
File Name: classified on filecard, born in Germany
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Shrage was never animated.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Shrage was discernible in 81 panels in 7 issues from Dec. 1982 to Oct. 1989: #6, 7, Yearbook 2, SM 1, SM 4, Yearbook 4, and SM 26. He was killed in SM #26. He was not featured in the Order of Battle.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2005 (Comic #6)
Version 1: late January 2005 Wave 3 comic three-pack assortment
Oktober Guard Soldier | MOS 1: Infantry MOS 2: Battle Technician
| - head: Shrage (05)
- arms: Headman (92, 02), Gen. Flagg (04), Shrage (05), Tomax (05), Xamot (05), Lt. Gorky (06)
- torso: Big Ben (91, 93, 00, 02/I, 02/II), Crossfire (01), Tracker Kwinn (04), Shrage (05), Rock 'n Roll (05)
- waist: Big Ben (91, 93, 00, 02/I, 02/II), Tracker Kwinn (04), Shrage (05)
- legs: Big Ben (91, 93, 00, 02/I, 02/II), Tracker Kwinn (04), Gen. Flagg (04), Shrage (05)
| Accessories: black machine gun (03 Chief Torpedo's), black rifle (02 Neo-Viper's).
| SHRAGE is a true soldier, a man more comfortable on the battlefield than anywhere else. He's a man of actions rather than words. He's well known for his monosyllabic comments and protracted silences, but even better known for his reliability, determination, and courage. Fancy speeches mean little when you're chin-deep in a firefight and outnumbered by the enemy three to one. That's exactly when SHRAGE appears at your side to fight beside you until the very last round of ammo is gone. He's got a natural feel for battle tactics and can be relied on to figure a fast, clean way to get the job done.
"Words are easy. How you fight, that's everything."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a three-pack with Daina, Col. Brekhov, and a reprint of Marvel #6. Item #60499.