
All personal information is either classified or not listed on her filecard.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Chameleon was never animated.
Figure Releases
Version 1: summer 2000 Real American Hero Collection Wave 1 figure two-pack assortment
Cobra Intelligence Officer | MOS 1: Intelligence MOS 2: Computer Technologies
| - head: Baroness (84, 97, 02/I), Chameleon (00)
- arms: Baroness (84, 97, 02/I, 04/II, 05/II), Chameleon (00), Night Stalker Commander (07), Night Stalker (07/I, 07/II, 07/III)
- torso: Baroness (84, 97, 02/I, 04/II, 05/I), Chameleon (00)
- waist: Baroness (84, 97, 02/I, 04/II, 05/I), Chameleon (00)
- legs: Baroness (84, 97, 02/I, 04/II, 05/I), Chameleon (00)
| Accessories: black rifle (84 Baroness's), black backpack (84 Baroness's), black walkie-talkie (84 Firefly's), black figure stand (common).
| The adopted daughter of French revolutionaries, Chameleon traced her lineage and discovered she was the illegitimate half sister of Baroness, COBRA's top intelligence officer. When a COBRA night attack left Baroness severely burned and in need of extensive facial plastic surgery, Chameleon seized the opportunity to present herself to the G.I. Joe team in hopes of thwarting the evil actions of her spoiled sister and her aligned COBRA forces. Chameleon underwent a plastic surgery process that mirrored her half sister's new appearance and led a kidnap mission to capture the Baroness, who is now incarcerated in a federal penitentiary in Duluth. Acting as a secret agent for the G.I. Joes, Chameleon has assumed the role of Baroness in the COBRA legions, secretly sabotaging their missions and foiling their efforts to take over the world.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Cobra Commander. Item #57731.