
(not to be confused with 2000's Side Track)
File Name: John Boyce of New Manchester, West Virginia.
Grade: Army E-7 (2002)
SN: not listed on filecard
Notes: The face and name are those of Hasbro designer John Boyce. New Manchester is at the northern tip of the state's panhandle, about two miles east of the Ohio River. Sidetrack was also the name of an Autobot released in 1989 as part of the Micromaster Battle Patrol.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Sidetrack was never animated.
Figure Releases
Version 1: April 2002 Real American Hero Collection Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
Ranger | MOS 1: Infantry MOS 2: Medic/Interpreter
| - head: Crossfire (01), Sidetrack (02)
- arms: Stalker (94), Sidetrack (02)
- torso: Stalker (94), Sidetrack (02)
- waist: Stalker (94), Sidetrack (02)
- legs: Stalker (94), Sidetrack (02)
| Accessories: black pistol (90 Updraft's), black submachine gun (92 Shockwave's), black rifle (90 Ambush's), black knife (93 Beach-Head's), black figure stand (common).
| SIDETRACK believes there's no finer place to be than in the middle of a searing firefight, with a missile launcher blasting away in his huge fist. A former professional wrestler, he realized one day that instead of pinning his opponents to the mat for the entertainment of others, he could be pinning the enemies of justice to the dirt for his OWN entertainment. His bellowing voice and belligerent attitude alone can put the enemy in a chokehold. He was the only kid who ever got into a schoolyard fistfight over the proper folding of the American flag.
"I don't want to talk them to death, I want to get my fist in their faces—now!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Shipwreck. Item #53084. This wave was exclusive to various online and specialty outlets.