
Burn Out
File Name: Walter O. Jones of Catskill, New York.
Notes: Catskill is in the southeast part of the state, about 35 miles south of Albany.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Burn Out was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2003 (Spy Troops Wave 5)
Version 1: late January 2003 Spy Troops Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
Dreadnok Mechanic
| - head: Burn Out (03)
- arms: Burn Out (03), Monkey Wrench (06)
- torso: Burn Out (03), Monkey Wrench (06)
- waist: Burn Out (03), Monkey Wrench (06)
- legs: Burn Out (03), Monkey Wrench (06)
| Accessories: brown Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun (new), grey riot helmet with silver visor and stripe (new), black belt (03 Cross Hair's), brown riot shield with vision slit and detachable handle on rectangular base (new), blue clip-on vest with silver trim (new), blue and silver clip-on "MP" shoulder patch (new).
| One of the few DREADNOK members with a real practical skill, BURN OUT could have been an engineer if he hadn't dropped out of a top technical school during freshman orientation. A natural genius at mechanics, he became fascinated with motorcycles at an early age. His superb handcrafted custom bikes soon caught the attention of ZARTAN, who lost no time in recruiting him for the DREADNOK group. It was ZARTAN who encouraged BURN OUT to expand his expertise to a broader range of mechanics and sparked his interest in disguises.
With a minimal amount of study, BURN OUT can assume another person's body language and speech pattern with an amazing perfection. Given the proper uniform, equipment, and credentials, BURN OUT is capable of infiltrating tightly guarded military installations and defeating the strictest security measures. He strongly suspects that CHIEF TORPEDO was responsible for blowing up his favorite customized motorcycle.
"I love working on and riding anything that has a throttle on a handlebar. The next best thing I like is smashing anything that doesn't have a throttle on a handlebar. Hey, I am a DREADNOK, you know."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Chief Torpedo. Item #57250.