
Headhunter B.A.T.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Headhunter B.A.T.s were never animated.
Figure Releases
| 1. 2008 (Convention)
Version 1: late June 2008 Cobra Headhunters boxed set
Headhunter Battle Android Troopers | MOS 1: Weapons Manufacturing MOS 2: Combat & Destruction
| - head: B.A.T. (86), Headhunter B.A.T. (08)
- upper arms: Overkill (92, 03/III), Headhunter B.A.T. (08)
- lower arms: B.A.T. (86), Headhunter B.A.T. (08)
- torso: B.A.T. (91, 03/I), Inferno B.A.T. (03), Headhunter B.A.T. (08)
- waist: B.A.T. (91, 03/I), Zangief (93), Inferno B.A.T. (03), Headhunter B.A.T. (08)
- legs: Overkill (92, 03/III), Headhunter B.A.T. (08)
| Accessories: silver claw arm (86 B.A.T.'s), silver hand (86 B.A.T.'s), silver laser arm (86 B.A.T.'s), silver torch arm (86 B.A.T.'s), black backpack (86 B.A.T.'s), clear figure stand (common).
| Through many manufactured versions and much trial and error, B.A.T.s are still the perennial almost-perfect trooper. They don't eat, sleep, or plot the takeover of COBRA. Unfortunately, they are definitely known to accidentally attack other COBRA troopers, their fellow B.A.T.s, or even expensive looking furniture. Naturally these are acceptable losses, considering the robots' relatively inexpensive production cost. Now, premiere B.A.T. Mechanic, HOTWIRE, has taken what he considers the best features of nearly every version android trooper to date, and combined them into one near-perfect mechanical soldier.
To aid the HEADHUNTERS, this amalgam B.A.T. has also been retrofitted to funciton as an ordinary assembly line worker. This will ensure the incredibly dangerous toxins being loaded into the chemical-dispersing weapon modules do not annihilate the entire HEADHUNTER army during manufacture. Yet, at the flip of a switch from HOTWIRE, these automatons will convert back to their original, deadly programming, even detonating themselves if invading forces get too close.
From HOTWIRE's journals: "Motion detectors, thermal tracking, ultrasonic sensors...but why did DR. MINDBENDER give them pants?"
| Toy Notes: Six copies were boxed in a Convention-exclusive set with Gristle, two copies of Headhunter Guard, and six copies of Headhunter Stormtrooper.