
Neo-Viper Commander
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, the Neo-Viper Commander was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2002 (JvC Wave 2)
| 2. 2003 (Spy Troops)
Version 1: August 2002 Joe vs. Cobra Wave 2 figure two-pack assortment
Neo-Viper Leader
| - head: Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Accessories: black pistol (91 Dusty's), black laser rifle (91 Sci-Fi's, with Sound Attack tab), black machine gun (88 Spearhead's, with Sound Attack tab), black knife (88 Hit & Run's).
| He's the leader of the NEO-VIPERS, the troops that form the backbone of the COBRA legions. Totally mean, completely obedient and willing to betray anyone to get ahead, he trains the NEO-VIPERS in all forms of combat and has them ready to deploy on missions at a moment's notice. Like all NEO-VIPERS, he is highly trained and outfitted with techno-engineering to withstand all types of severe weather. He thinks that he is superior to the G.I. JOE guys, but SGT. STALKER has ruined the commander's missions involving EODs (Explosive Ordnance Devices) by successfully locating and destroying the bombs before they could explode. The commander now keeps trying to design a device that cannot be eliminated, even by SGT. STALKER.
"I train my NEO-VIPER troops to be just like me: mean and rotten right down to the soles of their boots."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Sgt. Stalker. Item #57396.
Version 2: late August 2003 Spy Troops Wave 7.75 figure two-pack recolor assortment
Neo-Viper Leader
| - head: Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03)
- arms: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III, 02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (02, 03), Wild Weasel (02)
- torso: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- waist: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
- legs: Neo-Viper (02/I, 02/II, 02/III), Neo-Viper Commander (02), Wild Weasel (02) - redesigned for O-ring: Neo-Viper (02/IV, 03/I, 03/II, 04/I, 04/II), Neo-Viper Commander (03)
| Accessories: black pistol (91 Dusty's), black laser rifle (91 Sci-Fi's, with Sound Attack tab), black machine gun (88 Spearhead's, with Sound Attack tab), black knife (88 Hit & Run's).
| He's the leader of the NEO-VIPER forces, the troops that form the backbone of the COBRA legions. Totally mean, completely obedient and willing to betray anyone to get ahead, he trains the VIPER troops in all forms of combat and has them ready to deploy on missions at a moment's notice. Like all VIPER troops, he is highly trained and outfitted with techno-engineering to withstand all types of severe weather. He thinks that he is superior to the G.I. JOE guys, but SGT. STALKER has ruined the commander's missions involving EODs (Explosive Ordnance Devices) by successfully locating and destroying the bombs before they could explode. The commander now keeps trying to design a device that cannot be eliminated, even by SGT. STALKER.
"I train my NEO-VIPER troops to be just like me: mean and rotten right down to the soles of their boots."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Neo-Viper. Item #56905. Essentially an O-ring rendition of version 1.