
(aka Dreadnok Zanzibar)
File Name: Morgan Teach of Cayman Islands.
Notes: Cayman Islands is a British territory in the Caribbean Sea, about 100 miles southwest of Cuba. Also from the Caribbean are Snow Storm of Havana, Cuba, Gristle of Montego Bay, Jamaica, and Rampage of the US Virgin Islands. Named for Welsh pirate Henry Morgan and for English pirate Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard.
Animated Appearances
Zanzibar was animated only for commercials.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Zanzibar was discernible in 64 panels in 8 issues from Feb. 1987 to Feb. 1994: Order of Battle 3, #60, 79, 81, 83, 89, 90, and 145.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1987 (Air Skiff)
| 2. 2004 (Convention)
Version 1: spring 1987 Dreadnoks boxed Air Skiff vehicle
Dreadnok Pirate
| - head: Zanzibar (87, 04)
- arms: Zanzibar (87, 04)
- torso: Zanzibar (87, 04)
- waist: Zanzibar (87, 04)
- legs: Zanzibar (87, 04)
| Accessories: black thick laser pistol with no trigger guard (new), brown mallet with loop below handle (new), brown spear resembling bec de corbin (new).
| Zanzibar was raised on a garbage scow and spent most of his formative years lurking on crowded piers with his hands in other people's pockets. He tried his hand at river piracy, stock fraud, and smuggling but found all of it too much real work and not nasty enough for his tastes. His lucky break came when he delivered a load of bootleg gasoline to Zartan's filling station and was immediately taken on as a Dreadnok.
"This guy is so nasty that the other Dreadnoks hate his guts! He sneaks around at night and goes through their pockets for change. He takes one bite out of each chocolate covered donut and throws them back in the box. He brushes his teeth with grape soda and never changes his socks!"
| Toy Notes: Item #6070. Zanzibar's commercial mistakenly refers to him as a "Dreadnoks."
| Reissues: Reissued with the Air Skiff in mail offers 1991-1993 (Attack of the Swamp Creature, Rumble in the Jungle, and Fangs of Doom).
Version 2: July 2004 Convention-exclusive Dreadnok Drivers special two-pack
Dreadnok Pirate Dreadnok Zanzibar
| - head: Zanzibar (87, 04)
- arms: Zanzibar (87, 04)
- torso: Zanzibar (87, 04)
- waist: Zanzibar (87, 04)
- legs: Zanzibar (87, 04)
| Accessories: dark grey pistol (87 Zanzibar's), dark grey hammer (87 Zanzibar's), dark grey spear (87 Zanzibar's), clear figure stand (common).
| DREADNOK ZANZIBAR made a name for himself as a freelance pirate, using his natural talent for vehicular engineering to devise his own "air skiff" out of stolen and discarded parts long before such technology seemed possible. When he met up with the Dreadnoks while unloading a stolen shipment of bootleg gasoline, the similar attitudes and attire seemed like kismet, and he became a Dreadnok on the spot—a decision every other Dreadnok came to regret. They soon realized he was even more despicable, idiosyncratic, and bizarre than all of the others combined.
DREADNOK ZANZIBAR refers to himself as a globe-trotting rogue, a romantic mercenary, and a modern-day swashbuckler. The bottom line is that he's a freak with a ponytail and an eyepatch. ZARANA suspects there isn't even anything wrong with his eye! His fellow Dreadnoks put up with him because of his apparent skills in banditry, extortion, and hijacking, but his flamboyant personality rubs everyone the wrong way.
"It's a pirate's life for me!"
| Toy Notes: Bagged together with Dreadnok Thrasher at the Dreadnok Rampage-themed 2004 Convention.