
(aka Python Copperhead)
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Frank Welker | 4 | 127 seconds | 11 | 101
| DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Maurice LaMarche | 5 | 260 seconds | 16 | 189
Notes: Sunbow's Copperhead wore the "dark gloves" variant of his 1984 outfit (no light green except on the legs) and was drawn very muscular. Since he was last seen triggering the gateway to an alternate universe in which Cobra had conquered the world, it is presumed by many fans that he remained there. He nevertheless returned in Operation Dragonfire, with the standard coloring of his 1984 outfit but with an opaque visor over his eyes. After being "Pythonized" in Part 4, he had his 1989 outfit. He was also animated for the ad for Python Patrol toys, in which he had a more close-fitting helmet.
The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 1 second | (silent) | driving Water Moccasin (0:33)
| Jungle Trap | 69 seconds | 5 lines | driving Water Moccasin, captured by Joes
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 2 | 39 seconds | 4 lines | driving Water Moccasin, chasing Duke, jumped by Mutt & Junkyard
| Worlds Without End Part I | 18 seconds | 2 lines | driving Water Moccasin; struggling with Steeler over transmuter
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 1 | 5 seconds | (silent) | inside monastery as Dragonfire is activated
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 2 | 16 seconds | (silent) | driving Hovercraft, at command center in caves
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 3 | 94 seconds | 4 lines | driving Hovercraft in attack on Lost City, with Alley Viper in jungle
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 4 | 119 seconds | 11 lines | attacking Joes in jungle, giving uniform to Cobra Cmdr, Pythonized, flying Conquest vs. Serpentor and Scoop
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 5 | 26 seconds | 1 line | with Cobra Cmdr on airship, connecting Dragonfire to Cobra vehicles
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Copperhead was discernible in 3 panels in 2 issues from Mar. 1983 to Feb. 1987: Yearbook #1 and Order of Battle #3.
Figure Releases
Version 1: spring 1984 boxed Cobra Water Moccasin vehicle
Water Moccasin Pilot | MOS 1: Air-driver [sic, should be air-driven] swamp vehicle operator
| - head: Copperhead (84, 89)
- arms: Copperhead (84, 89)
- torso: Copperhead (84, 89)
- waist: Copperhead (84, 89)
- legs: Copperhead (84, 89)
| Accessories: none
| It is presumed that Copperhead is native to or otherwise intimately familiar with the Florida Everglades. Intelligence sources venture a guess that he raced speedboats in high stakes races in Monaco and Japan. His major weakness is gambling. Odds are that he got started by placing bets on his own races. Apparently he compounded his folly by selling his services to COBRA in hopes of paying off his bookies.
Gung-Ho says: "Sure. I know the type. They're all around the Gulf Coast. Trash. Drifters. They can drive a swamp buggy like the devil himself, rebuild a V-8 with a coat hanger and spit, fight all night and raise cain 'til the cock crows. They got a heart fulla gimme and a mouth full o' much obliged..."
| Variations: Early production runs had blue-green gloves and armbands, with no helmet trim. This somewhat rare variant is often called "Dark-gloves Copperhead."
| Toy Notes: Item #6058.
| Reissues: Reissued in mail offers 1987-1988 and 1992 (Chilling Events, Operation Blackout, End of Slaughter, Top Secret, and Mission Rescue: Code Blue).
Version 2: spring 1989 Python Patrol carded figure assortment
Python Patrol Swamp Fighter Python Copperhead
| - head: Copperhead (84, 89)
- arms: Copperhead (84, 89)
- torso: Copperhead (84, 89)
- waist: Copperhead (84, 89)
- legs: Copperhead (84, 89)
| Accessories: black rifle (86 Leatherneck's), black backpack (86 Leatherneck's).
| It is presumed that PYTHON COPPERHEAD is native to, or otherwise intimately familiar with, the rain forests of the Amazon basin. Intelligence sources venture a guess that he raced speedboats in high stakes races in Monaco and Japan. His major weakness is gambling and [he] is in debt to Cobra for a large sum of money. Without enough money to cover what he owes, he joined Python Patrol as a faster means of paying off his debt.
"You know the type. The Python Copperhead can drive a swamp buggy like the devil himself, rebuild a V-8 with a coat hanger and toothpick, and start a ruckus that will last until daybreak. Live hard and fast is his motto, and he stands by it "100%". This Python is all take and no give!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6623-5. The 1989 insert catalog shows a grey bayonet gun instead of a black rifle.
Version 3: April 2007 G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive
COBRA Swamp Fighter
| - head: Salvo (05), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
- arms: Switch Gears (03, 04), Cannonball (05), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
- torso: Over Kill (03/I, 03/II, 04), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
- waist: Over Kill (03/I, 03/II, 04), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
- upper legs: Halo Jumper (03), Sgt. Airborne (03, 04), Copperhead (07, 09/II), Cobra Night Viper (08)
- lower legs: Halo Jumper (03), Sgt. Airborne (03, 04), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
| Accessories: dark grey rifle (86 Leatherneck's), dark grey machete (05 Croc Master's), teal helmet with green crest (03 Sgt. Airborne's), black belt with silver buckles (03 Over Kill's), silver spaulder (03 Over Kill's), clear figure stand (common).
| COPPERHEAD is native to or otherwise intimately familiar with the Florida Everglades. He's an expert mechanic and can drive any swamp vehicle or high speed watercraft like the devil himself. However, it's his passion for gambling that gets him in the most trouble. This constant need of fast cash keeps him in the steady employ of COBRA. Besides, they can't let one of their best swamp fighters be taken out by a common bookie.
"Live hard and drive fast!"
| Toy Notes: Free to paid club members who joined before spring 2007. This figure is considered a moderately high-demand item.
Version 4: June 2008 Wave 4 comic two-pack assortment
Cobra Swamp Fighter
| - head: Copperhead (08, 09/I)
- arms to wrist: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/V)
- hands: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/V), Outback (09)
- body: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/V)
- legs: Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/V)
| Accessories: black pistol (06 Med Alert's), black rifle (07 Duke's), black shoulder holster with closed flap and green shoulder pads (new), black Cobra figure stand.
| It is presumed that Copperhead is native to or otherwise intimately familiar with the Florida Everglades. Intelligence sources venture a guess that he raced speedboats in high stakes races in Monaco and Japan. His major weakness is gambling. Odds are that he got started by placing bets on his own races. Apparently he compounded his folly by selling his services to COBRA in hopes of paying off his bookies.
Gung-Ho says: "Sure. I know the type. They're all around the Gulf Coast. Trash. Drifters. They can drive a swamp buggy like the devil himself, rebuild a V-8 with a coat hanger and spit, fight all night and raise cain 'til the cock crows. They got a heart fulla gimme and a mouth full o' much obliged..."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Shipwreck and an original comic (#5). Item #30945.
Version 5: January 2009 boxed Sting Raider vehicle (09/I)
Python Patrol Python Copperhead | MOS 1: Watercraft vehicle pilot MOS 2: Swamp fighter
| - head: Copperhead (08, 09/I)
- arms to wrist: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/V)
- hands: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/V), Outback (09)
- body: Roadblock (07, 08/I, 08/II), Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/V)
- legs: Copperhead (08, 09/I), Cobra Viper (08/V)
| Accessories: olive knife with grooved handle and blunt silver blade, red shoulder holster with silver buckles (08 Copperhead's), black Cobra figure stand.
| COPPERHEAD probably spent his early years in the Florida Everlades or a similar environment due to his extensive knowledge of bayous and swamps. Intelligence source venture a guess that he raced speedboats in high stakes races in Monaco and Japan. His major weakness is gambling. Odds are that he got started by placing bets on his own races. Deeply in debt, he sold his services to the COBRA organization in hopes of paying off his bookies. His incredible skill at piloting any kind of watercraft through the treacherous swamps makes him a strategic asset to COBRA forces. Rumor has it that he is also secretly working for ZARTAN and the DREADNOK gang.
"I can drive a swamp buggy like a demon, rebuild a V-8 with just a coat hanger and some spit, fight all night and raise a ruckus until daylight. Then start it all over again, with pleasure."
| Toy Notes: Boxed with an update of the Water Moccasin. Item #37451.
Version 6: late February 2009 Direct-to-Consumer Wave 4 carded figure assortment (09/II)
Fig. #1419: Python Patrol Swamp Fighter
| - head: Salvo (05), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
- arms: Switch Gears (03, 04), Cannonball (05), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
- torso: Over Kill (03/I, 03/II, 04), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
- waist: Over Kill (03/I, 03/II, 04), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
- upper legs: Halo Jumper (03), Sgt. Airborne (03, 04), Copperhead (07, 09/II), Cobra Night Viper (08)
- lower legs: Halo Jumper (03), Sgt. Airborne (03, 04), Copperhead (07, 09/II)
| Accessories: black rifle (86 Leatherneck's), black machete (05 Croc Master's), grey helmet with black crest (03 Sgt. Airborne's), black belt with silver buckles (03 Over Kill's), gold spaulder with black Python Patrol logo (03 Over Kill's), clear figure stand (common).
| COPPERHEAD has a long history of racking up gambling debts form boat racing and then attempting to outrun his bookies. Over the years this has taught him to be an expert pilot and mechanic of almost any high speed watercraft. He is a formidable fighter and has become particularly adept at using a custom two-handed machete, crafted somewhere in the Philippines from an old truck spring. This weapon quickly became his favorite for both practical and combat use, allowing him to hack endlessly at either impassable swamp overgrowth or anyone that stands in his way.
COBRA COMMANDER has assigned COPPERHEAD to deliver a special package to COBRA Island. He hand-selects a PYTHON PATROL squad, trained for stealth and infiltration missions and uses his PYTHON PATROL ATTACK BOAT equipped with its distinctive camouflage that defeats enemy radar for the mission. However, the G.I. JOE Team intervenes and seizes his shipment. Now COPPERHEAD must work with the COBRA Mercenary: MUNITIA to retrieve this precious cargo and hope their success will put him back in the head snake's good graces.
"I've got it all stealth, deviousness, and striking power!"
| Toy Notes: Sold exclusively through the G.I. Joe Collector's Club.