
File Name: Andrew Frankel of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Grade: Army E-5 (2002)
SN: not listed on filecard
Notes: Andrew Frankel was a brand manager for Hasbro and is now in the movie business. Philadelphia is on the Delaware River in the southeast part of the state and was temporarily the US capital in the 1790s. Sideswipe was also the name of an Autobot originally released in 1984.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Sideswipe was never animated.
Figure Releases
Version 1: April 2002 Real American Hero Collection Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
Medical Specialist | MOS 1: Medical Specialist MOS 2: Troop Transportation
| - head: Sideswipe (02)
- arms: Stretcher (90), Sideswipe (02), Sgt. Lifeline (04), Dusty (04/II)
- torso: Stretcher (90), Sideswipe (02), Sgt. Lifeline (04), Dusty (04/II)
- waist: Stretcher (90), Sideswipe (02), Sgt. Lifeline (04), Dusty (04/II)
- legs: Stretcher (90), Sideswipe (02), Sgt. Lifeline (04), Dusty (04/II)
| Accessories: black flare gun (90 Stretcher's), grey backpack (90 Stretcher's), black radio mic (90 Stretcher's), light grey flying platform, no red circles (90 Stretcher's), grey antenna (90 Stretcher's), light grey control arm (90 Stretcher's), clear shield (90 Stretcher's), medium-length black hose (common), black figure stand (common).
| SIDESWIPE always knew he'd follow a medical profession, but the world of offices and clinics didn't appeal to him. He'd played soldier as a kid and had always been the one sprinting through a hail of imaginary bullets to help his fallen comrades. Little did he know he'd grow up to face the real thing. An avid weightlifter since his teens, he uses his powerful muscles to carry the wounded to a save LZ for evac. He has an uncanny way of ferreting out new medical techniques and equipment for his life-saving arsenal.
"A plaque on the wall and golf on Wednesdays...nah! Where the battle is thickest is where you'll find me!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Lifeline. Item #53085. This wave was exclusive to various online and specialty outlets.