
1984 Equipment
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Battle Gear Accessory Pack #2
- Spare accessories for 1982-1983 figures: brown, bright green, and light grey for Joes and blue for Cobras.
- Carded equipment from spring 1984.
- Included Accessories: blue pistol (82 Cobra Commander's), two blue pistols (83 Destro's), blue pistol (83 Maj. Bludd's), light grey grenade launcher (83 Gung-Ho's), blue rifle (82 Cobra Officer's), light grey rifle (83 Airborne's), light grey rifle (83 Snow Job's), blue rifle (82 Cobra's), light grey flare launcher (83 Doc's), light grey single-handled bazooka (82 Zap's), light grey mortar and stand (82 Short-Fuze's), three brown mines (83 Tripwire's), two bright green helmets (82 Short-Fuze's), bright green helmet (83 Airborne's), bright green helmet (83 Doc's), brown backpack (83 Tripwire's), brown backpack (83 Airborne's), brown backpack (83 Gung-Ho's), two brown figure stands (common).
- Related: Battle Gear Accessory Pack (1983); Battle Gear Accessory Pack #3 (1985); Cobra Battle Gear Accessory Pack #4 (1986); Battle Gear Accessory Pack #5 (1987); Vehicle Gear Accessory Pack #1 (1987); Cobra Battle Gear Accessory Pack #6 (1988).
- Collector's equipment; no animated appearances.
Cobra C.L.A.W.
- White one-man "battle wing" glider with bomb, used by Cobra. Stands for Covert Light Aerial Weapon.
- Boxed vehicle from spring 1984.
- Price: The S.N.A.K.E. and C.L.A.W. were offered in the 1984 J.C. Penney Christmas Book as a set for $9.99.
- Related: Cobra F.A.N.G. and Cobra C.L.A.W. (2008); FLAK Cannon vs. Cobra C.L.A.W. (2009). A C.L.A.W. of the 2008-2009 variety was also included with 2008's DVD Battles #5 figure set, intended for Cobra Commander.
C.L.A.W. Animated Appearances
Notes: C.L.A.W.s made 18 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 389 seconds on screen. They were named 6 times in-story.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 5 seconds | flying over V.A.M.P., used by Cobra Cmdr against Spirit, shot down over Moccasin
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 43 seconds | used to attack Joe convoy
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 15 seconds | used at Palace of Doom, flown by Maj. Bludd to collect weather fragment
| Cobra's Creatures | 3 seconds | used to control locusts with Hi-Freq
| Countdown for Zartan | 12 seconds | used to attack defense center
| Cobra Soundwaves | 51 seconds | used to pursue crashed Joe pilots and attack oil fields
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 2 | 21 seconds | used to defend cube at Devil's Playground
| Satellite Down | 14 seconds | used to attack Bridge Layer and try to retrieve satellite
| Money to Burn | 11 seconds | used to defend Cobra base
| The Greenhouse Effect | 35 seconds | flown by Tomax and Xamot in Chicago, stolen by Alpine
| The Traitor, Part 2 | 24 seconds | used to attack chemical plant
| Worlds Without End Part I | 26 seconds | used to attack Joes in alt-Earth
| Worlds Without End Part II | 6 seconds | used by Cobra to monitor Grunt and Steeler
| Cobra CLAWs Are Coming to Town | 30 seconds | used to attack Joe HQ, stolen by Blowtorch
| G.I. Joe and the Golden Fleece | 46 seconds | used as gliders by the Baroness after being sent back in time
| G.I. Joe: The Movie Opening | 34 seconds | used to attack Statue of Liberty
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 3 | 2 seconds | attacking Joes in flashback (7:05-06)
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 4 | 11 seconds | used to attack B.E.T. lab
C.L.A.W. Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, C.L.A.W.s were discernible in 40 panels in 3 issues from Mar. 1984 to Mar. 1986: #21, 24, and 45. They were not featured in the Order of Battle.
Machine Gun Defense Unit
- Grey machine gun with dark green tank traps, ammo box, and sign, used by G.I. Joe.
- Boxed playset from spring 1984, part of Battlefield Accessories line. Reissued with the other five Battlefield Accessories as a set in mail offers 1988-1992 (North Atlantic, Operation Deep Six, Thrills Chills Spills, Rumble in the Jungle, Mission Rescue: Code Blue).
- Related: The other playsets labeled as Battlefield Accessories were Missile Defense Unit (1984); Mortar Defense Unit (1984); Ammo Dump Unit (1985); Forward Observer Unit (1985); and Cobra Rifle Range Unit (1985).
- No animated appearances.
Missile Defense Unit
- Grey missile launcher with brick barricade, ammo box, and sign, used by G.I. Joe.
- Boxed playset from spring 1984, part of Battlefield Accessories line. Reissued with the other five Battlefield Accessories as a set in mail offers 1988-1992 (North Atlantic, Operation Deep Six, Thrills Chills Spills, Rumble in the Jungle, Mission Rescue: Code Blue).
- Related: The other playsets labeled as Battlefield Accessories were Machine Gun Defense Unit (1984); Mortar Defense Unit (1984); Ammo Dump Unit (1985); Forward Observer Unit (1985); and Cobra Rifle Range Unit (1985).
- No animated appearances.
Mortar Defense Unit
- Black mortar launcher with green sandbag barricade, ammo box, and fuel, used by G.I. Joe.
- Boxed playset from spring 1984, part of Battlefield Accessories line. Reissued with the other five Battlefield Accessories as a set in mail offers 1988-1992 (North Atlantic, Operation Deep Six, Thrills Chills Spills, Rumble in the Jungle, Mission Rescue: Code Blue).
- Related: The other playsets labeled as Battlefield Accessories were Machine Gun Defense Unit (1984); Missile Defense Unit (1984); Ammo Dump Unit (1985); Forward Observer Unit (1985); and Cobra Rifle Range Unit (1985).
- No animated appearances.
Watch Tower
Mountain Howitzer
Sky Hawk One-Man V.T.O.L.
- Green one-man aircraft with pivoting jet engines, used by G.I. Joe. Stands for Vertical Take-Off & Landing.
- Boxed vehicle from spring 1984. Reissued in mail offers from 1986-1989 and 1992 (Attention! Special Offers, G.I. Joe S.T.R.I.K.E., B.A.T.T.L.E., Called to A.C.T.I.O.N., Chilling Events, Operation Deep Six, Secret of the Dark Lagoon).
- Related: Dreadnok Air Assault (1986); Sky Patrol Sky Hawk (1990); Steel Brigade Sky Hawk (2005); Ghost H.A.W.K. (2009).
Sky Hawk Animated Appearances
Notes: Sky Hawks made 20 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 626 seconds on screen. They were named 5 times in-story.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 4 seconds | seen in final charge
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 113 seconds | defending Joe convoy, chasing Zartan
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 11 seconds | used at Island of No Return
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 4 | 2 seconds | seen during evacuation of the island (7:52-53)
| Season 1 Opening (Sunbow) | 8 seconds | deploying from HQ, dropping Joes onto airship
| Cobra's Creatures | 20 seconds | attacked by locusts
| Countdown for Zartan | 38 seconds | used to fly to defense center and defend it from Cobra's attack
| Operation Mind Menace | 71 seconds | used to pursue Cobra's cargo plane from Tommy's test
| Red Rocket's Glare | 5 seconds | deployed to prevent missile launches
| Money to Burn | 44 seconds | parachuted into battle against Cobra base
| Twenty Questions | 42 seconds | at maneuvers; on airfield; used by Duke to return to Joe HQ
| The Greenhouse Effect | 10 seconds | flown by Airtight to Chicago
| The Funhouse | 4 seconds | seen at beginning of assault on South American base
| Worlds Without End Part I | 96 seconds | used to patrol alt-Earth
| Worlds Without End Part II | 87 seconds | attacked by Rattlers
| Cobra CLAWs Are Coming to Town | 17 seconds | stolen by Maj. Bludd to attack Keystone City
| Memories of Mara | 43 seconds | used by Duke to distract Cobra sub
| The Million Dollar Medic | 2 seconds | seen destroyed during Joe HQ attack (12:15-16)
| Iceberg Goes South | 1 second | parked at arctic research base (11:33)
| G.I. Joe: The Movie Opening | 8 seconds | used to defend Statue of Liberty
Sky Hawk Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Sky Hawks were discernible in 16 panels in 2 issues from Jun. 1984 to May 1987: #24 and Order of Battle 4.
Swamp Skier (Chameleon)
- Small green skimobile with temperature-based color change, used by the Dreadnoks.
- Boxed vehicle from spring 1984, packaged with Zartan.
- Price: Offered in the 1984 J.C. Penney Christmas Book for $6.99, and in the 1984 Sears Wish Book for $5.99.
- Related: A miniature version was released as an accessory for the 2008 version of Zartan.
Chameleon Animated Appearances
Notes: Chameleons made 5 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 118 seconds on screen.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 2 seconds | used by Zartan against Grunt (0:13-14)
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 96 seconds | used to capture Col. Sharp, assault prison, and escape into swamp
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 5 seconds | used by Dreadnoks to escape
| Jungle Trap | 8 seconds | used by Zartan to escape Cobra temple
| The Funhouse | 7 seconds | driven by Zartan to Dr. Hibbentrope's lab
Chameleon Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Chameleons were discernible in 6 panels in 2 issues from Jul. 1984 to Oct. 1984: #25 and 28. They were not featured in the Order of Battle.
Cobra A.S.P.
- Blue twin cannon station with enclosed cockpit, mounted on towable base, used by Cobra. Stands for Assault System Pod.
- Boxed equipment from spring 1984. Reissued in mail offers 1986-1987 (Doomed to Defeat, G.I. Joe S.T.R.I.K.E., B.A.T.T.L.E., Called to A.C.T.I.O.N.).
- Related: Python Patrol A.S.P. (1989); Operation Crimson Sabotage (2004).
A.S.P. Animated Appearances
Notes: A.S.P.s made 10 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 151 seconds on screen. They were named only twice in-story (both in Money to Burn). They also made 1 appearance of 6 seconds in the DiC series. The DiC series episode Keyboard Warriors also featured a computer system named A.S.P., but it was unrelated to this set. Grand Total: 11 appearances, 157 seconds.
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 5 seconds | used to attack Joe convoy
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 2 | 2 seconds | seen in the Cobra town (12:16, 17:36)
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 12 seconds | used at Zartan's hideout and to defend Cobra temple
| Cobra Stops the World | 10 seconds | used at Cobra base near Patagonia
| Red Rocket's Glare | 31 seconds | used to attack diner
| Money to Burn | 23 seconds | used to defend Cobra base
| Spell of the Siren | 35 seconds | used to defend undersea base and captured pipeline, and to attack Joe HQ
| Cobra CLAWs Are Coming to Town | 26 seconds | stolen by Roadblock
| The Invaders | 3 seconds | used to attack Kremlin
| Last Hour to Doomsday | 4 seconds | hitched to Stingers inside Cobra base (colored grey)
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 4 | 6 seconds | turned into Python A.S.P.s
A.S.P. Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, A.S.P.s were discernible in 44 panels in 11 issues from Jun. 1985 to Aug. 1991: #36, 41, Yearbook 2, 49, Order of Battle 4, 64, 74, 75, 88, 111, and 115.
Flying Submarine (S.H.A.R.C.)
- White amphibious aircraft with cockpit for pilot in prone position, used by G.I. Joe. Stands for Submersible High-speed Attack and Reconnaissance Craft.
- Boxed vehicle from spring 1984, packaged with Deep Six. Reissued in mail offers 1988 and 1991-1992 (Operation Blackout, Escape from Doom, Mission Rescue: Code Blue).
- Price: Offered in the 1984 J.C. Penney Christmas Book and Sears Christmas Book for $9.99.
- Related Vehicles: Night Shade (1988); Sky S.H.A.R.C. (1990); Wave Crusher (2001); Night Specter (2008); Sharc Tooth (2008).
S.H.A.R.C. Animated Appearances
Notes: S.H.A.R.C.s made 19 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 787 seconds on screen. They were named 16 times in-story.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 1 second | flying out of the water (0:33)
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 30 seconds | used at Island of No Return
| Season 1 Opening (Sunbow) | 4 seconds | flying along trench in airship's surface
| Cobra Stops the World | 83 seconds | used against off-shore Cobra base
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1 | 148 seconds | used to fight water robots and follow Cobra Cmdr into Cobra base
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 1 | 25 seconds | used to rescue Duke during war games
| Spell of the Siren | 48 seconds | used to attack undersea base
| Bazooka Saw a Sea Serpent | 24 seconds | used to attack sea serpent
| The Traitor, Part 1 | 26 seconds | used to scout Cobra oil rig and retrieve Duke
| Eau de Cobra | 39 seconds | used by Deep Six to monitor yacht mission
| Primordial Plot | 10 seconds | used to find dinosaur island
| Memories of Mara | 40 seconds | flown by Deep Six to defend Trogon and attack Cobra sub
| The Pit of Vipers | 104 seconds | used to attack Cerebus, by Shipwreck to find undersea base
| There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 1 | 111 seconds | used on Mullaney mission; sinking with Shipwreck aboard
| There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 2 | 2 seconds | in interrogation flashback (7:35-36)
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 3 | 18 seconds | used to defend tomb of Alexander the Great
| Last Hour to Doomsday | 15 seconds | used to locate Cobra undersea base
| Raise the Flagg! | 58 seconds | used to reach sunken Flagg and place floatation cushions
| Knowing Is Half the Battle PSAs | 1 second | driven by Deep Six in his second PSA
S.H.A.R.C. Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, S.H.A.R.C.s were discernible in 35 panels in 5 issues from Jul. 1984 to Feb. 1988: #25, 40, SM 1, Order of Battle 4, Yearbook 4.
Attack Vehicle (V.A.M.P. Mark II)
V.A.M.P. Mark II Animated Appearances
Notes: V.A.M.P. II's (colored the same yellow-tan as Clutch) made 18 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 183 seconds on screen. They were never named in-story.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 11 seconds | leaving HQ, passing Dreadnoks, shooting at Water Moccasin, in final charge
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 16 seconds | part of Joe convoy
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 2 | 9 seconds | seen before and after the battle in DC
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 19 seconds | used against Cobra temple
| Cobra's Creatures | 2 seconds | seen on the ground during jump test (2:38-39)
| Haul Down the Heavens | 6 seconds | seen on Joe airfield during Firefly's sabotage
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1 | 3 seconds | used to defend space shuttle
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 5 | 44 seconds | used to attack Cobra base and amplify Alpine's yodel
| Lights! Camera! Cobra! | 5 seconds | seen on movie set
| Satellite Down | 9 seconds | with Flint's team at canyon (once colored green)
| The Funhouse | 2 seconds | used to assault desert temple (20:31, 20:36)
| Where the Reptiles Roam | 4 seconds | used to pick up Alpine's team at info center
| The Traitor, Part 2 | 2 seconds | used to defend chemical plant (10:42-43)
| Cobra CLAWs Are Coming to Town | 32 seconds | parked at Joe HQ, stolen by Cobras to attack Keystone City
| Hearts and Cannons | 6 seconds | part of rescue team (interior colored green in all but one shot)
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 2 | 1 second | seen among vehicles at Joe HQ (3:32)
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 3 | 8 seconds | seen at tomb of Genghis Khan
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 3 | 4 seconds | fighting Cobra in flashback
V.A.M.P. Mark II Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, V.A.M.P. II's were discernible in 22 panels in 9 issues from Mar. 1985 to May 1987: Yearbook 1, #42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, GIJTF 1, and Order of Battle 4.
Cobra Night Attack 4-WD Stinger
Stinger Animated Appearances
Notes: Stingers made 23 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 470 seconds on screen. They were named only twice in-story (in The Phantom Brigade and Hearts and Cannons).
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 1 second | shot by Duke's R.A.M. (0:27)
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 20 seconds | used to attack Joe convoy
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 2 | 8 seconds | stolen by Flint and Mutt
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 34 seconds | loaded into cargo plane, part of truck convoy, used at Palace of Doom
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 4 | 7 seconds | part of truck convoy
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 18 seconds | used to attack Zartan's hideout
| Cobra Stops the World | 6 seconds | used at Cobra base near Patagonia
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1 | 27 seconds | used in shuttle attack
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 5 | 2 seconds | seen as Cobra base prepares defenses (11:28-29)
| Lights! Camera! Cobra! | 5 seconds | seen on movie set
| Red Rocket's Glare | 14 seconds | used to tow A.S.P.s for attack on diner; parked at various Cobra diners
| Spell of the Siren | 22 seconds | used to transmit siren song at Joe HQ
| Where the Reptiles Roam | 16 seconds | driven by Destro to defend ranch hideout
| The Traitor, Part 2 | 2 seconds | coated with armor formula (3:39-40)
| Worlds Without End Part I | 21 seconds | used by Dreadnoks to steal transmuter
| Cobra CLAWs Are Coming to Town | 24 seconds | stolen by Mutt
| Primordial Plot | 8 seconds | set up outside cave on dinosaur island
| Hearts and Cannons | 201 seconds | at test site; two stolen by Joes; used to chase Dusty and Footloose
| The Gods Below | 20 seconds | part of convoy to pyramid; missiles aimed at pyramid
| There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 2 | 2 seconds | seen on island during search for Prof. Mullaney (11:10-11)
| Last Hour to Doomsday | 6 seconds | stationed in lagoon base
| The Spy Who Rooked Me | 1 second | seen in Cobra underground base (4:27)
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 3 | 5 seconds | fighting Joes in flashback
Stinger Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Stingers were discernible in 53 panels in 16 issues from Nov. 1985 to Apr. 1991: #41, 44, Yearbook 2, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, Order of Battle 4, 64, 75, 76, 87, 88, SM 24, and 111.
Self-Propelled Cannon (Slugger)
- Green 6-wheeled artillery with large elevating howitzer, used by G.I. Joe.
- Boxed vehicle from spring 1984, packaged with Thunder. Reissued in mail offers 1986-1987 and 1992 (Attention! Special Offers, G.I. Joe S.T.R.I.K.E., B.A.T.T.L.E., Called to A.C.T.I.O.N., Chilling Events, Terror on the Tundra). The last of these was darker than previous versions and lacked camouflage.
- Price: Offered in the 1984 J.C. Penney Christmas Book and 1984 Wish Christmas Book for $9.99.
- Related: Mobile Artillery Cannon (Slugger) (1997).
Slugger Animated Appearances
Notes: Sluggers made 22 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 339 seconds on screen. They were never named in-story.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 3 seconds | leaving HQ
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 20 seconds | part of Joe convoy
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 2 | 7 seconds | used in the battle in DC
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 24 seconds | used against Cobra temple
| Cobra Soundwaves | 8 seconds | deployed from palace, seen at oil field attack
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1 | 9 seconds | used to defend space shuttle
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 5 | 6 seconds | used to attack Cobra base
| Battle for the Train of Gold | 77 seconds | used to defend Fort Knox and blast open door; slowly chasing train
| Red Rocket's Glare | 5 seconds | parked at diner in final scene
| Money to Burn | 26 seconds | parachuted into battle against Cobra base
| The Phantom Brigade | 41 seconds | part of convoy defending factory
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 1 | 3 seconds | in repair bay at Joe HQ
| Spell of the Siren | 6 seconds | used to attack mountain hideout
| Where the Reptiles Roam | 7 seconds | used against ranch hideout
| The Germ | 10 seconds | used in Flint's convoy to shoot apples at supergerm
| The Traitor, Part 1 | 2 seconds | used to capture Dusty (19:16-19:17)
| The Traitor, Part 2 | 39 seconds | used to defend chemical plant
| Cobra Quake | 30 seconds | used against Cobra ambush; stationed outside economic summit
| Cold Slither | 7 seconds | used to attack Cobra vault
| There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 1 | 3 seconds | used against Temple Alpha in false flashback
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 3 | 3 seconds | used to defend tomb of Genghis Khan
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 3 | 3 seconds | fighting Cobra in flashback
Slugger Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Sluggers were discernible in 6 panels in 2 issues from May 1987 to Sept. 1988: Order of Battle 4 and #76.
Cobra Water Moccasin
- Blue-green prop-driven swamp cruiser, used by Cobra.
- Boxed vehicle from spring 1984, packaged with Copperhead. Reissued in mail offers 1986-1987 (Operation Freedom 86, Attention! Special Offers, Doomed to Defeat, G.I. Joe S.T.R.I.K.E., B.A.T.T.L.E., Called to A.C.T.I.O.N., Chilling Events)
- Price: Offered in the 1984 J.C. Penney Christmas Book and Sears Christmas Book for $9.99.
- Related: Tiger Shark (1988); Sting Raider (2009).
Water Moccasin Animated Appearances
Notes: Water Moccasins made 16 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 517 seconds on screen. They were named 3 times in-story.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 5 seconds | shot at by V.A.M.P., used by Cobra leaders to escape
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 16 seconds | used at Island of No Return
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 4 | 6 seconds | used at Island of No Return
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 18 seconds | at Zartan's hideout as an escape vehicle
| Jungle Trap | 136 seconds | hijacked by Joes to get to Cobra temple
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 4 | 18 seconds | used to defend cube at Sea of Lost Souls
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 2 | 101 seconds | used to patrol island base
| Twenty Questions | 14 seconds | used inside Cobra base; crash sets off explosions that cause cave-in
| The Germ | 33 seconds | used at Destro's lab, absorbed by germ
| The Traitor, Part 2 | 33 seconds | used to attack chemical plant
| Excalibur | 48 seconds | used to attack radar system
| Worlds Without End Part I | 22 seconds | used to ferry Zartan and retrieve transmuter
| Flint's Vacation | 7 seconds | used to attack Joes in Killer W.H.A.L.E.
| Memories of Mara | 12 seconds | used by Dreadnoks to pursue Shipwreck and Mara
| Cold Slither | 39 seconds | used to travel from Stinkey's to Zartan's lair
| Last Hour to Doomsday | 9 seconds | stationed in lagoon base
Water Moccasin Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Water Moccasins were discernible in 28 panels in 5 issues from Jun. 1984 to Feb. 1988: #24, 25, 28, Order of Battle 4, Yearbook 4.
Cobra Rattler (Ground Attack Jet)
- Blue bomber with wing-mounted V.T.O.L. jet engines; similar to A-10, used by Cobra.
- Boxed vehicle from spring 1984, packaged with Wild Weasel.
- Price: Offered in the 1984 J.C. Penney Christmas Book for $15.99, in the 1984 Wish Christmas Book for $12.99, in the 1985 J.C. Penney Christmas Book for $16.99, and in the 1985 Sears Wish Book for $13.99.
- Related: Tiger Rat (1988); A-10 Thunderbolt (1997); COBRA Rattler (2002); Cobra Rattler (2008); Tiger Rat (2009).
Rattler Animated Appearances
Notes: Rattlers made 45 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 1,595 seconds on screen. They were named 35 times in-story, the most of any vehicle. In one instance they are called Stingers, which was a prototype name for the vehicle.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 3 seconds | flying over V.A.M.P., passing Dragonfly, flying into sunset
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 30 seconds | flanking cargo plane, used at Island of No Return
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 4 | 67 seconds | used at Island of No Return, flown over Roof of the World
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 25 seconds | flown over Zartan's hideout
| Season 1 Opening (Sunbow) | 4 seconds | pursuing S.H.A.R.C. through trench in airship's surface
| Countdown for Zartan | 25 seconds | stolen by Spirit to fly from Cobra base to defense center, used in battle
| Cobra Soundwaves | 72 seconds | used to lure Joes to Cobra base and attack oil fields
| Cobra Stops the World | 91 seconds | stolen by Duke & Ace, flown against Cobra base near Patagonia
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1 | 68 seconds | used in shuttle attack, flown by Destro to escape Joes
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 5 | 59 seconds | with Destro and Baroness; used to escape Cobra base to Enterprise Towers
| Battle for the Train of Gold | 12 seconds | used to destroy Skystrikers at Fort Knox
| Operation Mind Menace | 5 seconds | seen parked at Easter Island base
| Lights! Camera! Cobra! | 4 seconds | taken from studio to search for missing Joes
| Red Rocket's Glare | 3 seconds | parked at Cobra base
| Money to Burn | 12 seconds | used by Crimson Twins to reach Cobra base; seen briefly in battle
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 1 | 43 seconds | used to attack Joe HQ
| Spell of the Siren | 52 seconds | used to defend captured pipeline, chase Firebat, and flee mountain hideout
| Twenty Questions | 39 seconds | used to attack Dragonflies; destroyed during cave-in
| The Gamesmaster | 32 seconds | used in island battle
| The Funhouse | 3 seconds | used to flee desert temple
| Lasers in the Night | 12 seconds | leaving site of lab fire; used to attack Joe HQ
| Captives of Cobra, Part 1 | 3 seconds | used to evacuate Cobra lab
| Captives of Cobra, Part 2 | 55 seconds | used to attack crystal convoy
| Bazooka Saw a Sea Serpent | 2 seconds | used to transport Tomax and Xamot (6:10-11)
| The Traitor, Part 1 | 7 seconds | used in attempt to capture chemical
| The Traitor, Part 2 | 2 seconds | seen in Duke's flashback (21:14-15)
| Cobra Quake | 80 seconds | used to attack decoy delegate plane
| Excalibur | 81 seconds | used to attack U.S.S. Flagg
| Worlds Without End Part I | 9 seconds | used to attack Joes on alt-Earth
| Worlds Without End Part II | 42 seconds | used to attack Joes over Washington
| Cobra CLAWs Are Coming to Town | 131 seconds | flown by Wild Weasel and Baroness, stolen by Cover Girl
| An Eye for an Eye | 98 seconds | used to attack Joe convoy and Lady Jaye's Skystriker
| Primordial Plot | 43 seconds | used to collect fossils and patrol waters near dinosaur island
| Hearts and Cannons | 38 seconds | used to threaten Cobra ground troops and pursue Dusty and Footloose
| The Gods Below | 27 seconds | used to attack Egyptian military and ferry treasure from the pyramid
| The Pit of Vipers | 14 seconds | used to defend Watchdog
| The Great Alaskan Land Rush | 33 seconds | used to attack Joe cargo plane and Romanov
| Skeletons in the Closet | 23 seconds | for sale in arms deal
| There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 1 | 29 seconds | attacking U.S.S. Flagg
| There's No Place Like Springfield, Part 2 | 17 seconds | used to search for Prof. Mullaney
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 5 | 4 seconds | leaving Terror Drome to attack DC
| Last Hour to Doomsday | 126 seconds | used to travel to vortex cone; one stolen by Flint and Lady Jaye to attack others
| The Million Dollar Medic | 58 seconds | used to attack Joe HQ and track Lifeline and Bree
| The Rotten Egg | 2 seconds | seen at CEC Academy as Serpentor inspects cadets (11:42-43)
| My Favorite Things | 10 seconds | used to escort Cobra mothership
Rattler Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Ratters were discernible in 172 panels in 18 issues from Apr. 1984 to Aug. 1991: #22, 28, 29, 34, 36, 41, 45, Yearbook 2, 47, 49, 54, GIJTF 2, GIJTF 3, GIJTF 4, Order of Battle 3, Order of Battle 4, 75, and 115.
Hovercraft (Killer W.H.A.L.E.)
- Green hovercraft with launchable sled and cycle; similar to LCAC (Air Cushioned Landing Craft), used by G.I. Joe. Stands for Warrior: Hovering Assault Launching Envoy.
- (Marvel #28 offers a variant interpretation of the acronym: Water-borne Hovercraft Assault Landing Experimental.)
- Boxed vehicle from spring 1984, packaged with Cutter. Reissued in mail offers 1992-1993 (Secret of the Dark Lagoon, Terror on the Tundra, Menace in the Wilderness).
- Price: Offered in the 1984 J.C. Penney Christmas Book and 1984 and 1985 Sears Christmas Books for $24.99, and in the 1985 J.C. Penney Christmas Book for $28.99.
- Related: Night Striker (1988).
Killer W.H.A.L.E. Animated Appearances
Notes: Killer W.H.A.L.E.s made 22 appearances in the Sunbow series, with a total of 820 seconds on screen. They were named W.H.A.L.E.s 3 times and Hovercraft 11 times in-story.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 1 second | used to pursue Water Moccasin (0:52)
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 6 seconds | used to rescue Col. Sharp
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 79 seconds | used at Island of No Return
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 4 | 54 seconds | used at Island of No Return
| Cobra Stops the World | 17 seconds | used to offload troops at Cobra base near Patagonia
| Jungle Trap | 23 seconds | meeting escort team in last scene
| Haul Down the Heavens | 85 seconds | seen at HQ; used to assault Cobra base
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 2 | 14 seconds | leaving U.S.S. Flagg for Mountain of Glass
| Red Rocket's Glare | 41 seconds | used to visit Roadblock's family's diner and defend it, and to destroy wharf diner
| The Phantom Brigade | 34 seconds | used to assault Cobra's castle
| The Funhouse | 4 seconds | used to unload troops at assault on South American base
| Bazooka Saw a Sea Serpent | 113 seconds | used to drive to cove, to assist in evacuation, and to attack sea serpent
| The Traitor, Part 2 | 70 seconds | used to defend chemical plant
| Excalibur | 11 seconds | used to transport radar system to shore and fight off Cobras
| Worlds Without End Part I | 55 seconds | used to rendevzous with matter transmuter
| Worlds Without End Part II | 4 seconds | seen during search for missing Joes
| Flint's Vacation | 40 seconds | used to travel to Cobra undersea base
| Memories of Mara | 3 seconds | destroyed by Firebats at island base
| Sink the Montana | 48 seconds | used to watch U.S.S. Montana's retirement and to attack the Montana
| Raise the Flagg! | 63 seconds | used to investigate oil rig near reported Cobra activity
| The Most Dangerous Thing in the World | 28 seconds | used to defend lab
| Sins of Our Fathers | 27 seconds | used to attack Cobra sub
Killer W.H.A.L.E. Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Killer W.H.A.L.E.s were discernible in 134 panels in 10 issues from Oct. 1984 to Aug. 1988: #28, 29, 36, 40, 41, 47, GIJTF 2, Order of Battle 4, Yearbook 4, and #74.
G.I. Joe Collectors Case
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