
(aka Double Clutch; Lance "Clutch" Steinberg)
File Name: Lance J. Steinberg of Asbury Park, New Jersey.
Grades: Army E-4 (1982-2004); E-5 (2007)
SNs: RA757340802; 757-34-LJ82
Notes: Asbury Park is a resort town on the state's coast, about 40 miles east of Trenton. Clutch was also the name of a drone included with the Autobot Crosscut in 2002, and Double Clutch was the name of an Autobot Go-Bot released in 1995 for Transformers: Generation 2.
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Michael Bell | 22 | 781 seconds | 54 | 434
Notes: Sunbow's Clutch wore a yellowish green rendition of his 1982 outfit in the first miniseries, made a truer green in The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1, and the 1984 outfit in bright yellow-brown thereafter. Clutch's last name was mentioned in the episode Worlds Without End, Part 2. Early ads for Marvel comics gave Clutch a dark green outfit and scruff instead of a full beard.
A Real American Hero Opening | 8 seconds | (silent) | driving V.A.M.P. during base assault, in final pose
| A Real American Hero, Part 1 | 12 seconds | (silent) | at airfield during assault, fighting at farm
| A Real American Hero, Part 3 | 58 seconds | 3 lines | with Breaker on undersea team, presenting killer satellite
| A Real American Hero, Part 4 | 52 seconds | 4 lines | at HQ for M.A.S.S. test and surrender, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| A Real American Hero, Part 5 | 42 seconds | 1 line | at HQ for Duke's procedure, in J.U.M.P. and V.A.M.P., leading Baroness captive
| The Revenge of Cobra Opening | 2 seconds | (silent) | driving V.A.M.P.2 (0:30-31)
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 16 seconds | 2 lines | driving V.A.M.P. in convoy, at HQ during broadcast
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 2 | 28 seconds | 3 lines | at Doc's demonstration, operating mirror in DC
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 35 seconds | 5 lines | driving landing craft to island, disembarking with Rock n' Roll
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 6 seconds | (silent) | attacking Cobra temple
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1 | 35 seconds | (silent) | cornering Cobra Cmdr after shuttle attack, on space station during takeover
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 5 | 9 seconds | (silent) | helping retake Space Station Delta
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 1 | 18 seconds | 2 lines | helping Cover Girl repair an Armadillo; reporting shortage of oil and gas
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 2 | 42 seconds | 4 lines | at briefing, stealing fuel trucks, driving A.P.C., attacking island base
| Spell of the Siren | 4 seconds | (silent) | entranced at Joe HQ
| Twenty Questions | 1 second | (silent) | at maneuvers (1:15)
| Where the Reptiles Roam | 5 seconds | (silent) | assaulting ranch hideout
| The Traitor, Part 1 | 14 seconds | (silent) | at Dusty's trial, present when Dusty is rescued
| Cobra Quake | 5 seconds | (silent) | standing guard outside economic summit
| Worlds Without End Part I | 221 seconds | 21 lines | in Armadillo and W.H.A.L.E.; sent to alt-Earth; flying Sky Hawk
| Worlds Without End Part II | 167 seconds | 9 lines | flying Sky Hawk; captured by Cobra Cmdr; escaping; remaining in alt universe
| G.I. Joe: The Movie Opening | 1 second | (silent) | shooting from statue as Cobra Cmdr flies to the top (1:47)
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Clutch was discernible in 560 panels in 50 issues from Jun. 1982 to Dec. 1994: #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 46, 47, 48, 52, SM 2, 55, 56, 59, 62, 64, 75, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 109, 110, 145, and 155. He was the most significant existing character not to be featured in the Order of Battle.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1982 (V.A.M.P.)
2. 1984 (V.A.M.P. Mark II)
3. 1993 (Mega-Marines)
| 4. 2003 (Desert Coyote)
5. 2004 (Comic #3)
| 6. 2007 (Convention)
7. 2008 (V.A.M.P.)
Version 1: summer 1982 boxed Attack Vehicle (V.A.M.P.) vehicle
V.A.M.P. Driver | MOS 1: Transportation [88M] MOS 2: Infantry [11B]
| - head: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84)
- upper arms: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84), Snow Job (97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07)
- lower arms: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84)
- torso: Clutch (82, 84)
- waist: Stalker (82, 97), Short-Fuze (82, 97, 05/I), Breaker (82), Snake Eyes (82, 97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Zap (82, 97), Flash (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Grunt (82, 83, 97), Hawk (82), Clutch (82, 84), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steeler (82), Lt. Falcon (03), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI)
- legs: Stalker (82, 97), Short-Fuze (82, 97, 05/I), Breaker (82), Zap (82, 97), Rock 'n Roll (82), Grunt (82, 83), Hawk (82), Clutch (82, 84), Steeler (82), Lt. Falcon (03), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI)
| Accessories: dark olive helmet (82 Short-Fuze's).
| Clutch was a mechanic at Manny's Mean Machines and was heavily involved in racing street machines prior to enlistment. Graduated: Advanced Infantry Training; Covert Ops School; Executive Bodyguard School; Ranger School. Qualified expert: M-14; M-16; M-1911A1; M-3A1; M-79; M-60.
"He greases his hair with motor oil, rarely shaves, and chews on the same toothpick for months. Clutch still calls women "chicks."
| Variations: Re-tooled in 1983 to accommodate swivel-arm battle grip and a new waistpiece design. Yojoe.com lists swivel-arm Clutch as version 1.5.
| Toy Notes: Item #6050.
| Reissues: The V.A.M.P. was reissued in spring 1983 with swivel-arm Clutch.
Version 2: spring 1984 boxed Attack Vehicle (V.A.M.P. Mark II) vehicle
V.A.M.P. Mark II Driver | MOS 1: Transportation [88M] MOS 2: Infantry [11B]
| - head: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84)
- upper arms: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84), Snow Job (97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07)
- lower arms: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84)
- torso: Clutch (82, 84)
- waist: Stalker (82, 97), Short-Fuze (82, 97, 05/I), Breaker (82), Snake Eyes (82, 97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Zap (82, 97), Flash (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Grunt (82, 83, 97), Hawk (82), Clutch (82, 84), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steeler (82), Lt. Falcon (03), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI)
- legs: Stalker (82, 97), Short-Fuze (82, 97, 05/I), Breaker (82), Zap (82, 97), Rock 'n Roll (82), Grunt (82, 83), Hawk (82), Clutch (82, 84), Steeler (82), Lt. Falcon (03), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI)
| Accessories: tan helmet (82 Short-Fuze's).
| Clutch was a mechanic at Manny's Mean Machines and was heavily involved in racing street machines prior to enlistment. Graduated: Advanced Infantry Training; Covert Ops School; Executive Bodyguard School; Ranger School. Qualified expert: M-14; M-16; M-1911A1; M-3A1; M-79; M-60.
"He greases his hair with motor oil, rarely shaves, and chews on the same toothpick for months. Clutch still calls women "chicks."
| Toy Notes: Item #6055-1.
Version 3: summer 1993 Mega-Marines premium carded figure assortment
Monster Blaster A.P.C. Driver | MOS 1: Transportation Engineer [88M] MOS 2: Infantry [11B]
| - head: Clutch (93)
- arms: Clutch (93)
- torso: Clutch (93), Mercer (06), Red Dog (06), Taurus (06)
- waist: Clutch (93), Mercer (06), Red Dog (06), Taurus (06)
- legs: Clutch (93), Mercer (06), Red Dog (06), Taurus (06)
| Accessories: black submachine gun (91 Tracker's), black machine gun (91 Grunt's), black shotgun (88 Muskrat's), bright yellow spring launcher with yellow trigger (93 Duke's), two black missiles (93 Bazooka's), black machete (88 Muskrat's), bright yellow bio-armor mold (93 Gung-Ho's), black figure stand (common).
| CLUTCH has worked as a mechanic for some of the top drivers on the professional racing circuit. After he helped win the Indy 500, DUKE recruited him as chief vehicle technician in charge of the G.I. Joe motor pool. Clutch accepted Duke's offer because he knew it was both an honor and a challenge. Having worked in a close-knit pit crew during his racing days, Clutch new [sic] the importance of team work and how to operate like a well oiled machine. He brings these team qualities to the MEGA-MARINES, keeping the MONSTER BLASTER A.P.C. at a peak performance level and firing mega-concussion missiles at MEGA-MONSTERS every chance he gets. He's a crack shot with M-16s, M-60s, and the A.P.C.'s huge missile cannon!
Motto: "I still grease my hair with motor oil, but I'm not half as slimy as those Mega-Monsters!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6928.
Version 4: August 2003 Spy Troops carded Desert Coyote vehicle
Desert Coyote Vehicle Driver Double Clutch | MOS 1: Transportation Engineer [88M] MOS 2: Infantry [11B]
| - head: Recondo (03, 04), Double Clutch (03)
- arms: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- torso: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- waist: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
- legs: Recondo (03, 04, 05), Double Clutch (03)
| Accessories: none
| DOUBLE CLUTCH was a mechanic at Manny's Mean Machines and was heavily involved in racing street machines prior to enlistment. Naturally gravitating toward anything with lots of horsepower, DOUBLE CLUTCH can drive any ground vehicle so that you get where you're going fast and in one piece - and with as much engine roar as possible. The street racer in him really becomes apparent when COBRA forces are closing in on all sides. That's when DOUBLE CLUTCH slams down the loud pedal, and suddenly the enemy is eating dust ten miles back, wondering what happened. He graduated Advanced Infantry Training, Covert Ops School, Executive Bodyguard School, and Ranger School.
"Aside from knowing how to operate all the high-tech devices on these vehicles, it takes a real driver to be able to wheel into the hot spots and out again, while the enemy is still trying to shift into second gear."
| Toy Notes: Item #55428. The vehicle and figure were released boxed in October 2004, in Valor vs. Venom packaging and with the Sound Attack features removed.
Version 5: July 2004 Wave 1 comic three-pack assortment
Motor Vehicle Operator Double Clutch | MOS 1: Transportation Engineer [88M] MOS 2: Infantry [11B]
| - head: Double Clutch (04, 07)
- arms: Duke (93/I), Double Clutch (04)
- torso: Mace (93), Double Clutch (04), Steeler (04)
- waist: Mace (93), Double Clutch (04), Steeler (04)
- legs: Mace (93), Double Clutch (04), Steeler (04)
| Accessories: black machine gun (03 Chief Torpedo's), black rifle (83 Snow Job's), black machine gun (91 Big Ben's).
| DOUBLE CLUTCH was a mechanic at Manny's Mean Machines and was heavily involved in racing street machines prior to enlistment. Naturally gravitating toward anything with lots of horsepower, DOUBLE CLUTCH can drive any 4-wheeled ground vehicle so that you get where you're going fast and in one piece - and with as much engine roar as possible. The street racer in him really becomes apparent when COBRA forces are closing in on all sides. That's when DOUBLE CLUTCH slams the pedal to the metal, and suddenly the enemy is eating dust ten miles back, wondering just what happened. He graduated Advanced Infantry Training, Covert Ops School, Executive Bodyguard School, and Ranger School.
"Aside from knowing how to operate all the high-tech devices on these vehicles, it takes a real driver to be able to wheel into the hot spots and out again, while the enemy is still trying to shift into second gear."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Sgt. Stalker, Gen. Abernathy, and a reprint of Marvel #3. Item #30361.
Version 6: late September 2007 Tanks for the Memories boxed set
Motor Vehicle Operator Lance "Clutch" Steinberg | MOS 1: Transportation [88M] MOS 2: Infantryman [11B]
| - head: Double Clutch (04, 07)
- arms: Thunder (84), Thunderwing (98), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II), Scrap-Iron (04, 05/I), Clutch (07), Zap (07)
- torso: Pathfinder (90, 01, 04), Clutch (07)
- waist: Mutt (84, 89, 04/II), Clutch (07), Zap (07)
- upper legs: Maj. Bludd (83), Duke (83, 88, 97, 04/III, 05/III, 05/IV), Tollbooth (85), Alley Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 03, 04), Clutch (07)
- lower legs: Gung-Ho (83, 97), Duke (83, 88, 97, 04/III, 05/III, 05/IV), Tollbooth (85), Alley Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 03, 04), Clutch (07)
| Accessories: dark grey submachine gun (92 Shockwave's), dark grey Uzi (91 Low-Light's), clear figure stand (common).
| CLUTCH is a master mechanic and street racer, famous everywhere from his start at Manny's Mean Machines in New Jersey to the Indianapolis 500. His interest in seeing what vehicles the military had available to "play with" led him to an impressive Army career, as well as being hand-picked for assignment to the G.I. JOE team. With his promotion to Sergeant, he became the chief vehicle technician for the entire G.I. JOE motor pool. While famous for driving and tricking out V.A.M.P.s (Multi-Purpose Attack Vehicles), he is adept with all jeeps, quads, A.P.C.s, and any other four-wheeled vehicles he can get his hands on. He even retools captured COBRA vehicles just to see how they tick, and how he can improve them.
CLUTCH has a great deal of specialist training under his belt, including Advanced Infantry Training, Covert Ops School, Ranger School, and even Executive Bodyguard School. However, the only things he really cares about are fast cars and women, which he still refers to as 'chicks.' Some time ago his teammates convinced SPARKS to hack the official database and change his codename, but he only took it as a compliment, knowing how difficult it is to master that gear-changing technique. His knowledge of cold weather driving will come in handy during LT. STEELER's current training mission, and he expects to complete his qualifications in record time, so that it doesn't interfere with his racing schedule.
"Why just outrun COBRA when I can drive circles around them?"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Convention-exclusive set with Sparks, G.I. Joe Doc, Sgt. Flash, Zap, Grunt, Rock 'n Roll, Lt. Clay Moore, Night Stalker Commander, and two copies each of all three versions of Night Stalkers Shock Trooper.
Version 7: 2008 boxed V.A.M.P. vehicle
V.A.M.P. Driver Double Clutch | MOS 1: Transportation [88M] MOS 2: Infantryman [11B]
| - head: Double Clutch (08)
- arms: Flint (07), Duke (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I), G.I. Joe Doc (08), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Red Star (08), Steeler (08/I), Double Clutch (08), Lt. Falcon (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Leatherneck (08)
- body: Snake Eyes (07/I, 07/II, 08/I, 08/II, 08/IV, 08/VII, 08/IX, 09/I, 09/III, 09/IV), Sgt. Stalker (07, 08/I, 08/II), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/I), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II), Grunt (08), Duke (08/IV), Steeler (08/I, 08/II), Double Clutch (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Sgt. Airborne (08), Short-Fuze (08), Outback (09)
- upper legs: Snake Eyes (07/I, 07/II, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VII, 09/IV), Sgt. Stalker (07, 08/I, 08/II), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/I, 08/II), Grunt (08), Duke (08/IV), Steeler (08/I, 08/II), Double Clutch (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Skyduster (08), Dataframe (08), Short-Fuze (08), Firefly (09/II)
- lower legs: Steeler (08/I, 08/II), Double Clutch (08), Skyduster (08), Short-Fuze (08)
| Accessories: black pistol (07 Snake Eyes's), black knife with silver blade (07 Snake Eyes's), olive helmet (05 Breaker's), olive open vest with brown shoulder panels and black chest holster (new), black Joe figure stand.
| DOUBLE CLUTCH was a mechanic at Manny's Mean Machines and was heavily involved in racing street machines prior to enlistment. Naturally gravitating toward anything with lots of horsepower, DOUBLE CLUTCH can drive any ground vehicle so that you get where you're going fast and in one piece - and with as much engine roar as possible. The street racer in him comes out when COBRA forces are closing in on all sides. That's when DOUBLE CLUTCH slams the V.A.M.P. into high gear, leaving the enemy eating dust ten miles back and wondering what happened.
"I can drive in and out of a hot spot before COBRA even has a chance to shift into second gear."
| Toy Notes: Item #32396.