be as effective as a blade."
| Toy Notes: Item #05631. Carded in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with Firefly and four copies of Crimson Guard.
Version 6: March 2008 Wave 3 comic two-pack assortment
Crimson Guard | MOS 1: Infiltration, Espionage, Sabotage, Propaganda, Corporate Law
| - head: Tomax (08)
- left arm: Tomax (08)
- right arm: Tomax (08), Dreadnok Ripper (08/II)
- torso: Tomax (08)
- waist: Tomax (08), Xamot (08)
- upper legs: Tomax (08)
- lower legs: Tomax (08), Xamot (08)
| Accessories: dark green Sunbow cartoon-style laser rifle with scope and long magazine (new), silver hinged armor on right shoulder, with red sash (new), black Cobra figure stand.
| Brilliant, ruthless, and ambitious. TOMAX and his brother XAMOT are near mirror images of one another. They have an eerie way of finishing each other's sentences, and each one can feel exactly what his twin is feeling. Their newly acquired command of the elite CRIMSON GUARD forces gives them unimaginable access to and control over the influential worlds of government, business, and finance. TOMAX and his brother use business fronts like the Arbco Bros. Circus for their CRIMSON GUARD operations.
"What an interesting and dangerous nest of vipers we are in, brother of mine..."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Xamot and an original comic (#36 1/2). Item #29343.