
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Neo-Vipers were never animated.
Figure Releases
Version 1: January 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1 figure two-pack assortment (02/I)
Cobra Infantry Officers
| - head: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Accessories: black laser rifle (91 Sci-Fi's), black Uzi (91 Low-Light's), six black bazooka shells (89 H.E.A.T. Viper's).
| NEO-VIPERs are the next generation of COBRA infantry troops. These volunteers from COBRA's VIPER unit are genetically altered to withstand severe weather. To change them, COBRA gave them bio-tech engineering that regulates their body temperatures, so that they are not bothered by extreme cold or heat. COBRA also changed their reflexes so that they can move at lightning speed in any weather condition. They are dropped into COBRA's arctic bases to perform environmental sabotage missions and work at COBRA's secret weapons factories. Because they can work anywhere, they are sent in as reliable troops to do basic-grunt duties. They are the nubmer one enemy of FROSTBITE because they destroyed unspoiled tundra land to set up a bio-weapons research lab.
"The G.I. JOE teams are no match for us, because they'll be freezing in their tracks while we're doing marathons on the ice."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Frostbite. Item #53134.
Version 2: May 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 1.35 figure two-pack recolor assortment (02/II)
Cobra Infantry Officers
| - head: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Accessories: black laser rifle (91 Sci-Fi's), black Uzi (91 Low-Light's), six black bazooka shells (89 H.E.A.T. Viper's).
| NEO-VIPERs are the next generation of COBRA infantry troops. These volunteers from COBRA's VIPER unit are genetically altered to withstand severe weather. To change them, COBRA gave them bio-tech engineering that regulates their body temperatures, so that they are not bothered by extreme cold or heat. COBRA also changed their reflexes so that they can move at lightning speed in any weather condition. They are dropped into COBRA's arctic bases to perform environmental sabotage missions and work at COBRA's secret weapons factories. Because they can work anywhere, they are sent in as reliable troops to do basic-grunt duties. They are the nubmer one enemy of FROSTBITE because they destroyed unspoiled tundra land to set up a bio-weapons research lab.
"The G.I. JOE teams are no match for us, because they'll be freezing in their tracks while we're doing marathons on the ice."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Frostbite. Item #53134.
Version 3: August 2002 boxed Hiss IV vehicle (02/III)
Cobra Infantry Officers
| - head: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Accessories: none
| NEO-VIPERs are the next generation of COBRA infantry troops. These volunteers from another COBRA unit are specially equipped to withstand severe weather. COBRA gave them technologically advanced suits that regulate their body temperature, so that they are not bothered by extreme cold or heat. The suits also improve their reflexes to help them move at lightning speed in any weather condition. They are dropped into remote bases in the hot desert or the freezing arctic. Their operations include sabotage missions and manufacturing weapons in secret factories. Because they can work anywhere, they are sent in as reliable troops to do basic-grunt duties. NEO-VIPERS use the COBRA HISS IV to guard their perimeters and attack any G.I. JOE forces that dare to assault their bases.
"The G.I. JOE teams are no match for the NEO-VIPERS!"
| Toy Notes: Item #53134.
Version 4: November 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 4 figure two-pack assortment (02/IV)
Cobra Infantry Officers
| - head: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Accessories: graphite Škorpion vz. 61 machine pistol with folded stock (new), brown-grey pistol (90 Ambush's, with Sound Attack tab), graphite AK-74 assault rifle with bayonet (new), black backpack (85 Tele-Viper's, no hose pin).
| NEO-VIPERS are the next generation of COBRA infantry troops. These volunteers from another COBRA unit are specially equipped to withstand severe weather. COBRA gave them technologically advanced suits that regulate their body temperature, so that they are not bothered by extreme cold or heat. The suits also improve their reflexes to help them move at lightning speed in any weather condition. They are dropped into remote bases in the hot desert or the freezing arctic. Their operations include sabotage missions and manufacturing weapons in secret factories. Because they can work anywhere, they are sent in as reliable troops to do basic-grunt duties. Independent and resourceful out in the field, there is one thing that makes their blood run cold: The whup-whup sound of a helicopter when WILD BILL comes swooping in low over the treetops.
"The G.I. JOE teams are no match for the NEO-VIPERS!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Wild Bill. Item #57490.
Version 5: August 2003 boxed Cobra Ringneck vehicle (03/I)
Cobra Ringneck Driver
| - head: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Accessories: none
| The NEO-VIPER force is the new wave of COBRA infantry. Chosen for their independent thinking, initiative and daring, they are expected to carry the fight far inside G.I. JOE territory. They are equipped with armored climate-control suits that enable them to function efficiently in extreme environments, and they are given advanced training in deep battle tactics, survival procedures, and high-tech weapon-systems management. A NEO-VIPER driver is uniquely suited to man the COBRA RINGNECK and utilize it as an advance scout vehicle. NEO-VIPER troops are aggressive, yet wary; attentive to detail, yet practical; sneaky, yet trustworthy; ferocious in combat, yet willing to retreat tactically. This is a combination of traits that makes them formidable foes, and the last thing that the G.I. JOE team wants to have sneaking up on them from their left flank.
"Nothing makes our day like watching the G.I. JOE team roll right past us while we are under cover and camouflaged. Especially when we call artillery in on them!"
| Toy Notes: Item #55430.
Version 6: late August 2003 Spy Troops Wave 7.75 figure two-pack recolor assortment (03/II)
COBRA Infantry Officers
| - head: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Two-Pack Accessories: graphite machine pistol (02 Neo-Viper's), brown-grey pistol (90 Ambush's, with Sound Attack tab), graphite rifle (02 Neo-Viper's), dark green ghillie suit (03 Cross Hair's), black backpack (85 Tele-Viper's, no hose pin).
Single-Pack Accessories: black machine gun (92 Destro's), black laser rifle (91 Sci-Fi's), two black flare guns (90 Stretcher's).
| NEO-VIPER forces are the next generation of COBRA infantry troops. These volunteers from another COBRA unit are genetically altered to withstand severe weather. To change them, COBRA gave them bio-tech engineering that regulates their body temperatures, so that they are not bothered by extreme cold or heat. COBRA also changed their reflexes so that they can move at lightning speed in any weather condition. They are dropped into COBRA arctic bases to perform environmental sabotage missions and work at secret weapons factories. Because they can work anywhere, they are sent in as reliable troops to do basic-grunt duties. They are the number one enemy of FROSTBITE because they destroyed unspoiled tundra land to set up a bio-weapons research lab.
"The G.I. JOE teams are no match for us, because they'll be freezing in their tracks while we're doing marathons on the ice."
| Variations: The single-pack variant has a lighter shade of grey, and the Cobra symbol on its chest lacks an open mouth.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Neo-Viper Commander. Item #56905. Essentially an O-ring rendition of version 1.
| Reissues: Also carded in March 2004 for the Wave 1 discount figure single-pack assortment (Item #59141). The single-pack filecard's text is identical to that of version 7, except that it omits the final sentence before the quote.
Version 7: February 2004 special figure two-pack assortment (04/I)
Cobra Infantry Officer
| - head: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Accessories: graphite machine pistol (02 Neo-Viper's), brown-grey pistol (90 Ambush's, with Sound Attack tab), graphite rifle (02 Neo-Viper's), dark green ghillie suit (03 Cross Hair's), black backpack (85 Tele-Viper's, no hose pin).
| The NEO-VIPER force is the next generation of COBRA infantry troops. These volunteers from another COBRA unit are specially equipped to withstand severe weather. COBRA gave them technologically advanced suits that regulate their body temperature, so that they are not bothered by extreme cold or heat. The suits also improve their reflexes to help them move at lightning speed in any weather condition. They are dropped into remote bases in the hot desert or the freezing arctic. Their operations include sabotage missions and manufacturing weapons in secret factories. Because they can work anywhere, they are sent in as reliable troops to do basic grunt duties.
"The G.I. JOE team is no match for the NEO-VIPER forces!"
| Toy Notes: Carded in a Walmart-exclusive two-pack with Gung-Ho. Item #55340. This figure is considered a moderately high-demand item.
Version 8: May 2004 boxed Battle Hornet vehicle (04/II)
Cobra Infantryman
| - head: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Accessories: none
| COBRA VIPER forces are the most recent wave of COBRA infantry. Chosen for their independent thinking, initiative, and daring, they are expected to carry the fight far inside G.I. JOE territory. They are equipped with armored climate-control suits that enable them to function efficiently in extreme environments, and they are given advanced training in deep battle tactics, survival procedures, and high-tech weapon-systems management. They are aggressive, yet wary; attentive to detail, yet practical; sneaky, yet trustworthy; ferocious in combat, yet willing to retreat tactically. This combination of traits makes them formidable foes, and the last thing that the G.I. JOE team wants to have sneaking up on them from their left flank. These qualities also make them favorable candidates for the DNA experiments of DR. MINDBENDER, a fact that has the COBRA VIPER troops volunteering for long away missions and assiduously avoiding the doctor's presence.
"Nothing makes our day like watching the G.I. JOE team roll right past us while we are under cover and camouflaged, especially when we call artillery in on them!"
| Toy Notes: Item #60183. In a possible error, the filecard text is identical to that of 2004's Cobra Viper figures.