
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Warwolf was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2001 (Manimals)
Version 1: spring 2001 Manimals premium carded figure assortment
Alien Mutation Expert | MOS 1: Manimal—Bounty Hunter/Mercenary MOS 2: Alien Arms Dealer
| - head: Warwolf (01)
- arms: Warwolf (01)
- body: Warwolf (01)
- legs: Warwolf (01)
| Accessories: black thick alien rifle with trigger guard and rectangular muzzle (new), black thin rifle with double barrel and no trigger guard (new).
| After mutating into his evil monster personality, this planet stomping alien will bite anything that moves, and almost anything that doesn't! His poor vision once led him to swallow a fallen meteor that he'd mistaken for a glowing mound of space algae. Soon thereafter, WARWOLF began to expel the contents of his stomach, coughing up an entire tail section of a COBRA helicopter. Talk about an appetite, when this guy gets hunger pangs...RUN!
| Toy Notes: Carded as a Kay-Bee Toys exclusive. Item #53001. Originally intended for release in a different color in late 1994.