
File Name: John Blanchet of Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Grade: Navy E-6 (1990)
SN: 692-8812-HO89
Notes: Fort Wayne is in the northeast part of the state, about 125 miles northeast of Indianapolis.
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Unknown | 7 | 586 seconds | 53 | 567
Notes: DiC's Topside wore the 1990 outfit and had red hair.
Season 1 Opening (DiC) | 1 second | (silent) | laughing in original animation (0:30)
| Victory at Volcania Part 2 | 81 seconds | 15 lines | at Joe HQ, in cargo plane, in Hammer after Cobra retreats
| Night of the Creepers | 7 seconds | (silent) | briefly seen in Hammer where Rampart was seated in previous and subsequent shots
| An Officer and a Viperman | 313 seconds | 17 lines | at base, training as an Undertow, leading attack on Tokyo base, recovering Battle Axe
| D-Day at Alcatraz Part 1 | 46 seconds | 7 lines | ferrying Cobra prisoners to Alcatraz, guarding the Comstock Lode
| D-Day at Alcatraz Part 2 | 137 seconds | 14 lines | pursuing Comstock Lode in sailboat, on PT boat off Alcatraz, driving Mobile Battle Bunker
| Season 2 Opening (DiC) | 1 second | (silent) | in footage created for DiC season 1 opening (0:29)
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
To my knowledge, Topside did not appear in the vintage comic.
Figure Releases
Version 1: spring 1990 regular carded figure assortment
Navy Assault Seaman | MOS 1: Navy Assault Seaman MOS 2: Tele-Communications Specialist
| - head: Topside (90)
- arms: Topside (90), Backblast (93)
- torso: Topside (90)
- waist: Topside (90)
- legs: Topside (90)
| Accessories: light grey MP5K submachine gun (new), three small red missiles with tiny fins (new), light grey battle helmet with brim (new), light grey compact twin missile launcher backpack with hinged U-shaped mount (new).
| TOPSIDE grew up on a small Indiana farm where he helped his father raise prize-winning pigs. After winning numerous county fair awards for his pigs, Topside quickly gained the reputation as Fort Wayne's Hog Master. When he was 20, Topside decided to leave the farm in search of a more exciting career. He enlisted in the Navy and served as a deck hand on a ship that transported a G.I. Joe covert team to a mission site. Fed up with listening to the land-lubbers' tales of toughness, he decided to take them all on at once! Because of his boldness and ability to look danger in the eye, he was offered a spot on the G.I. Joe team.
"A really intense training program can produce a fairly tough individual, but Topside was born tough. He can down a plate of greasy scrambled eggs and weiners [sic] while sailing through seas rough enough to send salty chief petty officers to the rail! I saw him take a full wind-up, upper-cut punch from another seaman and not even budge. Needless to say, that other seaman didn't stay around to get Topside's response."
| Toy Notes: Item #6563.