
(not to be confused with Heavy Metal, who was available by mail under the name Rampage)
File Name: Walter A. McDaniel of St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands.
Grade: Army E-6 (2003)
SN: 718-1202-DD02
Notes: Saint Thomas is the largest of the Virgin Islands, a United States territory in the Caribbean just east of Puerto Rico. Walter A. McDaniel is also the name of a comic book artist who is the founder and CEO of the animation studio Red Dragon Media. Rampage was also the name of a Decepticon released in 1986 as part of the Predacons combiner team.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Rampage was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2003 (Split Fire)
Version 1: August 2003 boxed Split Fire vehicle
Split Fire Driver | MOS 1: Infantry [11B] MOS 2: Counter-Intelligence
| - head: Beach Head (02, 03), Rampage (03)
- arms: Beach Head (02, 03), Rampage (03)
- torso: Beach Head (02, 03), Rampage (03)
- waist: Beach Head (02, 03), Rampage (03)
- legs: Beach Head (02, 03), Rampage (03)
| Accessories: none
| RAMPAGE enlisted for basic at the same time as BEACHHEAD, and the two served in the same Ranger detachment. RAMPAGE was recommended for the job when the G.I. JOE team needed someone to honcho the power of the SPLIT FIRE vehicle. RAMPAGE is perfectly at home muscling three tons of steel at full barrel into the winding box canyons or narrow mountain passes that make up a typical mission. Having honed his vehicle skills in the rough terrain of Afghanistan and Bosnia, hunting COBRA patrols in anything less than the worst conditions imaginable would be a let-down. A stickler for perfection, RAMPAGE insists on doing all of the repair and re-calibration of his equipment himself. The G.I. JOE team likes having RAMPAGE around because he lets them read his comic books (as long as they don't crimp the spines).
"You can tell BEACHHEAD and RAMPAGE are old friends. They're both self-assured and self-reliant. They even dress alike a lot of the time."
| Toy Notes: Item #55431.