
Cobra Diver
Animated Appearances
Sunbow Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
None | 3 | 105 seconds | 0 | 0
Notes: Sunbow's Cobra Divers wore relatively plain dark red outfits, with white stripes on the sleeves, and a black belt and chest straps in a V-shape. The Diver uniform in The Pyramid of Darkness was worn by Destro.
A Real American Hero, Part 3 | 66 seconds | on sea sleds as part of undersea team
| The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 4 | 28 seconds | outfit worn by Destro in Sea of Lost Souls
| Spell of the Siren | 11 seconds | searching for conch shell
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
As far as I can tell, Cobra Divers only discernible in 2 panels of 1 issue: #9 in Mar. 1983. They were not featured in the Order of Battle.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2008 (post-25th Wave 12)
Version 1: December 2008 post-25th Anniversary Wave 12 carded figure assortment
Underwater Trooper | MOS 1: Marine Combat MOS 2: Underwater Demolitions
| - head: Cobra Eel (08), Cobra Diver (08)
- upper arms: Lt. Torpedo (08/I, 08/II), Cobra Eel (08), Cobra Diver (08)
- lower arms: Lt. Torpedo (08/I, 08/II), Cobra Diver (08)
- body: Lt. Torpedo (08/I, 08/II), Deep Six (08/I), Cobra Eel (08), Cobra Diver (08)
- upper legs: Lt. Torpedo (08/I, 08/II), Deep Six (08/I), Cobra Eel (08), Cobra Diver (08)
- lower legs: Lt. Torpedo (08/I, 08/II), Cobra Eel (08), Cobra Diver (08)
| Accessories: black pistol (08 Baroness's), black submachine gun (08 Firefly's), black knife with silver blade (04 Swamp Rat's), black mask with clear goggles (08 Lt. Torpedo's), dark red pair of flippers (08 Lt. Torpedo's), black backpack with dark red air tanks (08 Lt. Torpedo's), clear element canister with blue catalytic element (same style as 08 Cobra Commander's), black air hose (08 Lt. Torpedo's), black Cobra figure stand.
| The COBRA DIVER division is comprised of COBRA infantry troopers who have received training in underwater combat, demolitions, and infiltration. They're called "grunts with fins" by higher-ranking COBRA forces, but the COBRA DIVER units let it roll off their backs like water. They know that if they prove themselves to be thoroughly competent at their job, they will have a real shot at being selected to join the elite EEL team. To that end, every COBRA DIVER wants to be the one to retreive the precious water element for COBRA COMMANDER and win his notice - and approval.
"We lurk beneath the surface of the ocean, striking in silence to attack and destroy."
| Toy Notes: Item #37428.