
Space Shot
File Name: George A. Roberts of Everett, Massachusetts.
Grade: Army E-4 (1994)
no SN on filecard
Notes: Everett is a suburb just north of Boston, on the north side of the Mystic River. Barbecue, Blocker, and Col. Courage are from Boston itself. Spaceshot was also the name of a Decepticon Micromaster released in 1990.
Animated Appearances
To my knowledge, Space Shot was never animated.
Classic Marvel Comic Appearances
By my count, Space Shot was discernible in 11 panels in 4 issues from Feb. 1994 to May 1994: #145, 146, 147, and 148.
Figure Releases
| 1. 1994 (Star Brigade)
Version 1: summer 1994 Star Brigade carded figure assortment, #23
Combat Freighter Pilot | MOS 1: Interstellar Pilot MOS 2: Combat Operations Engineer
| - head: Space Shot (94)
- arms: Countdown (89, 93, 94), Space Shot (94)
- torso: Space Shot (94)
- waist: Mutt (92, 93, 04/I), Space Shot (94)
- legs: Mutt (92, 93, 04/I), Space Shot (94)
| Accessories: black pistol (90 Ambush's), white round space helmet with large chinguard (new), huge blue backpack with gold lever and grappling hook on black string (new).
| SPACE SHOT was known throughout the galaxy as a fly-by-night freighter pilot with a rebellious reputation. Blindfolded, he'd fly loads of cargo through the rings of Saturn for fun, the kind of fun most pilots would have nightmares about! DUKE knew he couldn't pass up recruiting such a skilled pilot, and after a few hard lessons in military discipline Space Shot became less of a rebel, and more of a hero. He has since defended four space stations from Cobra attacks, and he makes Cobra Blackstar pilots look like flight school trainees!
| Toy Notes: Item #81055.