
Cobra Officer
(aka The Enemy; Python Officer; Scarred Cobra Officer)
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Various | 48 | 1,474 seconds | 58 | 421
| DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
None | 1 | 6 seconds | 0 | 0
Notes: Sunbow's Cobra Officers wore the 1982 outfit, but with simpler chest straps colored white. In the first miniseries, the chevron and Cobra insignia were red, and the gloves were grey. Thereafter, the chevron was black, the insignia was white, and the gloves were black or absent. Early ads for Marvel comics gave the officers blue masks and gloves, and yellow belt and straps. The 1989 Python Officer outfit appeared very briefly in DiC's Operation Dragonfire.
A Real American Hero, Part 1 | 102 seconds | | stationed by M.A.S.S., restraining and escorting Duke
| A Real American Hero, Part 2 | 154 seconds | 4 lines | guarding temple, escorting Duke, operating cameras, chasing Duke
| A Real American Hero, Part 3 | 24 seconds | | at Cobra temple when Bludd delivers crystals
| A Real American Hero, Part 4 | 59 seconds | | guarding dining hall, escorting Ramar and Selena
| A Real American Hero, Part 5 | 168 seconds | 4 lines | processed as prisoners, guarding slaves, defending temple
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1 | 57 seconds | | loading laser core, capturing Duke and Snake Eyes
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 2 | 37 seconds | 1 line | restraining Duke and Snake Eyes in arena
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 4 | 48 seconds | | alerted by Cobra Cmdr's tantrum, capturing Roadblock and Honda Lou
| The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5 | 47 seconds | 1 line | chasing and attacked by escapees, reassembling Dominator
| Cobra's Creatures | 5 seconds | | at Lucifer's castle when Scarlett is discovered
| Cobra Soundwaves | 27 seconds | | throwing Ace, Gung-Ho, and Roadblock into Arena of Sport; guarding Sheik Ali
| Cobra Stops the World | 38 seconds | 4 lines | in charge of townhouse hideout
| Jungle Trap | 40 seconds | 5 lines | capturing Dr. Shakur
| Haul Down the Heavens | 95 seconds | 5 lines | in H.I.S.S.es and F.A.N.G.s chasing Joes, operating Cobra base
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1 | 1 second | | in Enterprise Tower (10:56)
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 2 | 73 seconds | 6 lines | chasing Shipwreck and Snake Eyes in jet packs and on Track Reptiles
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 3 | 3 seconds | | manning Cobra's waterfall base
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 4 | 17 seconds | 1 line | with Storm Shadow at Mountain of Glass, preparing cameras for Cobra Cmdr
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 5 | 31 seconds | 1 line | flying Cobra helicopter, defending Cobra base, covering leaders' escape
| Battle for the Train of Gold | 15 seconds | 2 lines | starting assault on Bureau of Engraving; reporting to Zartan as train is loaded
| Operation Mind Menace | 55 seconds | 6 lines | capturing Airborne and Flash, guarding psionics
| Lights! Camera! Cobra! | 9 seconds | | torturing Shipwreck
| Satellite Down | 7 seconds | | inside Cobra base
| Money to Burn | 5 seconds | | given orders by Crimson Guard; in Trubble Bubbles defending base
| The Phantom Brigade | 2 seconds | | defending castle (17:30-31)
| Synthoid Conspiracy, Part 1 | 11 seconds | | manning Cobra sub and cargo plane
| Spell of the Siren | 3 seconds | | driving the Baroness's Stinger
| The Viper Is Coming | 6 seconds | 1 line | refusing to surrender at West Point
| The Funhouse | 8 seconds | | manning Cobra's desert temple
| Where the Reptiles Roam | 6 seconds | | manning control room beneath ranch hideout
| Lasers in the Night | 87 seconds | 3 lines | manning Snake Island base; capturing Amber
| The Traitor, Part 1 | 4 seconds | | guarding throne room in Cobra temple
| The Traitor, Part 2 | 9 seconds | | rounding up captured civilians; in temple arena to watch Joe prisoners
| Worlds Without End Part II | 19 seconds | 1 line | alt version reporting to Cobra Cmdr; serving Destro
| Cobra CLAWs Are Coming to Town | 14 seconds | | driving the Baroness's A.W.E. Striker
| Eau de Cobra | 22 seconds | 3 lines | manning Pirate's Cove base
| Primordial Plot | 5 seconds | | inside fortress during dino attack
| Hearts and Cannons | 21 seconds | 2 lines | with Maj. Bludd in village; manning Destro's test equipment; on guard towers
| Memories of Mara | 17 seconds | 2 lines | in Cobra sub torpedo room; defending undersea base
| The Pit of Vipers | 34 seconds | | restraining Shipwreck at undersea base
| The Invaders | 36 seconds | 4 lines | defending Enterprise Tower; capturing Snake Eyes and Wong
| Arise Serpentor Arise Part 1 | 7 seconds | | at secret meeting with Dr. Mindbender
| Last Hour to Doomsday | 4 seconds | 1 line | returning Baroness to lagoon base
| Computer Complications | 10 seconds | | guarding Serpentor's throne room
| Sink the Montana | 11 seconds | 1 line | loading EMP device from a Cobra sub onto U.S.S. Montana
| Not a Ghost of a Chance | 5 seconds | | manning cameras for Ramirez interview
| In the Presence of Mine Enemies | 11 seconds | | aboard Cobra sub transmitting to satellite
| G.I. Joe: The Movie, Part 1 | 5 seconds | | scrambling to battle stations at Terror Drome; monitoring security systems
| Operation Dragonfire: Day 4 | 6 seconds | | one seen with Python Conquests
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Cobra Officers were discernible in 83 panels in 23 issues from Feb. 1983 to Jan. 1990: #8, 9, 10, 12, 19, 20, 22, 36, 41, 42, Yearbook 2, 46, 48, 52, 55, Order of Battle 3, 56, Yearbook 3, 73, 74, 87, 95, and 96. They are often difficult to distinguish from Cobra Troopers, so this appearance list will probably differ from others.
Additionally, an Officer known as Scar-Face appeared in 104 panels in 8 issues from Jun. 1983 to Mar. 1984: #12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 21.
Figure Releases
Version 1: summer 1982 Enemy carded figure assortment / spring 1983 carded swivel-arm assortment
The Enemy | MOS 1: Infantry MOS 2: Artillery; Intelligence
| - head: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89), Cobra Squad Leader (05/I, 05/II)
- arms: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Cobra Commander (82, 84), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89)
- torso: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89, 06/II), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II, 05/I, 05/II)
- waist: Cobra (82, 89), Cobra Officer (82, 89), H.I.S.S. Driver (83), Viper Pilot (83), Stinger Driver (84), Steel Brigade (87 D, 92), Duke (88), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II)
- upper legs: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89, 06/II), Cobra Squad Leader (05/I, 05/II)
- lower legs: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89, 06/II), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II, 05/I, 05/II)
| Accessories: black AK-47 assault rifle with no trigger guard (new).
| COBRA Officers are front-line fighters who lead COBRA attack units into battle. Many are also believed to be operating as spies at defense plants, nuclear power facilities, etc. All are martial arts experts, masters of disguise, deceit, and demolitions. Qualified Expert: AK-47 Assault Rifle; PM-63 Machine Pistol; M-16; Ingram M -11 Sub-machine gun.
"COBRA Officers are dedicated to destroying G.I. Joe and the American way of life. Beware...they are extremely dangerous enemies!"
| Variations: Re-tooled in 1983 to accommodate swivel-arm battle grip and a new waistpiece design. Yojoe.com lists swivel-arm Cobra Officer as version 1.5. Cobra Officer figures had either black or red eyes and eyebrows. Extremely rare pre-release "final engineering pilots" have been found with the same simplified chest logo (in red) as the "Mickey Mouse Cobra Commander," but none are known to have made it to stores.
| Toy Notes: Item #6411. The helmet, Cobra emblem, and rifle all differ from the prototype pictured in the 1982 catalog and commercials.
| Reissues: The straight-arm figure was boxed in fall 1982 with the Sears-exclusive Missile Command Headquarters, along with Cobra and Cobra Commander. Swivel-arm variants of the same three figures were reissued in 1983 with the second release of the Missile Command Headquarters, and later in the fall in a J.C. Penney three-pack. More common was a J.C. Penney three-pack from 1982 consisting of two Cobras and a Cobra Officer (all straight-arms), with Short-Fuze's mortar and stand as the Officer's accessories. The swivel-arm variant of Cobra Officer was released in stores as part of the spring 1983 regular carded figure assortment (Item #6424), and in mail offers 1985-1988 (Get Your Gear, Operation Freedom 85 and 86, Doomed to Defeat, Chilling Events, End of Slaughter).
Version 2: spring 1989 Python Patrol carded figure assortment
Python Patrol Officer code name: Python Officer
| - head: Cobra (82, 04), Viper Pilot (83), Python Officer (89), Night Trooper (05/I, 05/II)
- upper arms: Cobra (82), Viper Pilot (83), Python Officer (89)
- lower arms: Cobra (82, 04), Viper Pilot (83), Python Officer (89)
- torso: Cobra (82, 04), Viper Pilot (83), Python Officer (89), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV), Night Trooper (05/I, 05/II)
- waist: Cobra (82, 89), Cobra Officer (82, 89), H.I.S.S. Driver (83), Viper Pilot (83), Stinger Driver (84), Steel Brigade (87 D, 92), Duke (88), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II)
- upper left leg: Cobra (82, 04), Viper Pilot (83), Python Officer (89), Night Trooper (05/I, 05/II), Night Stalker Commander (07), Night Stalker (07/I, 07/II, 07/III)
- upper right leg: Cobra (82, 04), Viper Pilot (83), Python Officer (89), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II, 05/I, 05/II), Scrap Iron (04, 05/I), Horror Show (05), Night Trooper (05/I, 05/II), Night Stalker Commander (07), Night Stalker (07/I, 07/II, 07/III)
- lower legs: Cobra (82, 04), Viper Pilot (83), Python Officer (89), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II, 05/I, 05/II), Sgt. Mutt (04/II), Scrap Iron (04, 05/I), Horror Show (05), Night Trooper (05/I, 05/II), Night Stalker Commander (07) , Night Stalker (07/I, 07/II, 07/III)
| Accessories: black rifle (82 Cobra's).
| PYTHON OFFICER is trained at Cobra leadership schools and is required to take a special course in stealth tactics that utilizes the advantages of the Pythonizing Process. He is a qualified air-traffic controller, artillery spotter, and infantry leader. His proficiency with second-generation, digital-keyboard message devices enables him to coordinate infantry, armor, artillery, and air-support instantaneously, in code, and without audio transmission.
"This slithering mastermind is dedicated to destroying G.I. Joe and the free world. He'll stop at nothing to crush transportation lines, communication lines, or just about anything he can obliterate! The Python Officer displays no fear in his actions. He has contempt for everything and is very willing to show this in the most violent ways!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6623-1. The 1989 catalog pictures a grey rifle instead of a black one.
Version 3: summer 1998 figure three-pack assortment
Cobra Officer | MOS 1: Infantry MOS 2: Command
| - head: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- arms: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- torso: Viper (86, 89, 91, 97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- waist: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
- legs: B.A.T. (86), Viper (97, 02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 03/I, 03/II, 03/III, 06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (98), Cobra Trooper (98)
| Accessories: black pistol (91 Dusty's) black submachine gun and stock (91 Dusty's), black backpack (91 Dusty's), black figure stand (common).
| The COBRA Officers are "officers" in name only. The only real rank they have is over their own little squad of Cobra Troopers. They are among the meager handful from the teeming ranks of COBRA Troopers that, for some reason, whether it's previous experience, personal ambition, or dumb luck, manage to show some level of initiative, organization, or leadership skills. Ultimately, somebody has to keep the ranks together and moving with a purpose, so that even these bottom-of-the-barrel COBRA forces achieve their given objective, because nobody else wants the job.
From General Hawk's Files: "Calling these jerks 'officers' is an insult to ever commissioned officer that ever served in any reputable military organization. The ones we've captured are as dumb as bricks, but not as pleasant to have around. Unfortunately, they've got just enough skill to keep a squad of COBRA Troopers together and moderately organized...at least well enough to cause the kind of chaos that COBRA likes to make."
Motto: "I'll be there when COBRA conquers the world!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive Cobra Infantry Team three pack with two copies of Cobra Trooper. Item #57064.
Version 4: late October 2004 Wave 2 comic three-pack assortment
Cobra Infantry | MOS 1: Infantry MOS 2: Artillery, Intelligence
| - head: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89), Cobra Squad Leader (05/I, 05/II)
- arms: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Cobra Commander (82, 84), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89)
- torso: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89, 06/II), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II, 05/I, 05/II)
- waist: Roadblock (84, 88, 04/II, 05/I), Double Blast (01, 02), Cobra Trooper (04, 06/II), Cobra Officer (04), Cobra Squad Leader (05/I, 05/II), Night Trooper (05/I, 05/II), Tommy Arashikage (06)
- upper legs: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89, 06/II), Cobra Squad Leader (05/I, 05/II)
- lower legs: Cobra Officer (82, 04), Stinger Driver (84), Python Trooper (89, 06/II), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II, 05/I, 05/II)
| Accessories: black pistol (91 Dusty's), black rifle (91 Red Star's), black rifle (84 Baroness's).
| These front-line fighters lead COBRA attack units into battle, but they are "officers" in name only. The only real rank they have is over their own little squad of COBRA troops. They are among the meager handful from the teeming ranks of COBRA troopers that, for some reason, whether it's from previous experience, personal ambition, or dumb luck, manage to show some level of initiative, organization, or leadership skills. Ultimately, somebody has to keep the ranks together and moving with a purpose, so that even these low-level COBRA forces achieve their given objective.
"We are dedicated to destroying the G.I. JOE Team and will be there when COBRA conquers the world!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Steeler, Gen. Flagg, and a reprint of Marvel #5. Item #60498.
Version 5: August 2007 25th Anniversary Wave 1 carded figure assortment
The Enemy | MOS 1: Infantry MOS 2: Artillery, Intelligence
| - head: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- left arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Maj. Bludd (08/III), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- right arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- body: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/II), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Outback (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09) - new kneecap: Outback (09)
| Accessories: light grey Cugir PSL semi-automatic rifle with hollow stock and tiny scope (new), black knife with straight silver guard and blade with rounded tip (new), blue swept-back helmet with slight widow's peak, with black chevron and grey interior (new), grey webgear: belt and straps with blue-lined shoulder pads and gold buckle (new), black Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA Officers are front-line fighters who lead COBRA attack units into battle. Many are also believed to be operating as spies at defense plants, nuclear power facilities, etc. All are martial arts experts and masters of disguise, deceit, and demolitions. Qualified Expert: AK-47 Assault Rifle; PM-63 Machine Pistol; M-16; Ingram M-11 Sub-machine gun.
"COBRA Officers are dedicated to destroying G.I. JOE and the American way of life. Beware...they are extremely dangerous enemies!"
| Toy Notes: Item #25179. This version has a bald head to allow a better fit for the helmet.
Version 6: March 2008 Wave 3 comic two-pack assortment (08/I)
Scarred Cobra Officer
| - head: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- left arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Maj. Bludd (08/III), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- right arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- body: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/II), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Outback (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09) - new kneecap: Outback (09)
| Accessories: black AK-47 assault rifle with visible trigger in trigger guard (new), black knife with silver guard and blade (07 Cobra Officer's), blue helmet with black chevron (07 Cobra Officer's), tan webgear with silver shoulder pads and buckle (07 Cobra Officer's), black Cobra figure stand.
| The Cobra organization has legions of troopers who perform the basic, day-to-day functions of a secretive, quasi-military organization. They are expected to be loyal and obedient no matter what their function, whether it's battling the G.I. JOE team as a frontline trooper or chauffeuring COBRA COMMANDER, as is the job of this scar-faced, COBRA officer, whose facial disfigurement tells a tale of a dark and dangerous past. Like most COBRA officers, he was probably a criminal or mercenary before joining COBRA as an infantry trooper then working his way up the ranks.
"So, the mighty DESTRO thinks he's gonna fix my wagon, huh? Well, I've got something for him..."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Crimson Guard and an original comic (#32 1/2). Item #29342. This figure represents the comic-original character commonly known as "Scarface."
Version 7: April 2008 Senior Ranking Officers Wave 1 figure three-pack assortment (08/II)
Cobra Infantry Officer | MOS 1: Infantry MOS 2: Artillery, Intelligence
| - head: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- left arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Maj. Bludd (08/III), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- right arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- body: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/II), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Outback (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09) - new kneecap: Outback (09)
| Accessories: black rifle (07 Cobra Officer's), black knife with silver guard and blade (07 Cobra Officer's), blue helmet with black chevron (07 Cobra Officer's), white webgear with black-framed shoulder pads and black buckle (07 Cobra Officer's), black Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA officers are front-line fighters who lead COBRA attack units into battle. Many are also believed to be operating as spies at defense plants, nuclear power facilities, etc. All are martial arts experts and masters of disguise, deceit, and demolitions. Qualified Expert: AK-47 Assault Rifle; PM-63 Machine Pistol; M-16; Ingram M-11 Sub-machine gun.
"COBRA Officers are dedicated to destroying G.I. JOE and the American way of life. Beware...they are extremely dangerous enemies!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive three-pack with Cobra Commander and Cobra Trooper. Item #32150, set 3 of 3. This version's head has painted dark brown hair, unlike 2007's bald version.
Version 8: late May 2008 post-25th Anniversary Wave 8 carded figure assortment (08/III)
Python Patrol Officer (code name: Python Officer)
| - head: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- left arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Maj. Bludd (08/III), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- right arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- body: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/II), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Outback (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09) - new kneecap: Outback (09)
| Accessories: black rifle (07 Cobra Officer's), all-silver knife (07 Cobra Officer's), grey helmet with yellow-green interior (07 Cobra's), yellow-green webgear with yellow criss-cross pattern, black pistol, and silver buckle (07 Cobra's), black Cobra figure stand.
| Each PYTHON OFFICER is trained at COBRA leadership schools and is required to take a special course in stealth tactics that utilizes the advantages of the Pythonizing Process. He is a qualified air-traffic controller, artillery spotter, and infantry leader. His proficiency with second generation, digital-keyboard message devices enables him to coordinate infantry, armor, artillery, and air-support instantaneously, in code, and without audio transmission.
"This slithering mastermind is dedicated to destroying G.I. Joe and the free world. He'll stop at nothing to crush transportation lines, communication lines, or just about anything he can obliterate! The PYTHON OFFICER displays no fear in his actions. He has contempt for everything and is very willing to show this in the most violent ways."
| Toy Notes: Item #30940.
Version 9: December 2008 Extreme Conditions: Desert Assault Squad boxed set (08/IV)
Desert Specialist Officer
| - head: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV, 08/VI), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- left arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Maj. Bludd (08/III), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- right arm: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Grunt (08), G.I. Joe Hawk (08/II), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I, 08/II), Short-Fuze (08), Steeler (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Cobra Viper (08/IV), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- body: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/II), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Shockblast (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- upper right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Storm Shadow (08/III, 09/III), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Outback (09), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower left leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09)
- lower right leg: Cobra Officer (07, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Cobra Trooper (07/I, 07/II, 07/III, 08/I, 08/II, 08/III), Cobra Air Trooper (07), Vehicle Driver (07), Night Watch Officer (08), Night Watch Trooper (08/I, 08/II, 08/III, 08/IV), Crankcase (08), Cobra Driver (08), Cobra Bazooka Trooper (08), Cobra Pilot (08), Flint (08/II), Cobra Vehicle Gunner (08), Scrap-Iron (08/I), Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Stinger Driver (09) - new kneecap: Outback (09)
| Accessories: black rifle (08 Cobra Officer's), black knife with silver guard and blade (07 Cobra Officer's), tan helmet with black chevron (07 Cobra Officer's), brown webgear with red shoulder pads and silver buckle (07 Cobra Officer's), black backpack and stand (08 Firefly's), tan bomb (08 Firefly's), dark silver flashlight (08 Firefly's), green gas can (08 Firefly's), dark silver pliers (08 Firefly's), black Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA officers are front-line fighters who lead COBRA attack units into battle. Many are also believed to be operating as spies at major military and industrial locations. All are martial arts experts and masters of disguise, deceit, and demolitions. They are qualified experts in all military rifles, pistols, and submachine guns currently in use by military forces around the world. Certain officers have received advanced training to lead assault squads in extreme environments; this officer is a desert region specialist deployed on a highly classified COBRA mission.
"COBRA officers are dedicated to destroying G.I. JOE and the American way of life. Beware...they are extremely dangerous enemies!"
| Toy Notes: Sold in an online-exclusive boxed set with two copies of Crimson Guard, Maj. Bludd, and three versions of Cobra Trooper.
Version 10: late December 2008 Direct-to-Consumer Wave 4 carded figure assortment (08/V)
COBRA Infantry Forces | MOS 1: Infantry MOS 2: Artillery, Intelligence
| - head: Range Viper (05), Cobra Trooper (06/I), Nullifier (06/I, 06/II), Cobra Officer (08/V)
- arms: Ghost Bear (04), Cobra Trooper (06/I), Cobra Officer (08/V)
- torso: Ghost Bear (04), Cobra Trooper (06/I), Cobra Officer (08/V)
- waist: Ghost Bear (04), Cobra Trooper (06/I), Cobra Officer (08/V)
- legs: Ghost Bear (04), Cobra Trooper (06/I), Cobra Officer (08/V)
| Accessories: black pneumatic rifle with three-triangle stock and detachable air tank (new), black rifle (02 Neo-Viepr's), blue helmet with silver chevron (06 Cobra Trooper's), black webgear: belt and chest harness with two side pockets and two silver buckles (new), clear figure stand (common).
| These front-line fighters lead COBRA attack units into battle, but they are "officers" in name only. The only real rank they have is over their own little squad of COBRA troops. They are among the meager handful from the teeming ranks of COBRA troopers that, for some reason, whether it's previous experience, personal ambition, or dumb luck, manage to show some level of initiative, organization, or leadership skills. Ultimately, somebody has to keep the ranks together and moving with a purpose, so that even these low-level COBRA forces achieve their given objective.
"We are dedicated to destroying the G.I. JOE team and will be there when COBRA conquers the world!"
| Toy Notes: Sold exclusively through the G.I. Joe Collector's Club. Originally intended for release in 2006.
Version 11: March 2009 G.I. Joe Resolute boxed set
Infantry Forces | MOS 1: Infantry MOS 2: Sabotage
| - head: Cobra Paratrooper (08), Cobra Trooper (09/I, 09/II), Cobra Officer (09)
- arms: Cobra Trooper (09/I, 09/II), Cobra Officer (09)
- chest: Cobra Trooper (09/I, 09/II), Cobra Officer (09)
- midsection: Cobra Trooper (09/I, 09/II), Cobra Officer (09)
- legs: Cobra Trooper (09/I, 09/II), Cobra Officer (09)
| Accessories: black bullpup gun with silver casing (09 Cobra Trooper's), black heavy gun (09 Cobra Trooper's), red helmet with silver chevron (09 Cobra Trooper's), red vest with black pockets (09 Cobra Trooper's), black backpack with red peg (09 Cobra Trooper's), black Cobra figure stand.
| COBRA OFFICERS are in charge of assigned squadrons of COBRA TROOPERS. These hardened officers have risen from the ranks to reach a position of relative authority. The qualifications for promotion include documented missions of obvious success and an iron-fisted attitude that is merciless and demanding. They are the first to be punished for the failure of the team; they are also the first to accept any rewards when their team succeeds in its mission. They are proven leaders with tactical skill who wield their precious portion of power with cruel expertise.
"Some say a true leader is one who inspires rather than intimidates. I say - whichever method gets you the cooperation and results you're after, use it."
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a set with Cobra Trooper, Cobra Commander, Cobra B.A.T., and Duke. Item #39183. The figure itself is identical to the Cobra Trooper; the only differences are the helmet and personalized figure stand.