
Note: The 2006 filecard gives a file name of Shane R. Nostaw and birthplace of United Kingdom for the individual described in the text. He is named for British Joe collector Shane Watson.
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Various | 5 | 139 seconds | 2 | 12
Notes: DiC's Flak-Vipers wore the 1992 outfit, with much shorter missiles.
Long Live Rock and Roll Part II | 3 seconds | | tied up at Cobra base after Metal-Head starts playing; backpack used to destroy Cobra speakers
| Shadow of a Doubt | 42 seconds | | capturing Joes in inner city and confronting them on the roof, driving Rat in inner city
| Cobra World | 64 seconds | | surrounding Joes, in mascot costume at parade, in Paralyzers and Earthquake, loading gold, in Battle Copters
| Metal-Head's Reunion | 26 seconds | 2 lines | attacking lab in Battle Copters and Paralyzers, using Battle Copters to board cruise ship, chasing Grid-Iron
| The Legend of Metal-Head | 4 seconds | | seen in flashback
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Flak-Vipers were discernible in 13 panels in 2 issues from Aug. 1992 to Nov. 1992: #127 and 130.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1992
| 2. 1993 (Battle Corps)
| 3. 2006 (Flaming M.O.T.H.)
Version 1: spring 1992 Wave 1 carded figure assortment
Cobra Anti-Aircraft Trooper
| - head: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- arms: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- torso: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- waist: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- legs: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
| Accessories: blue "long-barrel laser rifle with mini-machete bayonet" and scope (new), two blue spring missiles with two large fins near tip (new), green spring-loaded dual missile launcher backpack with blue triggers (new), black figure stand (common).
| FLAK-VIPERS have a passive, infrared targeting and sighting system built into their helmets. This allows them to fire extremely accurate Tail-Biter missiles at G.I. Joe aircraft with absolute impunity! These are dedicated and motivated troopers. To maintain maximum level of effectiveness, Flak-Vipers spend long hours everyday practicing simulated missile engagements using a program cartridge that plugs into their helmets. It would be like playing a portable video game for 10 hours straight! These guys get a kick out of roaming the battlefield in the Cobra Parasite while "picking off" incoming enemy aircraft.
Motto: "We could positively max-out our high score if only we had Turbo-Joystick Controllers!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6730.
Version 2: winter 1993 Battle Corps Wave 1 carded figure assortment, #9
Anti-Aircraft Trooper | MOS 1: Anti-Aircraft Trooper
| - head: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- arms: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- torso: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- waist: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- legs: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
| Accessories: blue rifle (92 Flak-Viper's), two orange missiles (92 Flak-Viper's), green backpack with orange triggers (92 Flak-Viper's), black figure stand (common).
| FLAK-VIPERS have a passive, infrared targeting and sighting system built into their helmets. This allows them to fire extremely accurate Tail-Biter missiles at G.I. Joe aircraft with absolute impunity! These are dedicated and motivated troopers. To maintain maximum level of effectiveness, Flak-Vipers spend long hours everyday practicing simulated missile engagements using a program cartridge that plugs into their helmets. It would be like playing a portable video game for 10 hours straight! These guys get a kick out of roaming the battlefield in the Cobra Parasite while "picking off" incoming enemy aircraft.
Motto: "We could positively max-out our high score if only we had Turbo-Joystick Controllers!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6766.
Version 3: March 2006 Operation Flaming M.O.T.H. two-pack assortment, #2
COBRA Anti-Aircraft Trooper, Operation Flaming M.O.T.H. | MOS 1: Anti-Aircraft MOS 2: Artillery Coordinator
| - head: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- arms: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- torso: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- waist: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
- legs: Flak-Viper (92, 93, 06), Cobra Nullifier (04)
| Accessories: black rifle (92 Flak-Viper's), two black missiles (92 Flak-Viper's), black backpack (92 Flak-Viper's).
| The FLAK-VIPERs are trained in the use of portable artillery weapons to fire at any airborne targets that can be observed, aimed at, and destroyed. Their multipurpose assault weapons have a passive, infrared targeting and sighting system that makes use of a G.P.S. (Gloal Positioning System) to obtain accurate aiming points, the FLAK-VIPERs have exceptional natural hand-eye coordination and the ability to concentrate simultaneously on two or more targets in their range of sight. This allows them to fire extremely accurate missiles at G.I. JOE aircraft with absolute impunity! To maintain the maximum level of effectiveness, FLAK-VIPERs spend long hours every day practicing simulated missile engagements using a program cartridge that plugs into their helmets.
This FLAK-VIPER comes from a family of bus owners in England, who watched their life's work suffer through years of aerial bombing during times of war. He grew up hating the idea of being helpless against aircraft and joined the COBRA army, where he strove like no other FLAK-VIPER to personally deny the enemy air superiority. COBRA COMMANDER took notice of his unparalleled hit ratio, and chose him for Operation: Flaming M.O.T.H., where he will accompany a RANGE-VIPER into the Australian desert to retrieve a vital piece of the downed US Military satellite.
"My thumbs never get tired—show up in my sights and it's GAME OVER!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Collector's Club-exclusive Desert Theater two-pack with Range Viper.