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(aka Edward "Starduster" Skylar, Skyduster)

File Name: Edward J. Skylar of Burlingame, California.
Grade: Army E-6 (1987); E-5 (2007-2008)
SNs: RA 989-31-5248; 989-31-EJ48
Notes: Burlingame is in the San Francisco area, between San Mateo and the San Francisco International Airport. Dojo, Knockdown, and Psyche-Out are from San Francisco itself.

chronological: Sergeant Slaughter<< Starduster >>B.A.T.
alphabetical: Stalker<< Starduster >>Star-Viper


Animated Appearances

Starduster was one of five characters never depicted in the Sunbow series despite having figures released before 1987, the others being Grand Slam, Stinger Driver, Keel-Haul, and Capt. Claymore. He was animated only for the G.I. Joe Action Stars cereal ad.

Classic Marvel Comic Appearances

To my knowledge, Starduster did not appear in the vintage comic.

Figure Releases

Versions: 1. 1987 (Mail) 2. 2007 (Convention) 3. 2008 (Senior Ranking Officers)
Version 1: 1986 special mail-order exclusive
Jet Pack TrooperMOS 1: Infantry Transportable Air Recon
MOS 2: Helicopter Assault
  • head: Short-Fuze (82, 97), Flash (82), Hawk (82), Steeler (82), Starduster (86)
  • upper arms: Flint (85, 88, 04/I, 05), Claymore (86), Starduster (86)
  • lower arms: Flint (85, 88), Claymore (86), Starduster (86)
  • variant A torso: Recondo (84, 88), Starduster (86 A)
  • variant B-C front torso: Duke (83, 88, 97, 04/III, 05/III, 05/IV), Starduster (86 B-C), Steel Brigade (87 B-C-D, 92), Lonzo Wilkinson (06)
  • variant B-C back torso: Doc (83), Duke (83, 88, 97, 04/III, 05/III, 05/IV), Starduster (86 B-C), Steel Brigade (87 B-C-D, 92), Lonzo Wilkinson (06)
  • variant A-B waist: Recondo (84, 88), Starduster (86 A-B)
  • variant C waist: Iceberg (86, 97), Starduster (86 C)
  • upper legs: Roadblock (84, 88, 04/II, 05/I), Starduster (86), Double Blast (01, 02), Leatherneck (01), Sgt. Mutt (04/II), Tommy Arashikage (06)
  • lower legs: Roadblock (84, 88, 04/II, 05/I), Starduster (86), Double Blast (01, 02), Leatherneck (01), Tommy Arashikage (06)
Accessories: silver grenade launcher (83 Gung-Ho's), light blue helmet with star on black circle (82 Short-Fuze's), black visor (82 Short-Fuze's), olive backpack (from 82 J.U.M.P.).
Starduster was a circus trapeze artist when he enlisted in the Airborne Rangers. He quickly found that his acrobatic skills and boundless energy would come in handy when swinging from a 150-foot rope. But now he did his famous routines suspended from a Huey Assault Copter—with the audience throwing more than just popcorn and peanuts. It was Duke, however, who recognized how well Starduster's death-defying act would work with the J.U.M.P. Jetpack. The combination has been a crowd-pleaser ever since.
"We could be pinned down by artillery, rockets, and flanking small-arms fire—every inch of sky lit by tracer, the lead so thick in the air even the mosquitoes would take cover—but Starduster would be out there in a flash to spot the bad guys. No questions. Straight up into the flack with his characteristic 'show must go on' attitude, grinning like a Cheshire cat as he calls in enemy positions for our own artillery to hit. The guy never fails to keep the act interesting."
Variations: Variant A (Recondo torso and waist) was available from until 1988, variant B (Duke torso, Recondo waist) from 1988 to 1989, and variant C (Duke torso, Iceberg waist) from 1989 to 1990.
Toy Notes: Originally available by mail via an offer in G.I. Joe Action Stars cereal, which featured Sunbow animation in its commercial. While the cereal debuted in 1985, Hasbro has indicated the first figures were mailed out early in 1986. lists this as a 1987 release. This figure is particularly subject to yellowing; non-yellowed copies are considered a high-demand item.
Reissues: Reissued by mail 1987-1990 (Maneuvers Manual, Chilling Events, Top Secret, Incredible Shrinking Joes).
Version 2: late September 2007 Convention-exclusive Jump Jet figure two-pack
Jet Pack Trooper
Edward "Starduster" Skylar
MOS 1: Infantry Transportable/Air Recon
MOS 2: Counterintelligence Agent [97B]
  • head: Downtown (89), Short-Fuze (04), Infantry Division (05/I, 05/II, 05/III, 05/IV, 05/V, 05/VI), Starduster (07)
  • arms: Stalker (89, 93, 05/II), Rock 'n Roll (07), Starduster (07)
  • torso: Downtown (89), Short-Fuze (04), Starduster (07)
  • waist: Downtown (89), Short-Fuze (04), Starduster (07)
  • legs: Downtown (89), Short-Fuze (04), Sgt. Flash (07), Grand Slam (07), Starduster (07)
Accessories: olive rifle (from 82 J.U.M.P., sight intact), dark grey laser rifle (91 Mercer's), olive helmet with silver visor (06 Lady Jaye's), olive backpack (from 82 J.U.M.P.), large red flame exhaust base attaching to backpack jets (new), black cord (from 82 J.U.M.P.), clear figure stand (common).
Since World War II, the perfection of the jet pack has been the most elusive goal in the field of personnel transportation. Models known to the public are impractical due to the tremendous heat produced, inefficient fuel usage, limited altitude, and short flight duration. But the J.U.M.P. (Jet Unit Mobile Propulsion) jet pack used by the G.I. JOE team is capable of several hours' flight, unmatched maneuverability, and staggering velocity. To this day the specifics of the J.U.M.P.'s engineering and fuel source remain locked away at G.I. JOE Headquarters, despite many attempts by COBRA forces to steal the technology and capture its aerialist, STARDUSTER.
STARDUSTER is a former circus acrobat and Airborne Ranger. Though he is oftn found on the G.I. JOE test grounds, looking for advancements in jet pack, rocket belt, or helicopter backpack technologies, he never misses an opportunity to take on field missions. When he was assigned to the cold weather training exercise in the Colorado Rockies, he jumped at the chance to test the latest version of the J.U.M.P. in extreme weather conditions. As an added attraction, he is looking forward to sharing the spotlight with his former protégé GRAND SLAM—and seeing if he can still outfly him!
"Traveling 150 miles per hour with an engine strapped to your back is the easy art. Stopping in midair, splashing COBRA targets with a laser marker, and getting away before the incoming artillery hits is the REAL showstopper!"
Toy Notes: Bagged together with Grand Slam at the Tanks for the Memories-themed 2007 Convention. Both figures are considered very high-demand items (over $100 each).
Version 3: October 2008 Senior Ranking Officers Wave 2 figure three-pack assortment
Jet Backpack Trooper
MOS 1: Infantry Transportable Air Recon
MOS 2: Helicopter Assault
  • head: G.I. Joe Hawk (08/I, 08/II), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/IV), Skyduster (08)
  • arms to wrist: Flint (08/I, 08/II, 09/I, 09/II), Skyduster (08), G.I. Joe Cutter (08), Cobra Ninja Viper (08), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/II), Tunnel Rat (09), Duke (09/II), Outback (09)
  • hands: Flint (08/I, 08/II, 09/I, 09/II), Skyduster (08), G.I. Joe Cutter (08), Cobra Ninja Viper (08), Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll (08/II), Tunnel Rat (09), Duke (09/II)
  • body: Flint (07, 08/I, 09/I, 09/II), Duke (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/V, 08/VI), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), G.I. Joe Doc (08), Red Star (08), Lt. Falcon (08), Skyduster (08)
  • upper legs: Snake Eyes (07/I, 07/II, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VII, 09/IV), Sgt. Stalker (07, 08/I, 08/II), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/I, 08/II), Grunt (08), Duke (08/IV), Steeler (08/I, 08/II), Double Clutch (08), G.I. Joe Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Skyduster (08), Dataframe (08), Short-Fuze (08), Firefly (09/II)
  • lower legs: Steeler (08/I, 08/II), Double Clutch (08), Skyduster (08), Short-Fuze (08)
Accessories: green rifle with silver trim (from 82 J.U.M.P., sight removed), grey grenade launcher (07 Gung Ho's), light blue helmet (08 Sgt. Flash's), clear dark visor (82 Short-Fuze's), tan bandolier with black grenade (07 Duke's), green backpack with silver hose and jets (07 Air Trooper's), black cord (from 82 J.U.M.P.), black Joe figure stand.
SKYDUSTER was a circus trapeze artist when he enlisted in the Airborne Rangers. He found that his acrobatic skills and boundless energy came in handy when swinging from an assault helicopter by a 150-foot rope. Except, of course, this "audience" was throwing more than just popcorn and peanuts at him. It was DUKE, however, who recognized how well this death-defying act would work with the G.I. JOE team's jet backpack. The combination has been a crowd-pleaser ever since.
"We could be pinned down by artillery, rockets, and flanking small-arms fire, every inch of sky lit by tracer, the lead so thick in the air even the mosquitoes would take cover. But SKYDUSTER would still be out there in a flash to spot the bad guys. No questions. Straight up into the flack with his 'show must go on' attitude, grinning like a Cheshire cat as he calls in enemy positions for our artillery to hit. The guy never fails to keep the act interesting."
Toy Notes: Boxed in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive three-pack with Capt. Ace and Wild Bill. Item #36144, set 1 of 3.