
(aka Dreadhead Billy-Bob)
File Name: Horatio T. Wesson of Auburn, Alabama.
Notes: The Dreadheads' names are a play on Smith & Wesson handgun manufacturer, actually located in Springfield, Massachusetts. Auburn, home of Auburn University, was a town built up by the G.I. Bill. Located about 35 miles northwest of Columbus, Georgia, it is also the hometown of Beach Head, as well as Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and musician Jimmy Buffett.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, the Dreadheads were never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2004 (Convention)
Version 1: July 2004 Dreadnok Rampage: Escapades in the Everglades boxed set
Dreadnok Recruit
| - head: Aero-Viper (89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04)
- arms: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04)
- torso: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
- waist: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
- legs: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
| Accessories: dark grey shotgun (03 Burn Out's), dark grey rifle (03 Sand Viper's), clear figure stand (common).
| DREADHEAD BILLY-BOB considers himself to be the most handsome Dreadhead, despite the fact that all six are identical cousins (a fact that still baffles local doctors). He nonetheless manages to be quite suave and debonair, effortlessly smooth-talking his associates and enemies alike. The consummate scam artist and con man, he particularly enjoys using his talents on ZARANA; needless to say, this does not sit well with DREADNOK ROAD PIG.
BILLY-BOB's cocky attitude got him into serious trouble years ago, when he foolishly tried to steal away BEACHHEAD's girlfriend at a local dance. The Dreadhead had to sneak out of the resulting brawl before his face sustained any damage, and to this day BILLY-BOB holds a grudge against this G.I. Joe for embarrassing him.
"No matter what disguise Zarana uses, she will never appear as gorgeous as I am!"
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a convention-exclusive set with Beachhead, Hardtop, Sgt. Mutt, Dreadnok Buzzer, Dreadnok Ripper, Dreadhead Cletus, Dreadhead Otis, Dreadnok Road Pig, Zarana, Joe-Bob, Dreadnok Crusher, Dreadnok Demolishor, Dreadhead Roscoe, and Dreadnok Vance.