
File Name: Leonard J. Lee III of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Grade: Army E-6 (2000)
SN: not listed on filecard
Notes: Reportedly named after Lenny Lee of Lee's Action Figure News and Toy Review. Bridgeport, about 40 miles northeast of New York City, is in the southwest part of the state and is Connecticut's largest city.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Whiteout was never animated.
Figure Releases
Version 1: fall 2000 Real American Hero Collection Wave 2 figure two-pack assortment
Arctic Trooper | MOS 1: Arctic Ski Patrol MOS 2: Communications
| - head: Snow Job (83, 97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II)
- upper arms: Breaker (82), Rock 'n Roll (82), Clutch (82, 84), Snow Job (97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07)
- lower arms: Snow Job (83, 97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Steeler (04), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07)
- torso: Snow Job (83, 97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Grunt (07)
- waist: Snow Job (83, 97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07)
- legs: Snow Job (83, 97), Whiteout (00), Frostbite (03/I, 05/II), Snake Eyes (04/II), Sgt. Misha Zubenkov (06), Grunt (07), Zap (07)
| Accessories: black rifle (83 Snow Job's), white backpack (83 Snow Job's), white pair of skis (83 Snow Job's), black pair of ski poles (83 Snow Job's), black figure stand (common).
| Tired of northeastern winters, Whiteout's family moved west before he could walk. He was raised in the Arizona desert, where temperatures are known to reach 128 degrees in the shade. After college, Whiteout decided on a career in publishing. With revenues gained from the sale of a rather valuable baseball card collection, he founded a political magazine with a decidedly eccentric Libertarian bent entitled, Live Free Or Else! As publisher, Whiteout took more heat than a lone cactus in the middle of a desert. A trip back east convinced him that a cooler climate—and career change—were desperately needed. Once he witnessed his first snowfall, he was hooked. Whiteout took to skis, and the snow, the way a squirrel takes to trees. No maneuver is beyond his capabilities, even when carrying a backpack and rifle. He even grew a beard to insinuate his face against the stinging blast of downhill runs. The Joe team recruited Whiteout when it was learned that he single-handedly saved the lives of 12 mountain climbers trapped on the unforgiving slopes of K2.
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Big Ben. Item #57755.