
Side Track
(not to be confused with 2002's Sidetrack)
File Name: Sean C. McLaughlin of Hingham, Massachusetts.
Grade: Army E-6 (2001)
SN: not listed on filecard
Notes: Hingham is on the east coast, about 15 miles southeast of Boston. Barbecue, Blocker, and Col. Courage are from Boston itself. Sidetrack is also the name of an Autobot released in 1989 as part of the Micromaster Battle Patrol.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Side Track was never animated.
Figure Releases
Version 1: fall 2000 Real American Hero Collection Wave 2 figure two-pack assortment
Survival Specialist | MOS 1: Wilderness Survival Specialist MOS 2: Demolitions Expert
| - head: Ambush (90, 93), Side Track (00)
- arms: Ambush (90, 93, 04), Side Track (00)
- torso: Ambush (90, 93, 04), Side Track (00)
- waist: Ambush (90, 93, 04), Side Track (00)
- legs: Ambush (90, 93, 04), Side Track (00)
| Accessories: black pistol (90 Ambush's), black rifle (90 Ambush's), dark green helmet (92 Duke's), green poncho fabric (90 Ambush's), brown backpack (90 Ambush's), green tent fabric (90 Ambush's), light brown tent poles (90 Ambush's), black figure stand (common).
| When it comes to taking on an enemy in the world's most inhospitable climates, Side Track is the perfect man for the job! When he was 10, and adventurous uncle took Side Track on a safari and from then on, he was hooked—no more city life for him! Side Track honed his unique combat skills by sneaking up on crocodiles, challenging them for drinking rights at watering holes. He's especially fascinated with the survival techniques of frogs. Who else could learn a breathing regimen from an amphibian that sits on lily pads? Since joining G.I. Joe, Side Track has helped his fellow team members learn how to survive in areas where the temperature is 120 degrees in the shade, with minimal water available.
His favorite vacation spot is the Australian Outback, not a place for lightweights. Every summer, Side Track takes a few of his G.I. Joe friends camping at his favorite site in the middle of the Bush. He doesn't tell them that they'll be 350 miles from the nearest restroom and that they'll need to forage for their meals. That would spoil all the fun.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Duke. Item #57757.