
File Name: Matthew W. Smithers of Bismarck, North Dakota.
Grade: Army O-3 (1990)
SN: 223-2088-NQ43
Notes: Bismarck (misspelled Bismark on the filecard) is the state's capital, in the central part of the state.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Updraft was never animated.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
As far as I can tell, Updraft was only discernible in 1 panel of 1 issue: #130 in Nov. 1992.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1990 (Retaliator)
Version 1: spring 1990 boxed Retaliator vehicle
Retaliator Pilot | MOS 1: Retaliator Pilot [15A] MOS 2: Weapons Systems Officer [91A]
| - head: Updraft (90)
- arms: Updraft (90)
- torso: Updraft (90)
- waist: Updraft (90)
- legs: Updraft (90)
| Accessories: large dark grey pistol with scope, squarish trigger guard, and ridges along barrel (new), dark grey flight helmet with chin guard and white raised visor (new).
| UPDRAFT led the American team to victory two years in a row at the World Helicopter Championships and was a special instructor at the Flight Warrant Officer's School at Fort Rucker before being selected for duty with G.I. Joe. His "hands-on" experience played an integral role in the final design of the Retaliator helicopter. Updraft's input greatly added to the copter's maneuverability, heavy-lift capability, and battlefield survivability.
"Updraft molds the Retaliator to him the way he would a new suit. The machine becomes a part of him and even takes on his body language. If the G.I. Joes are in a hot situation, they'd like to see Updraft fly in to lay down cover fire and get them out of there!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6335. The character art suggests a green outfit instead of dark grey.