
Born in Lauingen, Bavaria, West Germany.
Notes: Lauingen is in the south central part of Germany, on the banks of the Danube River, about 80 miles northwest of Munich. Hotwire was also the name of an Autobot released with Joyride in 1988 as part of the Powermasters team.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Hotwire was never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2008 (Convention)
Version 1: late June 2008 special Convention-release B.A.T. Mech equipment
B.A.T. Mechanic | MOS 1: Battle Android Trooper Maintenance & Repair MOS 2: Bio-Mechanical Engineer
| - head: Blanka (93/I, 93/II), Hotwire (08)
- arms: Laser-Viper (90, 03), Hotwire (08)
- torso: Hardball (88), M. Bison (93/I, 93/II), Hotwire (08)
- waist: Laser-Viper (90, 03), Hotwire (08)
- legs: Laser-Viper (90, 03), Hotwire (08)
| Accessories: dark grey grenade launcher (03 Beachhead's), dark grey flamethrower (02 Blowtorch's), white jacket (06 Hannibal's), clear figure stand (common).
| HOTWIRE follows in the footsteps of his ancestors, all brilliant but eccentric scientists who ended up siding with the villains in any global conflict, usually because it was the only way they could work without the hindrance of morality or legality. HOTWIRE initially wanted to break that cycle, and traveled to America to be schooled legitimately at M.I.T. He later made great strides in their Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, but was thrown out when his research involved studying the adverse effects of various mechanical appendages on human victims. This rejection drove him straight into the welcoming arms of COBRA, where he was encouraged to let his deranged mind run wild, optimizing their army of robotic soldiers, the B.A.T.s (Battle Android Troopers). He somehow sees himself as a pure scientist, oblivious to his own insanity, a counterpoint to DR. MINDBENDER who knows and relishes how evil he is.
On loan to the newly reformed HEADHUNTERS in a secret factory in Eastern Asia, HOTWIRE has been taking older B.A.T. Mark 1 units and redesigning them to function as assembly line droids. Always paranoid, he holds a master control switch that, at the slightest sign of trouble, converts the workers back into deadly warriors! Unknown to his cohorts, he also has built a giant armored B.A.T. Mech suit, in case he loses control of his robots and needs to escape.
"DR. MINDBENDER wants to make B.A.T.s finally recognize friend from foe—but where is the fun in that?"
| Toy Notes: Bagged with an exclusive recolor of the Pulverizer (with a new claw arm) at the Headhunters-themed 2008 convention. This figure is considered a high-demand item. As with several other convention exclusives, many Hotwire figures came with (easily replaced) broken or damaged O-rings.