
Wide Scope
File Name: Larry M. Kranseler of Newton, Massachussetts.
Grade: Army E-5 (2003)
SN: 192-29-KL01
Notes: Newton is in the west central portion of the Boston metro area. Other Joes from the Boston area are Barbecue, Blocker, Col. Courage, Cross Hair, Side Track, and Space Shot.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Wide Scope was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2003 (Spy Troops Wave 7)
Version 1: August 2003 Spy Troops Wave 7 figure two-pack assortment
Special Weapons and Tactical | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Negotiations
| - head: Wide Scope (03)
- arms: Wide Scope (03)
- torso: Wide Scope (03)
- waist: Wide Scope (03)
- legs: Wide Scope (03)
| Accessories: black rifle and bipod (03 Black Out's), black German shepherd with blue harness and white belly (new, "Lamont"), black shield and handle (03 Burn Out's), black leash (87 Law's).
| A Special Weapons and Tactical specialist might seem redundant in a unit as elite as the G.I. JOE team, but not if you consider the degree to which his skills are specialized. If the G.I. JOE team is in an urban situation where there is a locked door behind which there are an unknown number of armed hostile individuals and innocent civilians, it is up to WIDE SCOPE to kick the door down and go in first. It is up to him to assess the situation, choose an appropriate course of action, and carry it out, all in the split second between kicking the door down and the firing of the first hostile shot. An extremely mellow, easy-going type of guy, WIDE SCOPE never seems to get excited about anything, maintaining a consistent level attitude through the most disturbing and frightening situations. Once, on the way to an assault on a heavily fortified COBRA safe house, when everybody else on the team was keyed-up and tense, WIDE SCOPE fell asleep in the transport. When they woke him, he yawned once, picked up his weapon, and went in to do his job. The one thing he is extremely sensitive about is his attack dog, to whom he has bonded intensely.
"Are you saying my dog has a sissy name? What's so sissy about Lamont? Well? I'm waiting."
| Toy Notes: Carded in a two-pack with Cobra B.A.T. v3.2. Item #55427.