
(aka Sergeant Flash; Anthony "Flash" Gambello)
Anthony S. Gambello of Lodi, California.
Grades: Army E-4 (1982-2005); E-5 (2007); E-4 (2008)
SNs: RA607432985; 607-43-AG29
Notes: Lodi (pronounced like "low dye") is in the central part of the state, just north of Stockton. Flash was also the name of an Autobot released in 1992 as part of the Turbomasters team.
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Frank Welker one line spoken by Rob Paulsen in ARAH part 2 was probably intended for Flash. | 12 | 454 seconds | 25 | 244
Notes: Flash wore his 1982 outfit, with chest padding divided into six rectangular segments without the silver frame. His visor was tinted blue, and he sometimes carried a flamethrower. His appearance in early ads for Marvel comics had numerous variations in color and other details.
A Real American Hero Opening | 11 seconds | (silent) | in V.A.M.P. with Clutch, driving R.A.M., target practice, in final pose
| A Real American Hero, Part 1 | 18 seconds | (silent) | at airfield during Bludd's assault, fighting at farm
| A Real American Hero, Part 2 | 95 seconds | 1 line | part of Sea of Ice team, at HQ for Tanu Island broadcast
| A Real American Hero, Part 3 | 26 seconds | (silent) | working on Joes' M.A.S.S. Device, greeting Snake Eyes at HQ
| A Real American Hero, Part 4 | 11 seconds | 1 line | operating Stalker's camera, in Dragonfly and J.U.M.P. at Ring of Fire
| A Real American Hero, Part 5 | 23 seconds | (silent) | at HQ for Duke's procedure, in J.U.M.P. during mountain climbing
| Operation Mind Menace | 190 seconds | 23 lines | in a Dragonfly, captured on Easter Island, driving Polar Battle Bear at K12 base
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 2 | 61 seconds | (silent) | at Scarlett's briefing and on Destro's ship
| Spell of the Siren | 5 seconds | (silent) | entranced at Joe HQ; in final scene
| Lasers in the Night | 10 seconds | (silent) | at briefing on theft of the guidance system
| G.I. Joe: The Movie Opening | 1 second | (silent) | running with Recondo's team (1:25)
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 5 | 3 seconds | (silent) | charging toward palace; shielding eyes during ice dome explosion
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Flash was discernible in 155 panels in 19 issues from Jun. 1982 to Oct. 1988: #1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 27, 33, 49, 50, Order of Battle 1, 57, and 78.
Figure Releases
Version 1: spring 1982 original carded figure assortment / spring 1983 carded swivel-arm assortment
Laser Rifle Trooper | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Electronics [prob. 94Y], CBR [74D]
| - head: Short-Fuze (82, 97), Flash (82), Hawk (82), Steeler (82), Starduster (87)
- arms: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steel Brigade (87, 92)
- torso: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83)
- waist: Stalker (82, 97), Short-Fuze (82, 97, 05/I), Breaker (82), Snake Eyes (82, 97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Zap (82, 97), Flash (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Grunt (82, 83, 97), Hawk (82), Clutch (82, 84), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steeler (82), Lt. Falcon (03), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI)
- upper legs: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83)
- lower legs: Snake Eyes (82, 97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83), Grunt (97), Cobra Mortal (06)
| Accessories: black XMLR-1A laser rifle with cord (new), dark olive helmet (82 Short-Fuze's), clear visor (82 Short-Fuze's), small dark olive fuel tank backpack, oddly shaped with hole for cord (new).
| Flash is highly skilled in many aspects of electronic technology and is capable of equipment repair in the field. Specialized Education: Electronics School; Chemical School; Covert Electronics. Qualified Expert: M-16; M-1911A1; XMLR-1A (Shoulder-Fired Laser Rifle).
"Flash is methodical and persistent. Has an innate and unshakable faith in the order of the universe. He's working on his Master's degree in electronic engineering (nights)."
| Variations: Re-tooled in 1983 to accommodate swivel-arm battle grip and a new waistpiece design. Yojoe.com lists swivel-arm Flash as version 1.5. The prototype in the catalog had a black visor and a more intricate facial features.
| Toy Notes: Item #6406.
| Reissues: The straight-arm variant was reissued in fall 1982 in a J.C. Penney three-pack with Grunt and Rock 'n Roll. The swivel-arm variant was reissued in mail offers 1985-1986 (Get Your Gear, Operation Freedom Has Begun 85 and 86).
Version 2: late January 2005 Wave 3 comic three-pack assortment
Communications Officer Anthony "Flash" Gambello | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Electronics [prob. 94Y], CBR [74D]
| - head: Flash (05)
- arms: Action Astronaut (94), Flash (05)
- torso: Action Astronaut (94), Flash (05)
- waist: Action Astronaut (94), Flash (05)
- legs: Action Astronaut (94), Flash (05)
| Accessories: black rifle (83 Snow Job's), white helmet (94 Action Astronaut's), clear face shield (94 Action Astronaut's).
| When electronic equipment breaks down in the middle of a tense mission, the team needs it up and running fast. That's where FLASH comes in. He's highly skilled in many aspects of electronic technology and is capable of equipment repair in the field. That's no longer as simple as splicing together a couple of wires. Now you need working knowledge of computer technology, advanced circuitry, and both analog and digital electronics. FLASH always had a natural aptitude for understanding the guts of a machine. He brought his expertise to the military, and now he's happy to be where his skills are crucial to the outcome of a mission, instead of simply being the guy you call when your television won't go on or your house alarm won't go off.
"Your equipment can make the difference between getting out alive and not getting out at all. I'm here to make sure that the tech stuff won't let you down when you need it the most."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Short-Fuze, Rock 'n Roll, and a reprint of Marvel #8. Item #60892.
Version 3: late September 2007 Tanks for the Memories boxed set
Laser Rifle Trooper Sergeant Flash | MOS 1: Laser Weapon Systems [prob. 13B] MOS 2: Fire Control Repairer [45G]
| - head: Grunt (04/II), Sgt. Flash (07)
- arms: Duke (94), Sgt. Flash (07), Grand Slam (07)
- torso: Duke (94), Dragonsky (05), Sgt. Flash (07), Grand Slam (07)
- waist: Blast-Off (93), Dragonsky (05), Sgt. Flash (07), Grand Slam (07)
- legs: Downtown (89), Short-Fuze (04), Sgt. Flash (07), Grand Slam (07), Starduster (07)
| Accessories: silver laser rifle (91 Sci-Fi's), silver backpack (91 Sci-Fi's), medium-length black hose (common), clear figure stand (common).
| When electronic equipment breaks down in the middle of a tense mission, the team needs it up and running fast. That's where SGT. FLASH comes in. He's highly skilled in many aspects of electronic technology and is capable of equipment repair on the battlefield. His knowledge of computers, advanced circuitry, and both analog and digital electronics made him a prime candidate for the experimental weapons program. Now he gets to evaluate and design Top Secret portable laser weapons systems for tactical purposes.
The weapon that SGT. FLASH carries is not used for spotting targets; it's been personally tested for combat situations. His laser rifle fires an intense burst that can fry enemy communications and equipment - rendering it useless within seconds. With a fully-charged power pack, he can melt the doors off armored vehicles and give the bad guys inside a very warm surprise. He's always ready to put his gear to the test in any climate or situation. The only downside to his job is running out of power and then waiting for the re-charge!
"Your equipment can make the difference between getting out alive and not getting out at all."
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Convention-exclusive set with Sparks, G.I. Joe Doc, Clutch, Sgt. Flash, Zap, Grunt, Rock 'n Roll, Lt. Clay Moore, Night Stalker Commander, and two copies each of all three versions of Night Stalkers Shock Trooper.
Version 4: January 2008 25th Anniversary Wave 5 carded figure assortment
Laser Rifle Trooper Sergeant Flash | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Electronics [prob. 94Y], CBR [74D]
| - head: Sgt. Flash (08), Grunt (08), Grand Slam (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/II)
- arms: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08), Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver (08/I, 08/II), Cobra H.I.S.S. Commander (08), Tripwire (08), A.V.A.C. (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI)
- body: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08) Tripwire (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI) - modified: Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver (08/I, 08/II), Cobra H.I.S.S. Commander (08), A.V.A.C. (08), Maj. Bludd (08/II, 08/III)
- upper legs: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08), Tripwire (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI)
- lower legs: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI)
| Accessories: silver XMLR-1A laser rifle with long cord (new), olive simple battle helmet with holes for visor (new), clear visor (82 Short-Fuze's), olive belt with silver Hasbro logo on buckle (new), silver fuel tank backpack, oddly shaped with hole for cord (new), black Joe figure stand.
| SGT. FLASH is highly skilled in many aspects of electronic technology and is capable of equipment repair in the field. Specialized Education: Electronics School; Chemical School; Covert Electronics. Qualified Expert: M-16; M-1911A1; XMLF-1A (Shoulder Laser Rifle).
"SGT. FLASH is methodical and persistent. Has an innate and unshakable faith in the order of the universe. He's working on his Master's degree in electronics engineering (nights)."
| Toy Notes: Item #28934. The "Sergeant" code name is carried over from the 2007 version without regard for the original's lower rank (E-4) appearing on this filecard.