
(aka Dreadhead Cletus)
File Name: Terrance W. Wesson of Auburn, Alabama.
Notes: The Dreadheads' names are a play on Smith & Wesson handgun manufacturer, actually located in Springfield, Massachusetts. Auburn, home of Auburn University, was a town built up by the G.I. Bill. Located about 35 miles northwest of Columbus, Georgia, it is also the hometown of Beach Head, as well as Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and musician Jimmy Buffett.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, the Dreadheads were never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2004 (Convention)
Version 1: July 2004 Dreadnok Rampage: Escapades in the Everglades boxed set
Dreadnok Recruit
| - head: Aero-Viper (89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04)
- arms: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04)
- torso: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
- waist: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
- legs: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
| Accessories: dark grey shotgun (03 Burn Out's), dark grey rifle (03 Sand Viper's), clear figure stand (common).
| DREADHEAD CLETUS is the strong and silent type, until something makes him mad—which is most of society. He's an avid hunter and trapper, with a large collection of weaponry (crossbows to automatic rifles). Thanks to the family business, he always has the latest in fire-power to share with his cousins. He's generally a walking arsenal, but still prefers the challenge of a face-to-face bare knuckle brawl.
Over the last several years, DREADHEAD CLETUS has harbored ill-will towards BEACHHEAD of the G.I. Joe team. Using some of his family connections, he was able to follow the soldier's career but never had the opportunity to get to him. Recently, he and his cousins came across the notorious Dreanoks gang and made them an offer that was too good to refuse.
"Come here and let me adjust your face!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a convention-exclusive set with Beachhead, Hardtop, Sgt. Mutt, Dreadnok Buzzer, Dreadnok Ripper, Dreadhead Otis, Dreadnok Road Pig, Zarana, Dreadhead Billy-Bob, Joe-Bob, Dreadnok Crusher, Dreadnok Demolishor, Dreadhead Roscoe, and Dreadnok Vance.