
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Neurotoxin was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2004 (VvV Wave 2)
Version 1: late March 2004 Valor vs. Venom Wave 2 figure two-pack assortment
COBRA Sand Scorpion Leader | MOS 1: Captain
| - head: Sand Scorpion (04/I, 04/II), Neurotoxin (04), Desert Cobra C.L.A.W.S. (04)
- arms: Sand Scorpion (04/I, 04/II), Neurotoxin (04), Desert Cobra C.L.A.W.S. (04), Jungle Viper (05/I, 05/II)
- torso: Sand Scorpion (04/I, 04/II), Neurotoxin (04), Desert Cobra C.L.A.W.S. (04)
- waist: Sand Scorpion (04/I, 04/II), Neurotoxin (04), Desert Cobra C.L.A.W.S. (04)
- legs: Sand Scorpion (04/I, 04/II), Neurotoxin (04), Desert Cobra C.L.A.W.S. (04)
| Accessories: black machine gun (88 Spearhead's), gold arm attachment with black claw (04 Sand Scorpion's), gold arm attachment with black gun barrels (04 Sand Scorpion's), gold scorpion backpack (04 Sand Scorpion's).
| As leader of the SAND SCORPION forces, NEUROTOXIN has an overabundance of the aggressive traits common to these desert fighters. Like all SAND SCORPION troops, NEUROTOXIN was hand-picked from the COBRA SAND VIPERS to have his DNA recombined with that of scorpions to produce a more effective warrior. NEUROTOXIN is particularly ornery, though he exhibits unusual charisma among his troops. Very powerful, he has disdain for his new appearance and wants nothing more than to revert to his human form. Brandishing his weapons with venomous fury, he leads his troops, a dust-covered whirlwind of doom, to stop the advance of the G.I. JOE Team in most arid environments. Completely buried in the sand, he waits patiently in ambush. Sensing the approach of a victim by feeling vibrations through the packed desert floor, he erupts out of his burrow to attack.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Razor Trooper. Item #55930. A slightly lighter yellow is the only physical difference between this figure and the second version of Sand Scorpion.