
File Name: Andrew R. Walker of Death Valley, California.
Notes: Death Valley is in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, about 125 miles west of Las Vegas, NV.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Scalpel was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2003 (Spy Troops Wave 5)
Version 1: late January 2003 Spy Troops Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
Cobra Medic
| - head: Scalpel (03), Tomax (03), Xamot (03)
- arms: Scalpel (03), Medi-Viper (05)
- torso: Scalpel (03), Medi-Viper (05)
- waist: Scalpel (03), Medi-Viper (05)
- legs: Scalpel (03), Medi-Viper (05)
| Accessories: brown rifle (02 Neo-Viper's), brown knife (91 Low-Light's), silver wrist-mounted surgical saw (new), blue-green full-head surgical mask with white forehead (new), white visor with pegs for mask (new), red surgical mantle with white shoulders and red Cobra emblems (new), two silver carry hooks for mantle (new).
| SCALPEL received his medical degree through the mail from a small college that advertised in the back of a magazine. His practical experience came from working as an assistant to a doctor in an illegal clinic that treated wounded gang members and other criminals. He joined COBRA not only for the money, but also for the chance to work on exotic injuries and wounds. His patients have a very high survival rate, but none of them would give SCALPEL points for bedside manner. As a matter of fact, there have been several complaints about "that nervous little giggle he has when he's working."
Unlike most conventional medics, SCALPEL does not object to picking up a weapon and joining in the fight as long as it looks like his side is going to win. As far as he is concerned, it just means more patients for him, and he is above all else, a man who enjoys his work. SCALPEL harbors a personal grudge against G.I. JOE SGT. HACKER for reasons he refuses to reveal.
"Unlike most medical practitioners, my patients never ask me if it is going to hurt. They know it is going to hurt."
| Variations: Most copies have a head originally molded in Scalpel's skin color; a few heads are painted.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Sgt. Hacker. Item #57240.