
File Name: Spencer D. Crecelius of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Grade: Army O-1 (1998)
SN: 549-08-1969
Notes: Las Vegas is near the state's southern point, in the Mojave Desert in a basin surrounded by mountains. Dusty is also from Las Vegas. Thunderwing was also the name of a Decepticon released in 1989 as one of the Mega Pretenders.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Thunderwing was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1998 (M.O.B.A.T.)
Version 1: summer 1998 boxed M.O.B.A.T. vehicle
M.O.B.A.T. Driver | MOS 1: Armor [19A] MOS 2: Heavy Equipment Operator
| - head: Thunder (84), Skystriker (88), Thunderwing (98)
- arms: Thunder (84), Thunderwing (98), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II), Scrap Iron (04, 05/I), Clutch (07), Zap (07)
- torso: Thunder (84), Thunderwing (98)
- waist: Thunder (84), Thunderwing (98)
- legs: Thunder (84), Thunderwing (98)
| Accessories: black rifle (92 Big Bear's), bright green helmet (82 Short-Fuze's), bright green headset (84 Thunder's), black visor (84 Thunder's), black backpack (86 Hawk's), black figure stand (common).
| Thunderwing is the front man for the G.I. Joe team's armored tank division. Before joining the military, he worked as a nightclub bouncer in the roughest part of town. He also had a side job in construction, where he learned to operate heavy machinery. Searching for more excitement, he saw the Army gave him the whole package and joined the tank corps. Proving he had what it takes to be in the commander's seat, he was offered a spot on the G.I. Joe team. His choice armor vehicle is a re-outfitted M.O.B.A.T. (Motorized Offensive Battle Attack Tank). Its upgrades include more armor protection, digital fire control computres, laser range finders, night vision and advanced thermal imaging systems. Sitting in the commander's station, he coordinates enemy targets with his gunner, and clears the battlefield for the ground infantry to take any stray prisoners. He often uses the smokescreen system to confuse opposing forces and take them by surprise. COBRA shouldn't just worry about that tank, but the guy riding on it.
From General Hawk's Files: "Thunderwing is proud of his tank's capabilities and is always ready to protect the frontlines. To just say this guy is tough is quite an understatement. Ask him to show you his arm of tattoos counting off all the tanks he's destroyed—then you'll know, and knowing is half the battle."
| Toy Notes: Boxed as a Toys 'R Us exclusive with Heavy Duty and a recolor of the M.O.B.A.T.. Item #57063.
| Reissues: The vehicle and figures were boxed as a general release in summer 2000, in Real American Hero Collection packaging.