
Dr. Link Talbot
File Name: Lincoln B. Talbot of Clarksburg, Massachusetts.
Grade: Navy E-4 (2004-2005)
SN: 845-B4-LT57
Notes: Clarksburg is near the northwest corner of the state, about 50 miles east of Albany, NY.
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Joe May | 1 | 280 seconds | 25 | 350
Reel FX's Link wore a simple white tank top and tan pants, along with black half-gloves.
Valor vs. Venom | 280 seconds | 25 lines | at zoo, caught by Scarlett at command center, taken to Joe HQ, in final battle
Figure Releases
| 1. 2004 (VvV Wave 4)
| 2. 2005 (VvV Wave 7)
Version 1: September 2004 Valor vs. Venom Wave 4 figure two-pack assortment
Combat Veterinarian | MOS 1: Veterinarian/Scientist MOS 2: Special Operations
| - head: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
- arms: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
- torso: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
- waist: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
- legs: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
| Accessories: dark grey speargun (85 Eel's), black communications gauntlet (04 Duke's).
| Chief veterinarian at a national zoo, LINK is a third-generation vet who grew up on a farm in northwestern Massachusetts. He joined the Navy after high school and became a SEAL, completing two tours of duty before hanging up his wet suit to attend the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, where he earned a V.M.D. and Ph.D. He's a hardened soldier, with the steel discipline of a SEAL and championship-winning martial arts skills. He views his animal charges as priceless natural treasures, and personally investigates when DNA is taken from zoo animals by mysterious infiltrators. His skills as a vet, scientist, and combat-trained soldier prove invaluable to the G.I. JOE Team as they fight the venomization plans of COBRA COMMANDER and DR. MINDBENDER.
"Being back in action feels good. I get a chance to help out and protect anyone—animal or human—who is threatened by COBRA."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Night Creeper. Item #55985.
Version 2: March 2005 Valor vs. Venom Wave 7 figure two-pack assortment
Combat Veterinarian | MOS 1: Veterinarian/Scientist MOS 2: Special Operations
| - head: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
- arms: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
- torso: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
- waist: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
- legs: Dr. Link Talbot (04, 05)
| Accessories: black Milkor MGL six-shot revolver-style grenade launcer (new), black communications gauntlet (04 Duke's).
| Chief veterinarian at a national zoo, LINK is a third-generation vet who grew up on a farm in northwestern Massachusetts. He joined the Navy after high school and became a SEAL, completing two tours of duty before hanging up his wet suit to attend the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, where he earned a V.M.D. and Ph.D. He's a hardened soldier, with the steel discipline of a SEAL and championship-winning martial arts skills. He views his animal charges as priceless natural treasures, and personally investigates when DNA is taken from zoo animals by mysterious infiltrators. His skills as a vet, scientist, and combat-trained soldier prove invaluable to the G.I. JOE Team as they fight the venomization plans of COBRA COMMANDER and DR. MINDBENDER.
"Being back in action feels good. I get a chance to help out and protect anyone—animal or human—who is threatened by COBRA."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Cobra Commander. Item #56240.