
(aka Dreadhead Vance)
File Name: Cornelius E. Smith of Auburn, Alabama.
Notes: The Dreadheads' names are a play on Smith & Wesson handgun manufacturer, actually located in Springfield, Massachusetts. Auburn, home of Auburn University, was a town built up by the G.I. Bill. Located about 35 miles northwest of Columbus, Georgia, it is also the hometown of Beach Head, as well as Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and musician Jimmy Buffett.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, the Dreadheads were never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2004 (Convention)
Version 1: July 2004 Dreadnok Rampage: Escapades in the Everglades boxed set
Dreadnok Recruit
| - head: Aero-Viper (89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04)
- arms: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04)
- torso: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
- waist: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
- legs: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
| Accessories: dark grey shotgun (03 Burn Out's), dark grey rifle (03 Sand Viper's), clear figure stand (common).
| The Dreadnoks considers DREADHEAD VANCE to be their "right-hand maniac." He is ill-mannered, self-destructive, and completely out of control. This Dreadhead seems to party non-stop, is always the last to leave the local bar, and usually is the first one there the next morning. He starts fights then sneaks out when it gets too intense, plays unfunny practical jokes on the other Dreadheads, and always disappears when there is work to be done. The Dreadnoks do absolutely nothing to curb his behavior. They prefer to cut him loose and watch what happens, because whatever he does, makes them look more responsible by comparison.
VANCE was always the antithesis of BEACHHEAD. The day the Dreadheads picked a fight with the future G.I. Joe, VANCE couldn't resist giving him a cheap shot from behind. Never following the rules and always in trouble, the bad boy biker remained in the same place for years while the hometown hero went on to become an international hero. Strangely, it is VANCE who feels sorry for BEACHHEAD.
"I'm bad to the bone, baby! That's why I'm the Dreadnoks' favorite!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a convention-exclusive set with Beachhead, Hardtop, Sgt. Mutt, Dreadnok Buzzer, Dreadnok Ripper, Dreadhead Cletus, Dreadhead Otis, Dreadnok Road Pig, Zarana, Dreadhead Billy-Bob, Joe-Bob, Dreadnok Crusher, Dreadnok Demolishor, and Dreadhead Roscoe.