
Animated Appearances
DiC Voice | Appearances | Time Identifiable On Screen | Total Lines (In Own Voice) | Total Words
Various | 10 | 481 seconds | 15 | 128
Notes: DiC's Undertow were employed by Cobra and wore the 1990 outfit, with horned masks. The barracuda did not appear in the series.
Season 1 Opening (DiC) | 1 second | | in footage from DiC season 1 (0:37)
| Revenge of the Pharaohs | 32 seconds | 3 lines | attacking dam, driving Piranhas
| Victory at Volcania Part 1 | 6 seconds | 1 line | attacking fishing boat
| The Nozone Conspiracy | 50 seconds | 2 lines | attacking shaving cream factory, at Nozone briefing
| Pigskin Commandos | 16 seconds | | driving Piranha to rescue Range-Viper, captured
| Injustice and the Cobra Way | 19 seconds | | kidnapping Pres. Mason
| An Officer and a Viperman | 282 seconds | 5 lines | training at Viper Academy (incl. Topside), driving Piranha to attack Tokyo base
| D-Day at Alcatraz Part 1 | 28 seconds | 1 line | driving Hammerhead sleds to attack Alcatraz, stealing Comstock Lode
| D-Day at Alcatraz Part 2 | 17 seconds | | hooking up Comstock Lode for airlift, on Hammerhead sleds to defend island
| Stuck on You | 30 seconds | 3 lines | searching for Cobra Cmdr, fighting Big Ben's patrol
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
To my knowledge, Undertow did not appear in the vintage comic.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1990 (Iron Grenadiers)
2. 2000 (RAHC)
| 3. 2002 (Sound Attack)
4. 2009 (GIJCC)
Version 1: spring 1990 regular carded figure assortment (Iron Grenadiers)
Destro's Frogmen
| - head: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09), Fast Blast Viper (01, 02)
- arms: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- torso: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- waist: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- legs: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
| Accessories: red smooth missile with slot to attach to sled (new), black trident with jagged prongs (new), silver soft-plastic barracuda (new), dark red air mask with one red eyepiece (new), dark grey pair of flat-fronted flippers with ridges over toe (new), dark grey sea sled with two handles and missile tab on underside (new), short black hose (common).
| Any frogman can operate efficiently in clean water, under optimum conditions, but the UNDERTOW are especially trained to function and fight in the murky, polluted waters that clog busy industrial and military waterfronts. His wet-suit is made of a nontoxic, anti-corrosive material. His face-mask is coated with silicone to repel oil slicks, and is organically conditioned against hostile biological agents and infections.
"Undertow will swim through ANYTHING! This guy makes leeches look friendly! It's almost impossible to defeat him in his own environment! If we have to take him on his own backyard, we first have to get tetanus booster shots before we move out for action. The best defense against this slime-swimmer is to keep a safe distance and throw grenades from behind a well fortified enclosure."
| Toy Notes: Featured in 1990's Piranha commercial. Item #6137. The prototype shown in the 1990 insert catalog has what appears to be a squarish, black helmet, though this may simply be a matter of poor lighting.
Version 2: summer 2000 Real American Hero Collection Wave 1 two-pack assortment
| - head: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09), Fast Blast Viper (01, 02)
- arms: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- torso: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- waist: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- legs: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
| Accessories: black missile (90 Undertow's), black trident (90 Undertow's), black mask (90 Undertow's), blue pair of flippers (92 Wet-Suit's), black sea sled (90 Undertow's), short black hose (common), black figure stand (common).
| Any frogman can operate efficiently in clean water, under optimum conditions, but the Undertow are especially trained to function and fight in the murky, polluted waters that clog busy industrial and military waterfronts. Their wetsuits is made of a nontoxic, anti-corrosive material. Their facemasks are coated with silicone to repel oil slicks, and are organically conditioned against hostile biological agents and infections.
Undertow will swim through ANYTHING! These guys makes leeches look friendly! It's almost impossible to defeat him in his own environment! If we have to take him on his own backyard, we first have to get tetanus booster shots before we move out for action. The best defense against this slime-swimmer is to keep a safe distance and throw grenades from behind a well fortified enclosure.
| Variations: Undertow's air hose attached to a peg in some copies (as with version 1) and fit into a hole in others (as with version 3).
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Firefly. Item #57732.
Version 3: September 2002 Sound Attack boxed set
Cobra Frogman
| - head: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09), Fast Blast Viper (01, 02)
- arms: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- torso: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- waist: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- legs: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
| Accessories: dark grey machine gun (92 Destro's), silver chainsaw (02 Zartan's, with Sound Attack tab), black backpack (85 Snow Serpent's).
| Any frogman can operate efficiently in clean water, under optimum conditions, but the UNDERTOW are specially trained to function and fight in the murky, polluted waters surrounding busy industrial and military waterfronts. Their wetsuits are made of a nontoxic, anti-corrosive material, and their facemasks are coated with silicone to repel oil slicks. They are almost impossible to capture or defeat because others cannot enter the hostile water environments in which they work.
"We swim through anything to get the job done."
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a B.J.'s-exclusive set with Dial-Tone, Roadblock, Snake Eyes, Wet-Suit, Fast Blast Viper, Firefly, and Storm Shadow. Item #53227.
Version 4: May 2009 G.I. Joe Collector's Club annual exclusive
Iron Grenadiers Frogmen | MOS 1: Covert Underwater Operations MOS 2: UDT (Underwater Demolitions)
| - head: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09), Fast Blast Viper (01, 02)
- arms: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- torso: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- waist: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
- legs: Undertow (90, 00, 02, 09)
| Accessories: gold missile (90 Undertow's), black trident with gold prongs (90 Undertow's), silver barracuda (90 Undertow's), red mask with gold eyepiece and breather (90 Undertow's), grey pair of flippers with black toe (90 Undertow's), grey sea sled (90 Undertow's), short black hose (common), clear figure stand (common).
| DESTRO's elite frogmen are specially trained to function and fight in the murky, polluted waters that clog busy industrial and military waterfronts. Each member is organically conditioned against hostile biological agents and infections. Their wet-suits are made of a nontoxic, anti-corrosive material and coated with silicone to repel oil slicks. These underwater specialists are almost impossible to defeat in their own environment!
"UNDERTOW will swim through ANYTHING!"
| Toy Notes: Free to paid club members who joined before spring 2009.