
Sergeant Lifeline
(aka Lifeline; not to be confused with the vintage-era Lifeline character)
File Name: Greg Scott of Spring Valley, New York.
Grade: Army E-5 (2002-2004)
SN: 128-03-GS96
Notes: Greg Scott was also the name of a Marvel comic book artist, and Robo-J.O.E.'s file name is Greg D. Scott. Spring Valley is in the southeast part of the state, about five miles west of the Hudson River.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Sgt. Lifeline was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2002 (RAHC)
| 2. 2004 (Anti-Venom)
Version 1: April 2002 Real American Hero Wave 5 figure two-pack assortment
Rescue Trooper | MOS 1: Medic MOS 2: Rescue Operations
| - head: Lifeline (02)
- arms: Lifeline (94), Lifeline (02)
- torso: Lifeline (94), Lifeline (02)
- waist: Lifeline (94), Lifeline (02)
- legs: Lifeline (94), Lifeline (02)
| Accessories: black flare gun (90 Stretcher's), black knife (88 Hit & Run's), black case (90 Salvo's), black searchlight (86 Wet-Suit's), black figure stand (common).
| LIFELINE worked as a paramedic in New York City and quickly developed a reputation as the coolest head in the most extreme situations. Looking for a different kind of combat, he joined the military as a medic, where he was always ten steps ahead when it came to planning and executing rescue ops. His talents caught the eye of the G.I. Joe team, and when he saw these guys go where the toughest battles are fought against the meanest enemies, he jumped at the chance of being a lifeline for others on the front line.
"Just show me where it's nastiest. I'll fight my way in and bring them out—all of them."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Sideswipe. Item #53085. This wave was exclusive to various online and specialty outlets.
Version 2: August 2004 Anti-Venom Task Force carded set
Rescue Trooper Sergeant Lifeline | MOS 1: Medic MOS 2: Rescue Operations
| - head: Stretcher (90), Sgt. Lifeline (04), Dusty (04/II)
- arms: Stretcher (90), Sideswipe (02), Sgt. Lifeline (04), Dusty (04/II)
- torso: Stretcher (90), Sideswipe (02), Sgt. Lifeline (04), Dusty (04/II)
- waist: Stretcher (90), Sideswipe (02), Sgt. Lifeline (04), Dusty (04/II)
- legs: Stretcher (90), Sideswipe (02), Sgt. Lifeline (04), Dusty (04/II)
| Accessories: black flare gun (90 Stretcher's), black backpack (90 Stretcher's), black radio mic (90 Stretcher's), black flying platform (90 Stretcher's), black antenna (90 Stretcher's), balck control arm (90 Stretcher's), black shield (90 Stretcher's), medium-length black hose (common).
| SGT. LIFELINE worked as a paramedic in New York City and quickly developed a reputation as the coolest head in the most extreme situations. Looking for a different kind of combat, he joined the military as a medic, where he was always ten steps ahead when it came to planning and executing rescue ops. His talents caught the eye of the G.I. JOE Team, and when he saw that these guys go where the toughest battles are fought against the meanest enemies, he jumped at the chance of being a lifeline for others on the front line.
"Just show me where it's nastiest. I'll fight my way in and bring them out—all of them."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a Toys 'R Us-exclusive set with Barricade, Charbroil, Sgt. Mutt, Roadblock, and Duke. Item #53914.