
Steel Brigade
Animated Appearances
Steel Brigade troopers were never animated.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
To my knowledge, Steel Brigade troopers did not appear in the vintage comic.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1987 (silver head)
| 2. 1992 (gold head)
Version 1: summer 1987 special mail-order exclusive

| - head: Steel Brigade (87, 92)
- arms: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steel Brigade (87, 92)
- variant A torso: Airborne (83), Steel Brigade (87 A)
- variant B-C-D front torso: Duke (83, 88, 97, 04/III, 05/III, 05/IV), Starduster (87 B-C), Steel Brigade (87 B-C-D, 92), Lonzo Wilkinson (06)
- variant B-C-D back torso: Doc (83), Duke (83, 88, 97, 04/III, 05/III, 05/IV), Starduster (87 B-C), Steel Brigade (87 B-C-D, 92), Lonzo Wilkinson (06)
- variant A-B-C waist: Gung-Ho (83, 97), Steel Brigade (87 A-B-C), Duke (97, 04/III, 05/III, 05/IV)
- variant D waist: Cobra (82, 89), Cobra Officer (82, 89), H.I.S.S. Driver (83), Viper Pilot (83), Stinger Driver (84), Steel Brigade (87 D, 92), Duke (88), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II)
- variant A-B upper legs: Scrap-Iron (84), Steel Brigade (87 A-B)
- variant C-D upper legs: Airborne (83), Steel Brigade (87 C-D, 92)
- lower legs: Airborne (83), Scrap-Iron (84), Steel Brigade (87, 92)
| 1987+ Accessories: grey rifle (83 Airborne's), light green backpack (83 Airborne's).
1988+ Accessories: grey rifle (85 Crimson Guard's), light green backpack (83 Airborne's).
1989+ Accessories: black rifle (89 Recoil's), light green backpack (83 Airborne's).
| [Personalized filecard. Buyer selected code name, characterization (leader, corpsman, or loner), best situation, personality, service branch, military specialties, weapons expertise, martial arts expertise, and training.]
| Variations: There are four known released variants for Steel Brigade, differing primarily in the parts used to construct the figure. There was quite a bit of overlap in the release of these variants; the A-B-C-D scheme is based on Yojoe.com's information. Sources previously listed a variant E (Duke torso, Cobra waist, Scrap-Iron legs), but this variant is now considered inauthentic.
- Variant A: Airborne torso, Gung-Ho waist, Scrap-Iron legs
- Variant B: Duke torso, Gung-Ho waist, Scrap-Iron legs
- Variant C: Duke torso, Gung-Ho waist, Airborne legs
- Variant D: Duke torso, Cobra waist, Airborne legs
| Toy Notes: Originally available via the Be the Next Joe mail offer.
| Reissues: Reissued in mail offers 1987-1991 (multiple updates of Now You Can Be the Next Joe, North Atlantic, Operation Blackout, Incredible Shrinking Joes, Escape from Doom).
Version 2: summer 1992 special mail-order exclusive
| - head: Steel Brigade (87, 92)
- arms: Flash (82), Grand Slam (82, 83), Steel Brigade (87, 92)
- front torso: Duke (83, 88, 97, 04/III, 05/III, 05/IV), Starduster (87 B-C), Steel Brigade (87 B-C-D-E, 92), Lonzo Wilkinson (06)
- back torso: Doc (83), Duke (83, 88, 97, 04/III, 05/III, 05/IV), Starduster (87 B-C), Steel Brigade (87 B-C-D-E, 92), Lonzo Wilkinson (06)
- waist: Cobra (82, 89), Cobra Officer (82, 89), H.I.S.S. Driver (83), Viper Pilot (83), Stinger Driver (84), Steel Brigade (87 D-E, 92), Duke (88), Cobra Infantry Trooper (04/I, 04/II, 04/III, 04/IV), Cobra Squad Leader (04/I, 04/II)
- upper legs: Airborne (83), Steel Brigade (87 C-D, 92)
- lower legs: Airborne (83), Scrap-Iron (84), Steel Brigade (87, 92)
| Accessories: black rifle (89 Recoil's), bright green backpack (83 Airborne's).
| [Personalized filecard. Buyer selected code name, characterization (leader, corpsman, or loner), best situation, personality, service branch, military specialties, weapons expertise, martial arts expertise, and training.]
| Toy Notes: Originally available via the Mission Rescue: Code Blue mail offer. Considered a separate version on account of its radically different color scheme. Its construction is identical to version 1, variant D.
| Reissues: Reissued in mail offers 1992-1993 (Terror on the Tundra, Terrifying Lasers of Destruction).