
Grand Slam
File Name: James J. Barney of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.
Grades: Army E-5 (1982-2008)
various SNs: RA379541044; 379-54-JB14; 379-54-JJ44
Notes: Chippewa Falls is in the west central part of the state, about 12 miles north of Eau Claire. Grand Slam was also the name of an Autobot cassette released in 1988.
Animated Appearances
Grand Slam was one of five characters never depicted in the Sunbow series despite having figures released before 1987, the others being Stinger Driver, Keel-Haul, Starduster, and Capt. Claymore. He did appear animated in a couple early ads for Marvel comics, some footage of which appeared in toy commercials.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Grand Slam was discernible in 78 panels in 13 issues from Jun. 1982 to Jan. 1989: #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 17, 19, 22, 27, 59, and 82. He was not featured in the Order of Battle.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1982 (H.A.L.)
2. 1983 (J.U.M.P.)
3. 2006 (DTC)
| 4. 2007 (Convention)
5. 2008 (Night Specter)
Version 1: summer 1982 boxed Heavy Artillery Laser (H.A.L.) accessory
Laser Artillery Soldier | MOS 1: Artillery [13B] MOS 2: Electronics Engineer [94F]
| - head: Zap (82, 97), Grunt (82, 83, 97), Grand Slam (82, 83)
- arms: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steel Brigade (87, 92)
- torso: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83)
- waist: Stalker (82, 97), Short-Fuze (82, 97, 05/I), Breaker (82), Snake Eyes (82, 97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Zap (82, 97), Flash (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Grunt (82, 83, 97), Hawk (82), Clutch (82, 84), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steeler (82), Lt. Falcon (03), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI)
- upper legs: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83)
- lower legs: Snake Eyes (82, 97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83), Grunt (97), Cobra Mortal (06)
| Accessories: dark olive helmet (82 Short-Fuze's), clear visor (82 Short-Fuze's).
| Grand Slam received initial training in conventional artillery and served with a 155mm battery. Graduated: Special Weapons School (Top of Class). Specialized Education: Artillery School; Advanced Tech School. Qualified Expert: M-16; M-1911A1; "H.A.L." Heavy Artillery Laser.
"He's soft-spoken and calm - just a bit shy. Intelligent. Loves to read escapist fantasy (science fiction and comic books)."
| Variations: Re-tooled in 1983 to accommodate swivel-arm battle grip and a new waistpiece design. Yojoe.com lists swivel-arm Grand Slam as version 1.5. The prototype in the catalog had a black visor.
| Toy Notes: Item #6052.
| Reissues: The H.A.L. was reissued in spring 1983 with swivel-arm Grand Slam.
Version 2: spring 1983 boxed Jet Pack (J.U.M.P.) accessory
Laser Jet Pack Soldier | MOS 1: Artillery [13B] MOS 2: Electronics Engineer [94F]
| - head: Zap (82, 97), Grunt (82, 83, 97), Grand Slam (82, 83)
- arms: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steel Brigade (87, 92)
- torso: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83)
- waist: Stalker (82, 97), Short-Fuze (82, 97, 05/I), Breaker (82), Snake Eyes (82, 97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Zap (82, 97), Flash (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Grunt (82, 83, 97), Hawk (82), Clutch (82, 84), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steeler (82), Lt. Falcon (03), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI)
- upper legs: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83)
- lower legs: Snake Eyes (82, 97/I, 97/II, 03/I, 03/II, 04/IV, 05/IV), Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83), Grunt (97), Cobra Mortal (06)
| Accessories: dark olive helmet (82 Short-Fuze's), clear visor (82 Short-Fuze's).
| Grand Slam received initial training in conventional artillery and served with a 155mm battery. Graduated: Special Weapons School (Top of Class). Specialized Education: Artillery School; Advanced Tech School. Qualified Expert: M-16; M-1911A1; "H.A.L." Heavy Artillery Laser.
"He's soft-spoken and calm - just a bit shy. Intelligent. Loves to read escapist fantasy (science fiction and comic books)."
| Toy Notes: Item #6065. (The J.U.M.P. was originally released in summer 1982 without a figure.) This figure is considered a moderately high-demand item if the silver is not scuffed.
Version 3: January 2006 Direct-to-Consumer Wave 3 carded figure assortment
Artillery | MOS 1: Artillery [13B] MOS 2: Electronics Engineer [94F]
| - head: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
- arms: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
- torso: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
- waist: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
- legs: Sgt. Bazooka (04, 05), Grand Slam (06)
| Accessories: black pistol (06 Med Alert's), black laser rifle with thick, round vehicle mount (new), dark green helmet with black goggles (04 Rollbar's), black bandolier with yellow grenades (04 Dusty's).
| GRAND SLAM is familiar with most indirect fire weapons and their various capabilities. He positions himself at the front edge of battle or behind enemy lines, to observe COBRA forces and call back to the team with target locations. From mortars to howitzers, grenade launchers to anti-tank guns, GRAND SLAM knows each weapon's firing range and operation. His ability to estimate distance and plot trajectories is exceptional. He can set up just the right artillery attack to "soften up" the enemy, cause general confusion or destroy entrenched fortifications. He's fascinated with artillery of the past and has built miniature versions of catapults and trebuchets, experimenting with them on team members who don't mind being bombarded with a volley of small stones and stale bread rolls.
"With some M1 mortars, howitzers, and M203 grenade launchers, I'll have the enemy worn down and ready to fall in no time."
| Toy Notes: Item #13021.
Version 4: late September 2007 Convention-exclusive Jump Jet figure two-pack
Jet Pack Trooper | MOS 1: Field Artillery Specialist [13B] MOS 2: Special Electronics Devices Repairer [94F]
| - head: Cobra Commander (05/II), Grand Slam (07)
- arms: Duke (94), Sgt. Flash (07), Grand Slam (07)
- torso: Duke (94), Dragonsky (05), Sgt. Flash (07), Grand Slam (07)
- waist: Blast-Off (93), Dragonsky (05), Sgt. Flash (07), Grand Slam (07)
- legs: Downtown (89), Short-Fuze (04), Sgt. Flash (07), Grand Slam (07), Starduster (07)
| Accessories: olive rifle (from 82 J.U.M.P., sight intact), dark grey laser rifle (91 Mercer's), olive helmet with silver visor (06 Lady Jaye's), olive backpack (from 82 J.U.M.P.), large red flame exhaust base attaching to backpack jets (new), black cord (from 82 J.U.M.P.), clear figure stand (common).
| GRAND SLAM received his initial training in conventional artillery and graduated Special Weapons School (Top of Class). He is familiar with most indirect fire weapons and their various capabilities. From light mortars to howitzers, grenade launchers to anti-tank cannons, GRAND SLAM knows each weapon's firing range and operation. His ability to estimate distance and plot trajectories is exceptional. He can set up just the right artillery attack to "soften up" the enemy, cause general confusion, or destroy entrenched fortifications. When he's not behind the controls of the latest artillery weapon, he's in the sky providing aerial recon with the J.U.M.P. (Jet Unit Mobile Propulsion) jetpack. He positions himself at the front edge of battle or behind enemy lines, to observe COBRA forces and call back to the team with target locations.
GRAND SLAM is fascinated with science fiction and fantasy comic books. That's why he's the perfect candidate to strap a "rocket" to his back, hand him a "ray-gun," and send him flying towards the enemy. He's gifted with superior coordination to handle flight control and aerial combat at the same time. These special skills come in handy when he works with STARDUSTER on their combined recon missions. If the enemy spots them, he'll need to follow his counterpart's crazy stunt maneuvers to escape...or else he's a sitting duck waiting for target practice.
"Send me flying and it's always a homerun for the team!"
| Toy Notes: Bagged together with Starduster at the Tanks for the Memories-themed 2007 Convention. Both figures are considered very high-demand items (over $100 each).
Version 5: 2008 boxed Night Specter vehicle
Laser Artillery Soldier | MOS 1: Artillery [13B] MOS 2: Electronics Engineer [94F]
| - head: Sgt. Flash (08), Grunt (08), Grand Slam (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/II)
- arms: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08), Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver (08/I, 08/II), Cobra H.I.S.S. Commander (08), Tripwire (08), A.V.A.C. (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI)
- body: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08) Tripwire (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI) - modified: Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver (08/I, 08/II), Cobra H.I.S.S. Commander (08), A.V.A.C. (08), Maj. Bludd (08/II, 08/III)
- upper legs: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08), Tripwire (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI)
- lower legs: Sgt. Flash (08), Grand Slam (08), Cobra Trooper (08/VI)
| Accessories: dark green helmet (08 Sgt. Flash's), clear visor (82 Short-Fuze's), dark green belt with silver Hasbro logo (08 Sgt. Flash's).
| Grand Slam received initial training in conventional artillery and served with a 155mm battery. Graduated: Special Weapons School (Top of Class). Specialized Education: Artillery School; Advanced Tech School. Qualified Expert: M-16; M-1911A1; "H.A.L." Heavy Artillery Laser.
"He's soft-spoken and calm - just a bit shy. Intelligent. Loves to read escapist fantasy (science fiction and comic books)."
| Toy Notes: Boxed with a recolor of the S.H.A.R.C.. Item #30788. Note that Grand Slam did not come with a personalized figure stand.