
Rock 'n Roll
(aka Rock & Roll; Staff Sergeant Rock n' Roll; Craig "Rock 'n Roll" McConnel)
Craig S. McConnel of Malibu, California.
Grades: Army E-5 (1982); E-6 (1989); E-9 (1992); E-6 (1993); E-7 (1997-2001); E-6 (2005-2007); E-5 (2008)
various SNs: RA989091452; 989-1314-MC53; 989-1314-CM53; 959-13-CM53
Notes: Malibu is a lavish community on the southwest California coast, at the west end of the Los Angeles area. Other Joes from in and around Los Angeles are Jinx, Quick Kick, Skidmark, Sure Fire, and Wreckage.
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Will Ryan | 30 | 681 seconds | 36 | 212
| DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Kevin John Conway | 21 | 953 seconds | 70 | 664
Notes: Rock 'n Roll wore his 1982 outfit in the Sunbow series, but in a lighter green, and the ammo belts on his chest were brown with white shells. In the Sunbow series, Rock 'n Roll claimed Los Angeles as his hometown. In the DiC series, he wore his 1989 outfit in Operation Dragonfire and season 1, and his 1992 outfit thereafter.
A Real American Hero Opening | 5 seconds | (silent) | on battlefield with Duke, sparring with Steeler, in final pose
| A Real American Hero, Part 1 | 21 seconds | (silent) | on F.L.A.K. during Bludd's assault, at HQ for broadcast, fighting at farm
| A Real American Hero, Part 2 | 9 seconds | 1 line | at HQ for Tanu Island broadcast
| A Real American Hero, Part 4 | 47 seconds | 2 lines | in studio, assaulting helicarrier, threatening Destro
| A Real American Hero, Part 5 | 34 seconds | (silent) | returning to HQ, at M.A.S.S. test, in J.U.M.P. for mountain climb, cheering
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 1 second | (silent) | in Killer W.H.A.L.E. rescuing Col. Sharp (11:41)
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3 | 17 seconds | (silent) | part of team to Island of No Return
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 4 | 7 seconds | (silent) | in W.H.A.L.E. shooting at Cobra
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 17 seconds | (silent) | attacking Cobra temple, taking Cobra Cmdr. into custody
| Season 1 Opening (Sunbow) | 2 seconds | (silent) | on battlefield in flashback (0:32-0:33)
| Cobra Stops the World | 8 seconds | (silent) | deployed from W.H.A.L.E. at Cobra base near Patagonia
| Jungle Trap | 257 seconds | 19 lines | on team to escort/rescue Dr. Shakur, in Cobra disguise at one point
| Haul Down the Heavens | 1 second | (silent) | abandoning a wrecked W.H.A.L.E. (18:55)
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1 | 12 seconds | (silent) | at Joe HQ during satellite attack; Clutch mistakenly colored as RnR in one shot
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 1 | 72 seconds | 11 lines | reporting shortage of ammo; in Silver Mirage defending Joe HQ and following Mutt
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 2 | 46 seconds | 2 lines | helping Mutt escape, at briefing, rescuing Quick Kick, on Destro's ship
| Spell of the Siren | 6 seconds | (silent) | entranced at Joe HQ
| Twenty Questions | 1 second | (silent) | on obstacle course (4:46)
| The Funhouse | 8 seconds | (silent) | assaulting South American base; driving Silver Mirage (colored as Zap)
| The Germ | 5 seconds | (silent) | manning A.W.E. Striker against germ
| The Traitor, Part 1 | 10 seconds | (silent) | raiding oil rig, present when Dusty is rescued
| Cold Slither | 39 seconds | 1 line | at briefing, suggesting providing song at concert, playing guitar
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 2 | 3 seconds | (silent) | on cargo plane over Paris
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 3 | 9 seconds | (silent) | with Hawk on cargo plane
| Computer Complications | 7 seconds | (silent) | at diner during Dreadnok attack
| Once Upon a Joe | 1 second | (silent) | helping rebuild orphanage (7:18)
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 1 | 1 second | (silent) | at B.E.T. test (13:29)
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 3 | 5 seconds | (silent) | at Falcon's hearing
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 4 | 26 seconds | (silent) | firing at Marauders from a Mauler during lab battle
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 5 | 4 seconds | (silent) | at Hawk's briefing; shielding eyes from ice dome explosion
| Operation Dragonfire Opening | 4 seconds | (silent) | in footage from Operation Dragonfire
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 1 | 123 seconds | 18 lines | at village; in Raider to defend monastery; chased by Cobra; watching Dragonfire activate
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 3 | 7 seconds | (silent) | with Sgt. Slaughter when Scoop says Cobra is in Lost City ruins
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 5 | 21 seconds | (silent) | driving Raider, with Joes after battle, leading greenshirts during montage, in final photo
| Season 1 Opening (DiC) | 4 seconds | (silent) | in footage from DiC season 1, in final pose
| Revenge of the Pharaohs | 2 seconds | (silent) | at Joe camp (6:51-52)
| Victory at Volcania Part 1 | 3 seconds | (silent) | washed up on shore
| Victory at Volcania Part 2 | 17 seconds | (silent) | in cargo plane copilot's seat, driving Hammer in final battle
| Pigskin Commandos | 3 seconds | (silent) | on football field when vehicles appear
| Injustice and the Cobra Way | 44 seconds | (silent) | in National Archives battle, witnessing kidnapping
| That's Entertainment | 25 seconds | (silent) | watching Road to Beirut
| I Found You...Evy | 3 seconds | (silent) | in General at mobile base
| An Officer and a Viperman | 7 seconds | (silent) | defending Tokyo base, captured during attack
| D-Day at Alcatraz Part 1 | 10 seconds | (silent) | manning a gun station over Cobra prisoners
| Season 2 Opening (DiC) | 4 seconds | (silent) | in footage from DiC season 2
| Long Live Rock and Roll Part I | 270 seconds | 26 lines | at lab, at concert, driving Badger, flying Battle Copter, searching for Cobra, outside store
| Long Live Rock and Roll Part II | 207 seconds | 22 lines | outside store, in subway infiltrating Cobra base, rescuing Billy, flying Cobra Battle Copter
| The Sludge Factor Part II | 36 seconds | 1 line | flying Retaliator to deliver De-Tox, deploying radio-controlled Gliders
| A Is for Android | 70 seconds | (silent) | part of ambush party, on parade ground
| Basic Training | 88 seconds | 3 lines | seen in flashback
| The Legend of Metal-Head | 5 seconds | (silent) | seen in flashback
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Rock 'n Roll was discernible in 512 panels in 57 issues from Jun. 1982 to Dec. 1994: #1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 33, Yearbook 1, 35, Yearbook 2, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, Order of Battle 2, 61, 63, 72, 78, 89, 90, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 109, 110, 114, 121, 122, 123, 128, 129, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, and 155.
Figure Releases
Version 1: spring 1982 original carded figure assortment / spring 1983 carded swivel-arm assortment
Machine Gunner | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: PT Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84)
- upper arms: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84), Snow Job (97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07)
- lower arms: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84)
- torso: Rock 'n Roll (82)
- waist: Stalker (82, 97), Short-Fuze (82, 97, 05/I), Breaker (82), Snake Eyes (82, 97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Zap (82, 97), Flash (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Grunt (82, 83, 97), Hawk (82), Clutch (82, 84), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steeler (82), Lt. Falcon (03), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI)
- legs: Stalker (82, 97), Short-Fuze (82, 97, 05/I), Breaker (82), Zap (82, 97), Rock 'n Roll (82), Grunt (82, 83), Hawk (82), Clutch (82, 84), Steeler (82), Lt. Falcon (03), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI)
| Accessories: black M60 machine gun with short grip and small stock, with simple V-shaped bipod (new), dark olive helmet (82 Short-Fuze's).
| Rock 'n Roll was a surfer in Malibu prior to enlistment. He was also a weight lifter and played bass guitar in local rock bands. Is familiar with all NATO and Warsaw Pact light and heavy machine guns. Graduated: Advanced Infantry Training (Top of Class). Specialized Education: Covert Ops School.
"Rock 'n Roll is cunning but naive; forceful but shy. Possesses a strong sense of loyalty to his teammates and is sincerely concerned about their well being. A man of honor and integrity who can be counted on to hold the line."
| Variations: Re-tooled in 1983 to accommodate swivel-arm battle grip and a new waistpiece design. Yojoe.com lists swivel-arm Rock 'n Roll as version 1.5.
| Toy Notes: Item #6408.
| Reissues: The straight-arm variant was reissued in fall 1982 in a J.C. Penney three-pack with Flash and Grunt. The swivel-arm variant was reissued in mail offers 1985-1986 (Get Your Gear, Operation Freedom Has Begun 85 and 86).
Version 2: spring 1989 regular carded figure assortment
Gatling Gunner Rock & Roll | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: PT Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
- arms: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
- torso: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
- waist: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
- legs: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
| Accessories: two light grey handheld Gatling guns with slots for ammo belts, light grey shotgun with loop under stock, fits onto leg (new), light grey cooling unit backpack with tabs for ammo belts (new), two light grey flat ammunition belts (new).
| ROCK & ROLL has served with the G.I. Joe team since its inception and has been consistently updating his equipment and his skills. These days, his "primary iron" is the General Monopolies 5.56mm, six-barreled, electronically driven, mini-gatling machine gun! It's fitted with inert-gas recoil absorbers and scoped with third generation laser optics. This weapon, including power pack and factory loaded 1000rd. ammo drum, weighs in at 85 pounds and delivers 4000 rounds-per-minute at a muzzle velocity of 3300 feet-per-second!
"When Rock 'n Roll was a surfer and weight lifter back home in Malibu, he used to play electric guitar in local bands. During that time, his ears became accustomed to loud, amplified noises. So today, whenever he hears the roar of his mini-gatling gun laying down maximum suppressive firepower, the sound of it is simply music to his ears!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6532. Featured in the Radar Rat/Tri-Blaster commercial.
Version 3: fall 1991 Super Sonic Fighters premium carded figure assortment
Machine Gunner | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: PT Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
- arms: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
- torso: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
- waist: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
- legs: Rock & Roll (89, 91)
| Accessories: red-brown machine gun resembling M60 with small scope and forward grip (new), red-brown "Amphibious Experimental Short Range Mortar Launcher" (new), green sonic gun station with backpack peg and detachable cannon mount (new).
| Rock 'n Roll is one of the original G.I. Joe team members, and still the one to call on when a high volume of suppressive firepower is the order of business. A former band member back in Malibu, Rock 'n Roll still has an affinity for loud noises, particularly British heavy metal. To show his appreciation, he carries at least two British Army issue weapons with him at all times. Years of hanging ten in the surf and pumping iron have also given him the speed of a jackrabbit and the strength of a raging bull.
"When ROCK 'N ROLL asks you if you want to hear some heavy metal, you better ask him to specify. You may end up listening to the sound of a 50mm shell impacting with a dummy tank in a makeshift battlefield. Because to Rock 'n Roll, any loud noise is simply music to his ears."
Assigned Armaments: Amphibious Experimental Short Range 51mm Mortar Launcher, and 7.62mm M60 GPMg.
Weapons Qualification: Sharpshooter
| Toy Notes: Item #81109.
Version 4: summer 1993 Star Brigade Armor-Tech premium carded figure assortment, #3
Robo-Gunner | MOS 1: Cybernetic Heavy Weapons Specialist [13B] MOS 2: PT Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Rock 'n Roll (93)
- arms: Robo-JOE (93), Rock 'n Roll (93)
- body: Rock 'n Roll (93)
- legs: Rock 'n Roll (93), Heavy Duty (93)
| Accessories: yellow or purple submachine gun (91 Tracker's), yellow or purple machine gun (91 Grunt's), yellow purple shotgun (88 Muskrat's), silver spring launcher with yellow trigger (93 Robo-J.O.E.'s), two yellow or purple spring missiles (93 Bazooka's), yellow or purple machete (88 Muskrat's), purple bubble helmet with grey collar (new), yellow or purple figure stand (common).
ROCK 'N ROLL has served with the G.I. Joe team since its inception and has been constantly updating his equipment and skills. When he heard DUKE was recruiting members for the Star Brigade force, Rock 'n Roll jumped at the chance to fight in space and be outfitted with the latest battle-armor technology. No other Star Brigade member uses his bio-integrated, Robotic Battle Armor quite like Rock 'n Roll. He braves laser fire, jumps on live grenades, and even chases Cobra B.A.A.T.'s right into the sun to capture them (and to toast an occasional marshmallow on the end of his laser rifle).
Motto: "Toasting marshmallows or roasting Cobra B.A.A.T.'s, it's tough to decide which is more fun."
| Variations: As indicated above, the accessory tree was yellow with some copies and purple with others. The yellow is slightly more common.
| Toy Notes: Item #06785.
Version 5: fall 1997 Stars and Stripes Forever boxed set
Machine Gunner | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: PT Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Hawk (86, 97), Breaker (97), Rock 'n Roll (97)
- arms: Roadblock (86), Rock 'n Roll (97)
- torso: Roadblock (86), Breaker (97), Rock 'n Roll (97)
- waist: Roadblock (86), Guile (93/I, 93/II), Breaker (97, 05), Rock 'n Roll (97, 05), Snake Eyes (97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Gen. Abernathy (04/I), Sgt. Stalker (04/II, 05/I, 06), Zap (04), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI), Cobra Mortal (06)
- legs: Roadblock (86), Guile (93/I, 93/II), Rock 'n Roll (97)
| Accessories: black machine gun with bipod (82 Rock 'n Roll's), plain green helmet (82 Short-Fuze's, undersized).
| Rock 'n Roll joined the G.I. Joe team at its inception. He was a young, naive surfer who became one of the outfit's most valuable members. Still, he's an adult who refuses to grow up. He uses every chance he gets to break out his electric guitar and blast something he calls - music. When G.I. Joe was shut down by the government, Rock 'n Roll decided to go on a spiritual crusade, searching for the perfect wave. After a brief tour, he received word that the original team members were re-organizing, and wanted back in with a passion. Rock 'n Roll missed the ear-splitting sounds of his favorite machine gun, and the great friendships he acquired with his teammates.
After the team's first encounter with COBRA forces, they found a suitable location and in the tradition of the men and women who served their country before them, raised the flag in their honor, and declared - STARS and STRIPES FOREVER!
From General Hawk's Files: "This is a guy that loves loud noises, whether it be from his machine gun or favorite electric guitar. Rock 'n Roll is very loyal and a good friend to all the team members. He likes to joke around a lot; however, he is very serious when it comes to his job. We rely on him to lay down cover-fire, which allows the team to reach their target without a scratch. Dependable at every turn, and always ready to lend a helping hand - or extra ammo belt (whichever the case)."
Motto: "COBRA's retreat is music to my ears."
| Variations: A few copies had very dark skin that made Rock 'n Roll appear African-American. Probably a factory error rather than an intentional variant.
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with the Stars and Stripes Forever flag base, Sgt. Zap, Stalker, Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, Grunt, Breaker, and Short-Fuse. Item #28020. Box art and pre-production photos show that this figure was intended to be a recolor of the 1982 version.
Version 6: fall 2001 boxed Headquarters playset
Tactical Operations Specialist | MOS 1: Infantry/Machine Gunner [11B] MOS 2: Physical Training Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Flint (94, 02/I), Rock 'n Roll (01)
- arms: Flint (94, 02/I), Rock 'n Roll (01)
- torso: Flint (94, 02/I), Rock 'n Roll (01)
- waist: Flint (94, 02/I), Rock 'n Roll (01)
- legs: Flint (94, 02/I), Rock 'n Roll (01)
| Accessories: none
| Rock 'n Roll loves loud noises. Whether it's ear-splitting guitar riffs or heavy machine gun fire, it doesn't matter; it's all music to his ears. A G.I. Joe from the team's inception, Rock 'n Roll has been blasting firepower in the Cobra direction ever since. Now stationed at G.I. Joe Headquarters, Rock 'n Roll leads the armament division, lending his expertise in tactical defensive systems, equipment maintenance, and heavy weapons repair. Even with added responsibility, he still retains the quirky sense of humor he is famous for. A dedicated soldier, Rock 'n Roll is always ready to lay down cover fire and guide the team to their target without missing a beat. You can bet the Cobra troops attempting to infiltrate the Headquarters are singing the blues at the mere mention of his name.
| Variations: This figure was reidentified as Flint when the Headquarters was reissued in fall 2002.
| Toy Notes: Boxed with the Toys 'R Us-exclusive recolor of 1992's Headquarters. Item #53076.
Version 7: January 2005 Wave 3 comic three-pack assortment
Machine Gunner Craig "Rock 'n Roll" McConnel | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Physical Training Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Rock 'n Roll (05, 07)
- arms: Big Ben (91, 93, 00, 02/I, 02/II), Crossfire (01), Tracker Kwinn (04), Rock 'n Roll (05)
- torso: Big Ben (91, 93, 00, 02/I, 02/II), Crossfire (01), Tracker Kwinn (04), Shrage (05), Rock 'n Roll (05)
- waist: Roadblock (86), Guile (93/I, 93/II), Breaker (97, 05), Rock 'n Roll (97, 05), Snake Eyes (97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Gen. Abernathy (04/I), Sgt. Stalker (04/II, 05/I, 06), Zap (04), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI), Cobra Mortal (06)
- legs: Gen. Hawk (92, 00, 02, 04/I, 05), Big Ben (03), Sgt. Stalker (04/II, 05/I, 06), Zartan (04/III, 04/IV), Zap (04), Rock 'n Roll (05), Breaker (05)
| Accessories: black M60 machine gun with short grip, thick stock, and handle on top (new), black bipod with feet and tabs on legs (new), black backpack (90 S.A.W.-Viper's).
| A former surfer and body-builder, ROCK 'N ROLL takes his role as the team automatic weapons specialist very seriously. It's his job to lay down the suppressive fire that allows his buddies to advance safely from one covered position to another. The combined weight of his weapon and ammunition is well over sixty pounds and that's not including his rucksack and body armor, which adds another fifty pounds to the total. ROCK 'N ROLL has to run with all that weight to keep up with the team and provide constant cover while staying totally alert to any sudden changes in the tactical situation. "If I don't stay in shape, I'm about as useless as a wetsuit on a frog," he says. He knows the team is depending on him to do his job, and nothing is going to stop him from delivering a hundred percent.
"I don't even have to like you. I could even hate your guts. If you're on my team and you're calling for my help, I am there."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Short-Fuze, Flash, and a reprint of Marvel #8. Item #60892.
Version 8: late September 2007 Tanks for the Memories boxed set
Machine Gunner Craig "Rock 'n Roll" McConnel | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Physical Training Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Rock 'n Roll (05, 07)
- arms: Stalker (89, 93, 05/II), Rock 'n Roll (07), Starduster (07)
- torso: Stalker (89, 93, 05/II), Rock 'n Roll (07)
- waist: Stalker (89, 93, 05/II), Rock 'n Roll (07)
- legs: Stalker (89, 93, 05/II), Rock 'n Roll (07)
| Accessories: dark grey M2 Browning .50 Caliber machine gun with holes in the barrel (new), dark grey two-piece tripod with partially folded crossbar (new), dark grey knife (91 Low-Light's), small dark grey ammo box with handle on top (new), clear figure stand (common).
| A surfer, bodybuilder, and bass guitarist in his free time, ROCK 'N ROLL has been the machine gun and Gatling gun specialist for the G.I. JOE team since its inception. Over the years he has proven to have an unfortunate knack for stumbling onto COBRA strongholds and secret operations, sometimes even getting captured - all to COBRA's eventual regret. His quiet demeanor often leads people to believe he is a product of the laid-back California lifestyle, but DOC believes he may actually be losing his hearing, though she is unsure if it is from the blaring noise of his machine guns or his penchant for high-decibel heavy metal music.
ROCK 'N ROLL is genuinely dedicated to preserving freedom and the safety of his teammates like few others. He is constantly updating his equipment and skills, even taking assignments in obscure, highly classified sonic weapons projects. He is always ready to lay down cover fire and guide the team to their target without missing a beat. To keep his skills sharp, ROCK 'N ROLL has fully prepared for his cold weather survival training in the Rocky Mountains, but it also doesn't hurt that he will be bringing along his new snowboard.
"You have to learn to adapt or wash out - that's why COBRA will always lose; they never change!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Convention-exclusive set with Sparks, G.I. Joe Doc, Clutch, Sgt. Flash, Zap, Grunt, Lt. Clay Moore, Night Stalker Commander, and two copies each of all three versions of Night Stalkers Shock Trooper.. The machine gun and tripod were originally sold in the Sgt. Savage line.
Version 9: March 2008 25th Anniversary Wave 6 carded figure assortment (08/I)
Machine Gunner Staff Sergeant Rock 'n Roll | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Physical Training Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II)
- arms: Flint (07), Duke (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I), G.I. Joe Doc (08), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Red Star (08), Steeler (08/I), Double Clutch (08), Lt. Falcon (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Leatherneck (08)
- body: Snake Eyes (07/I, 07/II, 08/I, 08/II, 08/IV, 08/VII, 08/IX, 09/I, 09/III, 09/IV), Sgt. Stalker (07, 08/I, 08/II), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/I), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II), Grunt (08), Duke (08/IV), Steeler (08/I, 08/II), Double Clutch (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Sgt. Airborne (08), Short-Fuze (08), Outback (09)
- upper legs: Flint (07, 08/I, 09/I, 09/II), Duke (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/V, 08/VI), G.I. Joe Doc (08), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II), Red Star (08), Lt. Falcon (08)
- lower legs: Flint (07, 08/I, 09/I, 09/II), Duke (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/V, 08/VI), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II)
| Accessories: grey M60 with short black grip and stock, visible trigger, and C-shaped clip for bipod (new), grey bipod with wide-set legs and small feet (new), green knife (07 Snake Eyes's), olive helmet (05 Breaker's), olive belt with silver buckle and Hasbro logo (08 Sgt. Flash's), olive pair of bandoliers with gold shells (new), black ammo belt with gold shells (07 Roadblock's), black Joe figure stand.
| SSGT. ROCK 'N ROLL was a surfer in Malibu prior to enlistment. He was also a weight lifter and played bass guitar in local rock bands. Is familiar with all NATO and Warsaw Pact light and heavy machine guns. Graduated: Advanced Infantry Training (Top of Class). Specialized Education: Covert Ops School.
"SSGT. ROCK 'N ROLL is cunning but naive, forceful but shy. Possesses a strong sense of loyalty to his teammates and is sincerely concerned about their wellbeing. A man of honor and integrity who can be counted on to hold the line."
| Toy Notes: Item #29252. Despite the new code name, this version (an E-5) does not, in fact, hold the rank of staff sergeant as the previous two versions did.
Version 10: December 2008 Wave 7 comic two-pack assortment (08/II)
Machine Gunner Staff Sergeant Rock 'n Roll | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: PT Instructor [SQI=H]
| - head: Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II)
- arms to wrist: Flint (08/I, 08/II, 09/I, 09/II), Skyduster (08), G.I. Joe Cutter (08), Cobra Ninja Viper (08), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/II), Tunnel Rat (09), Duke (09/II), Outback (09)
- hands: Flint (08/I, 08/II, 09/I, 09/II), Skyduster (08), G.I. Joe Cutter (08), Cobra Ninja Viper (08), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/II), Tunnel Rat (09), Duke (09/II)
- body: Snake Eyes (07/I, 07/II, 08/I, 08/II, 08/IV, 08/VII, 08/IX, 09/I, 09/III, 09/IV), Sgt. Stalker (07, 08/I, 08/II), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/I), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II), Grunt (08), Duke (08/IV), Steeler (08/I, 08/II), Double Clutch (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Sgt. Airborne (08), Short-Fuze (08), Outback (09)
- upper legs: Flint (07, 08/I, 09/I, 09/II), Duke (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/V, 08/VI), G.I. Joe Doc (08), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II), Red Star (08), Lt. Falcon (08)
- lower legs: Flint (07, 08/I, 09/I, 09/II), Duke (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/V, 08/VI), Cpl. Breaker (08/I, 08/II), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/I, 08/II)
| Accessories: light grey machine gun with bipod (08 Rock 'n Roll's), grey knife (07 Snake Eyes's), light green helmet (05 Breaker's), light green belt (08 Sgt. Flash's), light green pair of bandoliers with gold shells (08 Rock 'n Roll's), grey ammo belt with gold shells (07 Roadblock's), black Joe figure stand
| Before he enlisted in the Army, SSGT. ROCK 'N ROLL was a surfer in Malibu, a weight lifter, and a bass guitarist in local rock bands. Yet it was the life-saving actions of an Army Ranger that he witnessed on the beach as a boy which left a lasting impression and eventually led him to join the military. He thoroughly enjoys his job and jumps into each mission against COBRA forces with ferocious determination. He's familiar with all NATO and Warsaw Pact light and heavy machine guns. He graduated at the top of his class from Advanced Infantry Training and received specialized training at Covert Ops School.
"I don't even have to like you. I could even hate your guts. If you're on my team and you're calling for my help, I am there."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Deep Six and a reprint of Marvel #25. Item #37620.