
(aka Dreadhead Joe-Bob)
File Name: Winston P. Smith of Auburn, Alabama.
Notes: The Dreadheads' names are a play on Smith & Wesson handgun manufacturer, actually located in Springfield, Massachusetts. Also, Winston Smith was the lead character in George Orwell's 1984. Auburn, home of Auburn University, was a town built up by the G.I. Bill. Located about 35 miles northwest of Columbus, Georgia, it is also the hometown of Beach Head, as well as Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and musician Jimmy Buffett.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, the Dreadheads were never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2004 (Convention)
Version 1: July 2004 Dreadnok Rampage: Escapades in the Everglades boxed set
Dreadnok Recruit
| - head: Aero-Viper (89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04)
- arms: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04)
- torso: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
- waist: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
- legs: Muskrat (88, 89), Cletus (04), Otis (04), Billy-Bob (04), Joe-Bob (04), Roscoe (04), Vance (04), Chief Torpedo (04/I)
| Accessories: dark grey shotgun (03 Burn Out's), dark grey rifle (03 Sand Viper's), clear figure stand (common).
| DREADHEAD JOE-BOB was an intrepid youth and neighborhood bully in his home town. Because his family was wealthy, he avoided going to prison for his petty crimes. Instead, he spent most of his time and money causing mischief with his cousins. He is clever, sneaky, and always willing to start a fight with anyone for any reason.
Many years ago, JOE-BOB incited a brawl at a local dance hall with Wayne Sneeden (who later became BEACHHEAD of the G.I. Joe team). He and his cousins have never lived down losing to him. Their plan is to use the Dreadnoks' connection with COBRA to help them get revenge on the man called BEACHHEAD.
"Vengence [sic] is best served when the other guy isn't looking."
| Toy Notes: Boxed in a convention-exclusive set with Beachhead, Hardtop, Sgt. Mutt, Dreadnok Buzzer, Dreadnok Ripper, Dreadhead Cletus, Dreadhead Otis, Dreadnok Road Pig, Zarana, Dreadhead Billy-Bob, Dreadnok Crusher, Dreadnok Demolishor, Dreadhead Roscoe, and Dreadnok Vance.